f h : ti ' v j, " . i ; - t ' j ' " ? ; jV j ,- - . ' '' ' ' ' ', '"" : ; V , , $:. , Vm ,. f:ff ; .- - ' v j ; vol. 2. i II------ ;i j 4- .it i ... . . , , , . ... . . - . . . .. ., , . . - T r - t : - ' . t : . . m - jmtOXFOm FREE LANCE; '11 73 li: PublisLed eveEiday Morning oyer the & SONS, fcT4 MTTCHELI 1 r i ' PKOFJESSlONAt. CAlt$.- -TOHNWl HAYS. ; i Attorney '&Counseltor&l Law, I 'L OXFORD N. C.: . ' ' t ; J. v Office after the first day! of January over the v j new store of Tf D. Crarford& Ccn . ;r , JOHN t-:;:DRITT.r 1 "!.' Anij person sending vu dub of Jn,ve isuoscrioers; ucwrripurvvcw hn thj cash wzLL receive one copy free for one year. Yhe Free Lance is the .Leading Journal bf Granville County, &nd circulating largely in all the udiointng counties, offers an ktThshriDassed - medium for AcL- verti&ars io reach the pnblic. i tSf!- Business Letters, must be Ad -dressed; to the Publishers. S; PEACE; -H; ; :u;d 'Attorney ;at Law -i - Attention paid to' collectipn ol claims noi 3-: T B. TENABLE,: r r 1 s . ' ; : r - Attorneys arr raiv, ' - y y " " Oxford; jr.c. - ' Practices in ; Supreme Federal and State Courts i " . , !' . ; Colectioii3bl Claims a Specialty. - r :j. jj t. Jordan; , ; Attorney & Counsel lor at Law, -HENDEESOIK N. C: noltf Q.EORGE WORT1IAM, : - Attorney at Law, . , OXFOIiD.'N C. Office Nq 2 Venable Buildirig w. I Attorney & Counoellor at -Law, au412m DENDERSok, N.C , V J pleasant; A : TALE OF THE. FAR WEST. INDIRECT ORY. TOVN AND -COUNTY. P. M. B R I G G S 1: M1y64T.' D. Crawlord. i oMiknssioKEKS.-rS S IHaithcock, C A! Taykir; (p P Hester, Jno WjHunt. I SKCRBTAKT, -'ADl .TBttASffilBE. i X.axidi3. stent greeted Mr; iMarlyn's eve as he threw open the f door leading tQ . the- apartment M mm. am ( I a A A lk W W1 V M M V M ' fi 1 BCTVlUg S3 'MltUCU, UllJiUg.iUlU. Diir ting room in-one, on, this very cold niehtin mid winter. A bright fire crackled and sparkled in the wide chimney .place,;and the; kettle sung a: merry tune all to itaeljt, to whicn a demure "gnmaHun ' uqdaed grave approvals. -' A r ound table, drawn to therr centre of the floor, with snowy cover and neat aippointments, shone in the fed light thrown by the logs uS burping; ' But there was ev idently something wanting to com- plete " Its comfort for the master,- who glanced "expectantly arouna as he walked .toward the fire; , Where's Maggie ?' he . asked, fi nally, throwing down his bundle ot frost-crusted wood on the hearth 'She has gone with Arthur Tracy to Sandvjlle, answered his wife, mentioning a village seVeral .miles to the' west. 'He had feome busi ness to transact and asked her to go-' -: , . ' ! 'Gone with Tracy I' repeated the husband in a tone of surprise and annoyance UI : thought Vllarry- was coming here to-night ?. ) .; ; 'I believe: she decided to-go with Arthur ; girls are changeable, you know, returned the wile Girls are fools v added Mr. :Mar- tyni administering a vigorous kick to the huge back log by rway of em nhasis;, sending a shower of red sparks - up the chimney sear in ing waiii a sound once heard, nev- erforg6ttbn. T - .Blacrgiehad rcpcateaiy neara it when - theblve, pressed by sore i not4 Vsent to the inn', requesting the cosr her her life, and of Tracys de- serVpxu .'T .V.'t '5 fore than ? one brow : grew dark at Tje'cital, and hard hanas were cleiphed in rage. , They had no op- por-nnity to avenge it,.howevcr, for Artiur 'iVacy was.never seen in the !vu i j - :. - i ' j i.. . hunger ventured within, the limit I retujn of his trunk to Boston, .told r f Via. efittlcmont At QMVt iimDO I l. she would cover her head, and trem- Tjiis adventure effectually clear- bling Tvith .fear,' ' pray that she, or ed t'ie 'dastdo of gold' from-Maggie's any loved "the, might liever be er- eye&t and when the rose over the posed to such a death. . I: littlt j low house! opened their first And now .aiaint moan of anguish budi"in the early summer. Maggie escaped1 He'f lips.-' :Trajy turned toj becaioe Mrs. Harry Nelson ; and if nur ill Duipjsc. .... I luervf is any person. v wuuu 0,10 'Why, fc what is the matter V he thbf lushly dislikes being reminded, cried, seeing her pale' and afiKght-ht is.he brave' companion of her vu. icuLui vs, r , . 1 riae;- tor me. ' - - She endeayored to. speak, but her ; ; , , voice aild lier .Thenas the death . U.. : '.YES Oil f O. cry arose again on the still night air, ' 'if?'. ' , with the strength of desperation DdLaay will you "kindly lend she almost shrieked, 'Drive laster! AtunUon for awhile 1 faster ! Don't von hear them ? The tpt tne man w sue anasmir u-, . . . 1 1 o-ain ft rair one s Bnuie. wolves r- 1 . Tmf 4oo dull to act the spaxk. But a3 if 111 doubt he reined in the horses to listen. . ! 'And that is the wolves, is itr he asked, quietly. . Maggie bowed shghjtly. . . His face grew. aV white as the! snow about him in an instant, and! grasping her arm sternly, his polite ness, vanishing with only the instinct) NEW.O t-ANS- 13 ttopt 1123, 10 HHJ, 12, to iTAnos rcUil price 4750 onlv f &3. . Send for confidential 3aew rvc. fd 2 so unirnmenul aoa bct inn K 10c, nilrii or atuapa. 2Tu!a ' Inb co, jwr9 Mt - . rCarda c!tjirs lua, or 0 chromocarff an, N T -.t . -.. :' f brief: Toi blunt to play the bean, 111 aia question plain and bn - JniTanswer Yes or No. - i- I can jet rare aa lovers raye, No swear as lovers swear: My v is Jast to pass my word. An'H kep it "fair aod square.w I'm it an honest bnsiness man, As- jay dealings show. And t 'J inch a barbain at the start. Wip simple xes or NEV ,LD VEBT1S EMEKTS, f Large; ; ? ted Cards tilth nama ta cift, , O VlSi(3SivHbeot cue.OcO nw fen card OaVfittf ,et FWuhbaraa Co. Kiddle-" Mass. . " i loc bom 1 . 1 - . . 1 1 . . ' IMce I34 free. Great Western Gca 1 Works, PitVrnrg:, Pa . ..; - - mt - - , . FREEMiupoth Outfit to- Kvr)b- - dy. St.tTwir dcrwate5i Xrr with " first order. ja1 dollar a daj marcittevA. CBOEO1 5 AO i ., rtCadcIphia, Ta, w i Milwaukee, : ic nsui. . ," Probate County- LTTOIiNBY ; AT JAW, Praxes in th Courts ofTake and Orange mind, Jane; he exclaimed turning and the Supreme! Court oft North Carolina, angrily towards his Wife; 'Mag Will Special attention given to collection of claims pi ay her tricks once too of t en. Har- and to the adjustment' and ( settlement ;of ac-: Vr T - i ; counts, parucularlv to the-accounts of Guar- ry -Nelson is as fine a fellow as ever Aian-and Ward, iJiecutors,' Adminiatrators Stepped in 6hoe leather, and if she and Trustees, ,:and aU.busiues'sin the Probe nffpn Kim' rHaMI rn tl.n rlv Court generally. Uflifce corner FayeUeville 3.?. 7? ' - 7 ' IJuDGE c& Superior Court1 Ci.krk.--B Il!ozart. ;;' !;" - j '- ; -:i-.t REQISTERj OF 5JEEDS. A rl ; (Jooke . SHERiFlf.BF BuHok. j Coroner. Joseph Beckham. ' " Treasurer.--ManlrB Jones Standard Keeper.--W.t G Crabtree. i ScjwiE1Saminer,---R i Wttassitef. Keeper P,oou I1ouse. J .1? Cole. ! Commissioners, W K Jen kins J, . C Go.peri J,IlSuit,Wbhington Britlgers lJaiSpencer:vw;; ' - . and Martin streets, opposite Citizen s'National UaiiK, upstairs. j? ; i li .a janutti R. GEO WV IiANDIS, ?; 1 did it. . Mrs.'Martyn sighed as she togk her place at the tea-table;" Mother's love is ever-ready with .an excuse, or i?preuQn ren lung, ne . , ft v b talk cnea, vvuu.ypu Knew 01 mis aang- DfiWers smarts and darta: er, ana yet persuaaca me to remam so ' , lohg"Vln,frthat cursed ! villajge. Now listen he continued ! with fi endish deliberation -i'I" will drive fact; make . every effort to escape : but if it comes to the worst and its impossible for both to bo saved, you shall go, and rightly, too, for He grasped the reins and urged the horses on, and as they sped rap- iuiy gvtr ,xno snow, luaggie sat aiimDandmotioniess with terror. Only -the ledgo-bells a Offers his?rjrofesloiral services to the and, in ' this instance, reasoned as people of Oxford, indsurrouridlnff follows "Llvincr in a lo'nolv nnfre- country. Can tound always at qaented!. Western village, scarcely, one of the Drug Stores, or athis father's mn.ii- -. . ;,f rociA,n,-cMai rVu.n I - more than a mere settlement, with no boowiyi. Biivo Kuviv uau run? I onlCknow the honest way The tfcepeat waters qoiet sleep: . Tin shallow murmuring flow. So all -the vows I give or ask , la refly Yes or No, if : Old SI on Klnfolks. J II?it!B IT' CURED Ajtprtain and Sare "Care . LarjeUfduntlon In THoes. 'A trial bottle:, Jse, Mrs J. A. DrolIlcr. i ; . . -:z. - I-ai'orte, IrTanJU V ' . i . . ' Bo!&lo3S jForoeriy Mrs S B ColllruJ : TATHCj )'S REMEDY. For JL Cats, tir p4 &, SpTuaim, iAuxi and bleed inz pUc, rh. tnatlsm, ratared Dmbt, tro . d limbs la.rWpiim'in Uie mucl! afi4 . :ouit, lndolrl nicer, dwcharijinj ores. welled sortf Jee.-rTWpel4. nd-vanr i reins is 8afd's Extrmct of Witfe Hant. Ask for it,b"asoit U better, strootr a&d cheaper thai f y other, and is warraote4 y. -Weeks' PoA ca. yvbolaaala DrarnKa, Mo t WashisjctoD e Hot too. Maw. . , re.-" r Thoso wtbiUg Relief aod-Core tor Rap tare Hioald; totalt Dr J A Sbemus, DrodwAT,,t Tork. , : Send 10cti2 r bit new book, with Pkota- T graphic Lkcr-V? of bad eases belnrs and A ?os was looking very aad when gSffiKS! ' ! oneortbci viijrtwa,m rrrnsft e'ertu ow it calling hiratf ir W O' Crrrcykn. Is lcAli rn eomplalnir IT R and avails trial for ' : ' . . . . - - - 1 le i began to ; hope that they, .had wtlflnrdo nnivaraelness ob onkaik- ien eceivedi" or the wolves had elatrtl, -liatur V st the scent, when a' quick, loud 'fU yer kno's dem fokes ob my y,- bursting from -.the-whole pack, old 'Jman V ' ; -- 5arcelv : a hundred Varda awav. ; 'iUoesl t . . cits ii T - T. COUCH, . . i Surgeon Inferior, Court n U enzist, V: l Justices ; B A Capehart, S II Can- nadri t Wilkins Stovall. solicitor ; , A- s reace, CXerk ; A J.andis. : OXFORD, N.y c. V May be foundiat his residence where lie will take pleasure " iri-1 meeting his friends arid attendins: to their wants in the different branches of Ms profession. Residence opposite Baptist Church.v nl tf .. . - . -i iU - 1 i ' Mails. HOTELS4 settlers could give . them, though thoroughly, appreciating ? the .. worth of Harry Nelson, she could not blame Maggie for being attracted by the polished exterior ot the hand some Boston, merchant, fi ; Mr. Martyn finished his - supoer in silence, but anxiety sobnjtook the place of anger jhTiis heart.. V 'Did you ' caution1 Maggie -about coming home before dark V'.lie ask ed. inaU leaves, Oxford daily arrives au uiiuiuai y m. . P'lrP0B-fpSTOvmk LC Taylor, Hendersom at8 a. m iind fMails f er ' Sassafras Fork, Youngs X KoadsVj Brownsville,' ""Buchanan and Saturdays kt am; 1 arrive at Oxford ; f same da vs at 6 n m. 1 I ! iMaila for Tkllv Hoi Knap of Reedsf V I arid , iarid i . aamedaviat 9 r m. Vi For Berea leave Oxford Baturuay 3" at i i o m-ana arrive at vxioru same uv at QXFORD HOTEL R. E. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. ' j ' "! , n:. ;- I H ! . " I 1 am prepared ta accommodate the travel ins: public on the most reasonable terms. ; ' ) Special inducements given to boarderaby tne montn. l I . t it yanivii he ca xic into the office.! ghat's de matter no wl' asked soli ci tons Old Si. t ' 1 W ell, Tseboddered lease ob de bitter I hmDkontrarines ob mankin' V mockerv-T-no w $ broke the stillness. A V - what s dat hez up-sot . yo She ; began to hope that they, had feUbfin de nnivaraelness ob onkaik lOSt cry scarcely :& hundred yards: away, rbused. her from her-anathy.-suid drove Ti;a'c'v almost into a frenry. I h'oua 1 '1 He cast' the reins violently from him jess iyin' 'round gittin' 'way hash and s6rancf from the sledcre. crivinfflan tho horses as i ho did " so &' neavv I m lash with .the whip that :.sent ! them yards away from where, he was said , Old SL . , fltRTWT HRflrl standing". : ! Vi ell, I stood dat Tout ez long Mri VifvMi11 hewou Then required, all her attention. Y, . , axed him for .ter lqn me er quarter ' T mm. mm mw m m A m- mm. s-m f 9 mm mm Ami f a Wo ter C L my nuucs paw;iicu an lie lus ron rwiificuLAUs, addhess . tT!l crvrilf c fnrc rn -. J&U. dey'a bin down dar ll.K La.;;.-'; - rr wan inrunciam, ( a. fi ipjucks at le skcdjule ob three AVwi 7)7i f2vAvv7, P- TrVr: ealJaday.by tho town-clock.' I . . rj- 0F,, - - ! .'i W'd dey wuz bunkin1 on yer!' MAStJN & HflMLIfl V v "io uuiuui cucuueu uiwijr wai. . b .v. , ; ... -i- iwwiou, Utts DOtiia. 18T71. . - i I. 3 1 . l .1 .1 .7 1 . 1 I 1 .1 4 W . c-J . . ...... ... . . Kl. taKe to a tree ior Batety. ver a i oie man ueu umw u iwu uui 1 AiwreM. .ua:iuk uuujlti co Wown dangerous sifuadon larsf pr. vorkmV at :de 'Ieckshun, 1 1 va. or cnioago. . ..; I . mm mm, mm m in" T .. . Ye-ST- it is time for her to be tern woman, inured to hardships mJPmi.-D,'rK r"UI,u here now,' returned the" wife, glanc-. anddangers of all kinds, asserted 'ue,t2 l?e?, 10 Donw DW "um' iiau. uucaoiiY an mo uuu&i n uiiu nao .q PYisTRncR. n ir wuu l i tiiK renin i :. ' i- j . We will dirint Ahcws Hard Time soJ lb nohdays dup, of 100 New runos and Or gans, ot first-cv ss makers at lower price for s.wiio ever oefTre onered Dutchville leave Oxford Tuesdays, Fridays ait JGani, arrive at Oxford; 4'" 1 H STOP AT . THE ; YARB0R0 . HOUSE, de on Raleigh', N. Ci Churches- Episcopal;: Rev ! M H Vaiiehan Rector. If Services every . 2nd- and 4th Sabbaths at 11 a m and 4 p m. Evening Service aiad Lecture every Fiday at4 pirn, i V:. -i fV'. v.- . XUiESBYTEkiAN; ' Rev D E Jordan. Pastor, services every; 1st and 3rd Sab bath morning1 and night. I . Prayer imeetlng every ' Wednesday night.'iH!i 'l- ':' 'i -:- ' L' f Baptist ; ReV F R Underwood, Pas jton senrloes; eVery 1st Sabbath morning and tight; 2nd Sabbath night and 3rd NATIONAL (HOTEL, j ! - : - v ilv" " -;;v ! Accommodations; equal to any in the city ,' 'Board: $2,00 Per Day! Delightfully situated next to Cajpitol Square, RALBIGE, JT. C. K ; Special Inducements offered by the weefc and month. Firs t-classJBilliard and BaXi-at- tached to the Housei - ! 1 t 7tf - C D. OSBOBN, Proprietor, 'And they have two stretches of Ufd dw the hoVses in foV a brief V ll" er lack! 1 tell yer, now, waauVi rt tmoq ti,,.',i5;M ''Iu-'ja I desQ ".in-folkes is moughty onthans tered, looking gloomily qut.on the cu'late upon ber chances for life, tul aflhard to git eben wid. fftfit"frLtrifei4nr ':niyht.-r.; r ? . , - .-. wua. .-i,.- i,rtr.v, I 'NtfW you se striking de rite Tho, fnntVior'a Tionrf. conV ii nnl- u nni;.. exclaimed old Si I se seen dat all derstood the ominous meaning cdn- a my '-Hy5 ai .( veyed by.his words. , . i: .,. firgt patterjng& 0f rain-drops on for i Marty -. parties, lingering beyond est leaves, warned ber that her time daylight ura pkasure-rldcs, had nev- wag rimited-with an encburagirig er returned ; the stained snow, with . a ul scattered fragments of torn clothing, them; with., the whip, . Away they wm -1JG1A f ftUUUi " uu,s sisriAd -.with aneed of 'the wind. On i on! guiding them with r.ui, or niiA em aicrs'.i'arjQjnd o warrsniea ior ; .gsns are tbebes nada . 11 script ir ob dat spcnence jiro dat I'd redder hab er good frien dat iz he ld cook at er hotel aan er cars. lutitniAd em.tklArtiM mUed. rrvtvjQdoeerueot to ' tba. trad, runos 7-ocUrX t4JuUars 7 1-3-oeUfe 6o dollara. Otzx 2 slops 48 oMlara. 4 ttcm. 53 dollars. 7 tttr t C5 dollars, fl ton 7n Art.- lrs lo stop fc-v tToUara, 12 stops, 9o d liars. u yinoc orcer- noi useu a jeac. . Kbt ran W at half rncJIorac water A Ron. m.rw. printed ntactnrers antf Vtalcrs. lo lastlllh tstreet, iro dat wYwV. . ,o . .. i. ' 4 ? 0 TOft'T CftSE CF. CAUFEH.- That ; V O VUd's iUdicaJ Cure lor Catarrh - will aot instarrt? reliere abd 'speidilr : iu.icrcnc iref lv Well-, taq," WaUs, Fsrr of f the forests the wolves. The hours ; passed . heavily.1 ' Sixseven -eight struck, and still no signs of their return. V 1 At last, unable to bear his bus-. pense longer, Mr. Marty ni' went 'out in quest of Harry, and with him to devise some means of relief, i a steady band, the wide open plain was soon leftar behind, and Mag gie held her breath hard, as they dasnea-.witu ngntnmg speea unaer the boughs of. the second stretch of woodland. - master ana iaster through the thick woods thanking string 'ob kin-fokes ez long ez Sher man's army 1' , ago, .AunTr,; wm inV E7ireiK ua i ; remarK piuraps. uo mumic i r . Kn, uau. estunotuaia middtlmanl; assented Amos, with SS.g&S marke J enthusiasm. Constitution, ter, proprietory lkton.-j f -,' ' ! t&ic 1'UnUrs arc the bet. Thelr Illjrli IVoaes. He jirore sheep-skin mittens, had his pahts in his boots, and he cov erea ftjs horses with old pieces ot j O Y S T E R B R O S OAK HTLLf N. lbM ' I .bpatn morning. . n 1 nki A t ua bijibu r.BUUUl 6UC Prayer ! Meting - every Thursday UfV IxOOuS UTOCeiieS, tended her calls! to far 'beyond their i MethodisH : ReV T Gibbs. Paster, Services 2nd Sabbath morning at 11 a m and;3rd and. 4th Sabbath night In every month.; ; - l CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Aud in fact everything usually kept in a country store, j Clieap for cash. Give ns d call. Boots j&hoesilIIatSm 'AfAonvTiilo- tK limiro vB;nr a , & 7 . 7 ?. rat? ca et. and entered a hardware 'Z?&7Z&&&AZ ""!".f S',"f e5 OI store itd asked to look at a sheet- ZUlTkuZl ii w "Oonoeams unoagn -aar wees Hc wa3 shown 80TeraU v" . e6 -M: - enabled n-er to Keep m tne Btraignti , A u companion.. With a ; nardonable 2 ; r.:. i:t. .u.ji u J patten S, one after the Other, but vanity m her stylish escort she exT La.. 0iAv none- -emed to exactly suit bts Wt wt n -1 i .v. I WCUU AVwiV4. iv a.vvf cv. uu . vuvw An An ri yo I la'- 4- rm wr r h nil I more they -dashed' out on an open iracy, i: the onlv'one that lav between 1 ; - ... Prayer meeting Tuesday night. . v4:4ly ideas, u intended, limit, to which Tracy, KZZrTZ, t,.w7h,VZ Mfe shown you eiery stjio or Cf ''m? oUyignorant of the dangers ota r"".jaua CLOTHING. DKUGS, HARDWARE, I Vvestern . life. . politely assented. W , ....V ii.etror,. sam ine uuaicr m uic ' ia-.... ... -i ' 4. ur: ninu iiiruG w no uuiouvi auu bu a . ' i 1 . , , -xl tnl;. i isiooa riioreine uuc. er, RauauomiT.' Lodges " Oxford Tdge, lo 103 I O O F, Wm . BigRS, N.G, meets every Wednesday Vnigfitat 7o'ii6ck. V-,- , - -f . 'scairora Jxdgei 0,122 F and A 1 Hitti -Hobgood Master,' meets 1st Mon day night Int every, month In. their hall r .Oxford todgg No 12 I O G T, Wm. Biggs W X5A T, meets eyery Friday night inc Masonic-Hall, i j -h- -v M ; S. ELLIS , CO.; ' i t-V. .IK'" " V ii Dealers iinT m The sun, was far in the west wh'en the last adieu was 6poken; the last invitation exchanged, and! the ride for home , commenced in tlie sledge and pair. ' ;" ' . '. Before they had gone two miles, the. day ;was entirely gone, and the. "R8-. "S ; vT moon shone brightly over tthe: wide " f--- y For lhe first time relaxing uer nrm oia; sne drew . . - lno bill WM;lho sigh ot lhtense relief, and i ventured p1 2 ; ' 1 . m m . . , - . I answei k - ! a glance oenmd ner, : t nQt? Arcn tjey Djg i'AJcry of 'horror burst from hereTiotjfftt: ti enough' handsome Hps- : Never abating their speed in enougU or what is the trouble V . iYe3 s'pose so, but none o1 them dubious iWol I'll fj11 . v.-mi-M rpnlied th . - - Peaier3:lU! n : mouu buuue ungnuy oyer ixne; wiue . ' . -s--. j ; r 7 Tlw -.hnAPilAiflri'ni" expanse -of -mMaggie closed ed animaH th rhe cle wo- Dry-G0aftSGrqCerieS, he:ey with tnrill br terror as nto-therbad" 1A ryWlm&slft-takes.a-storr paper, and 1 4'i Hotels' r Oxford tfotel Main Street, B E Elliott 'Prortp4UYV -Jf - 'h ' CsbernUBouaeWllliauishoro Street, DivQabprn proprietor; ; ? EOaTS. OESi'rUfsJ HARDWARE, : , NAILSmH0RSE SHOES, AXES, LEATHER, j CIGAjRS, T0BACOO.1 thev Massed ranidlv thrduah the first and surrounaea tne sieage : ?ne her tej d is chuck full oj such names V" 1 At 5 AL ' KT rmmm A-mm mm It M I A ' ' t ft ..-;w--j. . : i -r, s l. neil ineiu uusu uy uci, micii uui rK.v-m mi Kfni n!i ftanrl. AM. Nothing appeared to' copfirm her brcathrfWhteg her face, and, with a WW d, Riverbclla The gals iears, ana sne oegan to nope xney i 4 ;. r-v, . . 1 me j uUorv, vj -i-i .i"i'u'-!.:f.ij 1 ' Km her Iids. she sank.nnconscious to I , ii!.,0);mn HH-mcfUnt TTm. migiivrracn nome in saiety. r , - 4. r .i. .m.r- . , . iw: . 1- , . Cooper & Wmiams ;t Arerconstantiy getting m t, ? -r ;MiM;Hc66bs.V' They wouldicall especial attention t .theirtpartment ot 1 3 ; - j Beadlbdc Gloihing. Aetsflg'lhelj! iIbtWng wnjthe found uSQSle beauulul. Overcoats. - J "a-yen can get ft fit',! jlV; JUiJ,'- x,c claiming, This, is the best part of When,hV CHELGsE,' WEfES AND-;iJQUOBS the-ridein.t Miss Maggie ?? and carried uenvimg a her fresh Startled his merrv i on vernation, praise,, uibaving while her t&ougfct& oe. ah undue tlieir; .few thatge anil treatise Lr 'TaiL Tric with loprorwl cre, wils A row Masai Collin's VoU PECTORAL 3r:nsEx8. : BAT.TT - . , i7 - M 10 rcst' TJemedj for ; - - - couca&;lf rcotiris and New 0?i"kns, La., Sole Arts.4 ' For sals bj a rurrfs. STDVsgi Stoves ,GllEATi vUKDUCKLENTS offered to thfea ?LLfai ta iupplj thassMtrw . - 4 Ft ft 1VJ COOKIlJC & HEATKIC v -' of tho YM vraales and palUrna at '- v , t - - i w a b z a; OXFORD Ci l i- vi Be sure andgive him a call before pur- nlio'cinw AlcanrVuiiSTt , - WTTWT "W-wtw ; KSWifw - 3 Ul Sinli InMPanR Be sure and I ENVELOf ESPENS;mir,i,; n2, j From-Mitchell Sons, Oxfords Jdiyingi3y iili i.oi'jnoiini. toophyessnet. to , nearly iRcsa.,V. x-ucj J. i r v, r. C7oZZ ai ZpTv irul Examine mm lie Is pteparea j.-anuiaw'ioii.ivw SEWIKQ ILiO 4fTC NIXDLES 4 Oil 8 : on band an J fa JusW at tLs lowMitatsw. . Also prepar24 fi xnU pgmptly, a4 rith neataef a! fldadacf, ,. , pUNfc tjjK-StfrrH; WORK Be sure and gt l him a eall at aa early Jj : All work 5ar?)loea;..r af ' v -U, . . - a t ,4 i

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