THE DAY.- PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY) AT HERNDON BLOCK NO. I. I. W. KROXIIEIMKK, Editor, Subscription: 10 cents a week. Furnish ed to city subscribers by carriers, who will make weekly collections. 40 cents per month if paid in advance. Our advertising rates are very low for one week, or six insertion?, about the same as charged by weekly newspapers for one time. Having a thorough city circulation, and reaching daily a number 01" post-offices in this and surrounding counties, it is a bplendid advertising medium. Legal advertisements, such as adminis- a irator s ana executors notices, commis sioners' and trustee sales, summons to non-residents, etc., v ill be charged for at legal rates, except when they exceed a er tam limit of space, in which case we re serve the rightlix our own price. All such business must be, PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. The charge is very small and we cannot afford to take risks or wait the pleasure of persons to pav. Entered at the Post-Office at Oxford as second-class mail matter. I lolari 1 - i I --FOR 1 ' OXFORD, N. C. flip- j Ooartors Tuesday, December 15, 1S90. The Charleston News and Courier laments the defeat of General Wade Hampton in an editorial headed "The Old Soldier Must Go." It says: "The war is over in South Carolina. Wade Hampton has been, discharged from the service, of the State to make room for a man who was too young to be a 'rebel.' Take the old gray coat out of the closet and look at it for the last time before it is thrown into the rag tagit represented something and meant something twenty years ago. Throw the battered old canteen into the ash-barrel it meant something twenty years ago. Unfold the tatter ed old battle-flag, under whose once glorious folds you; perchance,-followed Hampton into the very jaws of death look at it for the last time,and let the flames consume it. All these things are but dust and ashts. The agony is over. There are no longer any 'rebels' or .'traitors.' The Con federate soldier has outlived his day in South Carolina. It was only a dream." The Philadelphia Reccrd' says: "One gratifying comparison 'between the first eleven months of 1890 and the corresponding months of 1889 's the remarkable dimunition in the loss es by fire. The total losses to Novem ber 30, 1889, were ; $124,644,450 The losses to November 30, 1890, were $94, 1 1 8,345. The country is thus $30,526,105 better off than it was last year. The losses this year are also nearly $25,000,000 less than for the corresponding eleven months in 1888; from which may be argued a larger precautation and probably better methods of construction," The average attendance at the schools of North Carolina' is thirty two per cent for the whites and fifty four -percent for the blacks.. Not a flatter ing showing for the suprrior Caucau- , sian race. i A bronze statue of the most bril liant of Southern heroes, Stonewall Jackson, has just been completed by the Virginia sculptor, Valentine, and will be unveiled at Lexington nexM July 21st. Our city commissioners are making haste slowly in . the matter of contract ing for waterworks, but they promise the people a first-class system when they sign their autographs to the paper. There is much important work ex pected of the next Legislature. It promises to be the most interesting session held in North Carolina in many years. m-9mtm 1 Some Republican journab says that imported cigars will be used less and domestic smoking tobacco more under :the dispensation of high protection. GMAmCry for Pitch erV Castoria, ! FOR Mi CLAUS It was necessary to add 36 feet, 3 floors, to my store in order to find room for my immense stock OF , - Christmas Goods. My HOLIDAY STOCK in size, in variety, in novel ties, in low prices is Unapproached and Unapproacha ble. I have got every thing the "season affords." If vou don't see what you want on the first floor, ask for it; it is either in the basement or on the upper floor. All kinds Toys. The prettiest yet shown in Oxford. Dolls by the thous ands. The children see them and go in to ectacies. Silverware in new designs, or namental Lamps,, the latest in Plush Goods. Confectioneries'' of every de scription. Royster's delicious French Candies, Plain Candies Guaranteed Pure; no glucose m them. . Nuts, Citron, -Raisins, Cur rants, etc., etc. I fiS?TChristmas shoppers should pav their first visit to j. G. HALL'S. SSTItis THE place for HOLI , DA V' GOODS. Children Cry for PITCHER'S CASTORIA I " i Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to aDy prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y "I use Castoria in my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children." Alex. Robertson, M. D., . 1057 2d Ave., New York. "From personal knowledge I can say that Castoria is a most excellent medicine for chil dren." Da. G. C. Osgood, - Lowell, Mass. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no ilorphine or other narc&fi. property. 1 POUNDS OF U FOR SALE BY JobOsborn, MERCHANDISE BROKER. Something Ele gant at. a low price. Buy at once or you may be tod late. MOORE, NEWTON & gO., MAKERS OF AND DEALERS IN Harness, Saddles, Whips, &g. ; Complete New Stock. Competent Workmen, and Best Wok Guaranteed. Prices IESea,so:nable- REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Wall Street, - Oxford, N. C. Fresh Fish Daily ' ' - -" ; -at- : C. J. TURNER'S Stall No. 1, Oxford Market. J GIVE ME A CALL. H. T. HUGHES -T0N20RIAL PARLORS-1 Under Herndon Block No. i Com. Ave. I have combined my two shops and my present quarters are, in two large adjoining rooms. Have added to my furniture, am having electfkr lights put in -and fixing up generally to provide Oxford with elegant and; comfortable tonsorial parlors. With what I have ordered and now on the way I will have everything which pertains to a FIRST CLASS- . Barber Shop. Will have a full complement of competent assistants in a few'days. Will spare no efforts to give my customers com plete satisctio- . g ALE OF LAND ! ; By virtue of an order of the. Superior Court of Granville county to me. directed in the case of B. P. Thorp, Jr., executor of Jas. N. Wilkerson vs. Sarah Eli xon and others, I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction "at the courthouse door in Oxford, onSaturday the 20th day of Dec, 1S9O, that tiact of land in Walnut Grove township, in said countv and State, bound ed on the north and east by the land of Jas. A. Satterwhite, on the South by PinK: ny Meadows and on the west by Peterson Thorp, Jr., containing 250 acres more or less. Terms of sale; ,H cash ; balance in six months with intei st irom day of sale, r ' A. W." Graham'; , . F-v. 14th iSryo.- Commissioner. v I have moved into the new Usrv Building'- on .College sti and have opened a fresh line of FANCY GROCERIES, -- ' Choice, Complete and Deserving of the Attention of Hbusekec Preparing for the Holidays. - I ORANGES, APPLES, LEMONS, COCOANUTS, "CURRANTS, Sir CITRON, XTFIGS, r-DATES, LAYER RAISINS, SEEDLESS RAISINS, ICONFECTIONERY. I FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Numbers of other goods. STGive me a call. WARD'S FANCY GROCERY Usry, Building, .' College Sth THE BANKING HOU1SE OF J. C COOPER & SONS,, i HE BANKING HOUSE OF J. C COOPER & SONS, DOES A GENERAL BANKING 13UINL SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF 1 JR.nks, Merchants, Farmers, Corporations, House-keepers an d otli ers. L accommodation consistent with sound banking extended to its customer NORTH STATE MUSIC C( C. G. STONE, Manager. RALEIGH, C. OR 'OXFORD, N. Standard Pi- c. It ivv ill anos or Organs at remarkably low prices and easy terms. The "Kranich & Bach" Pianos have no supe rior. Send for catalogues. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO you ja pc .a card to writ for prices. We j will sav you from 25 tc 75 per cent." Pianos and llz to 4-0 per cent on Organs. ; EME RSQN'S PIANOS. Are the best in; America for the money. Write for prices and PIANOS from $1G0 ORGAN from $30.0 ;p. Get pur prit . by all means; we will save - -j terms . mJ&? - money NORTH STATE MUSIC Tlie CC WTIi SOLD MORE PIANOS In the past 12 m 0 ntlis than every other dealer in North Caroli na combined. Get our pri: ces. iliiiwn'wmmjwri.'wii m umjJ.wMi If 'Wir in nw-ii!. ivr1 "MI LEk" is acknowle cd leading gan I of world. i "KIMBAl is the best gan in world for moriev. j us. NORTH STATE' RALEIGH, N. C. OR OXFORD, N. C. MUSIC CC J COAL! NEW GOODS -DEALER IX just eceie: Anthracite Coal. Egg, Stove and Nutt. Pocahontas Coal. Lump. Gay ton Red Ash Coal. Free of Dirt and Trash. Leaye your orders now for vour winter's supply. Office and yard on - McCiannahan Street. A BEAUTIFUL LINEi: OF Sll YERWARESUITABLE FOP BRIDAL. PRESENTS. Also a new stock "of watchei of all kin If you are in need of a reliable timepit ! call and secure it from JEWELER AND VA rCHMAKK , r

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