TH FD DAY. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY) AT HERNDON BLOCK NO. I. (I. V. KUO.M1EI.UEK, Editor, Subscription : 10 cents a week. Furnish ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will make weekly collections. 40 cents per month if paid in advance. Our advertising rates are very law for one week, or six insertions, about the same as charged by weekly newspapers, for one time. Having a thorough-city circulation, and reaching daily a number;OtOfil-effice in this and sui rounding-counties it is a splendid advertising medium.. ; Legal advertisements, such tt 'Actinia!' trator's and executors notices, coprnttr sioners and trustees' sales, summons to non-residents, etc., will be- charged for at legal rates, except when they exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re. serve the right fix our own price. AU such business must be PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. The charge is very small and we cannot afford to take risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pay. Entered at the Post-Office at Oxford second-class mail matter. as OXFORD, N. C. Monday, November 24, 1890. The Richmond limes explains why raising funds for the j Jefferson Davis monument has ceasedi An organiza tion was effected in Richmond last December for the purpose of soliciting contributions for the fund. Enough 1 1 money was quickly securer to insure the success cf the movements, from the various Southern States and from men in the North, and Mayor Ellyson "wrote to Mrs. Davis, asking her if she would agree to the monument be ing erected in the by-gone capital of the Confederacy, which for. so long was the object of her illustrious hus band's watchful solicitude. Mrs. Davis replied that she was then un able to decide where she . would give her consent for the monument to be placed,as both Mississippi and Louisiana had presented urgent claims for it,and requested Mr. Ellyson; to wait twelve months, by which time she would de cide.. This somewhat arrested the ac tivity in Virginia in raising the money, as the contributions had been made with the view of erecting the monu ment here. This accounts for the seemingly abandonment of the project It will, however, be renewed when Mrs. Davis shall have been heard fxosrf, with i the usual interest, and ifc ltitfct&$fy amount will at once be raised ' South ern patriotic leaders hope to .have, it erected by the time one to Grant is completed in the North.' V Hon. J. M. Brower has instituted suit for libel against Gilliam & Oliver, proprietors of the Reidsville Review. The Review, during the recent cam: paign, charged Mr. Brower with hav ing burned his tobacco factory at Mt. Airy to get the insurance money. The news comes from New York that Jay Gould contemplates getting control of all the railroad systems of the United States. Hon. A. H. A, Williams says he was elected to Congress to represent this district by a majority of 1,940. Mr. Brower carried only one county Stores by 37 majority. This pension business is "peculiar." A Republican newspaper says that every dead Union soldier is represent ed by twenty-five widows. m mmm They have about settled it in New York State that Governor Hill will succeed Mr. Evarts as United - t States Senator. ; The next legislature will do the State an immense service by ordering a geological survey. Oxford's greatest need most press ing need is a system of waterworks. The Week In Trade Circles Philadelphia Record. Commercial affairs during the last week have necessarily reflected in some degrees the disturbing effect of the financial stringency and the enforced liquidation in the speculative markets While no large mercantile or indus tral interests havejbeen directly affect ed by the disasters that have overtaken the Stock Exchange speculators and and the promoters and backers of va rious schemes of investment, the mone tary v crisis has nevertheless had its influence on the commercial markets. 1 he constriction of loans "has pro moted greater conservatism,- and -mere his beena general add'pWeiltlslicr ening'ofsail fbf the flhaMclaTstbrm to Ouna oasis. "'CTporcunsmcsy in some lines has been hamberedby the demor alization of the market fdr1 -foreign exenange; our. me. interior .-movement of merchandise has been of goocl pro portions for this late stage of the fall season, " and the activity of 'leading industries has been unchecked by the disturbances that have temporarity halted the development of new manu facturing enterprises. The failures during the last week throughout the United States and Canada aggregated 247, an increase of 23 over the total of the preceding week. Rev. Dr. V. S. Black, New Superin tendent of the Orphan Asylum. Raleigh News-Observer. Dr. Black was born in Cokesbury, S. C, August -ist, 1816. His father died when he was only four years old and he was reared by a pious Methcd- 1st mother. He was educated at Cokesbury Conference School. He was converted when he was fourteen years of age and was received into the South Carolina Conference in iSkk. He was transferred to the North Car olina Conference in 1870 and has ever since been one of it? most active mem bers. He has served on tnissioms, circuits and stations, and for a num ber of years as Presiding Elder. He has been Presiding Elder in the follow ing districts; Wilmington, Char lotte, Salisbury, Durham and Raleigh. He was about ten years ago pastor of Edenton street M. E. Church of this city. During the war he served. a chaplain of the Twenty-Sixth South Carolina Regiment. He was for six. years one of the editors of the Raleigh Christian Advocate, retiring from that position only to give h;s undivided attention to tne work of the ministry. He has been a member of every Gen eral Conference since .1874, and dur ing, the last General Conference he Tvas prominently mentioned j and . re ceived a very fine. vote, fox .the. book agency of. the SoutheHk- iMetnddjst Church i - .. . - - -- . iufwr.., . - .... ESS Children Cry for PITCHER'S C ASTORIA ; Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recor ;ommeiHl it as superior to any prescription known to me." n. a. archer, m. v., i t 111. South Oxford St., Brooklyn, 1. Y J rise, C-aston'a in my practice, and find it spd&kllr adapted to affections of children. Jr A t-kt- Robertson, M. D., i iuo zu .Ave., ixcw i Trrmi personal knowledge I can say that Castoria is a most excellent medicine for chil dren." . Do- O- C- OsonoD, - . Lowell, mass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and it3 sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcc'-- property. C a 5 00 9 POUNDS OF HAM -.-THE WASH1NGTOX-. T IFF-:- INSURANCE OF NEW YORK. COMPANY T L. ALFRIEND, Manager, Richmond, Virginia. S. L. ADAMS, Special District a'L Assets Over $10,000,000.00. POLICIES NON FORFEITABLE AND INCONTESTABLE MOST LIBERAL POLICIES ISSUED. j BOver 82 per cent, of entire Assets Invested in Real Bsta, bonds and mortgages a larger proportion thn any other C0& PThou shalt insure thy Life, for the benefit of thy familj," acc "The Washington" is the Company. It ranks with the best, ay points with pride to its record of thirty years. Claim's "P rKOMPTLY. i FOR SALE BY JobOsborn, MERCHANDISE BROKER. . OXFORD A CLARKSVILLE R. .R. prthBouruL grains . leave 1 1 (02 A ' m. , and 8: 25 . . m .... Southbound trains leave 4:09, M., and 3:30, a. m. - OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R .Trains arrive 10: 15, a. m., and 3:30. p. m., and, 7:45V p. m. Trains depart 5:00, a. m., ii:to, a. m., and 4:25, p. m.J Beautiful new line of Antique Oak, Silk Plush Rockers ; Willow Rockers and high art furniture at Jos. A. Webb's. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SAUSAGE! Fine Pork Sausage RECEIVED DAILY AT b. M. overton's GROCERY. First-Class Groceries,, Fancy and Staple, always on hand. 100 FARMS 100 Houses and , Lots, -FOR- SALE -IN Mefiklenburg Kouuty, Virginia. . BY THOISP Sz CXJKTIS, LAND AGENTS, Boydton, Mecklenburg Co., Va. t Write to them for particulars.- Something Ele gant at a low price. Buy at once or you may be too late. . MAKERS OF AND DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Whips, &g. , J Complete New Stock. Competent Workmen, and Best Wok Guaranteed. Ibices ZEBea,srLa,"ble- REPAIRING PROMPTLY- DONE. Wall Street, - Oxford, N. C. Fresh Fish Daily -AT e. j. TURNER'S Stall No. 1, Oxford Market. GIVE ME A CALL. H. T. HUGHES' -T0N20RIAL PARL0R2 I- Under Herndon Block No. i Com. Ave. I have combined my two "shops and my present quarters are in two large adjoining rooms. Have added to my furniture, am having electric lights put in and fixing up generally to provide Oxford with elegant and comfortable tonsorial parlors. VVith what I have ordered and now on the way I will have everything which pertains to a FIRST CLASS. Barber Shop. Will have a full complement of competent assistants in a few days. Will spare no efforts to give my customers com plete satisctio-, gALEOF LAND! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Granville county to me. directed in the case of B. P. Thorp, Jr., executor of Jas. N. Wilkerson vs. Sarah Elixon and others, I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the courthouse door in Oxford, on Saturday, the 20th day of Dec, 1890, that tiact of land in Walnut Grove township,' in said countv and State, bound ed on the north and east by the land of Jas. A. Satterwhite, on the South by Pinic ny Meadows and on the west by Peterson Thorp, Jr., containing 250 acres more or less. Terms of sale, cash; balance in six months with interest from day of sale. A. W. Graham, Nov. 14th, 1890. Commissioner. THE BANKING HOUSE OF J. C. COOPER & SONS, HE BANKING HOUSE OF J. C. COOPER & SONS, DOES A GENERAL BANKING ; BL'SINp. SOLICITS TUB ACCOUNTS OP- H; j jvuiKS, 1v1ercua.uu, x-ai lucia, ui wianuiu, -.t,v,. uuicibji Lve;? accommodation consisieni wun iuuau uauKiijg cmcuulu iu us cusiomtrs. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO C. G. STONE, Manager. RALEIGH, M. C. OR OXFORD, N. C. Standard Pi anos or Organs at remarkably low prices and easy terms. The "Kran ich & Bach" Pianos have no superior. Send for cata- logues. ri"ka,v i .11, .Hiss1 sik v&a"ww', vlm'tu c ! '.!! jiiii :i:;,i;ii;i.xXvS!'!i4 It will cost i - you a 'postal card to write uf for prices. - We will sart you from .9J iu 75 per cent. or. Pianos arid lc to 40 per cit on Organs,; NORTH STATE MUSIC CO EME RSON'S PIANOS. Are the best in America for the money. Write for prices and terms . V I V&rtZ? Phi. I PIANOS from $160 up. t OKGAXS from $30.00 up. Get our prices hv all means; we will save you money NORTH STATE MUSIC CO PIANOS AjtSTID 02B3-A3SrS. ..' n 1 . i i.MTf. ssrrrs . ine f1" WE SOLD MORE PIANOS In the past 12 m o n ths than eve ry other dealer in North Caroli na combined. Get our prices. sua m iSiiiiiPi i- i !v ii, t. t: m .i IN ii ai i i : .: ; i M imi n n k . iimn LERl 'i&tbe leading Or Van -of; the world. The KIMBALL is the best Of the (rnn ill world tor Try us. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO. RALEIGH. N. C. OR OXFORD, N. C. - NEW GOODS! COAL ! DEALER IN Anthracite Coal. Nutt, Eirir and Stove. hh Pocahontas Coal Lump Gay ton Red Ash Coal. Free of Dirt and Trash Street. ' 3 on McCiaunahan JUST REip'Eljjrf D t A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF YERWARE, SUITABLE W BRIDAL - - )c jj tin-"' Also a new stock of watc hes of If you are in need of a reliably vu call and secure it from JEWELER AND WATCHMA