-JS v THE DA.Y. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON' (EXCEPT SUNDAY) AT HERN DO N BLOCK NO. I. II. V. KKO.MIEI3IEK, Editor, Subscription : 10 cents a week. Furnish ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will make weekly collections. 40 cents per month if paid in advance. Our ad vertisin rates are very low for one week, or six insertions, about the same as charged by weekly newspapers for one time. Having a thorough city circulation, and reaching daily a number or post-offices in this ana surrounding counties, it is a splendid advertising medium. Legal advertisements, such as adminis trator's and executors notices, commis sioners' and trustees' sales, summons to non-residents, etc., v ill be charged for at legal rates, except when '.hey exceed a cer tain limit of space, in which case we re serve the right fix our own price. All such business must be PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. The charge is very small and we cannot afford to take v risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pav. Entered at the Post-Office at Oxford as second-class mail matter. OXFORD, N. C. Saturday, December 13, 1890. The Henderson Gold Leaf cele brates its ninth birthday this week. It is one of the best newspapers in North Carolina, and we are pleased to learn that it is prospering. It has done good work for Henderson; helped the growth of the town and kept pace with that growth. We congratulate Brother Thad Manning, and wish him rainy happy returns of the day. f frf.m the viin tn the pnrth five times. Cut in strips of column width, it would belt the earth at the equator about 745 times, or make an orbit of 21 thick nesses of paper, and would be a carg for four Great Easterns. The total amount of ink used from May ic, 18S3, to November 1, 1890, was j-554,341 pounds, which 'would pan t! about 134,000 tenement houses on all four sides. . UpYhureh a Dfanlte Raleigh telegram. The shortage in the accounts of C. D Upchurch, late clerk of the supe rior court of the county, is still the topic of conversation here. -The guar dian trust. funds books has been found, and shows a deficit of about 1 6,00c. It was thought yesterday that; the statute did not provide for a. criminal prosecution but prominent lawyers now say that it does. The personal property of Upchurch has been adver tised for sale by the attorney for Col. Shaffer, the chief bondsman, who has a mortgagealsoonhisresider.ee. Suit will be entered at once on the official bond. It is not thought that Up church will voluntarily return here. Children Cry for' PITCHER'S Castoria Castoria is so well adapted to cluldren that I recommend it as superior to auy prescription known to me." H. A-. Archer, M. t., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y "I use Castoria in my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D., 1057 2d Ave., Kew York. Says the President to his friends. ''If you don't pass the force bill, I will not accept a re-nomination in 1892." Terrible threat, that , He has not the ghost of a'chance of getting .the nomi nation under any circumstances, and it is probable the force bill will not be enacted into a law besides. . mum Postal saving banks may come. The Senate has instructed-Postmaster General Wanamaker to inquire into the possibility and advisability of a law for postal saving banks in connec tion with the postoffices throughout the country. If the. Legislature decides to estab lish' a State Normal College for young ladies, it should be located in Oxford. Prof. Winston says this is the literary centre of North Carolina. J. L. M. Irby, who succeeds Sena tor Wade Hampton, is thirty-six years' of age. He was graduated at the Uni versity of"yrginia. Edison and Lathorp are writing a novel, and it will be about electricity. Of the light order, nodoubt. . Dr. Koch's lymph is heavily taxed under the McKinley bill. The Sew World Untitling. Cor. of Richmond Times. The Pulifzer building was visited this evening by a number ot notable personages, the occasion being the formal opening of the World s new home. Among the distinguished as semblage who accepted invitations to be present were eleven Governors, Federal, State and city officials of New Yorkj besides "many representative professional and business men, such as Chauncey M. Depew, George V. Childs , Robt. B. Rosevelt, president of the Nolland Society ; Atonzo B. Cornell, Post master -Van Cot t, Joseph B. Gilder, Henry George, and many hundred more. The trained army of news gatherers and newspaper-makers on the World h. 1,761. The total ca pacity of its presses is 312,000 eight page papers' per hour. From May 10, 18S3, to November 1, 1S90, 97,723, -950 pounds of white, paper has been used by the llorld. I The total num- b;rr of Worlds printed in this period was 569,31 1, Sio, containing 854,036, 054 -eight-page sheets, 1,708,072,10s four page sheets. These papers fold ed, as delivered, would make a pile 2,319.096 feet high equal to 439 milfs. Mount Everet, the highest mountain, is only 53 miles high It vould recjuirs 3,975,593 steps,of regu lar size to surmount this bundle of pa pers. Cut in strips the width of a line, this paper would be 523,143,397 niles long; more that enough to reacrrj Alliance and Newspapers. Associated Press. ' ,An important action, taken during the closing moments of the late con vention, was the adoption of a resolu tion with reference to the support of all Alliances. The policy of .the Alii ance will be to withhold all support from newspapers which do notconduc ai Alli ince department or at least pub lish Alliance news regularly. This ar rangement does not ompel the 'sup port of Alliance measures or an alvc cacy of Alliance demands on the part of these newspapers in their editorial columns, but does compel a certain decree of friendliness on their part and amounts to an absolute boycott of all newspapers which do not come up to the terms of the resolution. i , .: Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "From personal knowledge I can say thnt Castoria is a most excellent medicine for chil dren." Da. G. C. Osgood. . Lowell, Mass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, . Diarrhoea, and iFeverishness. Thus the child is rendered henlthy and its sleep natural. Castoria (contains no Morphine or other. narcc4t property. A .ijnjj'.wiiuipiij vm " OPERA HOUSE! TWO NIGHTS ! SommenGing Friday, Dec. 12th. THE WORLD RENOWNED HARRY-: -LIND LEY ! Supported by an Excellent Com pany of 14, l STimS t 14r t In Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett's ;. Beautiful Storx, Entitled "LITTLE LORD FAUNTEROY !" With the Wonderful Child Actress j LITTLE MAM PAIGE, in the titi: role; 1 And Mr. Lindley's own Nautical Dra ma Entitled 9 POUNDS OF DAT" FOR SALE JobOsb prn, 1 MERCHANDISE BROKER. Something:! Ele 1 1 "'. t gam; at a low price. Buy at once or you may be too late. MOORETEWTON&gO,, MAKERS OK AND DEALERS IN Harness, -Mdles, - Whips, &g. Complete New Stock. Competent Workmen, j and Best Work Guaranteed. Prices XSea-boiiSLlole- REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Wall Street, - Oxford, N. C. Fresh Fish Daily AT- The Castaways" SPECIAL SCENIC EFFECTS. The Tacking Schooner, The Ship Wreck Admission 25, 35 and Seats on sale at J. store. G. Hall', 50 ; cents. 1 drug Prices .Tell Tl3 Tale I : Hats at New York Cost. i 4-4 AA Sheeting, 6 cents. Fruit of Loom Bleaching, 8 c. 4 4 AndrasCog. L Bleaching, S)4c. Cotton" Plaids,, 5J2C. Dress Goods at Cost. Ladies Kid Button Shoes worth $1.75 at $1.27. Rubber Shoes, 34c. I Men's Rubbers, 44. Best. "Shirt in Ox fo.d tor 93c. Best patterns 5-4 Ta ble Oil Cloth; 27c. x !. B. G. MEDF0RD, !i 1 Main St., . - Oxford, Ni Q. NTICI : . i . The public will take notice that the cour has granted leave to the" West Oxford Land Compnny to increase its stock to one hnndred and twenty -five' thousand dollars, that the charter of the same ha?i been amended and the capital stock in creased accordingly. -i , R. W. Lassiter, C S. C. j ?5th Octb . , iSjo. . j C J. TURNER'S ! in . ::. : mum Stall' No. 1, :. i r : i:: : mum Oxford- Market. GIVE ME A CALL. H. T. HUGHES' r-TONSORIAL PARL01 Under Herndon Block No. i Com. Ave. I have combined my two shops and my present quarters are in two Ijirge adjoining rooms. Have added to my furniture, am having electric lights put: in and fixing up generally to provide Oxford with elegant and comfortable tonsorial parlors. With what I have ordered and now bn the way I will: have everything which pertains to a Barber Shop. Will have ja fulj complement of competent assistants jn a few dajTs. Will spare no efforts to eve my customers com plete satisctio-. : v 'i - gALEOFLANDI By virtue of an order of the .Superior Court of Granville county lonre directed in the fjasepf B. p., ,Thpr p j j li-Lf executor of Jas. tNf Wilkerson Vs.; Sariili j Klixon and othefs,uI will sell jtb; th highest bidder at public ( auction at j UiHlcourthpuse door in Oxford, on Saturday, the 20th Id ay of Dec, 1S90; that tiact of land in :Wal?iut Grove townshfp, irifeaij4; county r4 i$tte, bound ed on the nbrth,andiis: ytltle iland. of Jas. A.Satterwhitej on'the SHithj by PinK ney Meadows and on the wstl by Peterson Thorp,1! Jr., containing i 256 lacfes more or less. . - ; , i.:; . .m J : ; ..; ... . Terms of sale, j cash ; .balance in six months with interest from div lbffeale. - M l I ' ; j Ai W." GfCVtlAM', ? Vi 14th iSop. j ,; Cojinnissiyiier. I have moved iiito the new Usrv Building, oti College street and have opened a iresli line of FANCY GROCERIES, j Choice, Complete and Deserving of the Attention of Housekeeper Preparing for the Holidays. j firCUKKANTS, CITRON, JFIGS, ABATES, i LA YER RAISINS, j! ORANGES, I SEEDLESS RAISINS, !: APPLES, ! GONFKCTIONERY. I! LEMONS, FLAjVORING EXTRACTS, ' COCOANOTS, Numbers i of other goods. JBSTGive me a call. WARD'S FANCY GROCERY, ' Usry Building College Stkei THE BANKING HOU3E OF J. C. COOPER & SONS, HE BANKING HOUSE OF j. C. COOPER & SONS, j . DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS - SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OE Banks, Merchants, Farmers, Corporations, House-keepers and others. Ever accommodation consistent with sound banking extended to its customers. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO C. G. STONE, Manager. RALEIGH, C. OR OXFORD, N. C. Standard" Pi- gp anos or Organs at remarkably low prices and easr terms. The "Kranich & Bach" Pianos have no supe rior. a Send for catalogues. it will cc t you a ; post . card to write "for prices. f ' We .will savt a you from 25 t 75 per cent, c.s Pianos and 15 to 40 per cent, on Organs. NORTH STATE" MUSIC CO EMERSON'S PIANOS. Are the best in America for the money, i Write for prices and terms . A , jp PIANO? from $1G0 v ORGANS from $30.00 i:;. Get our prices Uy all means; s : will save y money, i NORTH STATE MUSIC CO WE SOLD MORE PIANOS; In the ! past i 12 m o n ths than e v e r y other dealer in North Caroli na combined. Get our prices. fiiBiiMin i"n i ii i i I iWm 1 he ;"MIL LER" is tl; acknowlod; eel leading 0 gan of tl world. Tl 'KIM BALL is the l)est 0; gan in tn world fot th moncv. Tr US. I NORTH STATE MUSIC CO 1 RALHiGH. N. CV, OR OXFORD. N, C. V COAL ! NEW GOODS ! DEALER IN- JUST H33CEXVEr Anthracite Coal. Egg,-Stove and Nutt. '. Pocahontas Coal. Lump 4 ! Gayton Red Ash Coal. Free of Dirt and Trash. Leave vpur orders now for vour winter's supply. OiTtce and yard cn McClannahan ! btrtrct. - , A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SIL VERWARE, SUITABLE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS. I Also a new stock of watches of all kinds I If you are in nted of a reliable timepiece call and secure it from W.DvXYIffGH j JEWELER AN'D AVAl'CHMAKEI' . f

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