I'fHE DAY V-.- ?1 HAS THE THE DAY ' f irjest Citj' Circu lation JaV PaPer published in ;ives t; All the News of the day S and is furnished at lOcts. S f.Ll" I per w eek. V1 1 325 S'LJKr, Oft' tice To nee ds sdk is- 1. irjiE HI- Number 77 ! SWEETER!! 4VEETEST ! ! ! pineapples. )re lot Havana Pineapples re y today.. Something rare :he season. j Grapes. )th Malaga and j Catawba pes of the finest quality. Pears. sail shipment of California irsjust opened. Finest fruit arth. Call early. I Oranges. fe handle the celebrated De'- jv Grove Florida Oranges, ' aanteed the best. jApples, Bananas, Lem- OF THE FINEST QUALITY. "Cocoanut Fritters Our ra make. Fresh daily. The st candy made. fefFRUiT Candy Our own ike. Hard to beat. Fresh ev tdk Try it. ivthing you want in Candy, -a penny stick to a candy 2. Our own make. Oolls, Toys, etc. j'ttleLord Fauntleroy Dolls, :ant Dolls in long dresses, Lit 1 Nigger Dolls. Any kind of a iby you want. ; Fireworks of all kinds. T. W. JACKSON & CO., HERXDON BLOCK NO. '3, a. Ave., - Oxford, N. C. oLiDAY Sweets ! Malaga Grapes 25 cents pound . Couch's. Florida Oranges, finest on the :rket at Couch's. ; Baldwin and other varieties of pies at Couch's," Finest Cocoanuts in town at ouch's. Ulbrandsof cigars at Couch's Best Lemons at Couch's. i i Raisins, Citron, Currants, Fla wing Extracts of all kinds and rvthing neeessary for the oliday trade at Couch's, 'm. Ave., - I - Oxford, N. C i s j XEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. SAUSAGE! Pine Pork Sausage ! . i ' f RECEIVED DAILY AT B. M. OVERTON'S GROCERY.- ; First-Class Groceries, Fancy Staple, always on hand. iWEET OXFORD, NOTES OF THE DAY. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS SERVED IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. The Minor Event About the City as Gathered by the Alert Reporters of The Day. Christmas is exactly one week off from today. Several new stores will be opened in Oxford January ist. The marriage license business in the register ot deeds' office" is active. Entertainment in the hall of Horner School this evening, beginning at 715 Read T. W. Jackson & Co's adver tisement in today's issue. They offer some rare iruits, &q. i The Horner School cadets to.iight will debate the question: "Should a Student Have a Sweetheart?" There is a fine song, with orches tral accompaniment, in the Edison drop-a-nickle in-the-sldt phonograph. The young ladies of the Oxford Female Seminary will give a reception to their friends from 8 to 11 o'clock tonight. The McKinley tariff has put up the price of fire works. Skyrockets, how ever, will not go up any higher when set oft on that account. Mary Kinton, the young white woman charged with murdering her infant child, was put in the county jail yesterday afternoon. A number of men, selling farming implements, have pitched a tent on Penn Avenue. They have eight or ten wagons and double as many horses. The attendance at' the concert by the pupils of the Oxford Female Semi nary last night was small, owing to bad weather. The affair otherwise was a success. Young colored men of the citv propose organizing a fire company, Very commendable in them, and they should get every assistance from the authorities and the citizens. A hard wind blew and blew last night, and it was scarey times for some people. Today the sun is shining brightly, and the last trace ol yester day's snow has disappeared. The Granville Institute will! give a lParlor Concert'' at eight o'clock the evening ot Tuesday, December 23. The program consists of fifteen num f bers, including vocal and instrumental music and recitations. Ed. M. Osborn is now assisting Job Osborn in the merchandise brokerage busineis. The latter is able to be at his post again, and to serve his custom-: ers as before. Attention is called to new advertisement in another column; The meeting of the Oxford Literary Society will be held at the residence of Dr. J. B. Williams tomorrow even ing, instead of this evening as was announced. Officers for. the next three months are to be elected at this meeting. - I The North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church met in Winston last week, and appointed Rev. D. A. Highfill to the Gran ville circuit and Rev. W. E. Swain to the North Granville circuit. The next conference will be held at Ran dleman. . i The Day is indebted to J. R. Couch & Co., the enterprising druggists, lor a sample bottle of pei turnery manu factured by Frederick Stearns & Co., of Detroit, Mich. It is considered the finest cologne in the world. The odor is called "Ambrita," and it is something new and exquisitely sweet. We are thankful for the present, but do not know what to do with it. The editor of this paper is not a dude. j . ' if .. n.nnt o fra mf made for a cravon oil painting, or any kind of picture, go to wrinkiey's rnotograpu vjiict y. K. R. G. at Couch's. r,,v thf Excelsior Cook Stove. "The best in use, at.!. P. Edwards' Guns, rifles and pistol at J. F. Ef'wards N.C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER JONES-WALKER. A Marriage Solemnized in the Or phan Asylum Chapel JLst Night. f In the Orphan Asylum chapel,- at eight thirty o'clock last evening, Wil liam W. Jones and M iss Mary Walker, daughter of Mrs. S. M. Walker, were united in wedlock's holy bonds. A large number of relatives and' friends .were prcseDt. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Dixon. Mrs. R. W. Lassiter, Jr., rendered a beau tiful wedding march. W.Landis and Maj. A , S. Lanier were ushers. The ceremony was de void of ostentation, and was beautiful and impressive in its simplicity. The bride is a handsome young la dy, much admired. The groom is one of Oxford's most successful young busi ness men, worthy of the prize he has won. The Day tenders them its warmest felicitations and wishes them the happiest of happy futures. Opera House, December 0. . Madame Fry's Concert Company, a Boston musical company of the highest merit, will appear in the Oxford Op era House Friday nightJDecember 26. The Boston Joiirnal$kys ''Special mention must be macje of the well selected progamme. The Dove,' by Miss Eugenie, displayed an unusually bright, high and flexibje soprano voice, to the pleasure of all. f Miss Lulu has a contralto voice of much power and beauty of quality, and sang her num bers with a keen appreciation ol their sentiment. Miss Alto was heard only in her violin solo, but shares the musi cal intelligence of the others. Ma dame Fry's really marvelous voice was a rare pleasure, and .warrants one to desire to have her rerriain . with us, to be heard ih our oratorio perfor mances. The Manchester (N. H.) Mirror says : 'Not only does Miss Cheney excel in the humorous, but she has the faculty of touching the hearts of her auditors in the pathetic, and she has a natural dramatic ability to make her pleasing in the tragic. Miss-Cheney made a hit, and has a bright future be fore her." , Christmas IJllday Rates. The Richmond & Danville R. R. will sell tickets between all points on its line in North Carolina on account of the Christmas holidays, at rate four (4) cents per mile one wav, for the round trip. r Tickets on sale December 20 to 25 inclusive, good returning un til and includeding January 2; and December 29 to 31 inclusive, good returning until and ' including January 5, 1891. Titkets will also be sold Inter-State and to points on other roads as fol lows ; From Charlotte, -Greensboro, Winston -Salem, Durham, Raleigh, Goldsboro, to Washington, D. C., Lynchburg, Richmond, Va., Wil mington, Fayetteville, N. C; Chester, Columbia, S. C, and Augusta, Ga. . Hotel Arrivals. Osborn Hotel- C. F. Kynor,New York; M. H. Moore, Norfolk; J. S. Harper, Richmond; A. S. Davis, Albin; G. H. White, New York; R. R. Cot ten, Pitt Co., N. C; Wm H'. Row land. Durham; W. B. Crews, N. C; A. Mitchell and wife, N. C. Exchange Hotel. Fred. Mc Glohon, Greenville; J. D. Armstrong, Rocky Mount; S. H. Rose, N. Y.; J. G. Hudgins and wife, Baltimore; J. N. .Walters, J. F. Walters, G. T. Wal ters, Tar River; M. Taylor, Mecklen t'urg; Va.; C. Vroman, Vicksburg, Mich.; C. Goorty, Vicksburg, Mich.; F. M. Bixler, Coldwater, Mich.; G. W. Irwin and wife, Detroit, Mich. Mr.. Woods salve will cure any skin disease for sale by J. R. Couch 8c Co. . For Rent. Three nice dwellings." Apply to VV. C. Biggs. We will give big bargains in millinery for thirty days. Hart & Lawrence. , Forida oranges at Conch's 40 and 50c. a doz. 18, 1890.- THE LATEST NEWS. SIFTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE BUSY READER. Happenings In North Carolina and Elsewhere as leathered Prom To day's Papers. Eight inch snow was reported at Ashevilie yesterday. Claude Hunter, of Henderson, was in the city yesterday afernoon. The elegant residence of Senator Gorman, of Maryland, was destroyed by fire yesterday. The stockholders of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad met yesterday, and it is said that they authorized the imme diate construction of the road from Ridgeway to Richmond." ' . The Charlotte News says: Mrs. Charles F. Cros, wife of the Raleigh bank wrecker, who has been in the city for several days past, leaves this evening for Washington. Her mission is to secure a pardon for her husband, and she secured the aid of Senators Vance and Ransom and other promi nent men. Theyjhave endorsed her papers and she has every reason to expect success. The Inter-State Immigration Con vention opened at Ashevilie yesterday. Permanent officers : Hon. Bryant, of Tennessee, permanent president, and D. H. Elliott, of Florida, permanent secretary; D. C. Garlington, of South. Carolina, and Mr. Wilcox, of Georgia, assistant secretarys ; F. N. Waddell, of Ashevilie, sergeant at arms. The vice presidents to be elected by each State in the convention. W. T. Lerov, a freight conductor on the Louisville & Nashville R. R.. was arrested the other day. His arrest, i is alleged, is the first of wholesale prosecutions to begin at once against trainmen on the road. Ihev are accused of systematically breaking into and robbing freight cars, and it is even charged that wrecks have been arrang ed in advance to cover evidence of wholesale thefts. These thefts, it is said, are part of a conspiracy against the road, which has existed ever since the strike of three months ago. The Chapel Hillian says : One iip provement of our town is especially tb be noted, namely, the establishment of an industrial school in connection with the Congregational church. The Confirreerationalists Of the New England States are doing a good work here among the colored people, and are to be thanked for this last manifestation of their interest. The object of this school is to teach our colored people some industrygive them some means of making an honest living,and at the same time they are educating their intellects. A Rapid City, Dak., dispatch of . ! 1 yesterday says - a rancn man nas just arrived in great haste and reports to our commanding officer that a com mand of cavalry has been attacked and two officers and fifty men are killed, but the Indians were repulsed with heavy losses. The number of Indians killed is not known. The Indians were put to route. This report is prop erlv credited. It is not known which command it was,; probably that of Major Tupper, of j the sixth cavalry and his three troops.. One hundred and forty men of bur command march to their assistance at once. Ah Emporia, Kan., telegram says; President Holden,! of the Farmer's Alliance, has returned from Ocala. He says that the Citizens' National Alliance will be a secret political or ganization similar to the Farmers' Al liance, and its membership will be drawn from people in cities and towns sympathizing with; the Farmers' Ai liance; Ralph Beaumont, the promi nent Knight of Labor from New York, is largely responsible for the forma tion. Headquarters will be opened at Washington, and a national organ established. Mr. Holden says there are eight hundred citizen alliances now in Kansas. Banananas at Couch's "only 25c. doz. Single Copies : 3 Cts. PURELY PERSONAL. The Doings and Whereabouts nf ftom People Yon Know. Sam Harper went to Henderson to day. 'W. G. Criffin went Bullocks this morning. " i Dr. J. W. Booth, of Stem, is in the city today. Prof. F. P. Hob ood was in Durham yesterday. E. H. Crews, of Dabney, is in the city today. - . Rev. W. L. Cuninggim went to Henderson this morning. Mr. and Mrs. TV R. Southcrland were registered at the Yarboro Hotel, Raleigh, yesterday. J. W. Kittrell, representative of the Stanwix Engineering Co., left this morning for Troy, N. Y. W. C. Currin, of this county, took the train here this morning, for Buf falo Springs, Va., where he goes for his health; " Mrs. Dr, W. O; Baskervill and little daughtefji Miss Mattie, left this morning to spend the Christmas holi days with relatives in Richmond, Va. A Murderer Caught. A negro man, Knick Freeman, who committed a double'murder at Aulan der, N. C, on October 5, was captur ed Tuesday in Norfolk, Va. While Nep Atkins, a popular white man, was sitting on hisj back porch just before his usual time for retiring, he was knocked in the head with an iron ball in the negroe's hand, and almost killed. The house was then entered, and Mr. Atkins mother, who had re tired, was killed almost instantly by a . knock on the head with the same ball and in the hands of the same negro. Julia Terry, maid of the house, had a narrow escape. The murderer tried to pull her jout of one of the windows, but she succeeded in getting away from him and crawled under the house, and while under there she saw the murderer strike Mr. Atkins several blows while he was dying. He finish ed killing him by crushing his skull to a jelly. . The man then entered the house, killed Mrs: Atkins and fired the house in several rooms, and coming out gave the fire alarm and fled on a mule he had stolen. . v , THE TRAINS. OXFORD St CLARKSVILLE R. R. Northbound trains leave 11:02 a. m., and 8:25 p. m. Southbound trains leave 4:09, p. m., and 3:30, a. m. 1 OXFORD & HENDERSON R. R Trains arrive 10: 15, a. m. , and 3:30, p. m., and 7:45, p. m. Trains depart 5: 00, a. m., ii:o, A. m., and 4:25, p. m. . Parties wishing to purchase Iron Safe will Bave money by calling on J. F. Ed wards. He is agent for Macneal & TJr band's Iron Safes. . ; - Bronze Busts. Urns. Pitche rs. 4C. at the Oxford Bookstore. Wood. are nrenared to furnish eood oak and hickory wood in a 11 y quantity, delivered ot r,nr thnnsnr elsewhere in the citv. We bring it in on the R. R.and will have a supply in all kinds ct weather. ; A Blg,irgln. One hundred acres of land within a mile of the corporate limits will-be sold af a b?reain. For particulars, apply to mis office. Beautiful new line of Antique Oak, Plush Rockers ; Willow Rockers and high art furniture at Jos. a. ivfc. Cases in Oxodized Silver and Plush at the Oxford Book Store. TUETOX1C tbe tot;5e. Cigar. Try It. mt J. P. Sledmu'. : Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria., Wben Eby ick. Z CatorU. When she va a ChSd, she cried for Cwtoria, Whea she became Miss, she clunj to Caatorf, When abe haJ CUldren. she Te thefeast oria. Baldwin apples at OmdiV best a(p!e cn the jnarket.