M4-f ; ''vvn . . .... ..Mi i -. -. . ii-- . i ' 1 " " 1 ' 11 ' ' 1 1 ft- 1 ' - . ' . JOtft T. BR ITT, Proprietor. y ey ? . e' 7e, reit ; iAfe Ctts 1 fall - where they May. " $1 25 PER JNNU N ADVANCE - 2. oxford,, ;n: .c, Friday,, February 22, 1878; - f I' NO 1L ! H I- THE OXFORD FREE LANCE, FEES 4l20 INDEPENDEKT JOtTENiXi, Drug store of MITCKEXXi OXFORD, & r sr. SONSy JOHN W. HAYS, Attorney & Counsellor at Lawt l , ! OXFOED, N. C; j Office after the first day of January, over the , S new store of T. D. Crawford '& Co. JOHN. T. J5RITT. -o- Subscriptfon : YEAH,! N &wjpersfm;serittng h club of I xiV.6 auoscriuers ciccumpurvu, j. fev the ' cOfSh, tOilt receive one vapy free f or one year. S, PEACE, ' , j i Attorney at Law, ! 1 ; OXFOED, N. C. Attention paid to collection of claims i nol 3 'p R. VENABLE, " Attorney at Law, Practices in I Supreme, Federal and State Courts I " : Colections of Claims a Specialty. .Noiitfj;: l , Vj ), XT T. JORDAN, j f Attorney & Counsellor at Law) I HENDEESON, N. C: 1 noltf mm ii ; . BY L. A. :o- r "John Dtiton! What a place name. ? l am sure neican t De never a dix; eooa iooKincr.7 ana Marion , Harion HamptolT- look ed up inqiriilglr at heriincle as she spoker "jy ; 'j " vVell, blss my soul, or what a romantic turn of mind yo'd are to be sure V cried old uncle James, o; tney are onerms a larte rewfil to any one "who will ven ture; in and save tduds Spence Ar- Ivertismg Eates LiDoral.l r The ffiee Lance is the Leading 'JmistnaT of Granville County, Mid circulating largely in ' all ihe'adjoimng counties, offers an unsurpassed medium for Ad vertisers to reach the pnblic, j v Nil 6:;:-.- I ! t All Business Letters must bd Ad-j dressed to the Publishers. 1. 1 ? p r DIRECTORY. t-.-h-i:---1.- - H : ; vi,, ... r . town and county. Oxford. I MayoE. IV tJ Crawford. CoMJiiSSioXEits.-pS S Haiti. cock, C QEORGE WORTHAM, . Attorney at Law, ce OXFORD, X. C. No 2 , Venable Building A Taylor, C Laitdii. P Hester, Jno W Hunt. ANIJ TuaASUUElt . A. County- PitiiBATB Jcdge & Superior CouiiT ClBRK-MB U Cozart. ! IIeqister of Deees. A II Cooke. Sheriff. B F- Bullock. CoiiONER. Josepli Beckham. TREAsUitERt Ma'hh' B Jones. " StandArd Keepek.1 VV c Crabtree. SctiooU Examiner. K W Lasgiterl ! Keei'erPoor Uouse. J F f'olc. Commissioners, v & JepkiasJ, vCCeoper, David Spincer J K Suit, Washington Brhigers 1 Inferior Court- JUBTiiCES : - B a papeliartv S H Can naiy, Witkins Stovalk SouciToa ;. A a rcace, Clekk; a ILancUs. ! Mails. Oxford Post Office ; PIC j II. YOU N G , j Attorney & Councellor at 'Aaw an412m HEJTDERSOX, N.C. P. !M. B K 16 G s Attorney , at Law5 . moleigJi, N C Practices in the Courts of Wake ancl Orange and the fcxlpreme Court of .North Carolina. Special attention given to collection of claims frnd to the adjustment and settlement of ac counts, par iicularly to the accounts of Guar dian and Ward, Exeeut.ors, Administrators ud Trustees, and all busiiiessin- tne Probate Court. ftenerall3 . nice corner' .ra'yteville and Martin streets, opposite Citi2ens'National Bank, Upatahs. ' : jan!7tf with a humorous twinkle in; his eye. "I think Joha is a good strong name ; in fact one of the bst names that can be" found;; and as for J4hn Dut ton's looks, well he is a quiet unpre tending young man - " Ob, I know I shali riot like him. You have already as good' as told me that he is but one remove 'from a saint. I do' detest your quiet, saintly men i There !' 'Uncle James said quietlvl "If you donot like John Dutton there will be io harm done. : I know his name is not 60 fanciful as Spence Arnptt's,! neither has he. had scj large a share;; of ran- tanic majesty jn his corapcsition as that young gemleman ; but what's the use ot talking? You I have a woman's idea, Marion. Ajman to make any headway with your sex must have a i jpringling of satan run nine: pretty I thickly throusrh his composition." " Uncle, I think it is a shjjime for you to speak disparagingly olCSpence Arnott, criea Marion witu an in dignant toss of her head. " Don't flare up so, child ;fl didn't mean to speak 11 of - Spence J He is a careless, fun-loving young man; that's iall that can be said'u against him; but my dear, I will gay that he isn't to "be compared to John Dutton, as you, "may learn some day." 1 1 " I shall never think any man bet- ter tnan bpence Aruott. D II. GEO. W. LANDIS, Every body j has their likes and I dislikes, uncle. 1 I like Spence ' iua you nave made up your mind to dislike .John l)uttbn ? ' in- Offers hL? rimfesional services to the people of Oxford and surrounding terrupted uncle James. country;' STCan be fount alwavs at one'of the Drug Stores, or athis father's residence3 Nal4.tf f I T T. COUCH, . j I 1 Surgeon i .Hendirsbn rpail L C Taylor, eaves Oxford daily Malls for Sassafras, Fork;: lounfs Ai and Oxford Wednesdays and arrive ,at ' Oxford Roads, Browtisville, Buchanan Oak Hill, leave Saturdays at G a m Same days at 6 p ni; i Mails lor Tally Hp, Knap ol Keeds nd Dutchville leavq Oxford; Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 a m, arrive at Oxford sam day at 9pm.! i' '-:J'-j ! ; For Berea leave Oxford Saturdays at Htm ana 4p m Episcopal ; arrive at Oxford same, day at Churches- Ret M II Vaugha'n and 4th ilector. (I Services every 2nd Sabbaths at 11 ii m and 4 n m : Evening' Service and Lecture every Fiday at 4 p m, irj- ::' : Presbyterian; fliev D i E Jordan. Pastor, servicesi every 1st and 3rd Sab bath moraine: and night. I t Prayer I meeting every Wednesday night. . i ' !- j ; : 1 Baptist ; Rev F R Underwood, Pas tor, serrices every 1st Sabbath morning nd nijrht :: 2nd Sabbath nisrht and 3rd - , i - u Prayer, night.. -ii p methopist:. Services 2nd Sa and3rd"ahd 4 Jnonth. me etingM-every f Thursday ; Prayer pieeting Tuesday night. Rev J T Gibbs, Paste r, bath; morning at 11 a m Sabbath night in every odges- Li. r Oxford Xodge, Nol 103 1 O O F,;Wm. fclgg'ai N I G, meets every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock j . Tuscarora Lodgei No 122 P. and A II, J L Ilobgood Master meets 1st Mon day mght ui every month ux then hall Oxford IodgeNo l2 1 O G .T, Wm. Biggs. W ; T, meets every Friday night m ilasoaic llall. Marion made no reply. .Spoiled child that she; was, she wasjasham ed to acknowledge that her uncle had hit the irjith. She had ''. deter i Jiinea to aisiiKe jonn jjutton. ' Who was that talking to! you at the gate, Marion? Looked, like a preacher." j; " " Hush, Spence, he may bear you. That is John Dutton." j!, "O, the yOung crentleman: I've heard you speak so often about. He interests me more than I Ui. 1 i' U V a.': I i J-a him f( r all ttiat Marion was going ' OXFORD; N. C, i ; ; to say; but Spence interrupted her Resneclfully informs the people of! Grant with: should say he did interest ville that I have located in the town of Oxford you : X OU seem to De On very for theyractice or my rrotpssion. j i i j rnendW terms tor such a sqort ac- vYuon not proiessiuuuuy euiiaueu i uau bo . i . i . o j- i i . found at the Drag Store nf R J MITCHELL 4UIiluiau. -opence, a sugni SONS, rnt my residence, lately occupied frown ; Showing itself OU hi? fair py Capt John A William s on College stree.; fce 1' i . Dentist, v 1 OXFORD, N. C- j'M May be found at his residence Where lie Will j take pleasure in meeting Ins friends anU attending to their wants in the different branches of his ..profession. Residence opposite Baptist Church. nl tf ' 1 t Mi j j.';; HOTELS. QXFpRD hOTL, ii: E. ELLIOTT, Proprietor, j r :. j I am prepared to. accommodate the travel ing public on the most reasonable terms. ! Special inducements given to boarders by the montb.. r . ; janl7tf S ; STOP AT THE I Raleigh, N.. C. j Marion's heart. bounded with de light. Jiere was a chance .to. tor ment Spence as he had tormented her alt the week, and she said . ? Not on any more friendly terms bray, fjor the past week or.two." bpence looked down at the pret ty, piquant face, lie often, confess ed that he did not like to tease Ma rion ! iAs uncle James said, he was careless, fan-loving : he said and did a great ;many things he was sorry for; but m regard to this lat accu sation of Marion's,' he was innocent. If he h,ad shown any unusual' atten tion to plara Mawbray, it was un jntentiohal on bis part, Whether it was that he was innocent of Mari on's charge, or that her appearance of undu;e friendliness, to thisf lavoi ite of ancle James' annoyed Spetce, we Cam ot( say. But he was annoy ed more: than he would care io con fess, for under his careless exterior lay a vast depth of love for Alarion. " Yoii have-ho grounds fo mak- mg mat assertion, ivianonJ saici Spence With mbre indignation in his I'Aina linn V n "-n. Ann. rt f -l r' " t"f - rion. . ! ' ! .; Mari()n. tocsed her head, thought she had good ground for heir asser- T-notironno !-TncTiTciniro! tions. and stood upon them so firin- iciu xxci iu a ub ui ATlbNAL HOTELS I j 1 Accommodations equrl to'any in the city. !' t Board : $2,00 Per Day. Deh'ghtfully situated next to CapitoK SQ.nare' ; RALEIGB,Jf.C; . .J .. Special 'inducements offered by the week aud moutlMr Firat-class Billiard and Bar : at tached ta e House. ' ; . i ; . 7tf f CDrjOSBOEN, Proprietor, Gr OODE HOUSE, CORNER COMMERCE AND MAIN STREETS, : JVorfplky Va. j ; ' Jesse ;C. Jacocks, Proprietor, W. S. WIIEDBEE, Clekk j i '' Board Per Day $2.0.0. Hotels - Oxford Tlotel I Main Street, RE Elliott Proprietor. ' j !; -i . Osborn l House, Williamsboro Street, D S Osborn Proprietor." nn HE people of tnftirille anl surroundinfr i - country are respeetfally inforined that 1 still continue the Insurance Business, and am prepared to insure them both. in Life & Fire. I represent some of the strongest and most reliable Companies in the United States. . ' All letters on business addressed to me- ai Warren ton or Oxlord.will receive prompt at tention. - t Thankful for past favors I solicit a continu ance of the same. ; I ' 1 . ' . LEN HENDERSON, f , . jan4-6m . ; Travelling Agent. ly, that dpence pique "I , - Marion watched his tall, form f disappear, down the What a kingly liellow Spence was 1 Never before did she take notice of the wid manner Cooper &rWilliains s Are constantly getting in j They would .'can.special attention td .it-air apartment of ' . s . Ready-Made Clothing. Anion pr their! clothin? will-be found Wiae beautiful Overcoats. . Be sure and h of his shoulders, or the in which be '-held his head,' so thickly: covered with tawny, icuriinji loeks How foolish she was to Quar rel witr Spence ; and Marion's heart rose in ler throat, and her eyes fill ed with tear. ; Was ever a hero of a'nnvpl nnndsnmA tlisn liPand li Respectfully asks his friends and tbe,pnb-KMQ . I -ltv - - ot. to i i urham and look at fviua' Jrr1 ' . " ?W4 -lltu i JOHN .L. :MAEXHAM DURHAM, N 't C, " he generally to come his large stock of i; General Merchandise, Agent for the celebrated T r.. ter-of-fact Jphn Dutton; ; Perhaps it was " John. Dutton's tallank'mish'apn brm' appear- JVlSSCn, at&O1 fopacl a ) Spence's fine proportions so vividly 1 WA G 0 N S - " to Marion. Surely brie could never Guarantees tie-best ods it - ih v4ry -x?' f?' him ! ' V And . kmst prices. f s jan23 ly tblok that she hadv qafjp!) iK5 common j Spence on hn account. She would j speak to. that horrid ..man again; ana it was not enough .for Marion to think this, but 6he sought ;incle Jaines, and told it to him ylth a stamp of her foot and a toss of her head, and uncle James paid; My dear you are altogether too romantic, which, was the truth for the old gentleman. Marion tried her best to dislike John Dutton, but she was interes ted m him m ppite of herself. There was something in the man's nature that she' could not fathom; perhaps it was this that interested her so l ' ir. i. .i. . i ... mucn. -ne.iooKea at ner so grave ly; indeed, he even went so far as to shake his head at her wilful cou- ducti .and with that shako of his head, John Duttou put his foot in it. Marion had her own way all her life, and would let John Dut ton see she would not be dictated to by him. lie was throwing spell over her that was every day becoming harder to resist. Indeed she was miserable ever since he came to ner home miserable for Spence Amott, whom she' loved ! did not like John Dutton, and she was growing colder towards him every day. " I Will have him regard me as the chief of sinners. I will not al low him to come between me and Spence P cried Marion. "I will b as wicked as I possibly can before him ;" and unthinkingly, Marion threw her little pet dog, which- she had been fondling, froni her lap as she rose lro,m the seat on the porch. ihe dog struck the stone iloor in a manner that made him howl pite- ously for a minute, and that moment John Dutton appeared and shook his head cravely at Marion. He spoke not a word, Marion under stood him, and said : " It's only a dog, and any way it's mine, ana 1 shall do what 1 please with him." " Only a dog, Miss Marion !" "He that prayeth well who loveth well, And things both great anil small ; For the dear God who lofCfb us, Hath made and loves us all," Marion's eyes filled wih tears. Something in the depth of his brown eyes, something in his gentle voice touched her heart with remote. He cast an influence over her that she could not easily lesist. Just at that moment she felt like telling him that she did not mean to do that cowardly act, but just as she was about to speak Spence Arnott, who been in the house unknown to her, stepped out upon the porch. The tears were still in Marich's eyes, and as a -matter of course, she look ed confused. " Ah, I beg pardon for intruding," said Spence, about to step back. ' You are not intruding, Mr. Ar nott; I believe you have a right here F said John Dutton, quietly, and turning away he . entered the house. ! . . " Marion, what does this mean ?" cried Spence, an angry flush spread ing to the roots of his hair, as 'he perceived Marion' agitation. O Spence F' cried tho impetu ous girl unable to control the tear which were fast rolling down her cheeks; ''don't be angry, he is" so good!" . . , "SogoodI , I hate him,, there 1" and Spence Axnott 6trode angrily away. . ' Marion stood looking afterSpence She was the picture of grief and de spair, and John Dutton S heart was filled with sorrow as he watched her from tho window. He came to this house to meet his late a fate of which he now little dreamed. Jle had learned to love the handsome, wilful girl standing out there on the porch, . but that look on her face now 'as she gazed after Spence Ar nott, told him beyond doubt, where her heart was. jje'had nothing to hope for" , . l nat nignt jom uutton was awaked from his sleep by some great confu-dou in the house. Through his window' he saw that the sky was in a blaze. ? There .was a bisr fire somewhere in the neighboihood, and m an instant ha was 'up 'and dresjed. He went down stairs, and the first one he met was Marion, in bonnet and cloak, crying and wring ing her hands. . - Oh, Mr. Dutton, will you take me there :. t Ihe Arnott. mtmsion is in flames canght fire while" the iu: mates were1 sleeping! I must find out'whether every one has escaped." : John Dutton "drew ihe little han within his arm, and hurried out to the night air. His .heart ;bea patntuiiy with the little nana upo hinafmbut he spoke not n word nntil they " reached the burning baud tog.' ' ' .; ; Hayo tall the inmates: escaped from the LviiildLD nottbt life'inworth it is as much as a . man s "5 pence in the building yetr shriejed Marion. !"Oh, God. met,- Call. Pad -r-r cy! IjWe parted m anger to day. Oh, .Jir. Dutton, 1 shall die, if 1 can not aSeak to Spehco once more I" r- -- V i: T-k.... yjt p momeui uoun iuiion looiwca dw' on the white, appealing face. lie Krcaugni. ner nanus wivu a vice-Vike grip. j . " ijarion, I will save him, or per: ish it ' tho attempt !. The reward I ask 8 that you will think oi me otjitiv i,! nice. i Hi ; tore himself way from Man on, q d entered the budding, cnve oped im flame. I I'edrd you tell Marion to-Vay hawiVou hated me, but I forgive you i'nd have come, to save you, be cause she- loves vou. Bo kind to her aiVavs." - " : " Srrihce Arnott was saved, but the voicti.that whispered" the above in his tar was lost forever mid the burn iig flames. " anon, he lost his lite saving mineV. ipr your sake. My darling, let 'a ever cherish the narae o JohrLDutton," said Spenco Amott revet ?ptly, as he gathered Marion to hfcj heart. Pi- i:n John " Dutton 1 Marion thought that name immortalized, andyhyrjot? ''Greater love ..ath no ron'than thip, tjiat he lay down his H '-e for his friend." f UA2 G K", iF . S CUE D ULE," . . . 'JtaeiM Gaston & Jfet ILALdr L 1 GASTON RAILIiUAD, f - - ,'18Tfx3tnrrzxncrr"i Omcx, On and at tr j 8nndv, November 11, la trains on Ibo fUeih. Jb Garten rilreid d run dailr, Bna-Cpv excsrtM, aa ff'wt ; " Lea re Ti lei all '.A..' .ltn30ftA Arrireat Wiii ya..i ....JpOptt MAlLTjJNillOTIabOCTH. i Iftre WeHoat.........fc... . ......llSOatt Airive at rt tb .' ..fiaP JoiiNiG wixDEB, Sirperlntendctit. o, a lu u i- co.. Porrf nth. Ti, November 17. 1877. NiiAvr.niik' fnvriiTi "P L.Oi and afU Monday, 19th feu tan t, traiftft . will run aa xm :... . ixii: .rojet pichrni daily, Sunday -' . KXCEPED. - ' Mail train at';: M;...k..8; a H , ' Prantho Aocq imiidaUin iruu at..S,-u)pn ABUIVU AT? ItTSMOpTlC DAILY, 6C3 ,4 UY HXCETED. , ilail train k. .,-00 p m - Fraokhu-tf tamdaUen Train . ' Monday, i Jne-djy$ A Fridays at 93 m Tutdt ja.ni ,-days Batardar atlDptn , ifarl tram, connects at Weldon with the , Mail Trains . f the Wilmington & "Welden. and Raleigh J Q&aton, liail roads. . ; And on J pncLiya, Welaewlayt, and . , Fridays at Vklin, witi steamer for Edenton, B rmonth CJid .Landing on. Bbvckwaterrf d Chowan rirer. "1 ' r reignu r eivoa a&uy, exceri oacuays . from 8 a mU lpm. flG. G'dIO, i- . ape nienaenioz-LransporuiuoD r it ?; BY MILLIE C. POMEROY. I w-$h some magic pencil, . F)$m out the eartli or f ky, Wojd paint me in my coffin A I shall lie, '. . Anc jround about me flina: Spri g IOEH3 blossoming. Aear or cloudy sky, AndVjfresh fzreeu graM, OBnowflakes white j Ad day or night As't. 'shall come to pass, ?&ay and hour shall be n death shall come for me. Tbeicture is it fairr Wi 4 curia of aunny hair, St both dimpled hands ; Or i!lt grey and old. f h nkled and faded on t, No ?ace of youth or joy Lgeiing about f ; I wiild not, if I could, Lo one year o'er,. I Wi t fall its pleasure?, and iU pain " Yil ask more! No r icture comes to view : I olnnot say Whtx circomstance is true Ot hour or day; And nly thU I know Tlih time shall he WhH death sball come and bring Mjhrdudtome. A Srankee editor wishes to know QCllEDUL.OF TltALN'S. . TO B tCT STXPIT, XOT 1L 1877.; Yelir nn? Railroad GomDanr. 1 ' - c . w Of pe of bupenntendent. Petersburg, fLt. NdTember 10, 1877. , OCfO. SOUTH. New York Ei Iress learea Peters-1 - - I . bur- daUy it x 9Jar4 Arrive at Wq Jon at ' 1245 p ta SoatLerraExiesa leaves Peters- . . Durg uaiiy iticepi ounaay, at ix-v? a j Arrive at V e Uon at 30 am Freight with, fenger coach at- , tached, tea ts. Petersburg daily ,. except Sui ay, at " 12:45 p en- Arrive at T7f $pn at , Cjpd , i i oorxo- kobth , , . . New York esa leave Veldon . f- - daily at! ,. 350pm- . Arrive at -Pel jrsburgat ' . til p t& y Southern, Ej, ress leave Weldon ! 7 daily, MorUvs excepted at 553 a til, . Arrive at Pel tburg . . ' C.-OUatl Freight, witf Passenger coach at- attached, lea Weldomiaily. ex- I ceptSatnri iy, at ; . - BfiOpTX Arrive atTM irsburg at . . lSn'j i Through) t' keta sold to all Eastern an l Southcan po its, and' baggage checked -thsough. !"r' - ' " . !" Fir8t-caa& cache's will ran tlirough' be tween Viht gtoh and New Y rk, on day ' tiains, and v eping cars run tarongh on night trains. j j " . . . . . ; , i . . . Opnnectioi, ,-witb Atlantic, HkBisaippi A Ohio irai- at'PeUrsbnrg. M wii '' hesapcake i Ohio trains ai Bichmoa for all the 'V ginia Bprings ani veicui points. If?" . v' ! E. CI UKE. DisbeofTraini . R MSciXTj -knlSuperintendenl. NATION AL STANDARD. , whetl.br the law recently enacted againit the carrying of deadlv w cape's applies to doctors who carryiills in jheir pockets. EO.V2 QUIT WEBSTER'S UHABRIDGEDi , i owu r.uKr?5 ngs, ijhw raffes quarto. AIJL DAT .6lV. W.OUOWord' nd Meanincs not In ether" . Pictionanea. " . . . , Fouv Pii jcs- colored Plates, r A whoH j Library in itself.'j Iuvatu; 4Me in any Family, . anVin auy tJchooL, , ; manlv road. . MiStephens ha many stories to tell i .negroes, and one is of a mousolton and chiclm deprcda- tui, niuuu liiu limb inc rjL- vice-itjcsidcnt iu the Toad. ;Wel', rnitriflhivfi hjc. In p'yrHwgflflyif ThonjAS," was the kindlv salntatron, Wafly Endorsed by; V - ! wri; fo.. h-ar that you had CTot f Q been rj trouble about Mrs. Tripp s ujeck, Whitt h ttTiiia, siie, EhhaBarrUiI chickens.? ' Uanirl VfeUto llafat Uboate, II Colencgei' Vif AW Lnt T A An nnU Sw!f HoracMl4nn, more than Jifry CoJ- , 14, -iasr yiec, put I Oone quit Preai Jectnd the beat American and an aasnowy saia tne negro, very 1 turop 'an aci perit.HlV . "Hibv matfv did you take before you sippped?' asked Mr. Stephen. "I tjVk all sne had," was the pcr- lectlyj innocent reply. . . ... blJ'T SKIS IIZ3I ElfG. a ui- it ii - M . TtMt - 1 . a 1 t . other; tho uu tr type glring mach more on a page. . ! 4 I : . , Coutains , IHuatrations. neir'y ttree timei a manvj f a -y xtber Dctirmw. , LOOK at xk throe pctcre of a ihlp, oik , nago 1751, thef alone Lldxtrate th mtanlnrf or more than ir iworda and tenmfar bttkl tuu tlew c0ii tlflowd to word a. . 7 . M4re toa )0O confls hare been placed m the public m obla of tbe United htatea. rrr, Vj. , , i lU-commendLsbySi'Btate aixrintencenU ' 1 he disappointment ofthe colored of wuuoU.aud .fore than 50 college Pra folks ii Goldsboro scleral days ago, l dents. Ml" . .. T . . . . . '- O .1 I II...W.n II VMnH ti.il muni.. .L intncr Dicti irisJ . Emhodies aV U 100 rears of literary Ubor and is reveral X y later than aiiy uther large pie'wnary. Ibeftale Cf-fbsWi TkUenaries it 27 times as great! tbe sale cf anyutbtr sexl . "ABgant4, B 7. ' The Ditknafy naed Jrs tbe i rTntuti ; PrinUag ofike la Webtter' Unabridged! . , lit d .trtgli claimed that Wkbsto is became SteLhen Harden fthe'col- 1 . 1 ' . orea py) senvence was .commutea to litefiinprisbnrnent, was deep, in tense !tnd outspoken. injtagea pegress ;waiicea twenty railcsj( om the lower edge of Qreenc county to fee him hung. . 4V:';11,' Auntie," said a bystander, "youriakes are all dough, th6 bang- 4,D(bs yer tell mej honey, isn't gwine;? to hang: nobody?. An ,1 walke j ajl dis distance in vain? It's too b(." V ' . . "Yf, Auntie, the" Governor has TespittHl him -or rather commuted hrD;"$I. ; . .! : -.. -. "Ye'Jl'ihe jus' doneit spite an old niggei'j Dey is alius' tnutiti and 8piUnns. We poor niggers ain't oot DoriVhts. an' ft. onllud . niisson O W -f-, - , 1 a n't 'actcd . no liow. : W-ell,.' I'm gwine tome to die Jthout scein no body t ODg. Tarboro Southerner. . TU . . : . THE NA, IONAL bTANDASD BU;r YOtJB : 1. 1 Qnhnn wnnVo-Pauim' . 'iiiiiii 11 11 mil , V.UUUU. A UN UA ENVEHi JPES, PENS, IKK, . From Iit(r)ell is Sonv Oxford. t H TM POUT NT TO BUILDERS ITIAVereoi M tJ imv feature to my Steam 8 vtill in tbe way vla flrsV-clM , Plalirlg1 Machine;. j prononnced rh rmoat tape nor tbi&joi 1 . ii M ;iy Sammy 1" said a father to J ki ul eror brvu :t u tb suu. his littp sou the other day, " I didn't know fibat your teacher whipped you lal Friday.!. ,: '.' . .... l gfess," he replied, '4f you had A asfcfiU a MfeP9' it) my irousersjotfd a Lno wrn I am row pn aired to famish st Wl . ti .al an cU. p as ca bo apptiS mttn wijere all kiodi : it . . - DRESSED JlAND UNDRESEI?i "-3l ia rooii ktfcra2kd"b eooTinee. . r . ! -i. Vi i T I L f' t i ; 1 V . v1 - A v .. I V . 1 4 1 ( wbilo you can get 'a lit. I n2 ; stariacr. 1 . 3 4 . ' V v : . f iY