( -.1 t j k c- - I- t . ' - -V JOIIT T. BMTT Sc CO, Owners aria jPullIlier. 'Ilewto tlie line they May." FRIDAY, 1 1 JANUARY 11, 1878: NO.- 5. . v-ta k. vc -5,t l UJ: u t Jar-, 3 : ,asv.7-,n; rT-rovn' -i :.rnT - : - - - - 1 1 " ' 111 ' ' ' " 1 " ' ' ' " VOL, a. ; , r H::- ; -lit-U-:.! - r-!:- - - T I ;-4- !-.:! i- f X 1 i I- f -i - f; i , l J f 1 1. 1 ! ? 'I ! AND WDZFEOTENTOUBNAL, PulilisIieaiOTeryiFriday Morning over the Dirug "Store of E. J MITCIIELL OXFORD,. N.C., i4u JOHN T. DRITT & co. " Aiy.person sending a club of J?vb& fiuhscriberStt accompanied I ;7 cdshL receive ??f jree jororie year o ' l!. -.t!A47efudng Bates IdteraLSJ I Th&Free Lance is the Leading Journal iof Granville County , and circulating' largely in al trie aojpimnq counties, offers an unsnrpa&sedi medium for Ad vertiser s:to reach tlie pnblio. ; 8 All Business Letters must be Ad dressed to fitlie Pnblishers.'a TOWN COUNTY, Oxford. M AYoR.fr-T. B. Crawford. CoMJITSSIONEjts. b Hruthcock, C, A Taylor, liester, Jno W Hunt'. SECRKTAKY AND TKEASUJIER. A. Xianuis. County. . I- PivOBATE Judge & ScPEnrort Cottrt iCLEKK. B II Cozart. I r; A ll Cooke. . SiiEKiFri. B m Bullock. " i : x . CoitONEa. Joseph BeckJiam. r TRi5ASUR"ER.-i-Manly B Jones -JSTANnAKn Keeper. W C Crabtree. KijjiEE Iroois TtiousE. J- r tJole: Commissioners, --VV K JeDkins.!. 1 j Cooper, J-R Suic, Washington BrWgers : r , mfcrior; Court 3 uSTidEfe ; B a Capehart. S HCan- naay, yviiivins otovall. 1 SoUcitteK ; S Peace, CLEKKdj A XandisL ; Mails. . i. : OXF0ED,FOSt Office ; L C Taylor, .Henderson mtail leaves Oxford daily at 8 a m aitid arrives at Oxford at 7 n m Mails lor; Sassafras .Fork, j Youngs X I ivoads, iJfQwuaville, t Buchanan and Oak IIUl. leave Oxford Wednesdays and Sa tarda vs Lf ft ifrrt " ai v t H-K T X at Oxford same day d at b m Mails f of , Tally Hor Knap ! of Heeds anu JJatcljville and FxidatB at tea ve , Oxford Tuesdays 16 a m, arrive at Oxford same day at 9 p irn. r or lierea leave Oxford Saturdays at Sam and arrive at Oxford same day at Churches- Episcopal : J Rev . 31 n Vancnan Hector ' Services every 2nd f and 4th Sabbaths ait 11 a m and 4 p m. ; . Evening Service, and Lecture--every Fidayat 4 p mi ; . : . Presbyterian;! Rev D E Jordan. Pastor, seryicestevery 1st and 3rd Sab bath) morning and night. , Prayer imeetmg ; every Wednesday Baptistv Rev I"R Underwood, Pas ; tor, services every 1st Sabbath morning -. Daooatn morning. Prayer mee ing every Thur sday night, r METHODIST ; Bev J T Gibbs. Paste r. Services 2nd Sabbath morning at 11 a m and 3rd arid 4th Sabbath night in every month. j " I ' . Prayer meeting Tuesday night. Lodges- Oxford Lodge, No 103 I O O F, Wm. SlhKi,3 ?Ve Wednesday ni, iht at 7 o'clock.;-' r " n8Vnr tw. ta i9i i? onri. a II, J L nobgood-Master, meetelst Mon- day nigntnu every.montn in tneur nau Oxlord,U)dge, JM012 l,u a T, Wm. Biggs W Q-T, meets every lnday night " fc. J , j : i. Motels- 4. Oxford Hotel Maia Street, W P Hoi PropriiSoit. 3 f. t Osborn JtHouse; .WilliamsbOird' Street, pbO shorn- Jf rpprietor. r EUGENE HARRIS, Artist in -Crayon, ' Sassafras Fork, T, C, Portrp.its ; iii, VCrayoii! Qid alia enlarged ipm Photograph OsJ . Ciljar email u&eseBi. iaxi7 w, e3iUJ lyiaaOQfBJJsrei i AND : 41 ; : -1 -:o ITU. M. -:o Ati Y. ; Martin was the only obild of a - widower. So like her mother was .she that her fa ther's eyes often filled with tears! as h: looked upon her. ' . i j f Y She was strangely beautiful- We saV strangely beautiful, because ier beauty was of that ' kind which we se0in dreamsJ The intense spiritu ality of her Bool shone through her eyes, rand made her face like the aba oi; an angeV She'-4 was one i of those women id , whom? fita-ci rnen are insist ib?y drawu,,.. A -i Jtier tatiir rnrrdei-tood ner aature well. - Whe.i she came to Mm. and blushinglyi told, how her. heavt had gone out toward , Henry aayre, he waited anxiously the ;resnlt"of .this, her love. .Instinctively he felt.tiiat, to J her, a crushed heart would mean a crashed brain.'; -1 f Hv s Henry Saytje's evey Action seem ed to say fie loved her. His words, though mere commouplaces, had the melody of -love, and fell on her jear like music. . His tender, gaze found itd way to -her heart and nestled there: - . f1 :.. . lie was poor, ai.d soon mraor had it that hef was going; out into the great world to iscek h;s fortune. . When, May pieai-d it, she had only a momentary pang of; pain. She felt so concioosof his devotion tliat od second thoughts slie secretly, Re joiced .at the. comms: seoaration. He had not vet uttered .those woms she so longed-for. " Will vou be my wife?" I . ":; I .- ii 'Surely," she murmured, "he will ask me ere hetsayB good-bye f'- i The' time cjine when the farewell was to be spo en.; He caMed qHte early on the evening before the day he was to leave.- ,M ri came eariy, miss May, lori 1 Snail not See fvnil arrifn fftv a ilririfr I while" lie said. -t r k r r , . , j o i Mr. Mai tin afler bidding Henry oavre iroctspeed, lett the room. menr."; She went to the piano and an old love-song, and .when she had 1 ! - - 1 i i - . ... '! . aone, ner cn-ek were blushing and her heart throbbing; 3ut though he said, Vlt is beautiful " as if i he was choking; he turned the subject, and there was a dull pain m her breast. He rose to go. "At the -gate at the' gate !" Bhe thought. Oh, yes, he! is waiting until-we stand under the stars !7j ' Even there though he 'took 'her hand and pressed it so bard thai a ring she woreTalmost cut her xflesh, though his voice quivered when (he murmured "Good-by,"! vet : those words were unsaid. (She, lost sight of him in the night, as if be had gone ont ot her lite forever; Avhen her father, who had been waiting in the room above, beard her re-enter the parlor, " he descen ded quickly, j ?! : -'j j ., .j . . jWhat a stony face of despair was that for a loving father to look up on ! What a bleeding, broken heart to press against his breast I She fainted in his arms. A man quick' tp' act, in a moment he vfas bathing her ii forehead, i Soon her eyes opened again,; arid she wound her arms around her neck, as though but for bim she; would wish to - - - . . - i o to die. "Don't be so broken, my darling," ne criea ; "tnat man is a villian V lrtut what answer could he make to that .wad P- - . 1 it is not lor our poor pen to tell of the year that flowed to lay uare tue genue neart 01 J5Liay--to i1- ' . . O -i.J vne evening they were seated m Mr, Martm's 1 library; He. beinr Bomewn3t oiiia student m the old times,: had been; "wont: to sit there, -i".- 'i. r.(H. .i t 7 ' . T.t? auowmg no one to enter. ... &mce toe cruel blow had fallen ? May, the door, had mever been - ; w m,m-m , W Urpd t Wou: - Ycr ufcu 1 9,9 to her. ; -She would sit auiet- Jy while be read. ; This night he l" ueea reaaing aloud, she appar ently listening intentlv. T.nnHnc i. i . . . .-'. 7-, j ww --.t, 1 ml tafc ' V 1 V m. I J1I1IH. 111 I tip trom his book after a time ! he was RinTtlo o r- il . .... MU BiiaugB. lar away. i vAuicooiuu uu ner iace. Seeing he was about, to "".OU4 ulUi wim ner hand, and I whispered : Tici t ( .- iV you not hear that music? How .wildl vL swept. ?t. iff auu yet it sounds like a wail 1" i J-ne lather srroaned that. wIiiaVi i? u Acarvn uaa come jviay rwas r . . . wcseu. v as it not beauUful, father ? . j . . . moment ; atterward her iface w..v,x jwiu. , xxer nanus qmvered aDqve her head; as though uw iane enoico ner jr .3;u iwria way, may you think me. I loved yout "wr 7 , : T'" uc jfc.fcuo'se woiis ter trom the i first with 1 " c I iwiiLjeu unsaui. J j strength of my nature, and , " ? MI- Whcn : 1; went. ftwavA sahj? KElf jL. i -k "I will kill him ! .vcuuy He meaaea with hpi- rrr, to bed, and she obeyed Tb'e! bean broken father watched all night bv her door. He sent next da? foi a physician. .The doctor sadly said: -T V ."Hers is no bodily ill. My skill u useless here. Keep her from nV excitement, : and time may work z a -eure;"i-i -r ' tAnQtheriyyear wwaZhn, arid stiil : May; was. mad. -Her fa ther kept the secret of her jr.anlty W6ll vSIlO YTS'InSVOl vio;-w--Ta wnen "something remmded her of! Henry Sayre4uen,;asf jipn that first night; she iwoidd ravqi for - a moment and mutter : ' - u" rwiii km him I ; i:; ; 5 Once she went out of the house and returned without her father's knowledge. With the cunning of madness -she concealed the revolver she had purchased. . .; vruc uiuruiug oixr. jianin iwas in his library alone. ' IIq heard May i - .. i- - in ntjr room singing a sad sonr. There was a knock at the hajl door. le opened it. Hefore him, brown ed and bearded, stood Henry Sayre. VIn no. gracious way, Mr. IMartin asked him in. To sooner were they seated than Henry Say re saicl ; "i had hoped for a wanner,' kind- er reception from yousirTi Air. Martin's 1 face flushed with ! "What kindness can vou! exnect fir," he exclaimed, "from thp father of the girl whom you have ! made mad ?" : i . i "Mad, sir What do you mean ?" tion at the man before him Abe wretched father Ipoured ont bis sad 9fnrv ..i ; j- When he had done Henry Savre, -u-...: J 1 i .i : uesiue . mmseu wim reproachful rrrior vio.'l s" ! "Oh,-Mr. Martin, listen "that vou may know 1 am1 not the scoundrel daugh-: all the love her Lwas nonoraoie to asks her to be the-wite of a portioidess man. I wep t away animated by3 the jsweet hopej that, if fortune lavored me, 1 misrnt! return and claim her, for I believed then and believe nowi she loved & mo. I have been successful I arrived in the village only last nigtit, and' came here this morning for yonrfconseut to ask her to be my wife. At this, houi which for years I had hoped would be one of joy, 'sorrow has found me. You1 are her father, but the blow can have fallen no heavier on you than me." . The other would have ahsweved him- answered him with that sub tle tenderness which' men know so well how to show to men, A shrill wild laugh startled them. May must have - heard and nized her lover's; voice, for she stood in tne aoorway, a revolver ;m bei hand. 77er eves blazed with a fu rious light, and she . gazed at Sayre steadily.: She smiled as sbelbrou'rht the revolver to a level with his breast, r I " a ! ' ' 1 1 f'Dou t fire, May P screamed her father, in agony, as he sprung to wa,'d her. ; ' Jj i l he sharp report; followed his command, and, Sayre, shot ! in the breast, seized the table tolnrevent I , . . - n . . . 1 nimseir Jrom tailing. . M - May riioaned, in a stran see, pitiful way she looked at him, then at the revolver in her hand. . She seemed to comprehend what she had done. ior sne rushed to the. windqw:,and threw the weapon from hem then fell at her, lover's ieet and moaned again. i . ' i I When the - doctor arrived, he found the patient had been put to hpd ! i p r He waff very crave at firsti but at last decided that, though dangerous, the wound was not neces ardy fatal. "Me must have the best of nurses -let it be May.' "But," protested Mr. Martin,. "in her madness, she hated bim and brought him to-this!" 3 t "Lrjokat her now," replied the I Pysieian. "There is no danger." auu. ux truvu mere was none. She was ever at his bedside, patient anar-lovinsr. '. As she nursed him back to iife. her brain I cleared. When at last he was able fto leave a u ; i . i z i uio ucu were was llu iilaUUcas in ucr tender evea: I t I The cloud upon her brain had been driven away by the ove-light i that had come toher heart : and so "There comes a sound .of marriage-holla.' J.ne ! general ! average j price o sheep in North Carolina ii .put a $1.75--lower than any other Sta.e i m tne u nion. ; j. ne average m Rhode Island is $5.75. .. . In Illinois ss.ou t Kentufikv su.13. I Advertiso in the JLaijcb. Ben Butler's Bricks. MORS OT HIS SPEECH AT THF fiANKS : CLUB OIT' SATURDAY XIGIIT HIS " STRICTURES UPOJf JHE PRESIDENT. At itf dinner of the Banks QJub in New -York, Saturday evening of last week, Gen. Butler was entef tamed and ppoke at length", giving his views on , the situation. He de fendcd: the --President's- titleat criticised his Southern policy. f; He said iSofaevof 'the leading papers haye-ialleriged me o sketch where in'; fa Republican , admin lslration ftiight; iay; donb better- Now, that bard; - t cot properly tcj banut yatc. . ( I . to the office of " Presiden t, and so i-Iam not "called7 upon - to 'shape: policy,1 : but I think, : with-: out qfiense, that there is . a way wheireiri I believe I can indicato a policy which should be a little dif ferent from that pursued for instance on the Southern - question . I have ud ill-will -against the Southern peo ple. .'If I were in the President's place I do not say that I would not have conciliated the South. If 1 had it in my power, as Chief Executive ot the nation, I would conciliate every honest and law-abiding citi zen of the South with every honora ble means of conciliation in mv power, and, on the other hand, I would use that samo erecutive power o follow alter and punish the murderer of an inoffensive citi zen to the fullest ezt ent of the law. What I object to is that life, orop ertyiand liberty are not safe to-day in the South, and that murder is in that section unavenged and uupnn ished. Would Andrew Jackson, do you ' think, have allowed the Chishokn massacre yet to be inves tigated, while Cnlly, the man who headed the moo that murdered Ch's holm and grossly insahed his wife and daughter, is elected sheriff of Kemper county ? But it is sa;d. You have sporadic ciimes at the North.' We do, and 'we punish th em. But how about this ca? Nk even a word has been spoken by the .Administration against the Kemper county .massacre. Again, i believe .tbat it was the S v u7e;UaeU btates, and, finding that to be so, to smfain oVov to alnn( 0o ui-. w i same ticket m his nlacebv everv LWii v w v y - CtVvlbU Ull tilC dollar at his command, f Applause.! - . 1 I have no respect for a man who . s a j I St- rX'lF Hayes duty to the Republican party Ste-SU; v..w..w w m-o rt,Ijr ,, ,1 . I JV" "Tr.uu"? BUO-;uu "aye,'llsM aDaicaiea nis claim, jet us aoan- 1 don his election, and wash our hands mi tue wuuie maner. v e e gvp. matter. We believe 1 ui. ht- tt . m. " ,, .rlfr T,. wlon3Iul y eiKi.i.Kii. i iih rTiu i i j i r"i ti nnriv 'frf? .part? that belief during all stood firm in A 1 1 . I inai lone: count ana that anxious period from November to March. In my judgment it was his duly to stand by us, and say to these men who were voted tor on thn same ticket with himself, and the ballots for whom were counted by the ame ret uvniDg boards which declared bis election, and who received more votes than he himself in many cases, that the .ower of the United Stalps should suppoit their right every where if he had no suspicion regard ing the foundation on which he was declared to be elected, in Louisiana or instance. And don't let an v one 7 ttat I do not believe Mr. lau iy elected, tor l have not looked into the subject carefully enough to orm a judgment on it. 1 think his oouMo m JLioaisiana was very. nnjusL It he wasv himself elected. 'Packard was elected by the same vote. If Packard was elected the Lecrisla- ure which snstained him and elect ed Kelloffs: was elected, and the Nicholl's Legislature, was a mob. This clearly constituted a case of domestic violence, which Packard was unable to repress, and his rail to repress, and his V as uieany warranted, f- TT A.n . ' " V uva ua.c jusuuuuu l to tnay call lor the UoUStltUtlon so mstructed him." 1 Renewed Interest In X.ifc7 A Vicksbur? wife infnrmo.q r,n. t 1 . .. I "v. MW nusDand the other inornin she was uo u uw aiurumg sue was working herself into the ff?ave. for -Vn ' 1 1 . . . the want of a hired n-irl. and went out, she leaned back nd' fill to weeping.: . The children were makmz a noise in thft boll . a h passed out, and he called r .it 1 oui ought to stoD this racket Your mother won't Uvea week,, and wnen you get a step-mother, here next spring, she won't put up with anyuch tooling r , . , , . " .?n e we"t home to. dinner, ms wife met hini with a smile .and 8aT t . . t8D otrs a . cosey little homel lucnara, witn only oar own little family to look after ! 1 1 A gf athush falls on the 2ar lilce a knelt jand as untold sadn ss set tles lik;j a pall over the lJart for' baby it1 sick. Is it not straoge that a wee jttle thing bhonld have the power Ho change, every Ihirig, mak ing Ui& sunshine that but yesterday played; jo merrily and bright-fti and 1 out of l ie rwlndows seems such a cruel ri pekerv to-dav, and changing vue joy jus tones the, elder .chil dren inv7 funeral no lea? But gucb is the jell that - bav has . woven. I Knutuki herself into Ihevery raeh C3 or Of iicnr" s, ihl sue- uiueUsub- tin TTiif i- f1..: uo.uJ- Lie mini tuo iiitlo'lorui liesprofXrate,--; ; - :' WhaJcAise wcibout the brdet. of the . wqk-baket 'when the little hands- tCjat made such havoc there in scat j,ering the buUons over the floor, plJling out then ecdleg,uri win ding ret js, and dofng other innu merably things are lying idle, with fever' cursing through each waxen finger ?H And does not every one inthe.Ujnse share the solic'uude, raakingthe anxiety general ? Even Mary ifyvea her work in thi kitcken to niaki frequent inquiries about calls "Vby" is. But t? je most touching of all is the sad-ce ot the mother, sitting at the fcickVfcouch, ever and a:ion bend ing low: 'ever the idol of her soul to Tdss th't little chock so brirrht with feipr, while her heart a.sct'tids to the One who sent her darling in apeuticu maL me suuerer may so u beiestored to health; and as her glaijjjo falls on the tiny red hood an i cloak so lately worn, what woudertbat the teats tall fat? It calls so $ vidly to mind what may be But neejt we Iooger dwell ? Those who hate known what it is to have an empfjr cloak and hood- that will never rnro bo filled by the loved form foj Jwliich they were made, will know w; jy mamma's tears fell. . To those wtj.o have been sp ired that sorrow were useless to explain God grt they may never know. Yl jg;eta.lI love Letter p!uckedrom the Wing of an Angel raendeibv the nravers of ah intent ""t f y VU e pi a V el S OI an -1 il UU C . L W 4. . -. I oauifc, ubungui expect. XO pami .1, 1 '.- L 1 r.v . f, - Lilt, in ir'iir' 111 I'viii.iit'K. 111 1 11:11- ti i it 1 cm i which t,y thrilling eloqueuce has it S rZTZv.l Bentimits, soft soap of consistency; ofJan inrtnTdreams. Thy steps a? h4, the tender-footyedze'byr: JL aiTidiTi thine eyes o are brilliants stolen lorn seraphs. Tby lips are 1 Lj,nj . k.. . i i - A clc Unlff In tle Bonne. .Wnfiir Th. ,..1- nlrU? I v a mm j w V A VlLJ aftWl 1 1 . -i ? . .i m use urupa 01 amoer. my teetu are Miow-lies et in a bed of verbena, O, swe i ppTits of cam distilled essence of hart -v . ' . bor, double tsuorn. sour croutoij my hopes, apple sauce of my thoughts, Dnttcr tcr-milk catsup of r of innocence, ap- fection. rDoiwoud Tie perfec thou art the time of my il r.o n a.' 2lrnrl vemicli rC m r via'nn J "V sanctiCj .rfio of my recoil sctioa. jLhou a x. as handsome as a stripped nvena,' .poitca a a leoparu or a grcasecistreakof Jigbtui.ig churned to coilslUencv in the milkwav. Thou art as. harmless as a wolfj- handsome as an ojin iant, niHouiovr) as a Hon Oaionfpf my soul, pickle pankin, preserved ai)plo of the" "afdea of to lover dwells1 H-YoPT darling BET5EY. TheUxport of lef tobacco from ttiu TTr in.l Ci i j irn ... u.wU i-.iww w.M, iu iiuj. in 187;i it rose to 518, 0U7, 804 noun(i;I ' ' poundf. , U J . nn, J'L.i times have told ftprrrplv : "lJW" --iuiawuiJ. J. ur iuu yi'ur UDon rn orntion. Fnr ihft r. ft i 1 .:.,..r.;. - I a. mJ W. llllllll llll ill l ll'l M M 1 m 1 w II 111! tbous?Sd, as against two hundred and sii ty thousand in 1S73. York'fity" were very heavy in I ; i & 1 j 1 .1 -1 e,?ul' fu.u.u.reu '. anu tevent V-four. ?7 , 7, .7.7. --- with Abilities apountmg to nearly I Ft V-f r million sluMtwa An.l nonta nxty-tuo million dollars and assets aboutiiwenty-one miliifin Adia flan w Jctnrera ;,numberiuglorty-four, uead tie lit. lollowed by thuty-live i i banke'U'i and bokers, wbo went v aown m,er l?e ucavy Ioaa oi more than sl? Bullions. - Ho of ton.- oh. how often, a mm with ely one sol.tary button on his .ghirt, pd that one a br.iss piu, lookn with')gv6uring envy upon bii wife's new i fven buttoned glove, and wished alL the fchirts in his collection were j jfst one glove. . ITiere does eeem i omething wrong in this divis- my fauSr I pie but:er of of melcpy, ii3f4UFihogshtfaJ8: in lbi2. liS2.- "-"Jidupcwcf ioo SSn .431 Inminda no 1 fti i 8"oa or nrt-c n , ,,' r?i ' , - y " camvor muUaten Prominent Asri cml tural duels. Iro- As giving air idea of the relativo value of same of the principal ;.agri- caltm-al products of the United . State?, the following from FUtitics for 1876 wM-ha interesting.. -Jlhen tlje,ialue W9 III U'mT A mfm WW.iJwa4 a of thi products givu.,be' e 'a fallows : 'T " -' ijL: - ow were Indian com- . Hay . : Wheat Cotton . ' -. 4 Oata ; " . Potatocai - DarLt-y - - .0424203,15 -294,riSQ,0W;: - 120.403 03o 1TJ. liUCiwWljOt - ine cotton.."so often vanrcd' iis king, was four; jh on the list of -agri- . cultural prodtfets. . Now it will rate -still lower. ;V "p Aorth Carolina contains l ,025 distilleries, the Largest number of any State in the Union. Kentucky comes next with 754 distillerks MEW ORCAMS-1C stops 8 23, 10 " la, fcVi. a,;.; Pianos rvtaU jr!vy 875jonly fcUSj'jSend for cauAdcntial' Circular. 1) F itty Within Jo-i.N' J hoct maaic, JV, lrr or ga:ts. ilusic , i'Qb co, Mid Jlcly. Mt Oioet withjj iac, J Doato j Co, Km- pr f i-argw uiua, l&ru wuu uaujv .u vo a - " - XJ V13iil3 withTot rae.9o,30 now fan cr3 loc OatfiU lnf Y WMbbnra A Co, MiJdi- N8 and : Rcrolvcr. !!li':rafrt VXPric Price List? free. Ofeit VVtni r.nn Works, PitUburs, Pa PnEE Mammoth Oatfit to Every dy. Sim-wirlcr watcli free with m caoxEO ri q rapSL, rS ;I A B I T . C U R ETT: V A Certain and Sure Cure . R lotion In Prices. A trial . xttle ut 9, . 2Irt J.- A. DroUigcr TTrrrrsrji -. ; r. . r, : ... ?i X Cat, lrai4ioij & 5urAUi tiutl uJ LItI- . - pnes.rheufrwtaredlimba.fros-- ,te?!1,a,"ylP Q th mawict and Joiote. indolent, lloer. dimchireintr botch. 11 l . - ' . o c pwenea oret ij, crynpelM, and tMcoss min it .r.f.i vVV('Af n...i . " - w. v. ..vi. cheaper thin tafotber. and U wrrant.l by o iui , uwiu it u uciver. urmirur ana icu x rorrraQ Doiesaie Longu., 55a UDture. ThoM wisLln;! Relief and Cnra tnr Ttnn. turo Bhotlld ccJi,cdt Dr J A Sberain. SU3 Broad way. fw'2'ork. Dt? ' Send l6cts. ty bia oer boot with Photo. likeucMs of bS cases before asd care, liwire of cheat who -t.T-ptnd to lornisb Dr. Rttrmaaa treatment. One of theo fOo, a genn.a clerk, now cmngbimelf W G Cremplen, u indicted, en co.uplaintofiPf 8 and await trial for rorgei7 ana emlfczllement. A QQ'fl t.LXl; - 't'U,,.. ;pf anted, FOR 'PAIt (CTJLAES, ADDRESS " . WiLSXl CApH3c C3. 8proa4waT,:VyorkC;ty; wmcago, iiu j. Kof Orlcana, I. ; . ' - r i orSan Traacly, Ca. SeJidforreduccdrcc List MASCIJ & HAMLIN - ' CABIKT ORGANS .,Sefenrtd '1'? Rtylc; Price, ndacd R Jiton, Ne i4k, or Cbica ' ; " ' ; S GREAT tjFFm-TnT.mYJ. l ... f nvewiad-irmj .tbe iT.M r . . .... - T-m . . tho' Ne ljnotan l'Or-. iker at lower pncc for' t,tncp em before -3cif J. TMtdfor aycara. ihTx.t-nd cauicgu maded. treat-wunceineou to tb trade, liarjoT-ocUTclfc dult.riif71-ocUvo dohara. Orsij. 2 flow IS dOUan: 4 t.,. .-gu are tbe Ui rcide I Mdollar, I Ur. lo itor in oerfL-c. uUctareriiLdtleilm ii v..iutk J.tr: . 7- mmw a - - m.1 l"w L I Q-f 1 UlU OSE CF CAIJLKFLH. That I V s vaajia liadicol Cure tor Catarrh I ill 2iot inaUdtl- relicre and BoAdilr alLU Co. AuW n y: wn in. ziuZ lon.UrmtA ... t s ' . ;, . . r,' V9a At Loan. Tcum-ai: lnatnUo vr mail. . Prica. trim iaDrorM inhaler. ; Terywncxl '.SSSS? I ler. TTOlirii!linM. float.... If... -..-.- ly'Wvp1" J.Jof"n. ii. Cuiaa'. Voi- PECTORAL BALM, Tho Great Zemedj for COlJGll)i,.COXD.S ksn CONsniiiPxioN; ' . FIN CAY it TUOilPSOy,' V. New Orleaus, la Solo Ati. 7 (toni C5 dullara. 8 nor T. 85 dollara, I2sto;ft,9o do)ltm. 0 1 " ' , '" ' j i . 4 4 i 4 i. ! I i ion of muttons. ; , -- r Tor 0 ty ilftTCjgiaU. h 1 i. ii j-. ii; 4-