fV4 '.1 Volume 6. NVmher 74. OXFORD, N. C.;. MONDAY. -JUNE 20, 1892 Single Copies 3 m 5 y mm . Lr . V - x. x " ....... ' ' ' . -HEW i CRACKERS !- RECEIVED TODAY AT JHCKSON'S JLL.UNCH MILK CRACKERS, XXX SODA CRACKERS. MUSHROOM CRACKERS, ARROWROOT CRACKERS, RIFLE NUTS, GINGER SNAPS. These are the celebrated Wilson-Cass Ounpanys goods, and none better can be found. Handsomest Fountain, Best Drinks and CJes.aest Glasses. JACKSON'S, 3ocimercial Ave., Oxford, N.C. Sumixier Drinks ! DISPENSED AT The Handsomest Soda Wa ter Fountain ! j IN OXFORD ! X iio-ii. V.ttcr; COfco CfIW-Mi i JT &akea. Pineapple. Sherbert, Limeade, Lemonade, Champagne Spray, Cream Chocolate, Celery Phosphate, Lemen Sherbet. J. G. HALL, Main St, Druggist. -yOU THINK About this time of discard ing your heavy weight gar ments, and putting on light er clothing. Comfort is your first thonght; next you want something neat and becom ing and perfect fitting and stylish. WE KNOW That we have just what you need and are looking for. Our eroods are from the best manufacturers the pick of their stocks. For durabili ty, fit, make and style they cannot be excelled. If you desire a suit equal to mer chant tailor make we can furnish it. If you want a substantial business snit we can supply you. KR0NHE1MER, Clothing and Men's Furnishings. Webster's Dictionery ! (ORIGINAL EDITION) j 1443 pages including 1500 illus trations. Given away with G lbs. of Green or Mixed Tea. Only $1.00. o JOB OSBORN, Merchandise - Brokerage. THE TALK OF THE TOWN.- WARM DISH OF LACONIC LOCALS. The I njre silent are Fraah. and Clean and PalatwUIe -Spiced but not Highly Spiced. -A Georgia watermelon was seen here a day or two ago. Good rains yesterday on the Southside are reported. The Granville Grays will have their usual drill tonight. St. John's Day celebration Fri day. A large crowd expected. This is the last day to list taxes. The books will be closed at sundown. Miss Cora Taylor rendered very sweetly two solos at St. Stephen's church last evening. The Granville Iron Mining Com pany has filed for registration a num ber of leases on land in Walnut Grove township. There will be a meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the World's Fair held at the residence of Mrs. Dr. G. A. Coggeshall at 9:30 a, m. tomor row. It is thought that as' the R. & D. system got into trouble because it was not earning sufficient to meet its obligations, that the receivers will raise the freight rates. John Boone, a colored lunatic, left today in charge of Constable Crews for the Insane Asylum at Goldsboro. John lost his mental balance trying to solve great relig ious problems. T. T. Thaine is making plans and estimates for a new Episcopal church to be built on the corner lot just above tlie present building. It is hoped that work on the new build ing will be commenced this summer. Those who go on the Bonanza Excursion No. 6 to Norfolk on June 27, will have a chance to see the launching of the warship Texas at the Portsmouth Navy Yard June 2b. The fare from Diokerson's crossing on the D. & N. for round trip will be $2.25. A small cottage on Sycamore street, immediately in the rear of the Methodist church, was sold under the hammer at noon today. It was held by L. C. Crator and wife, col ored, and was under mortgage. Messrs. Parham & Dorsey, mortga gees, were the purchasers at $500. NoWthen, it is off again ! The rock-crusher was started to work this morning, after a rest of neaily six months. Sufficient stone has been hauled to last several weeks. The part of Penn avenue, between Broad street and the passenger sta tion.will be the first to receive a dressing of macadam this season. Later the business portion of the town will receive attention. ABOUT PEOPLE. The Coming and Goingof '.Oxonians and Some Others. R. Broughton went to Virginia last night. ! A. S. Thonias, of Durham, spent yesterday in Oxford. ' j. W. Harris, o.f Wilton, was in Oxford today on a business trip. A. Max came over from Durham to spend Sunday with his family. Capt. W. T. Clement left last night f.or a visit to Richmond, Ya. Rev. W. W. Walker will be at the Convocation at Louisburg from tomorrow until Friday. Miss Page Morton, who was here some months the guest of Mrs. W. J. Boykin, left last night for her home in Virginia. Mrs. T. T. Bobbitt and children, of Baltimore, arrived in Oxford Sat urday night and are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Hunt. . ; . Sunday School Convention, U. & White, of Durham, who was on a 4sit to Oxford in the interest of the S ate Sunday school work, called a mejtiug of thepastors and Sunday, school superintendents or uxioru, ai the Presbyterian church Saturday. The object of this meeting was to awaken an interest in the Sunday school work throughout the county, and to revive the Granville county Sunday school association. Arrangements were made tor a convention of delegates from all the Sunday schools in the county of all denominations, to be held in Oxford in October next, the day to be here after announced. An executive committee, consist ing of all the Sunday school super intendents of Oxford, was appointed; also a committee on program con sisting of all the pastors and bunday school superintendents of Oxtord. D.N. Hunt and F. P. Hobgood were appointed a committee on ad vertising. It is intended to arrange for a large and interesting convention in Octo ber, and to establish a permanent and active organization for Granville county that shall facilitate and in crease the Sunday school work in the county and bring it into co-operation with the State Sunday School Association. . Talk to the Children. Rev. W. W. Walker talked to the children at the Oxford Orphan Asylum yesterday afternoon on the subject of "Hands," taking as his text the 24 Psalm, part of 4th verse. Beginning with the idea that hands indicated character he gave them ad vice about mischievous hands, idle hands, cruel hands and dishonest hands, and urged them to have clean hands in the Bible sense of that term. P CI a n, 09 FT 8? - o erf