, I i) ,v j i whim 1 1 NftCTwwwwfcirt-, rjwawr-i ..ini i -iM-fWKff Lin irwi.m .j...--. , j ... J " ' ' ' ' ' ' . V 1 ' . fc . UiroW T.BRITT, Proprietor. j'Hew fto iheline where they'fMay." 25 PER ANNU X IN ADVANCE.' t 2; OXFQEDy N. " C.i IIDj EOlRCH 15, 1878,1 i ; ' HO. 14. n ll . I ji ' : . ... i : t fTTfyt .1 . - if. THE OXFORD FR EE? LANCE 9 .rEM AJO) INDEFENPENT JOXTENAL, rublished;eTery;.Friday Morning over the B. Drugstore of. i - J. MITCHELL & SONS, OXFORD, sr. c. NATIONAL; STAND AED. HOTELS. - 1JB. iE. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. r - - ! ! , r , - I am prepared to accommodate the travel ing public, on the. most reasonable terms. " - "Special iinducementa given to boarders by themonthv ; u janlTtf ... JOHN : Tj 1 ! PriL:ifci I ft BRITT. Subscription : SIX MONTHS, - 81.25 .75 Any )permn sending a club : of Subscribers'; accompanied Jjy I the cash, v)ill receive one copy free for one' year. -. .-. i. 'r-r-0 Advertising Sates Literal p27teJeJto7i4w.Mf Leading Journal of Granville- County and circulating largely in all xhe adjoining coknties, offers an unsurpassed medium for Ad vertisers to reach the pnbUc. i! v.- m o K All Business Letters I must be Ad dressed to the Publishers. TOHKl w.jHAys, Attorney m Counsellor at Law, -Mi . " I ' . 1 - 0XF011P, N. 0. ' : Office after the first day of Jannarjs over the new 9 Attention WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 3000 Engravings, i840 Pages Quarto. J 10,000 Words and? Meanings not in other : dictionaries. : I ! Four Pages t colored Plates. -A whole ii Library in itself, i j Invaluable in' any Family, j , ! 1 ; and in aiiy - School. j i Published by.G & C MwtBiAai,Springfield,SIaa Warmly Endorsed By" ;P p Bancroft, Prescot fc, Motley, Geo P Marsh, Haueck, Wnituer, Willis, eaxe, uiinu uurntt, Daniel Webster, Kuf as Choate, H Coleridge, Smart, Horace Jnann, more tnan a nty j uoi- lege Presideats, and the best American and European Bchclarsi ? - vr i ! (Jontamg une-rmn mora maimer tair any other; the smaller type; giving much more on a page; ' v i ! 1 Contains 3000 Illustrations, nearly three times as many as any other "Dictionary, j "j LOOK at the three picture of a ship, on oasre 1751ihese alone illustrate the meaning aiKJ 00 words ana term3 iar Deuer than thev can be defined in words. . ! I i j More than 30,00f) copies have been placed in the nublic schools of the United States. ! Recommended by 32 State superintendents - 1.11 - TV ? ol schools, ana more inan ou jouege .i-rest dents. . 1 M -:;: ! ,; Has about 10,000 words and meaniDgs not in other Dictionaries, ij . ' :. -j Embodies about 100 years of literary labor, and is several years later than any other large Dictionary. : . 1 ' v ' , The sale of -Webster's Dictionaries Is 20 times as great as the sale of any other . series of Dictionaries. ' i r 'i ! .. 1 u,August 4, 1877. The Dictionary used in the Government Printing office is Webster'-s Unabridged ' - ' ' ; i . ' " . 1 -i-. Is it not rightly clainied that Webster is ; THE NATIONAL STANDARD ? I ' STOP AT :THE Raleigh, N. C. RATIONAL ' HOTEL, Accommodations equal to any in the city. i0okti$2;OO Per Day.' . Delightfully siCuated next 6 Capitor Square Special 'Inducements offered by the week And month, j First-clas3 Billiard and Bar at- .ched to oilouso. ! 7tf ! ! C. D. OSBOBN, Proprietor, Q.OODE HOUSE, 1 CORNER COiBIEKCE AND MAIN STREETS, ANorfolle, Va. Jesse ! C. Jacocks, Proprietor, . W'S. WIIEDBEE, Clekk Board Per Day $2.00. store of T. D. Crawford & Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . PEACE,! t Attorney i at Law, pXFOTip, n. o. aid t collection of claims T. ndl 3 Practices State Courts Colections Nolltf VENABLE, 'Attorney lat Law, pxFonp, nr. c. i Supreme, - Federal BO; T and of Claims a Specialty, JORDAN, Attorney & Counsellor at Law, 1 1 HENDERSON, N. C: noltf -. J I H '. EORGE WOflTHAM, Attorney bxFORb, it. c at Law, Office' Nb 2 Y O UN G Attorney & Counsellor at Law, : :! 1 : y I -i ' : ' an412m HENDERSON I N. C enable Building M. jB R I G G S T1 Attorney at Law, f vfi iii-.-- r. a-. t- Practices in the Courts of Wake and Orange and the Supremo Court of North Carolina. Special attention given to collfiction of claims anato the adjustment ana settlement oi ac counts. Darticuliarlv to the accounts of Guar uan and Ward, ! Executors, Administrators and Trustees, and all business in the Pre bate Court cenerallT. I Office corner Fayette ville and' Martin streets, opposite Citizens'Natioaal PIANOS retail price $900 only.. $260: Pai'lor organs; pric& $375 only $103. Paper free. D. F. BEATTY, Washing- 011, iN. d.. . J . t -J .-'-I : j ; T EVOLVE R Free Seven-shot Lj volver with box catrdges. Address J. Brown & Son, 130 &l 133 Wood Pittsburgh, Pa. I ' Re- St., SKIN Diseases, t Prof. Hebnv's Trea tise 6n Skin Diseases, giving symp tms, and sure cure, f bent free to those afflicted. Address, EJ S: Webster, 50 N. 5th St., PhiladelpliiaJPa. ; 7 WILLIAMS & BRYAN, ,G ROGERS - - . OXFOBl), . Sf. . THEOKLYlFIRSKUSS G3PCEBY IHiTOWH, Ofi'ers to the trade the foutrwing goods Nice .Sugar cured Ham's, Fat Lake fllulletsland N. C, Her ' rittgs, New Orleans Mo lasses', (new crop) all grades Sugar, ; . . Madsins, Nuts and French " . U- Candy. We have a superior lot of Coffee Some day he who is tellin " oivjmnd, which we guarantee Shall come and claim a-d welling ; zo pivc nuuuaj uuciun- Fine French Brandy, Old Nash Brandy, Imperval" -Cabinet i Whisky; Sweet Mash j Whisky, c. 1 . The above goods are pure and we can recomioend them for family and medi cal u?e. i I . 50 FGn -CfiSE OF! CATARRH. That Saiidfqrd's hadical Cure for Catarrh will not instantlv relieve and speedily cnire. Keferences, Henry Well, Esq, Wells, Fargo & uo, Aurora, N i: m isowen, Jisq, Mctlat ton, (jrant & liowen, cit iijOius. lestimomais and treatise by mail. ; ; Price, with improved Inhaler $1: sold everywhere. Weeks &! Pot ter, r ronrietors, Boston! Mass.. Collin's Vol taic Plasters are the best. . i 3-' ffiNJi 1 ; Goulds Manufacturing Co. tAlanulactarers oi ill kinds of ' t Force mil Lift 1 PUFiTPS, Ibr -Cister, Wells, fi.au- roads. Steamboat, Windmills, etc. ' firs; engines, Hydraulio Bams, ' AMALGAM BEIj"LS For Churches, Schoolsi ; and Plantations.' I Corn-Shellersi Sinks, etc. Pumps and Materials for J Driven Wells a specialty. Satmjactxon guaranteed, ' (Jataiogugs romisneah nnon aDDlication. INQUIRE FOR COULDS PUMPS Warehouse, is pauk placb, kew.Yobs ciix. THE CITY OF SILUXCE. It Is just the sweetest city 1 Yet sometimes I think we pity Those who dwell within those pretty white Uvrellings on tho hill. , It is so peaceful pleasa'nt And fait to dwellers present ; And the partridge and the pheisaut Feel no fear, it Is so still. Its walls are low and narrow, And the linnet and the sparrow Hake the only music there. Oil ! So silent are its hqmea! Never have jts doors to, rover ; Myrtle green anureddest clover Grow in wreathed profusion oor Its many earjhen domes. Here are found no wreaths of laurel, None of bitteproc and sorrel ; Never comes tne sound of quarrel In th;se quaint and vacant ways.. No sound of stately masses, Nor of any praising, passes, Upward through the growing grasses All the moveless, voiceless days. Men from other cities warider ; Other home ties sometime sunder; Not so in the white town yonder . On the wide-browed hill, Not a shadow of returning, . , Not a jot of fear or yearning In the dweller' bosoni3 burning, Ever came, or ever will. ' O, Peace so pure and tender, So wrapped about in splendor, So needless of defender . ' Or champion or aid, ' Each life must havedts knelling ; was h rumored was rather a wild yourijj man with no money to speak ot: 'if f "Ianlinc'a lovely lace was dark and defiant as Mr. .Ellison angrily ordoed him from tho house. The next;morning she did not come dow jto breakfast, and my husband wlio Was very punctual himself, sent ono her sisters to call.hcr down. jlanrelurncd, saying that .Paulina was iot in uer room, ana uic oca had 7-bt been slept in all night. "Vfery well, said Air. hlhson sterr;-y. "If she is sulky and does not intend to eat her breakfast like & 8epble girl, l am willing." . "Xvcvertheles? through all the meal ho. seemed ill at eas6, and ate baVht'tle.; Mflelf it'wasflniphed, ue rfcrjp.irorn inc lauio ana we neara him ftVide into' Pauline's rcora, from where ho returLCd with a whito comrjpssea rice, lie held a pajer in hiijilencl ol hand, and, showing it 10 me, no uuneu ms iace in uts handji atfd groanbl aloud i Witti an undeuneu uread in mv thanking;!) rn3 Had m? if for the pleasant da 4o for them when a! I 1(T a . wero iudd( ily startled by a faint Heal of tho por bell. '- " , ,. ; The schcfits had gone ' to bed, and Uncle! Xob hastened to open the dcor. .ftcr a whilo he cama . . tick Fayintratjier nervously, tho girls thougUj . . "t . ' "jlotiier, ?hero is some ono hero who wisher io star until morning. i5urelj',youin relaso no ono shel- ter this coV -night. Betides Paul ho, Stopped end .colored, then added;" 'astilt, "there is a" child ? "1'oor thL?," exclaimed grandma, . compassion ely.. - 'lt - Is a, woman,, f . then? Yes Uob,bringher in here.' 'I Wq can fixfl somo pbvco-lor the 4 Kob hurrsil away, and a moment later rctnrt(r4 closely followed by a girlish nro leading a littlo. child. ?";" She wasessed, if not eliganlly, still wilh av-ertain tastcfulnes that wouM tellM once that she was a heart! I took it mechanically and lady. read:.hc words ; " YoU have driven Grandrnyosc, her handsome fico fall of pityvB sho said : nltf - r Among yohr resting dead. K.. IIabvey Howard. PAULINE'S PICTURE. md t"-"ths and you must bear the sham. 1 love bejald. Tracy, and, befortj you receive this, will to his ulfgratoful 'girlj' I exclaimed. "Is tils the return for all tho care We flavo lavished upon her ? To run oTTwith a worthless canip like tbattMloVx',1'- V : . "hat arc you going to do moth-. n !' s i " i c, .i err '3Kca one oi tue cnuaren inan awe ajrlckeii voice.. , . - :HjX)Jr'I repeated sharply. "She has mVdo her choj.ee and must abide by it'.iShe has "brought an evcrjast- : . '..a " i 11.. luo atigraco upoaouv oi iiiu uiucs famillfs m'tawn." ' " , mother interrupted R6bfchild. "Poor c "td, let me take you to ray room, :crp you can tell mo , everything.;:- At the I '4d wonls, tho stranger burst inio f ;ssionato sob-. "Mother Oh Mother T she cried eagerly, you "not- know youf child; you willful, wayward, but still loving 'iiuline fn Grandmt UHison's . grandchildren ad ndver i ?cn hero aftecttd be- For.. momjcntsilenCe reigu- , brokei i1y by" Pauline's Fob. "Mother? ASon't'vou fonrive mo for tho salj ilf ter -who bears your name ':'. ia .f!,Bho pointed, to her ha1 fore. cd fTOVES ! oTOFES GREAT INDUCiEMEiNTTS '-: I'M- - . s . , offered to thbsd wishing ta supply (hcrAselvea with firsfr-class " . COOKSMC & HEATING : i ' I - Ciiapteh I. "And so tho ghadpws f all apart And so thft- west winds piayv And all the windo3 o my heart I open to you to-day." It.' was a large, . handsome house that Mrs. Ellison's grandchil dren were invited to visit every year Thi they all met thore and a nice kime they, used to liave, for grand- I ma allowed thenrtoxoaui from gar- wha fas of a rather romantio turn ol mifcq, Tdon t think she was so muchTto blamo, it sho loved Traoy as 'slit said sho did. , "II: b;7, said his mother frigidly. that SJpject' without tryingL to a'r gub y morc.' . RofEllisofi's face ilq3hed at The ratheVteen reproof, and ho bit his up urtier ins ncavy rrrou6iac;ic, . 1 rwnuevuayv onny saia cagenyj nut ihr rirt 11 rr nn ' ?Yi ?f ' repli9d Mrs. Ellison, "and I will5Jell'you how iu happened to be tafcTi. Mr. liernard, a nch, tal I Pan- JiilKV-i.-1 t.l-hS O.Y r i 4 of tho 39 F. best makes and patterns at ... . . . ret to cellar; it they wished to do so. f cnte(T tftist, who WorshipP2; ou inis particular unnsimas line hom wo all vwhccriicr it was to be even plcasanter than t0 sTcetched- it. .She had beloro;for handsome uncle Kob K- justrr'nril'0(i from au evening com isou had just reiurned fromEurope, pani going out on the balcony, and-iany were thcgames he plan- gtooaHvith clapc' bands, apparent- ea ior nits young gruu. My T i I. . I . 1. I ..l.nts.l I . in 1110 iiiunuu;, uub m.uh;.i with liim while the cirls rode with t"Mrs. Ellison, wliOj in pfte of her J?. -m!11 1 ' 1 .1 sixty years, was. sini a very uanu Bomc woman. But on this, event- Ei B W A 1 in thought with tho palp mooplcht" shining on her fair lace and tn -iking it look almost etherial. uMif Jiernai'd hadjusV mado liis adieui'Jbelow, and, strolling through the garden, ho glanced up at' her, reallyli startled by her loveliness !j Bank, upstairs." DR. GEO ; . Offers his people, of jaul7tf W. liANDlS, profesiohal seryices to the Oxford I and feurrounding country !JBfCan be- Ipund always at one of the -Drug Stores, or athis father's r. residenccTa i- ijnoi4.ii irance I AND ITS GREAT j REFORMERS, By Rev W H Daniels A M Profusely Illustrated with Portraits and sketches and containing over G00 Pages. ; $. t- - -n J5.A WHOLE TE3IPEKANCE LIBRA, i ik a single volume.! agents wastfd everywhere.. : j. lw : - . j ; ! Address . for extra HTerms and Circu its, NELSON & PHILLIPS, 805 Broad way, New York. H$j j Call at once and Examine 'I Stock. Surgi TJ !i 1 Maybe C01TCH, eon !' - Dentist, OXFOED. N. C found at hw. residence where he will take pleasure In meeting his friends and attending to their wants in the different branches of his profession. i&esidence opposite liaptistuhurcn. DR. J. BUXTOH IWIIXIAMS, OXFORD, N: C, . i Eosnoctfully :informs: the people of Gran ville thitt I have located in the town of Oxford for the practice of my Profession. ' , When not professionally engaged I can be found at the Drue Store of R J MITCHELL &SONSior at my residence,- lately occupied by uapt Joba a WUiiamff, on uoliege street. tMPORTANT TO BUILDERS ;X;.M 'iiiv4.:is,. iiu.:;-i--v.j-x A :l HAYE jeeentlv added a new feature to lay Steam Saw Mill hi the way of la first-class . i .! - jf' . j ji-. M t! ' j - 4 Planing Machinis, Pronounced the most superior '4hiag of the Bind ever broaeut to the State. I I am now repaired to furnish at short no- tic and aa cheab as can bo supplied" elae- wuere m Kinag oi : . : . - ' DRESSED AND UNDRESSED. Send in your orders and be convinced. I his He is prepared to furnish CASTINGS for all kinds of Stoves now in use1. SEWJNG MACHINE . NEEDIE$ & OILS onnand and furnished at the lowest rates. Also prepared to execute promptly, and with neatns an lunds ci ful day of which I am about to wrue, iney i-wisneu io ua So heiiookr out, his drawing uulc taoieaux. so granama naa give i rials -hich-ho happened to have them keys to the many rUnks which alon? hanQ quietly sketched her. bioou in lue aiuu, num wuiuu tucjr Then y,ftcr sha hrid elOI.otl hc no n- v-. r - y t ted th(4 pictnro and, thinking to tlo intended to. set their dresse?. They were all up sorting the ma ny costumes when pretty Laura Howard who was standing by a large trunk, called out : "Oh, Grand ma, look at this lovely picture of a GUK &' SLOOK-SMITH ISVOEK Sfl Jl L Be sure and give him a call at art early day I All work gnarau toed, 1. nltt PROF. HORSFORD'S SELF RASSSNC Unsurpassed for making Ligh Bread, Biscuit, Muftms, V allies, , " 4Cakes,- andPastry.H Seb. . yanc;e cook. i ULargest, Best, & Clwapest, Manufac tured for the trade. senci tor wampie. THOMAS, ROBERTS, STFVENSOX & CO.r Philadelphia. ; ; 4 i JOHN ; L. MAEKHM ' I DU HH AM . C. , Respectfully ask3 his fhends and the pub lio generally to come to Durham and lookt at ms large siocKoi i- u - j General Merchandise) - - 1 1 - . i . .i i .; Agent for tho celebrated . s JVisscn, also Spach WAGONS. Gnarau tees tho best goods at the vtry lowest prices. . r 4 jan25 ly JJE. tX 6m R. Y. MINUS. A JAiHSS CLEGG, TWENTY- vears experience in Female Diseases, iir regularities, ovarian tumors,- imarantees sat isfnetion or no charcrea. ; Business conQdeTa tir U Patients furnished Tith board if requir ec. HiLand.91 bouth Hietii street, Baltimore JTiiyfiud, Jan 11 BieaQ Grandma Ellison hurried over to where sho was, a stern expression on her usually placid face. "Shut down that trunk, child," she commanded, "and give mo the key." Laura obey ed, and Mrs. Ellison left the room and went to her own chamber, where they heard her close and lock the door. What could be the matter ? ttfey wondered. At dinner she was the same as Highly recommended by Physicians usual, only there were traces ot as healthiul and nutritious. . tears on her tace. After the meal was fiuished, May Baron Liebisr eavs : "The nutritive Worthy, who was the bravest of- us a ktjdnesj'. presented it to us: but it yas anything but a kindness, and though I never liked to destroy it, I always kept it hidden away. V '. .. ClIAPTER ir. . "A trenjtding form standing at tho win- dM '- , - A palo 8; id face leans 'gainst the .window Lips witto as lilies in tho moonbeams (swiying, ' . m Moah a4;"Fomorso thrusts through both . heHrt and brain." value of flour will be increased ten per cent by the use; of T r f p r, ; Preparation. Use no lard or other shortenino-s for bread, biscuit or rolls wKen i ; t ( mis x 1 cpai iitiu w is ciu" ployed. The cost is them all, went to Mrs. Ellison, and smoothing back the whito hair said softly: "Won't yon tare ap stairs. Mr3. .LUison she replied and she lelt And j where was the obioct of Mrs.Enison"s story ali this while. Let xs leave the merry group at grand i'a's and wend bur way to the qniet tittle village of Woodley, where -. A amino lracy hrst came with h4husband. "What if she had left a living home, had sue not found a i protecting arm to shelter her froivtho storms of life? Aritl hietic was Gerald Tracy's . Mrsj Ell, tin was cvidenlly maj- tenug 8omfj5rong emotion. , "Paulinfc itwas all your owq fault," shai iifin hastilrf thenbroka down. r T v i? : v . .( 4OhPauI !PanlinoI rnyyovng"; est child,; LYttSot tarn you olT. I. cannot stec, jj heart aga'nkt yon', my d-srlin, ;nnd with a , heart-felt cry she fol4 U.tho slight form to her prcat. . f -.r .. The girbt diM looked on, aston ished, silent, foctators of thi scene between mi iIkt aud dauMiten They had'iftver" supposed Mr Ellison cajHrhlof such t motion, but. now thev f. 4vhat great iujuitico they hal dc rficr. But aft j Awhile she controlled herself,' and ,i.iirnilig; tovyanl then said quiotlj-Children. yon need hardly Lo tt 4 tlrat this a tout Aunt j auunc, lont you -havo .ncrr known, but low" snc coutinbed.'4! lione you w '4 know and love her." . Palino 'Icy'a pretty "sad n;o was a study for a pajntec as sho re peated carj stly: tYes, my littlo nieces and jpiiewir many 01 whom I have ndvfr '.seen, yon-will lov6 mo and" the, f it -rathtT hesitatingly, "and my ch U." How oou; U they help doing , thy woudeiel, gazing at the beau tiful face, Wvely in spite of tho sor row whicir.no'w rested upon it. The girlariilently kissed inother and daughtef good night, and then quietly withdrew, for they "knew, that they w'ehed to bo alono after incir long sarat ion ot ten years. ClIAlTEK III. Oh, flutterin'ijeiart ooniol thy tumult, Lest eyes fane should see. Mv cheeks btWay the rush of raptors His coming trine to mcn During trie, year that followed Pauline still Jicd at Mrs. Elliidn'n with her cht, who, grandma. flaid. was a pcnecEminutnre of it3 mother at that age, and if her -word! weio sees througlose colored spectacle) have- been indeed Ptkuiinc muvt tho him lyj believed in her hus band's iunocerrce, and every ro?ntli visited birn; ' lie sworo ho Irn guiltless, aca the wifo'd praycr'n went np night and morning for tho ir 1 iii it-, ni 1 111:1b wiic-ii 11 iitjuiuv l;&i 1 rw. 1 . - . j i , . . . toll ns ahont thit ic- i Zi ' ".v. ' 7 . I reiuaso i w q u ear .loveaooe.ia hi 4 ten us aooni inai pic wag leiuvithout a cashir. ho ar 1 1 1- it , pleas0 do, grandm3.'Mnl ; tKnnnsitinn. . . loueiy ceiu ,. . . , '3 face hardened a r rV .iTi . . . wWn, nuionoifiy snercaa mtno pa- , "I cannot, May dear , ktPnhcarlptnn had hoPn th flrR; Pcra los ry ol bow Stephc. the room V T7 I T - 1 1 arieun oecn sent to prison, nit, luuui. nnnlicm.t. but. not hnvin n. food ri.j.. . 1 . . . , 1 Mr k : 1 . i 1 nnn (i vitit nniuBrnri .4tw- ft . . m ,9 ' m .Aft . A . . . K . . . frMS . I 1 WW . .V. 1 I7U . less than ordering bak- rowders. u wen said ing . m . n . ijuoiu mu oumug, wutu uivy r-nntthn lh r ! nnfinii vrrrj frivon to n A a i i. I i : e , ., r,,-.,., -. ,. -.' I J. racy. , i aDrupuy, -niiuren, am yon f'arlon nM thnt if it harl not eytr know you had an aunt Pauline?' been iA; lTracy he would have had it, All InnL'Pil S!irrrifil . find frrniifl. I a )! . t -i i . . ' f t anuswireio uc revengeu, nut iwo ma continued : years brd 1 a 83d and no cl ar.co had "bhcwasmy youngest daughter, occurreH for tho fullEUment of his Manufactured under the direction and the pet of the household, and dark threat. of Prof. Ei K: Horsford. bv the imperious little queen, and Wo all But tiic day tho : whole Rumford ;hemicai Works,V Provi- worshiped her. derice, R. I. Send for! Cook boolc. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. irIdo villace Ger- deliberately plotted. Gerald ..Tracy downfall. Mi- He had cJntrivef to cet Tracv into the Jity ior a short time,ranl that nigln hivl broken into the bank and sUden ihc money for whioa imcy was responsible. 9 : Paulino uttered a err of iovout thanksgiving Then ho bcckr'no a- BUY TOUB T I ..i VL . a i " UI." ' frl' W , ? in t i 1 , r r warc ol somoJone.bide her. "My acknowledge y. myself," with aldTrahy had forged a chock for wifc u. atro' -J . n - - - -, -.at last l am with y now, my daring, le-Cm om laomer.jr pr ue in rne cairn ouu.na men escapeu. 1 no nexi at aniXwkh voai-- n I now. mr darHnfr" f - . . SctolBofils ly ENVELOPES, PENS, IK, SLATES ETC., I;--' From Mitchell & Sons", Oxford; voico. I "iverv wish was tzratihcd: dav he Vtow canht. tried, and com and as sne blossomed into woraan-jmittcd.fi! prison tor ten years hood it wa3 hard to check her petuous temper. Still, we wero surprised when Gerald Tracy came to us to ask for her hand, sho cling- mg 10 mm, ner pieaamg iace eaymg woman; mora than wnrn." . I (iTi !J j -H . 1 -r . 'i "it-is neeuiess o say mat youri ir; wijs . I I Jt na net tlT mr.nm V. v.t.... .... im- Poor.Paulinel Her bright, glad "DL??' all summer . was over., aud iiis-tjad xt I c:-rt ,nrA r .-.v.i the gai- impaliive irirl, i-ho wa I , ut . . .. changed ; into. . a broKen-heai t.-d I Ye walk ; arCva riot tor joxs'tUt mlxi-.i Xmcw learn tve. The I .Nowntlit grandfather refused, for Gerald, it 1 childrcif.l at Mrs. Ellison's ime, to Subscribe ' m V were tne Liancil i , - vo l . 4 X. V

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