THE DAY THE DAY j GIVES All the News of the day and is furnished at lOcts. per week. -HAS THE- Largest City Circulation lot' any paper published in Oxford. , Vol cue III. Number 46 OXFORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1890. Single Copies: 3 Cts. 25 Ci5LSBS CRACKERS! Lunch Milk, Cream Spray, XXX Soda, Mushroom, Kmc Knacks, Graham Wafers, Ginger Snaps, OPEKfSD TO-DAY We carry the only First-Class line of Crackers in the City. California Pears, ; California Peaches, Malaga Grapes, Catawba Grapes. Delaware Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, CHESTNUTS! Any Kind of Candy. Gum Drops 10 cents per pound. T. V. JACKSON & CO., Ilerndon Block No. 3, Oxford, N. C. Prices Tell The Tale! Hats at New York Cost. 4 4 AA Sheeting, 6 cents. Fruit of Loom Bleaching, 84c- 4 4 AndrasCog. L Bleaching, Cotton Plaids, 5c. Dress Goods at Cost. Ladies Kid Button Shoes worth $1.75 at $127. j Rubber Shoes, 34c. Men's Rubbers, 44. Best 1 Shirt in Ox ic.d 'or 93c. Best patterns 5 4 Ta ble Oil Cloth, 27c. 15. G. MEDFORD, Main St., - Oxford, N. C. 100 FARMS 100 Houses and Lots, FOR SALE IN Mecklenburg Kounty, Virginia. BY LAND AGENTS, Boydton, Mecklenburg Co., Va. 2fVrite to them for particu lars. SAUSAGE ! HECKLER'S Fine Pork Sausage RECEIVED DAILY AT j i I b. m. overton's GROCERY. First-Class (groceries, Fancy and Staple, always on hand. 0. H. LE WELLIN, MERCHANT TAIIDR, OXFORD, N. C. Has a fine lot of Fall and Winter samples to select from. Clothes made P in the latest and most fashionable styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Repairing, cleaning and pressing clothes in the neatest and most elegant style. ?-Cheap as the Cheapest ! Good as the Best. BSpUp stairs' next door north of Landis' store. . I NOTES OF THE BAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED , IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. TJfce 91iiior Events About the City as Gathered by the Aler Reporters of The Day. Another newspaper is to be started in Oxford very soon. j The Granville Grays Cornet Band will soon don gray uniforms. The Orphans' Friend will appear this week in a handsome new dress. Oxford Lodge, No. 103, I. O. O. F., initiated a new member last night. By the way of a reminder. Those street corner signboards have not been put up yet. 1 Chief of Police Renn requests us to ask the person who borrowed the town's well hooks to please return them at once. There will' be services at the Metho dist church at 7:15 o'clock tonight. A full meeting of the stewards is de sired after services. Miss Lollie Corbett, a former pupii of the Oxford Female Seminary, and Lucien G. Cole will be married in Durham at five o'clock this asternoon. Make up your minds now that you are going to Ye Olde Folks Concert next Friday night, and prepare your selves for an evening of rare enjoy ment. 1 Owing to Ye Olde Folks Concert coming off next Friday night, the Ox ford .Literary Society will meet on Monday night, November 17. Mem bers of the society will please take no tice. 1 The warehouses of Oxford will have next Friday a special sale of eastern North Carolina tobacco. Three solid carloads for this sale arrived in the city this morning, and a number more are expected tomorrow. The Day feels sure that the sugges tion made by a correspondent, for a Thanksgiving Day dinner to the little children of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, will be favorably received and acted upon by the ladies of Oxford. Write-Up of Oxford. The New York Tobacco Leaf of last week contains entire the article on Oxford that recently appeared in the Richmond Dispatch. In addition, it gives a list of the tobacco tradesmen of our city, furnished by W. E. Dibrell, of the Southern Tobacconist. Oxford as a great golden leaf market and a thriving little city is thus exten sively advertised, and on behalf of our citizens we make due acknowledge ment of favors to Capt. T; D. Jeffress, writer of the article; Mr. D bi ell for securing for it such wide circulation, and the . Tobacco Leaf for placing it before its thousands of readers. Rey. J. T. Harris Taken Suddenly 111. The Durham Globe of yesterday af ternoon says : "In the midst of the general rejoicing everywhere displayed in the city to-day, the Globe is pained to record a sad incident which has brought trouble to many hearts. Rev. J. T. Harris, superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, who came over this morning to take part in the exercises, was taken suddenly ill while on the grounds and his friends were made anxious for his recovery." A handsome Bailey Copying Press can be bought at a sacrifice at the Oxford Book Store. . . . New line of extra wide legal cap at the Oxford Book Store. . Just In. Handsome line of Seal Plush and Astra kan Opes just in store. See them. Hart & Lawrence. If you want a frame made for a crayon oil painting, or any kind of picture, go to Brinkley's Photograph Gallery.' Grapes 10 cents alb. Couch's drugstore. KNOTT-HCJGOOD. Marriage of a PopuJat'r- Young Couple ! ThUSIor-jiug. " j This morning, in the presence of a number of relatives' and friends, Geo. i . W. Knott, one of cur popular and successful young tobacconists,! was married to Miss Salhe Hobgood, the prettyj and accomplished daughter of A. Hobgood. i ! r The ceremony was , performed pre cisely at 10:30 o'clock by. Rev." J. S. Hardaway in the parlor of the' resi dence of the bride's father A . beau tiful floral arch was erected in the room. The attendants were : W. T. Law rence and Miss Lela Routon; A. S. Davis and Miss Lonie Currin; J. T. Thomas and Miss Eva Gurrm; S. H. Smith and Miss Lucy Hobgood; ' C. D. Ray and Miss Annie' 'Bryant; H, T. Knott and Miss Lula Currin. Mr. and Mrs. rvnott received manv and valuable presents. They took the eleven o'clock train for a visit to Washington the Mecca of the newly married and other northern cities. The Day tenders its congratulations and good wishes to the ycung couple. Thanksgiving Dinner for the Orphans Editor of The Day. The interest The Day manifests for the Oxford Orphan Asylum' is highly commenda ble. J Please request the ladies of Oxford and Granville county to give the or phans a home dinner on Thanksgiv 1 ine. It has been a long time since the children had a feast prepared, and it will be so appropriate on this day to make the little ones happy.- Oxford only needs a head j to advance good deeds, and with the many efficient ladies that have prpved their zeal not any one more capable to preside over a thanks offering- for ': the orphans than the wife of our honored Con gressman A. H. A. Williams. Start the move and success will crown the efforts under her wise and skillful management. In the words 1 j of Holy Writ it can be truly written of her: "She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy." x. x x. Public Ledger and Orphans Friend will please copy. Smoke I. O. O. F., J. M. N. and Hand Made cigars. Sold at the Oxford Book Store. ; j ' ' The Oxford Book Store makes a specialty of Inks and Pens. Please examine lines in stock. Chewing Tohacco. "Matinee" You all know the brand. Five boxes received today at The Oxford Drug Store, j. John P. Stedman. r- For Sale. A beautiful chestnut sorrel mare, eight years old, gentle, sound, any body can drive her; with a good harness and phaeton; for sale cheap for cash. Apply to Rev. Joseph Rennie, Chase City, Va. Read the "Gold Hunters of California" in Century Magazine. At the Oxford Book Store. . A fountain pen fdr 25 cents at the Oxford Book Store. t.J For Rent. Two ' rooms on first floor. Suitable for dressmakers. Apply .to this office. Go to Rawls for bargains in shoes, ; : i . . , - . Bananas 25 cts. a dozen. Couch's drug store. Catawba grapes 10 lb baskets 50 cts. at J. R. Couch &Co's. For Sale. I will sell on reasonable terms, my cot tage residence situated on Lanier street. It is nearly new. . J. A. Lewis, Oxford, N. C. THE LATEST NEWS, SIFTED AND. ARRANGED FOR THE T: BUSY READER. Happenings in Nor 111 Carolina and Elsewhere as Gathered from Today's Exchanges. " The Pennsylvania railroad desires to purchase the Seaboard Air Line and is making propositions looking to that end. This was learned upon high au thority. r. .. .The Philadelphia Democratic city committee expelled Peter .Monroe and Wm. McMillen, Jeaders :in the third and fourth wards, for allegtd . treach.r ery to the party at the recent election. China is a country where disasters involving the lass of hundreds of "lives are common. -Last week, at Tai Ping Fu, where are located-the government powder " mills, an explosion becured killing three hundred men," besides wounding many others. - A contract has been awaded for safety bicycles; for the use of the Wash ington letter-carriers. The machines are provided with pouches in front for the mail collection. As the streets of Buffalo are likewise paved with asphalt, it is likely, that.the bicycle will next be used by the carriers of that city. Greensboro special to the Raleigh News-Observer-. Bartine's Circus, ia small wagon show, which has been traveling through the State fcr some time, made an assignment today to E. D. Steele, mayor of High Point, where it exhibited last night. The elephant, camels and other paraphernalia were shipped here today and quartered pend ing the sale. . A dispatch from Graham, Texas, says: Every peace officer in this coun ty is in jail, having been indicted by the United States grand jury for par ticipation, either actively or passively, in the famous mob which assaulted the jail to hang three murderers. The trial of three members of the mob is going on. Twenty-five special United States deputies guard the jail, but the town is full of determined citizens armed with Winchester's who say the United States Court fnay convict but their" 'neighbors 'shall.' not suffer the penally. t riot w:u oe precipuaieu by conviction. There were heavy financial crashes in New York yesterday. C. M. Whit ney, a prominent member of the "Stock Exchange, suspended. His liabilities are not giveriJ He was connected with a New Orleans bank and other enter prises, which are not, -effected by, the failure. Decker, tioweii i uo., ana David Richmond, members 'of same exchange, also went under- The lia-. bilities of Decker & Co. is about ten millions; assets at present market prices exceed that sum. J. T. Walker & Co., importers of silks and furs, of Ne w.York, made an assignment.. Lia bilities, $r,ioo,ooo. A Wake .Forest correspondent ' "of the Raleigh Chronicle writes-; :, -atiir day night the house of S. R. Gill, an old gentleman who lives about six miles from here, out towards the Falls of Neuse, was entered and Mr. Gill knocked down, robbed of a' hundred and fifty dollars and left for dead. The parties, however, failed to accomplish their dastardly design for Mr. Gill was not killed, but recognized, as he said, all the persons, and identiged them afterwards as Sam Daniels, Fon. Jones, Joe Davis and Joe Martin. Search was immediately made and re sulted in the finding of the first three; who are now here under arrest, but Joe Martin has not been found. Guns, rifles and pistols at J. F. Edwards' Large stock sporting goods at J. F. Ed- wards. ' Cow For Sale. A Pinp CYw. with vnnn? calf : ffives three gallons of milk a day ; price 35. Apply to J. UAVia, Near Oxford. Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safe will save monfv bv callinc on J. F. Ed wards. He is agent for Macueal & IJr band's Iron Safes. PURELY PERSONAL! The Doinga and Whereabouts ; of Some I People You Know. 1 N. H. Whitfield went to Stovall on the morning train. Mrs. N. B. Cannadywent to Hen derson this morning. Majj C H. Scott, went to Chase City, Va., this morning. 1 Plato Durham has taken his depart ure for! King's Mountain, N. C. Dr. Allen Mason, of Mecklenburg county, Va., is in the city today. Hon. A. H. A. Williams was a pas senger on the I northbound train this morning. r; ! Maj. N. A. Gregory returned yes terday afternoon from a trip to Rich mond,: Vd. I I Rev. 'J. S. Hardaway left this morn ing for. Chula, Va., to visit his father, who is quite sick; i-. -j Mr. Hartge,"of Tarboro, who has the contrac to enlarge J. G. Hall's store, came to the city last night. Rev, Dr R. II. Marsh and Prof. F. P. Hobgood are attending ;the Baptist State Convention at Shelby, N. C. F. M. Rogers, Jr., J. C. C. Brin son and J. Eli Gregg, prominent farm ers of South Carolina,' are in the city today with tobacco to sell. , ' Nickle in North Carolina. Wilmington Star.' ' '! The! demand for nickle-to be used in plating' our war ships has led to the inquiry whether it could be found in any considerable quantities in this country. i Heretofore our supplies of nickle have been imported from Can ada. It was reported a couple of weeks ago that extensive deposits were discovered in Southwest Virginia, but the place for the time being was kept a secret. The New York Sun quotes Major E. Willis as saying that this is probably a mistake, and that reference was made to North Carolina, where he is reliably 'informed that the ore is found equaling in quality that found in Canada. The deposit, which he says is inexhaustible, is located in Jackson county, near Webster, and within four miles of tjie Western N. C. . railroad. The ore analyzes from 11 to 32 per cent, metalic nickle. The United States wants a million pounds of; nickle ore Tor the Navy, and he sees no reason why it can't be got there. That's another mineral which we didn't know that North Carolinahad, which rerriinds us of the fact, which we have obseved heretofore, that North Carolina is very much in need of a first class geological survey. THE TRAINS. , OXFORD & CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains leave 11:02 a. m., andf'8:p5 p. m. Southbound trains leave 4:09, p. m., and 3:30, a. m. ' 'OXF0RD-& HENDERSON R. R Trainsyirrive 10: 15 a. m., and 3:30, p. m., and. 7 45, p.m.. -Trains depart 5:60, a m., ii:o, a. m. , and '4:25 p. m. -pZ ; 2,500 toQtjipicks for 10 cents at the Ox ford Bookstore. Nice lo-of Kalamazoo celery at J. R. Couch & Co's. i . ' , Oranges 25 cts. a dozen. Couch's drug store. I . 1 Beautiful new line of Antique Oak, Silk Plush Rockers: Willow Rockers and high art furniture at Jos. A. Webb's. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Babj was sick, gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, VThen khe became Mies. Bhe clung to Castoria, When she hail Children, she save them Castoria. New lot korchon lace opened today at Pawls. I ; I - Mrc WTfrd's Infaliablfc Salve at J. R. Couch's drugstore. Best in the World. Big bargains j in tinware at Rawls. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stove. The best in use, at J.p; Edwards Apples id" cents a dozen. Ccuch's drug store. " I I -'''''