';! i -t t - - ? - A .- 1 v XI Y '- "t . Ml.- M r AM' j ! . ... : J ' - . . f iV f ' ' '"'"' ' "' ' ' y - - ; ( T , - r ' ,V X - px , ,j i r ' . r v . - t 't I - ( - I,. : I-. ... .. VOLUME IV. OXFORE. AUGUST 15, 1861; 28. HIIIIIS'O GOODS. HAMILTON it C; II All AM, ' L 'jriett a vl Wholesale Deaerin VCC:, AXp " POESTIC"DRY GOODS, . - IV4burj?, Va. "TNVITK THE .ATTENTION OF THE J. THADK to their large Mid deirabl Block of Fresh Spring Goods. OXFORD, K.iC.' .-" : SAMUEL T. WILLIAMS, I EDITOR A PR0PKr:TOE. - TEIIMS, The Leisure iTovr ia ipnbliflied in Orf, r.l. led fitoulders x The features -are' regular- and I wounded knight, it v intellectual, and at th same tire expressive stedid so in her fat of vivacitj and tenderness. The portrait is one j tant city. The old i that fixes itself on the memory one that men himself td Berlin, ; are wont to dream of, after having once beheld j carefully removed b it. - - i , ' . ' . : own guidance, from Six months elapse completely recoverc ; rrcsn Opnng. UOO. N. C-; every Thuradar a,.ti I'oVars per an Berlin, the P now in Rh.re and reiidy for exhibition, conslit-J num if pnl I in p 1 7 t! . " "' "-v.. . ,.,soi ue .t. TTT ict Dollart invariably, if puvmentbe delaved ?1 her father i . In the year 1753, Mademoiselle Zietern,Vho nntii then had resided with her parents in Col- berp:, the town wherein she was bom, visited j six ol the happiest i 'russian cnpitnl, to remain f'uiir.i,T ' notwi'iista'i I!i Ptith whit v n'.uiJc!) aunt, a,ai6ier ; his wound, whilb, . a, Madame, Zieiern was a lady ...th Ui-y Hre prfptwfl ti olTcr on th most until the endof the year. Any person sending of great wealth, whose mansion was the resort Uwrable teV.ns to irginiii, North Carolina ajd ns six Kubscribers, accompanied with the cash, 0f the military, the literary, and the most iaab- w.i wuiuirrcmi nianers, metr saies paper witnoui cnarge. .;' i - : -- ( - . ; t . .. v - r wiil be tritly couGnrd cah and prompt . ; - .' ' '" i - 'T city. "L' - - :" ; J ix month luyrr. To such the srreutet in dnrements wilt be offered. A D VER T I SIN Gi ' ' I It was onlymatural that a young lady -pos a j ' .s s.- .mi. i. - ' -.J i i y-k t- t I v v A4 KAj.A..i:AmAtiiD ti O r ( ,. . , , .. , -1 AUYcrvigeiDtiiiM win u inseneu irne xot- I coaiug iuo umuij nim .vvuiupuouurciiio u 'thJIatwaa ! U.. ih ZU. .3 CJft, UK Per A12 e for the first in- .Mademoiselle Zietern. known to belong to an T ova advisable that :i: s than in a dis ;n, therefore, posted i Cap in Tiicuter ct zi under his ;i to Colberg, ' Paul Richter was ! .1 1 '"a to him ii - ' l.H 3 ever .-; pnt, ) ' J. ;vcr : attending j he&Mii ; for aueutioa. March lltt8Cl. II. 3l O. . 9 6w. neniou, ana lo cents tor eacn suDseqnentjnser. nld and honorable family, and generally be- tirtli. AiifoHiOPmAiitfl PtrPAfltnnp 17 lines will I . " . , - . 1 . - , , . r . be', harmed In same t)ronortioneCOrdinir to L1Ieved to be the he.ress o her nnt s large tot - - i l '. '' i tune, should draw many admirers. Men ot all OIJAINOI GUANO!! J Fpwtes Soluble Phosphated . riimv i a cva.o. accepted tb ajtnoy of thift very 'XL valuable and rclibliB Guano, w would call Mietinl "attention. of Mprchmitg anfl I'lanters, to lls iiriiffity evr nil other fertilizers 4ta great characteristic hrtng the promptness and ierninncy of Us effects, in which it surpluses ' -i'ePuvian as Imported. ' The very many cerrifi- cutps f i 1 a gr.rat ut full ess from men ol hiU 1 character, well known to 'uit,' tofMher with the ' sterling Inii prity of the Wll known prokrietors, rfnitr the Soluble 1'tionf hated Peruvian Uuhuo , " Worthy of pertevt confidence. Wbile rlaimirijf vhmI f uperiority of tliis Guano ; over tb Peruvian, VotUr it at sixteen per cent. I . lena cost, vis $50 a "ton. . Circulars containing certificates and analysis, forwarded upon aplu-tton to ' ; ! . AMP, llOSAL k CO., , Wholesale Grocers k Commission 'Merchants! ' . i Norfolk, Va. . ' , Feb. i,loOl.- ' . 5 60d. len?th.' Those who advertise by the year or half year, I ranks and conditions, from the youthful aspir- ill ne .uiowe(t the Hisnai Discount. , v:, v ,. ant to fame "and fortune,' to the broken-down cottibty, pleasure and debauchery, until bis shattered constitution warned htm that he couii Cornelia was ever jfearjm, ready to anticipate his slightest wishes, tq read to hitn, to sing, to play, to doyfeverything she could think ol to af ford him sblace and to cause the weary hours in the si chamber to pass lightly away. And, as he gipw better and was able to take short walks broad, she1 was bis constant companion Theywandered, in her father's garden or sat in, the' summer-house, while she read y aloud, -and by aud-bye; their walks . extended i., into ,the j" 5eds and woods or to the seashore, where they wauld, sit fur t hours listening i to- the musical murraur of the waves as they broke oa the i v. -f.t. i; will tw, inPrled ft 'mnnthm for 5 n, 12 roue wno aller "'"U ru" ocau"' le unVVI lul,ure , WUIU . - r -. -t i ' I ...i v - j ,iv t,;. i.,ii. ui:..Jk,A. :.'....( .1. l- moilth.H lor e j UU. I ' ' ' I vumuij, p casuic aim ucunucucij, uutu uia p uuvu I'cucfcu vu us in akuie lur mem. I TO"B "W"OHlT 1 - I shattered constitution warned him that he coui i -At length the day amved whence wedding" W aro rirt-narpd to pxprnS Joh Work with oo longer pursu&ihis vicious course ot lite with was to take -place ? ureal - preparations were nentness aiid dispatch, for which the cash must impunity, was anxious to settle down " and be- j made. . No expense.was spared by the parents DC pHi on tienvery. i noe;wu,ning j eorae a 80er Uenedict lor the rest ot his Oays, I'ampniei, - . wpsiness aras, Circulars, ' vlsjtrng slie replied in as cheerful: a; lone ' as she could, endeavoring to coiKoaUrpm him the feara and anxieties she could i not ' help "ex periencing. , ' At length, about six months after' Paul ; had left Cofterg,-there came a letter whic h ; afforded Lira the most exstatic' delight, while. at the BJtme (.me. it lncressp.-l hi r-,-. .otr , ! : 1ii-wir- t TV I ,vr 't' ' - 1 (. .... '4 , tucuiui ot a sou aua tue .Lappy Convaie3. cence of the mother, who, proud of the new pleasirres of maternity,, wrote rejecting the beauty of her infant as oitly -mother - can write, and txpressed an 'raipeat wish yhat her Jiusband could sethi cJld, ifoulyv for one raoaient'. '..'". L 1 , -."Paul replied to tln ler immediately. fThe letter Was brief,- foyV tb& army'; "was on the eve of an engagementjand "his eyery moVement was greatly -occupied.- -IHe knew not but the next minute he might heaf the trumpet sbund, calling! all -topfull intci-battle "To-morrow morni; g,,at four o'c be a dead man 1" V .- . -- H Had he aud ' lost his tension of his f es, cans ! hard duty and ' t of sleep, "v " pleasure he had fdt .heu. L tel'iigence'of the Ur.;, of his '.t of the tent.- A fen- n'tlockon tie f"o-, ft ' to'loy tt mut1 " r his Ir if he could secure so splendid a prize 'in the Letter t will find it ti Letter lleading. We will furtiish at the sborteeVno of Blanks that mav be wantedj ice any kinds lotting . - i .... ..4 , j . . . , keAkdi. i " ' I matrimonial lot4ery, were earnest suitors for o their advantage jto give ns a call. tne, young lady's heart and hand, and -fortune, Cornelia, however, was in no hurry to change her maiden coudition "fancy free ? but her heart at length surrendered to one Paul Rich ter, an ofScer of die king's guardsyoung, handsome and accomplished, who had every prospect of rising in his professien. . Notwithstanding jthe envy created amongst W, E CANITADY, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, , . - . j Ox t rod, X. C. , " , ' -SPECIAL attention given to' Collections. lif Oifice oerfhf Drug Store jol -lieasley A Hester.. ( r , - . ' I j- . ' Auitust 2, 18j9v . 2j7r-12m. TO THE PLANTERS OF Vlr?;ln' and .Vorllt Carollna-- . llllv ('.NDK-KlGSto tke trtU meitiod of iu-J rnuiiir the planters of Virginia aad Vorth Caro lina,' and the de.ilers In Tohavco generally, that tUey liave been appuvntel iSKbiniitiS ur TOBACCO AT WEST 111LL WAKEHOt'hE In this city tor the present fr. They confidently solicit a full i share of that patronage which has hrirtofore been betowed upon this popular, convenient, af. and commodious wurchouse, fUtterioK thamselvt-s, from their long experience la the. trade, the rfne as Inspector aod the other as a dealer la Tobacco, that your Interest cannot be better.promoted elsewhere. . Those consigning Tobacco to ns, and desiring that we should sell It, are requested to mark it plainly on both ends, care. of VAUGHN k OAK LAND, bat if designed that we should only in- pect it; mark it West Hill Warehouse. Out I charge for Inspecting and selling will only be ONK DULL A 11 f KK HUtiMlKAU. I VAUGHN & GARLAND. . Pitinitcao, Va., January I, 1861. JK. B. With tilea?ure I avail myself of this opportunity of stating tor my friends and those nnacquiuqtetl With my present aaorile, A. B. GARLAND, Esq . that he Is a gentleman well ' known and highly esteemed in this community a well for his business qualifications as his gen eral late igence, urbauity add. integrity. - U. B. VAUGHN. -... f , - .'"-'.-I -' 60-3w. - .: - ' Taking The Census " : :T-1 V God ajiy boys f the Marshal faid' - . . . To, a lady from over thej lihinef s ! And the laiy shook her flaxen head, And civilly answered lZSai ' - !' . fi i ' Got atiy girls?" the Marshal said'- , ' - To the lady' from over jh Rhine ; Vi And a?a,in th lay frhookjlier head,'-' And fivily answered ' Ainel" f - T '.. ' - l:i ' - . ' M Hnt sotne are dead?" the Marshal said . I To tb lady from'over the Rhine v." And again the lady shotikj her head,1 ' " Attd ctvily auswered, "p?iac I " Husbai d. of course? the Marshal said ' To the, lady from over ihe Rhine; -And again she shook her Bixenhead, ' i ' ' - - Ttm A 1 I voii hnvp ! hp Marshal said To the lady from over the Rhine; i And again she sho- k her ilaxen bead, array. asucd ot each oilv.f v the cocked " and paj zeled family, bnt no" one could give any satis factory answer.,. In vain they , endeavored- to soothe apcl eonsoe"lhe unhappy -'wife.' Alas I mey anew not what words to employ, ia Vorder to relieve bet mind, their own leeliogs were suthcieirtly .harrowed bfrthe ternble line. Still they resolved to'tryf to- beHeve that if meant nothing, -until;; they' beard : from the morning ti e s' ?rp etrj awakei-e 1 tni l-ts, who vera f'J'l I ! ( ) s i; v .r ' t) e i cause of the sadden r-'pirt of ii re-arms, som of them believing itha-; lie nemy bad recently , stolen a march agai.!8t them. Alas I . They t were transfixed with ustonishment and dismay ; when they were informed that a military. xe; '' cutfon had taken plaek. d 4hat Major Rk-htfr,' otie of the bravest.' tint most respected and ,thj'-- most Veloved ofScers fn thiTaraiy, was a , dead' V mad. . ' -( i ' ' . '. AVbeulfada'me" Richter beard vrf rh fol" had of Cornelia, wjio 1)y- this .time bad learnt to look upon the Tiandsoiue jeun olScer us if be were their own son. j i r: . r ' !.- -v - v It came off, and wal the talk of, the small town for weeks. sNevfr had been een such magnificence before.' j Never had the clergy man of the parish oniied such ai handsome couple. -Never was such munificence, sucbT generosity as Uerr fietern displayed- ' Not a poor person in Colberg or iU vieinity had gone thaUday without an abundant meal and a email vThe l&tter, written on a drum head rt a tent has beeri preserved, 'and its " contents are engraved, upon the. pedestal of a monif- fnent erected to his raemojyin ihe enclos-4 ure oti 'which the' hospital stands. -ItTUns the host of rejected suitors, in i consequence of i present in money b?ades.J: A thjuaand cheer the choice of the" youthful and lovely heiress, ful, grateful voices pmyed that hapjHness might no one could deny that the young man was in 'attend the wedded pair through life and after every respect wort by-ot her: .there was Dot death to eternity.' .: I j,' i, . r - v r. one drawback-he was poorl This, however, In Paul RidjterVcaseUe Shakspearean id not in the least trouble Mademoiselle Cor- f 3- ,i ' ti L ''' nuofcci luc luuj ec ul n uc iuvb iit-ver UUC8 Ieua. n-onl Her father was wealthy, and she was ily child. aud, as we have already obser ved, she bad greaf expectations from her aunt She would, under . any circumstances., possess sufficient wealth for boih . Neither 'did her re lativesr as is too often the case in the like cir cumstance's oppose the proposed union.- The UanulyJpllh..jouflg,ensiim; gas in nointoiuit more ancient and 'of -higher rank' than the family of the Zieteyns, and ancient gepealogy j M finXion Q an run smooth," was, jis w believe it has oft ten been before and since, completely falsi fied, Paul remained at- home with his brjde at a house: in the ' outskirts- of , Jthe- town, which his father in-law had purchased and presented to him, for six months 'after, his the power or mortal to possess. ness t is in And civily answered " 2iucn 4 1 ,t. anu no Die Dirtn carry Kreat umueucu u parts of Germany. ' , . One stipulation only was made by Herr Zie tern, when, at the expiration of a short and "Now what do you mean by shaking your happy courtship, ensign R'ichter visited Colberg candidly told his circumstances, and expressed bis determination, to attain rank and distinc tion in bis profession, if strict attention to 5bis duties could Becure these honors, referred to several distinguished and respected individuals in relation to his famify and his own personal character, and finally stated that, having gained the maiden's consent, he had come expressly to ask her hand of her fathor. i i . Tbe; condition was that the young couple FREPIRICK THE gliould wait until Paul Richter should become . bead. And always answeringj'iJVine T 44 Irh kannnicht Eughsch V' civily said. The ladyl from over thej Rhine. 'v Neln. nrorounced niM.nt the German for M No." ded bliss he receivi again to make his t rejoin his regtnienfi Frederick the G J T - ... K .... .. with his brother m he was thinking of Bavaria, Saxony, ! this brief period of wed d orders from his general ppearance at Berliu and a captain, so that, in case of any great reverse of fortune on, the pari of his bride, however im- Tlie Dentil Warrant v r..k.t m'i AM 1NC1DXKT IN TBE .LIFE to i ." great! i I In the little town of Colberg, a smali'seaport of Prussia, situated on the bhofe3 the Baltic j probable it might behe should be able to sup Sea,- there resides an , ancient- and wealthy f p0rt her at leat in moJferate competenee. familv. bead d 17 the surname ;ot .Zietern. The ' The rmllant and -vouthful lover, notwithstan family name figures largely in the' records of ding his desire to hasten the consummation of the town, and the province Iii which it is situ; his happiness was well content that no ;. other ated." These records show that the Ziieterns obstacle stood in the way of his union with tbe held important, offices in the magistracy 1 and 1 fa;r object pf his' love judiciary, as long ago as phe middle ".of',' the Frederick II. the Great the -most ambit- n,-v..u. v.n .uu fuU authorised to v. r ----- v-.u..v,iv t"r" ":. r" iltland receipt lor the same. Those Indebted the family held the honorable post of burgo - the Prussian throne. "Every schoolboy is fami die requested to ray Immediately. Longer in-I master, or chief magistrate of Colberg, in the I Har with his rare' military abilities, i his inces dolgenca cXnnot be.glveo aslbave to seme who f 50; If - . ( sant activity, lis love of war, his strange eccen 1M executor Ol o. y. riuua,r - . r j, 1L- I, .J.J i:." !.Li...,: uj --.Ju 1:11. . a LANDlo Ja., I inav, uowever, wuicu reuuen luounois iuj- nicuiea, iiiu uia uiiatuuiun iui van auiuicis, Furvlving partner of Ilerndon k Laudis. liar to every traveller who chances to visit this to procure whom.be would send to any distance ra'her out .ot-the-way post j pi . tbe rrussian and incur. any expense, tnougn in all other re- monarchy, ia the Zietern Hospital And" Lunatic spects his economy bordered "on meanness. Asvlum. 6ne of the largest and best endowed Speedy promotion in the army under such Oxford,-April 8, 1801. DAVIS, KOBLE & qo. (LATE FURMAN, DAVIS f CO.,) . IMrOUTEUS AND JOBBEIISOF 7 CIIAHEERS & 69 READE WTS. rrn-rr-.yr U ji V j q, lUvis,' . I Fkkuinasd Moi.lot, . Vm!g. Noat-e, J. U. GaAt', 4 f , . E. G. Chbatham. . January 2, IB60. . ' 43 ti. " ' '. ' iea( had been, at peace marchslongenough and .w - . ; . ....... nother campaign against taW or France: he did - ....... not much care which, go that he found em ployment for his tal grenadiers. "Dear Paul," said ;-Cornelia,! when "she heard the news, "I Wish you would leave the army. I shall le to miserabla, so anx ious while you art away, dreading lest everv mail that arrives., at . Cotberar should bring intelligence ot isome dveadlul battle, ana max you nave oeen wounaea or per hapa killed.. I would uot care ito live after. wiard. - Surely there lsmo need for yow to obey the mandate of the general. ."We are rich enough." ' .' i r . . "You are rich enoughisdearl Cornelia,'' replied Paul, "and J love rou enphgh jto be willing to share with you whatever isyours; but it is not that , xny love.1 i It fchall never be said that Paul, Richter refused his 'serv vices-when his- country called for them, be cause he had wedded, ayoung and pretty and weal thy bride. ' I must go, ! dear Cor nelia,, but let us hope the 'campaign will not be a long one, and one thing I will promise you-j-as soon as I am promoted to rn -..-j . "'iHfc CAMP BEFOEE PaMI,' Aug. 10. V My own trEAKjsst Corxeli A. I 're ceived your letter this morning,' and have carried il in: my bosom all dajy, taking' every opportunity; to' peruse it. ? over ; and. ovr again. "We are exnectinff ! everv moment. to be summoned into action!, and"' I- have been so completely occupied: in my military duties that -I could not, until this ilmoment, find time to-write a line in reply.r A -i ou most excuse tlie ! brevity '.of . the letter I am how writ in sr. fori I ,im mfrin ging a military .order jus,t issued by the king even.in so doing, and you well-know 'that the slightest disobedience of orders is visited by" Frederick with' .the' uCmost; severity, ' :r . .. - rr t - i 1 - - 1 i camp.'--;..-. rxj,. -'i, , , . v; i.j A letter was immediate! written and Ae. patched to Paul, and -anither . to - tha- . colonel I Pcular of the iaVuge ' mnrJer ; hick of the regiment ia which! be served, .informing heerj fco Twitted Jby ; tie orders the king," iha . both of the friglrt which the Inexplicable post- ctinjof hia monstro s brotah'tv,' " one . of tha r cript had caused and of the iQ effect', it : must mo8t Sn nt devoted of. his, ofScera, tha have upon Cornelia if the rnTster were not snc n0 4?ars,? bu.frisia her ha'nd npop Lev immediately and satisfactorily Explained.' . . ' Pf"?. r'"u ""e leareo ner nart would breash ' ' They had not t.o"jrit for .a reply to- the 'let- si1en.np opening her lips for weeks, caring ' terttd learKthai Paul had . wnfiea the-trnth, no!inS' f. aaS w? ?Ptlt ,fw theragh still ihey wereat a loss to .understand f almost an objecijof idolatry,' and. refused t what had cansed the 'shocking ' catastrophe, U non"4nnient"nnt3 her attendanu were-tjbli Th-' nex. gazette frbai ; Berlin contained , tiis d ,0 fod UP5 -" ' . . - . simple bu( terrible paragraphV uuder the "col- J.hewwfrnin she spoke hvr wits had flowaV nmn o; intelligence! frutn the ' arm before he,w ioeane-rriie.jiflysiciip . feared .hope-. Paima." ' , ! i . i ,-,; ;; . llelv mn. .Happilr f-r , the. poof fafant.' ! - v e regreWo Team that, at four : a'clock 'Jt.ved ! ,tbe noumbment it baa aubiistea a. H;, on the-llth insL, Major Taul Riebter, of aPn '-i1'" P bad iDsaled upoa ' tr 7th Dragoon Guard,?, wnii shot dead' in p, . X1 pursuance of a" special entence from the com- The widowed mother made' no, inquiry, after 1 maftder-in-chief. ::- - V J X r' . the babe nor her ht8bandr ' She .aeemed t" 1 The followed wftsm lines" eulogistic'- of-nbe have.forg-ottpn ita't eftrier had ' ixisteL" Hara ilf'to even if the offends h bi ron rl f rsou . enllre PPP'on ... u .r-- ;--rV--rT-br of Prussia tltfrinffh IU resolved to punish, nothing can incline him to mercy.- 1 ' - ' ' . , . " I cannot express the pleasure your let ter afforded me. ..It ia too much happiness. My infant boy and his mother both well! How I wish I could see yoti far one little moment, even if I had to lea ve .you again immediately. I think it would endow me with the greatest spirit and tourage in the forthcoming battle ' j . - . t "Think of me,! dear !wtfe . and.i believe that you are never out of my mind for one moment. -Have no fears fot me.i I : feel .... . - assured that I shall not fall in! battle, and I i i . i i . . ... hope this engagement will be bo far . .deci sive that I can Jionorably ask for leave of absence, so thai I may fly to Colberg -and embrace you and-' the child,J ' i " Take the greatest -care f your t h.e-al;h for myas well as for your sown and; our . i i ' : I ' ! i I . i . t -' "You will be glad Jto heay 'that I have beeu promoted,' on the field,! to the rank of major. ; 1 here remains now. but pne" step more- promotion to a lieutenant-colonelcy rand then, peace once restored, I quit' the army ana epena tne rest oi, my jays in ine society of my beloved wife.i i j -1 must: close, for L dare not keep mv lamp alight any longer. i- vX X v"" . Believe me, my darling, . - " 1 r Your moit loving husband, -X ; i- X' 1 ;."FMfi RlCHTEB." character and ftourage of the deceased oflicer. was a harmlessV gentle gpcholy- madnesa,' and afew remarks e pressing wonder aa to the Like OpheliaXsh wandered about iriBgiBjr wild ditties' which had no sense or meaning, yet which were soineVimes suggestive of ine dreai-' ful loss she had sustained. -,' X 1 .. C - While his afiroud mi the moontain auow." . Larded air with 'iweet Bowers ; X Which bewept fa the grave did go,' ; X -X r- WUh true love $ howef . ; ' ! V-" 'V- ' .''' - '' ? - And will be not come again ?. " , . And rill ajioLf f m itr. - . nature pf the special jderelictiou of duty which bad led to Bjtch a shocking resltfCXN early a month of terrible bverwhelmingpnisery elapsed before the full particulars , 4ei-e ' kuown. t At length all was explained.:' ; Frederick IL of Prassia carried eccentricity to he verge of -mad nejn. - H is people were ocu icrriuiy iu maintain Dits army, .Dotn- .m, g his reign "amounted to' only childijen, and retv the soldiers exceeded f fa number -those of France and Spajn united. It is computed that ocV of Ine able-bodied men of the kingdom, one in every seven was' draft ed into the military service. His rule over. the civilians of the kingdom, who .held no office Ga to thv deathbed. - -' '. VHa never will corn's hack again'.. .-:';i In this aad coqditic n fhe remained for aeveraJ years... tier tamer ana mother, jib we'.l as net , aunt Zietern, had diKi during the dismal peri-" nf MnA nil iKoie larirn nnilfll wpl:K Yisd Ws . under the governmeat was mud fdpaterna leh tvherin ttU8t of 4 gnirdianii .he Xre- :ui. DI,.T" - XT a wa? f covered her senses 5 if not, it was to be eipen'-. brutal ,n tfc extreme. They were flogged fatf SUaViui ii lunatic aajW . 1 i. . I um .'. ' j ' . ..i- a r-. I L ' l 'tr l; 1 clv-s X ' 1' , She did awaken to her senses, and to tha red for sorne venial offence in a filthy and , 'an-1 ? ... -i i - iostituiions of the kind in Prussia a, country a monarch,- was a matter of certainty to"- a J a colonelcy I will quit tha armV as soon as remarkable in continental Europe for the num- young man of good character, "good family and her and the excellent-management of its pub- courage and intelligence, all of .which qualifi- lic institutions j and what renders the -Zietern cations Paul Richter possessed. He hude adieu Hospital unusnally interesting to strangers, is to his young mistress, when he went to join the fcl that It was founded and-ijerally en- j his regiment, which was to take part in a com dowed tern-4 self fo ' I -'.'ClonUH.'v. Oct. 15, lew- TNotico, ' ' '. .uk.tiA,,. tatJulrra ocn'i'"i(,fU"4 1 1 January in the tar,TrnER' COOKE 1 1RS1 60tf' t January, 1, I"8'' , . -r:"- ni-oi 'nnnr.KR IE8 1 1 V ll O U L'j KM' i w . X'Ag by Madame Cornelia Rich' ar-ee Zie- j paign against France, in full hope' and expec- a daughter of the family, who was her-1 tatiou that this close of the campaign would r several years a lunatic,' and who only J witness his promotion'to the command of a recovered her reason a few years before her company, and enable him to claim ber:hand, death. - j -.j ,' - ' I "' according to jher father's promise t r j r . In the great hall of the institution there are Cornelia, shortly after her lover quitted Ber- two portraits otj the' fdundresB and benefactre-s. lin, returned home to Colberg, and . there re- aha ...n.n.nnl! tint n a Xf, AtYMi ell a ltAfTIA mainftft nrftit 4 Vl a lapmi'nalinn rvptl.A . i .T V i l ' .i." ,i.. a v v. - ' " ft .v ' . v, f . . ' prehensions of msyoung wire, ana at length in the eighteenth year of her age, the otheras which was successful ou tbe part of Frederick; v - r v ;v ii - - . Madame Richter, a middle-aged lady of matron- and which did make Paul a captain, as he had VlllY wc-ceeoed lit Subduing her anxiety. Iv and benien countenance,' the; expression of anticipated. He was, however, severely though i 1 T promtsea to exenange letters Dy every .. -. - , j m. I . i - ... .... ' . . . 1 I ' 1 '" 4 j . "' 1 . . : I ! . i . '. . ' . ... ... . . hose features," however; betoken one who has not dangerously wounded, and when he wrote ' poss10 opportunity, ajicun tne course of a ussed through' much suffering mentally and j to Colberg by the handjof his comrade, speak- few days Captain, Richter set .Out for Berlin. peace is declared.' i But pn no account will I do so on the eve of a war. Think, Cor nelia, you yourself would despise me if I werelo act in such -wrwardlv 'manner. But be not afraid, cV-rhn, you are my guar dian angel. 'Your prayers shall thrn the bullets aside and blunt the enemy's steel Yery soon you will welcome me1 safe home again." .Thus, half-jestingly, lialf-soolningly,' ! the j young officer endeavored to quiet" the :ap lily, and who has only acquired the'calmess 1 ing lightly of his wound, but regretting it; be psicnaiion which, characterizes the por- rcause for a time it would inpannfitfttA V,im fnsm ru iv -ii- : r. - . "... , r ,- , T navin earut to inwt nrraiy, m, un ' The campaign turned out to be the com-! - .... . . Vw . i v.mi at all times j . mpnpMnpnt nf what ia known in i Furonsan i:. i.M. j . .i . .4 i:,-, . i-i). r.y ' i ...r. m , -1.,. i; t , e l,. vimiuiiiik iiis.oiiue, at ine same time p avtul v i i 1 . . : ' vi1 1 -ry , . . -, , , , . ' Jr ' continental bistoty as the beven Years war, observing that, he hoped his fair mistress would ,y , - l. , V 1 j ' : i ' ! ' i t Tally IIo, May 21. ' i te of ; Providence, and to lpok.for- wam -i'v - - .-' . ..... .- . 7 ...-'.',..-... . i - ; .. . rest ana nacriness nereaiter, not reiect ner wounaea unto'ht. hn hurl ,tpiw. . . r whicasnuiv .. .. . ., t i ? ' pense ner lor all me irouoie vea n!8 woanui in consequence ot his resolve to -" r ..r.,;,r., - x - - . . , - - . i ..(,---.- . . thia mortal stoee otexis- bear himself in tbe battle - in ft 'manner ' tht other great powers Pt Jiauope,;. tte met the aily ?lnd Clollllnfio great variety fof aale low by- FERP-ILL k CO. , Tally IIn,May2L she haaauL tence. Tb exceedinj 1TIII POIKT BORTU UAJiUA-"-' j choly story. .- 5he-is reprewt w u niu- uo oncuX mC i.Kui io, i-mim ine serviee THE sa'lscriber having purchased tbe Hotel . ina-uJenj w;,ha full as s fair, bfue- as well as the Uve of a wife from her,' bince formerly owned by Ch.rle. 1 3. UtoaU "hall ded irm,'and an abundanceXitely rpon- they long been wedded iu heart if nor in Point, will assura the Y utmo w . j v;k. -oAnrdinff to the fashioiden ,'hair, hand, and that the only obstacle that had stood otr?"yUZ ,' " LLl.he maiden. Xof.bprtherV day ithe way was tiow removed. ' . i 'T ' ' V' I ioatfe aa.-fi oyer a JoL i iotu.. ' . . ":: ' , I , J-' r! tcihhT .unn, and it was with difficult be 9" . ... jtA.A ; . r '.v- PWed a large portin of 1 o wrtHiucu uuv xu lous nsuaui iui uc I m ... - lad's evecution. nd ahe . herself em ber ' wealth. - for the Dufpose of erecting t.n hospital and as asylum I ' 1 ': . y . 1 fnr liinntipa wh irh ahe librallv endowed ana He vutn the habit of striking his "officers I aA ; rJi Tr4ftn?,',Y t ,mn l ti.V kicking his judg;e out of court if they de parenta' ad he'a.nV "X ' ' . !- t-.- . cided points of taw. against p bis wishes- - iiia J ,.-Bv ' ' -'"". u , ' . officers ind soldiers weae drilled like automaU i . . . . r L , .. . . , ' - . I and ordered it. togejtier with a portrait painKd ; , knd the slightest offence aa , visited -with-1 . -. . . - v v BBuruy -ueioro ner raajnage, to o sang ia lti -large hall of the buLding, and caused a spleu. did tBon anient to be erected ' ia the hospital . yard to the memory of her much-loved, mur dered husband.' On the' petfe'stal of this mon- or.a he most prompt and frightful severity of pun ishment. -13 U' present position, ; At. - war 1 with nearly all combined: Europe, had exasperated his irascible temper( almost, if not qaife.' to madness'. ' - ' r " ':-; 7 umeat was inScflbei : ; ,'t . . in HKMORiAti, ' : ': ,Paul Richter mafor in the guards of JQnjf v Trederick the second of Prusia' as rcruelly sh;t by order of his .-eorv ; ' ereign, .ugnst 11, 175b.; j ' During the afternoon of the 10th of Aognst, 1756; intending during the night to make 'an important movement in the camp, .which - wa in sight of the enemy, he had issued an . order lhat, by eight o'clock, all the lamps in the camp should be put ont,. Oja. pain of death. 1 Beneath the above inacrtnlion waS inscribed j no moment ine nour waa patsne waiaeu i tbe fatal tetter, the whole upportea by tbe himself to see whether all was dark: He found ' arma f the joint families' of RiclUf and "Zie-r a lamp burning in the tent of' Major ' Richter. tern and by .a scroll, X r X -"'- lie entered the tent just aa ;ne omcerwasi- TBis is thenistof-r Of the HOspitar audUa-' natic Asylum of Colberg, in Prussia.. ahould show that tin ii wnrilm he : slmck'Tiiarifiillv. for thfi -PrnRKian arm. of Ta exceeqingxu . - 1 " " T , . 4 . j j '1 " - hich ae imrkateM of form and feature tbe young lady was so much affected that she1 Frederick the Second s day was. much ;the attracts tha attentio'" j i,-Y. u jjciiiu, mus iiuifieious aim uie veau uraieu wi:, t-no serves to give double ift Oehoiaer, ana nurse ine wounaea soldier herself, saying that whole continent ; but 'severe battles were fonght, and the campaign w hich : Paul had endeavored to-persuade his wife would soon ; be ended, threatened to be ' prolonged till the combatants, were exhausted . ' : - t ' Herr Zietern, however, like a wise and pru-' Still Paid wrote cheeiful letters to Corne dentfather, "said if Cornelia must nurse her lia and bade her keep up her courage and M P. S.-rrKiss our boy For me. ' . ' "P. P.-S -It is now a quarter past eight o clock, P. M. lo-morrow morning, at fo o'clock." I shall be a dead fmaft 1 . i - The letteftwas dispatched and duly re ceived by Corne'iia, yrho iiead it through eagerlv until she reacrTed- the end. I -When she ,read the last line she uttend a piercing shriek and fell senseless to ihe floor. . Fortunately her mother Jind "the - nurse were in the room. They raised her'v from the floor and carried her tO?a sofa, and then applied restoratives, utjtit the unhappy wjfe waa "awakened to consciouspess. -1 She look ed wildly around heri Am"' I ' asleep ?" she cried. " Have 1 been r dreaming? O, what a. horrid dream 1.1 thenght no, T no ; it iV -true t, The letter--lhe letter 1"- Shriek irlg fortli the latter words, she again fainted. A physician was sent for, and , again; the mother and nurse applied resturativesy , and after much effort succeeded? again in restor ing her to .consciousness, r 3 -V i - " ''. v : Meanwhile the letter bad .been picked - tip from the fioor by .Madamt ;Zleteriv aad read. She could 'ii ot understand it. She showed it to her husband to the medical - man it' none of them could make, anything of. iU -Paal had written in. the body'of the letter ihat he had a presentiment that he should uot fall on- the field of battle", artd had evidently written: under the iufluence of hope and' cheerfulness, . and yet, at the close, in a second postscript, iiih- oui giving any explanation, ne uaa wniien mercT..- ' j j HontMy"iay of Infjtnry. : in folding-up a letter ; the'major knew him, and, instantly falling on his kneet entreated bis: To whom have you been writing 7 asked the king-ifc:,- ';..'."'., vr--" Vi'--Xf.. - ''To my wife." replied ". the yonng "bfiScer. 44 1 recei ved a letter froi her to-day. I had not time all day to repTy to it--acarcely to read j . it, without neglecting my duties. ; The Conner leaves the camp for, Berlin at ten o'clock. I commenced this reply at my first .', moment ' of leisure, but not having quite completed it when tbe clock at ruck, I kept the" lamp burning, a f9 moments later. ; We' go , into action : to night or to-morrow.; I may never have the opportunity again." :, . ;... -'' -..- - -, "JLet ine see. the letter. .said Frederick sternly. ; i . . " f The bfficer hahde'd it to him, and he read it t'the--end- "v j"A' -.v; -y'-c-j XTia vWell,L he said,, handing i it back. ?' Now write one mere line which I shall die- tat e.;X Write tomorrow .mornirg; ;at ; four tjoMiK.-Thtre is liothing,- indeed, ; by Colonel i Li C : : JIajor' . . Captain4. lri'Lietit 'V - 2nd. Lieut ! Adjutant - .Sergt.' Major 1st. SergL' r Sergeants Corporals Musician Privates1" . . "' - Carriage Makers aridf Blacksmitlia 20 Artificers''' X 'i " ' 1 : - isaf V:.--' - tf $10 additional ' - ' $21 : : - - lax 13 12 ir 4-. .! ; Laborers ' 13" o'clock; fshap 5e i dead man!' JX i . The "sentence Was written with a " trembling hand,' for well the officer knew thai the king showed rib mercy, listened to no excuses t' ' . "Have you written, the - line I aske the k1ngI-"---",;tf".-:'v ".; ;vl'-.'''"''.'i'''''J -i:c-X'rv-. "... - 4 - . 4 ' 5; -4 Iliave yonr majesty lr --; "JThen seal the letter, and goto sleep, if you choose- 1-wHl deliver it to the carrier.; . s .! Will" Hot your temjesty permit me . to ex plain rXX , ,X. v v, X ,X; ;X.v - ;Sot a word' Vir 1 thuu'd.ered the king. Voo have disobeyed my order. - Yon, an officer, who "ought lb Lave set an example.' Yoti must a;? 'v vt.,. -'-r i -":P -. i I s "-' - . : a - f - - '. j -- " - ! sa V- I-"-': 'V ? Placingthe Utter to bis pocket, he .walked J facn ace or.muivic uai wju. whiclf we arevthr"ngh life mote frotleV than by the - just observation, he good . Opinion," and the lincere and gMitle 'encour sgeraent of an amiable and sensible' wo-' .-.Always do as the s:'i dts look at . the bright sideof everything For while ii is juet as ,cheap,: it is three 'imes as gsp, l digefct.cn. .N ' ':, . ! ." To conciliate is eo infinitely more sgree able than to ofTend;- that it is worth tor J f . i - t 1 f X f f 1 " i 7 1 -1 . i- !

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