t mm Volume 6. Number 70. OXFORD,. X. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1892. Single Copies 3 Cents j: - v.- - - -NEW i CRACKERS !- RECEIVED TODAY AT JKCKSOM'S XAJNCH MILK CRACKERS, XXX SODA CRACKERS, MUSHROOM CRACKERS, ARROWROOT CRACKERS, RIFLE NUTS, GINGER SNAPS. These are the celebrated Wilson-Ca9s Company's goods, and none better can be found. Handsomest Fountain, Best Drinks and Cleanest Glasses. JACKSON'S Commercial Ave., Oxford, N. C. Sumiiier Djinks ! -DISPENSED AT 3 The Handsomest Soda Wa ter Fountain ! f IN OXFORD ! ' Mberbert, Lim-Ailc, .em'2Ade, Champagne Spray, Cream Chocolate, Celery Phosphate, Lcmen Sherbet. J. G. HiLLJU Main St. Druggist. THE TALK OF THE TWX. WARM DISH OF LACONIC LOCALS. "YOTJ THINK About this time of discard ing your heavy weight gar ; ments, and putting on light er clothing. Comfort is your first thonght; next you want something neat and becom ing and perfect fitting and stylish- WE KNOW That we have just what you need and are looking for. Our goods are from the best manufacturers the pick of their stocks. For durabili ty, fit, make and style they cannot be excelled. If you desire a suit equal to mer chant tailor make we can furnisli it. If you want a substantial business snit we can supply you. KRONHEIflER, Clothing and Men's Furnishings. Webster's Dictionery ! (ORIGINAL EDITION) 1443 pages including 1500 illus trations. Give-away with 6 lbs. of Green or Mixed Tea. Only $4.00. JOB OSBORN, Merchandise - Brokerage. The Iire-lienN are firati and Clean and Palatable -Spiced but not Highly Spiced. Tuesday was the longest day in the year. .' ; !'- The street committee has decid ed not to buy a road roller for the present. A number of young ladies and gentlemen are picnicing to-day at Minor's Mill. Bullock & Mitchell have about finished prizing up their big stock of leaf tobacco, and are busy shipping. D. N. Hunt, General Secretary of the Oxford Y. M. C. A., conducted religious services at Salem Church Sunday nighs. Why is it that Uncle Loge Mead ows lias not been fishing lately ? Did that last round with the water moc casins do him up ? Usual prayer meeting at Pres byterian church at 8:30. A full at tendance is desired as matters of im portance will be considered. We understand that Mrs. R. R. Best will have charge of the public school in the eastern part of town next session. Mrs. Best is recogniz ed as a most excellent teacher. Rev. J. E. Schoolfield, the mer chant evangelist of Danville, Va., has been invited to Oxford, ana will be here this autumn. Mr. Schoolfield is doing a great work, and receives no pay for his services. --There will be a called communi cation of Oxford Lodge, No. 306, A. F. & A. M., Thursday at S 30 p. m., sharp, to arrange for the Grand Lodge meeting the 24th. All breth ren in good standing are invited. 1 People who are able to subscribe to The Day and won't subscribe con tinue to borrow and read the paper regularly. This is a practice entire ly unworthy of them. Instead of sponging on their friends and treat ing us unfairly they ought to walk up and pass over their forty cents like men. Those persons who do not sub scribe to The Day and who stand around and wait for those who do take the paper to get through so they can read it, are again invited to pass in their forty cents; or send their names (if they cannot afford to subscribe) and we will put them on the free list. DONT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY. Campbell & Co., the Richmond photo grapers who have a wide reputation, are now at work at Oxford in the Roger's building on M iin street, and are fully prepared to make first-class work in this city. We hope pur people will not miss this opportunity. We cannot tell how long these noted artists will remain here. They are making first-class work at mod erate prices. ABOUT PEOPLE. The Coming and Going of Oxonians and Some Other. . -J. P. Stedman is on a visit to Fayetteville, N. C. -Deputy Revenue Collector J. F. Woo-i v, of Hoxboro , wa sr iier e t c da y 7 . pf . F. Hart is back again at his store after a. week's absence at Wel doiu - Capt. W. T. Clement returned yesterday afternoon from a visit to Richmond. Mrs. C. P. Powell gave a pleasant little party Tuesday afternoon to the pupils of her school. Mrs. W. S. Black, Mrs.' Marion Hester and Mrs. Joe Breedlove re turned from Goldsboro last night, j They attended the annual meeting j of the Woman's Missionary Society and Bright Jewels. Delegates to Morehead. The following gentlemen have been appointed by the Oxford To bacco Board of Trade as delegates to the State Tobacco Association which meets at Morehead City July 5 to 8: J. B. Booth; J. M. Currin, W. C. R-ed, W. J. Boy kin, F. A. Cheek, J D.:Bullock, R. L. Allen, J. G. Hunt, E. T. White, W. A. Bobbitt. Alternates were chosen as follows: W. A. Adams, W. J. Wilkerson, J. E. Duncan, J. H. Bullock, E. G. Currin, I. N. Day, D. J. Gooch, John Webb, D. C. Hunt, W. T. Lyon. Dedication of tbe Xew Presbyterian Cbnrcb. The Presbyterians are making ar rangements to have their new church dedicated on Sunday, July 3, next. Rev. M. D. Hoge, D. D., of Rich mond, Va., will preach and offer the dedicatory prayer. A large crowd is expected, and friends are cordially invited to be present to participate in the services of this interesting occasion and to hear one of the ablest preachers in America. 1 Fine Celery Ten thousand Celery Plants at the Rectory. Frice: Fifty cts. per hundred cash; and 8,000 Late Flat Dutch Cabbage Plants at Ten cents per hundred cash. Cabbage Plants. If you have a baby buy hira a powder box and puff of Stedman. mmm Large stock of Wire Gauze Windows. Can be adjusted to fit almost any size window. Keeps out bugs and flies, but the air passes through. . : Keep your hair smooth by buying a brush and comb from Stedman's. Keep your shoes bright. Stedman has blacking and brushes for sale. Keep cool with Stedman's ice drinks. AT REDUCED PRICES. Eveything in the Millinery Line is now being sold by Mrs. J. T. Britt at reduced prices. Now is the time to secure bar gains. Come along and get them. DO 3 o O C in