w ( I) o .i . i ' - : - . 1 ' - . . t :- sr . . . . II. It m - .. 1 i i ' 11 - ' - " . T" X- $1 . 25 PER; ANNUM- IN ADVANCE. rJOHN-T.1 JSRITT, Proprietor. 'Hew to. the fine, let the'' Chips fall where they May" VOLi 2. OXFORD, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1878.1 NO.. 15, I .A - - 1 THE OXFORD, FREE LANCE, lv, i '" J. Pufelished'eyeryriday Morning over the Drug Store of - MITCHELL &' SONS, jr. c. OXFORD, JOHN r T. on ITT. . . 4'.. rr.v L OXB YEAB, V- 1.25 SIX: 3IO JfTHLS, - .75 j Any person sending a. club of I Five Subscribers, accompanied trie casn, win receive one NATIONAL STANDARD! 1 nOTEL. XFORD HOTEL, V- B. E. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. I am prepared to accommodate the traTel- inar public ou the most reasonable terms. Speciil inducements given to boarders by the month. , i ; ; J ; janlTtf 1 i copijtree for one year, l"Advertiang Bates Liberaljga The Free Lahce is the Leading Journal of Granville County, and circulating largely in all the adjoining counties, offers an zirisurtassed, medium, for Ad vertisers to reach the pnblic. dressed 1, WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. 3000 Eugravings, 1840 Pajres Quarto. 10,000 "V"ord3 and Meanings not in j other j. . Vr. Dictionaries. .-; j: J Four Pages. ; colored Plates. A whole Library in itself. Invaluable in any Family,. -and in any School. : j Published by G & C MEEBiAM,SpringeId,lIaa i Business Letters must beAd- to tlie Publishers. -Si ' PROFIiSMOAL CARDS. JOHN W. HAYS, T Attorney & Counsellor at Law, : i J ' AJsr ..lx-- ; !: 'I hi- - . Oxford, e after the.flrstfiy of January, over the new tore of T. D. PEACE;'" Crawford & Co. N. C. Warmly Endorsed by a Bancroft, Prescott,' Motley, Geo P Marsh, Ha.Ieck, Whit tier, Willis, Saxe, tlihu Burntt, Daniel Webster, Rufus Choate, H Coleridge, Sn: art, Horace Mann, more than Fifty Col lege Presidents, and the best American and European scholars. " .. ; . ,i , ; Contamg Une-J?iftn more matter than any other; the smaller type giving much mdre on a page. ; ' ; i ' ; : - i Contains 3000 Illustrations, nearly three times aa many as a-iy other Dictionary.! 1 LOOK at the three picture of a ship, on page 1751, tht-se alone illustrate the meaning of more than J0O words' an,d terms far better than thev can be defineeLin words, i ! ' More thiin 30,000 coniesbfltve Jacen. placed in the pnblic schools'of the United States, i Recommended by 32 State superintendents of schools, and more than 50 college fresi dents, i . I Has abont 10,000 word3 and meanings not in other ; Dictionaries. I i ! "Rmbodiea about 100 vears of literarv labor. and is several years later than anyjitheiflarge . iwnionary. i j- I The sale of Webster's ; .Dictionaries! is 5JU times as great as the sale of any other series Of Victio$ftes. s i "August 4, 1877. The Dictionary used in the Government ' Printing office is Webster's Unabridged . ';. j j Is it not rightlv claimed that Webster is, 1 THE NATIONAL STANDARD? - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j T TIANretail price $900 only $260. JL Parlor orgaiis, price $375 only $105 Paper free. D. F. BE ATT Y, ton, N. J. . ' " : STOP AT TPUE . YARB0R0 , HOUSE', Raleip, N. cJ RATIONAL HOTEL, Accommodations equ?l to any in the city. Board : $2, 00 Per Day. ' Delight ully situated next to Capitol S ouare RALEIGH I 'X. C. Special Inducements offered by .the week tached to e House. 7tf p C D. OSBORN, Proprietor, Q.OODE HOUSE, COBfKER COMMERCE AND MA.IN STREETS, Norfolk, Va.. Jesse C. ilacocks, Propriutor, W. S. VHEDBEE, CLekk Board j e r , D a y $2: 0 0. Attorney at Law, jdXFORDjN.C. ' Attention (paid to collect ion of claims .: nol 3 ' .i i - i 1 i 1 . Attorney (at aw, Suprtihe, FedtraL rracticcs m State Cnurt'ti ; i Colectibnsj of Claim a Specialty. Isolltfl ; an1 1 asning- RE v EVOLVER Free Seven-shot Re el ver with box catridges. Address J Brown & Son, 136 & pittsbuuch, Pa. ? 13S Wood St., SKI tU T; JORDAN TT Attorney & Counsellor at Law, X' 11 HENDERSON, N. C: KIN Diseases, l'rof. Hebnils Trea- so on iskin JJiseases giving symp toms, and sure cure, bent free to those afflicted. Address. E. S.; Webster, 50 X. 5th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. . f . -- i ' ' ! ii- & KA FDR A CASE OF, CATARRH. That tft) p) VSa'idford's lladicaDCure for Catarrh will aot instantlv reliove and speedily! cure. References, Henry Wells, Esq, Wells, Faro & Co, Aurora, N Y; Wm liowen, Esq, Mcllat- ton, Urant & iiowen, ot .Louis. Testimonials and treatise by mail." Price, with improved Inhaler, $1; sold everywhere." W1r Pot. ter, proprietors, Boston, Mass. Coiun'a vol taic 'lsters are the begt. . i ! . . t , DOT jVOJIA: OF JII3iE. 4 Dot voman of miuedot voman of mine ! bne bodder mine uieVma all der dime ; - one Maps my iiair ana iuis mniacB, Und knocks mine nose- all outjn. blace ; She drives me of mine own house out, Und makes me vander der night about. Till Ten morning comes mit a dove-like 6mile I am goaxed hack to my domicile By dot Toman of mire. Dot voman of mine, dot voman of mine' My love for her ish most sublime ; I vbuldxp mit myself through thick and thin, ; Of I never could see dot voman again; Before I vas married I could midout fear Eat mine Limbnrer or drink mine beer; But since I am married I'm all forlorn, Because dose britches of mine are vorn By dot voman of mine. . Dot voman of mine, dot voman of mine ! She vokea me'np in her midnight time, Und delis me a pain in her stomach she's got Und vants me to make her a visky hot, I goes down stairs in my night shkt-dail, Und skins mine shins ou der bucket pail, Uud scalds myself mit der coffeepot In trying to make a visky hot For ddt woman of mine Dot voman of mine, dot roman-of mine! Ven I goes to der tavern in der evening dime, 1 sits me 'down in my eass chair To sbmoke my pipe and drink my beer. Ven in she comes mit a old broom-shtick, Und hurries me off on der double quick ; She follows behind, vile der beeples stare. Und wonders who vears der britches dere. Me or dot voman of mine. Dot voman of mine, dot voman of mine 1 Venever will come defhabby dime Ven on this earth her mortal breath. Forever shall be sthopped mit death V-t in Hpt flflv no more Pll see Ftne French Brandy Old JSTash Der leetle stars she makes for met ' ' Ti-nrt-n rln Tin -nifi ril. CrtlA-n o. Votl Ana dimA frnTTlPA I'll ZinOT mit cleO. i iff vw y f j-ii v fjii vuutivcv i " w o Whiskai. Sweet Mash For 1 shall be so nappy, so rree .. Whisky, tyc The jabove goods are pure ami we ran recomriiend tliein for family and medi cal upL v ill tf greutrsta.blishmcotfo all the Ou teruruigo seryaniB were 10 remain on until the return of tneirjittstressJ Veritably it-seemed a delightful ideab: AYlen Jerome .camobomel con Id hardly wait to give the first cup pf tea blfore I unfolded the idorv" of OutGferid?e cottao:e of the Hudson. I of lambs.dAbe. and the little stream Aunt Penelope sitting graciously lets, I one ad ly packed up my by feelinff like the tairy-god mother liHallo!'1 'jaid. Jerome, . when La w here J could ? happier thauin this -humaj Jjiye'where a "few pou plants in ho window, are aU.I have to remind nip of the green world ouU eidcV U ' . ; r Stung Jy these .reflections and still iurth" jrncited by a letter froni Aunt rrofMcpe, ion oi aecnpiKns who?:kad done it all with one whisk 1 came home.' where are you going Y of heK enchanted wand. - ( j To Aunt Puto elope, ; tor.a veeka -r Vell ?" quoth I, restlesslywiren visit; I need it, and so doealsertie. I had 'finished the recital.. , "And leav mr ' ' . ' M "Well." said Jerome, who by this I looked keeuly at Jerome. . To, timejhad the baby on bis larj and too, rwas- palir and thinner, lhan hia was Itickliifg his plum ribs. usual wontr JNighta ot wotk -ana , , "Qfcobrse we'll gor'l days or coonung-noose -vou were Qt course weiwont," said this im- beginning lo tell upon him. v . j practicable husband of miile. "No, no P-1 cned, throwing v my - "ieromel'- larmsarounu uin onv icavo "XlinyT . ' . . 1 you, deareU ..Not if I never seethe $! why not? , ooemtry: agalU." - ' .' ' uJa the first place because I've no "That's. bdy own brave little girl!" , ; id eafcf turning boaekeepcr ior any said Jerome, stroking back tny hair wortji wnp wants to enjoy uerpen wun s iuvinr iuutu in K-itfce, and foist off-her house- deary, and 1'lllako ypu myself for a' holcttifcares on somebody else. In little tripj?.-" WILLIAMS 8s BRYAN, GROCERS, OXFOItI, J C. THE ONLY FIRST-CUSS GROCERY INJTOVN, . Offers! to the trade the following goods : tNice Sugar ciu'Td-Iams, Fat Lake Mullets" and Jy , C. Her rings, New Orlea ns Mo - lasses,' (new crop)f all I grades Sugar. Raisins, Nuts and French : ! Candy: i! We have a superior lot of Coffee, bnZJiaiid, which we guarantee S i to give satisfaction the Cohond nlace 1. like to mate ray o i waiiea. . . ownlrrantrements. instead of hav-J The dav-Veel inirljem made for rae." delight..! I dressed AVIthk Aunt Penelope bridled white frock, with c came to rnv infinite in a ion: baby, in a blue ribbon sash and .6s?ed her head. landhbalder knots, and put on my 'looked with. eyes full of tears at own dainty" HtUe soring bit, trim-. my.sband. . . lmedswitb pnmrpses, and . away we Jerome" cried 1, "now you are rolled ma comu?rianieof en carnage, . iinrpisohable. It would boBUch a 1 Jerome, licrtte, and I until we -r-T I fine , in ing lor the baby.". came to the prettiest bird nest ofa Tvion't see but that the baby, is cottaire in -the world: just a : little doing's 'well .enough' retorted Je- distance out of the town, where vine com "I do not approve 1 of your garlanded the porch! . a:d .h. 1ittlf DlarrtjAmv. Let Aunt -Penelope lawn extended downto a crystal- nnntxnt anv rositiorLshe tileases. 1 clear brooK. - iuius ana aan kius From dot voman of mine. Stoves i Sxoves i myauntpenelope. f am iwlc. am table to turuish ahomo for my made the borders gay, and a Hac ojvwwife." tree,.by thVgate, was ju5tbnrting ui) j home ! Yes," cried I indig- intobloorno - - , nanttjV "in a flat, without as much "1 should like a-home. .like tbia," of a))ack yard as one could bleach i said I, gazing out 'aits exqni&'uo a taTJ ii-cloth in P 5 ou nave contrtxea exui in noltf QEbiiGi: wohtham, Attorney, at Law, Office pXFOltVl X C. o 2 Venable Buildin's II. Y O U.NG W. Attorney' Cou'noellor- at Law, an412m HENDERSON, N'.C. P. G G S", TTpRNEY IRdleigh ,1 1- Practice a in AT a he Courts of Wake and Orange nri thA Snhretne Court of North Carolina. Special attention given tq collection of claims and to tne aaiusTmep ,uu eiumucui v i y.ftnnt.ii nmu.ularlv to the accounts oi uuar uan and Ward. iiixecuxpra, Aamiumwuiiuis : .nj TViKifMii infl flJlbnBineBsin the Probate Court geuerallj. umce corner xayewviu and Martin streets, opposite uwub J GltEAT IXDUCEIENTS offered to those wishing to supply themselves with first -class j COOKING & HEATING ahk, upstairsl ll.1 GE i v, Offers v his I people.' of! 1 jduntry. f one of the I residence. jaul7tf t mi Surgepd .W. LANDIS, rofesional services to the -Oxford and surrounding ESTCan be; found always at Drug Stores, or athis fathers NoU.tf Goulds Maniifacturinp: Co. , jaaaniactnrers ox; au kinds of Force and Lift PUMPS,, Tor "Cittern, Wells, JiaiU roads, Steamboatt Windmills, etc. FIRE EIW&1NES, Hydraulic Bams, AMALGAM BELI.S ior unnrcnes, ecnoois, and Plantations. Com-Shellers, Sinks, etc. l Pomps and Materials for Driven Wells a specialty. JSaiitj action.- guaranteed. Catalogues furnished". . upon application. INQUIRE FOR GOULDS PUMPS FACTORY. Seneoa Falls, n. y. t WAKEHOUSE, 15 Pabk Place, Niw Yobs Cm. Temperance Reform AND ITS GREAT REFORMERS, j By Key WH Daniels A:M. Prof upely Illustrated with Portraits and sketches and 'containing overi 600 Paffes. -X-' . ;""!.'- j ' i - i ' E&T A WHO LE TEMPERANCE IJEKAD IN A SINOLK VOLUME. AGENTS WASTE EVET.YWIIERE. ' " ' I Address for extra Terms and Circu- las. NELSOX & PHILLIPS, 805 Broad way. .New York. ST 1 V!ES - ,1 He id prepared to furnish (JAsuNas icr an COUCH, 1 Dentist, ; r, I; OXFOKDl N. C. ' 1 Mav be found at his' residence wherej he will take pleasure1 in meeting his iriends and attendinsfo their wants in the different branches of his profession. ; liesiucuw vpvoitc jjuliou vuuiw nltf ; .1.1 ;l- . -H ! DR. J. BUXTOII 1VILLIAUS, TiABniftilW! informs the neonle of 3ran- ille thh.t I have located in the town of Oxford lor - the nractice of tny Profession; i . . When not professionally engaged I can be tfonnd at the Drug Store r.f RlrlTCHELL A SONS', or at my residence, lately occupied 1 by Capt John A Williatnfi, on College street . 1' tmpoktAnt "to builder T IT ATE reedntlv &ted a new feature t ty Steam BawJMill in the way of & first--clas4 i bounced t ha mosi Qperior. thiag of the : d ever brought to the State. ?. . DTOH Mnd ever broucht to the State. X am now Iprepaired to furnish at short no 4ice and aa cheap aa can bo supplied eke Where all kinds or . - 1 1 ! , DRKSSEPj AND 1 pNDRESSED. RMirt m vour order and be convinced. l feu J ( , E. V. M1NOC of Ithe best jnakes and patterns at Call at oncelaiul Examine his 'Stock. i kinds of Stoves now m.nse; SEWING MACI1INE NEEDLES' & OILS on hand and furnished at the ro west rates.. Also prepared to execute promptly, and mm neames uumiiubu j GUN Be snte and give him a call at an early day All work guaranteed , . tf ! ultf PROF. HORSFORD'S 1 SELFl RAIS1NC i . : : 1 A Sensonalle Story Suited to "Voimgr Married People of Limited Ncuni and Grekt losillitte. We had been mareil not nite two years, Jerome and I; and I think we had contrived to be about as happy as married couples gener any . . Jerome wasn't noh, but he had qoocf salary in his uncle's shipping office, and I learned tne lesson of economy, and contrived to get along nicely, with one girl, lo ,De sure, Aunt Penelope helped us; but al ter all, Aunt Penelope, though she, was a good soul and meant, w was more in the wav than otherwise We had. gone to housekeeping on a second floor in Camden. It was -l 1- A A. a very nice piace, amiougni .mini. Penelope declared irom the hrst a. seconri floor wasn't genteel. "It's more genteel than running in debt lor a whole house tbat you can't afford," said Jerome and so I didn't care, although some of my school friends who had married ris ing young lawyers' and doctors lelt on vivitin?: me. Jna you may it fdf tV6.year8;n aqi? Jerome, witb wba'hVeemed to me the most heart less UEUifference. beauty. u.ShodUiryoa t"al Jcromeauzli ing1 &s bajdreV up tbe borei in front of.tlie jrate. X am clad tp btar uiat pecsuso it is your no inc.- , 1 Itrcran to crv. Aunt Penelope 'Oly borae?" rose 'up witn a great rustling oi .lBiarea mm uuae weroxxau blaciilk aHd satin, cap ribbons. crazy; , . , . ""1 'ihall certainly accept my friend v xe; lulle pauent homeicK;wiic. MrsjDuterbridge's kind offer,"said I haven't U rg tton-your liking and shejiwith dignity. ! "Of course, longings afithU time. Hour homer - A-m:fy0U Will ao as you piam:. -rm paiu ior: . indil am going up stairs, to pack uYeK,' eyjry shilling. Uncle Jov up.:i)Irs. OnterbndgeNis anxious sph Was brlped mo, arid that nigbt fQff flto come sis. soon as possible work wn!sll paid A good gar- And; of course, Amy, ycu will re- den,Amy,j )nd a nice place to keep me4;r(Kat I shall alwap be glad fowls! So). yott like it, h?r to' leeive vbu and your family a My face! ua we red him. guej tii at Oilterbridge cottage." I "Wemovj d out tbe following week Ti ;cbked ?inipIonnglr at ' J eroi scents and greening gras, and; Aum Penelope takii back all fcihe Eaid abou't Jerque, and has .air fcoVta of iruuuie wjvo me. vuierDnage -ser- . vants : and I am the hanniest lit tl a C in th world. shaking her bead"; "but "Vai shall not talk 1 i en .I Tl' L be sure I didu't miss them "much at & . LOOK-SMITH WORK ter baby came, like a little blue-ey- hands with those delicious cares that are so sweet to a mothers soul. . Aunt Penelope was al way srfrink iner of clans. ' 'If -My friend, Mrs. Outerbridge, rigbj Royally by VAirstjng into owns the sweetest country place up I new, apod ol tears. the river, and Aunt Penelope said I Aiftt Penelope went V away to rae one day, in a connaeniiai ano: next ;aay, ana lunesumu wiu ' "Ct course, if yoxr wish it." "irid will vou come, too ?n , K' Jerome shook his head. - vw ifv n-p'ninffB for the present w"el mH!fbe spent in town, said he. "I b,ie some extra work to do for Unq Joseph, winch .won't bear postiining. . If you go Amy you mufijlifo alone. Aiyt Pen was loud in her denun ciator of husbands in general,' and of mire in particular, -wnen l came noy mooorciiv. "tufr lee , reedin ' I-ould have told ypu how it That isa w.ternperaneo'- mcive.'. wou ji; "be before yoh were ever ment - tha.t spreading .'oyer the 7LJ cowl A-nrit "Pan 1 , ' - The Temperance neadon 8 . ; : tied. ' . 01,d Si came into . the ofHco ye-V terday ookuig red-eyod and i egret- ful: - s f . ; - aLookie Vfar T jwcat ar'dis Mun a pby moobrjcnV dat I'e . reedin p rorn "Well, .1 bat. at1 de petb ob dat so,, Annt moomnent, Anyhow 7' flashed I. . tlI dare say Je- TOiy, Urphy makes a fhecch. 1 n I .1 -r'n . ..', - nt : oniy oniy -c- Aiifl then I vindicated my cau A T . ine ioiwa 6ti i tqe pledge and wear a e blue ribhot! lberward lor a ifm.' a Den d jess tr wab twixt do sine dat,f(j cs warj ar itT Unsurpassed foT making T pgh Bread, patronizing tone ; liiscuit, MUinns, vv.ampS,v. My friend. Mrs. Onterbndo-o is seerQa. ay thM -I don't & actl undtraiand yoo.,J Ugh it Ve;lL . aez oVde illn.hy .. April-Yokes waV: ie'blue' riboatis -in aero Cakes j and Pastry. as COHK. Largest, Best, & Cheapest, Manufac tured for the trade. V Send lor Sample. THOMAS, ROBERTS, STFVENSON & CO., Philadelphia. v : S . ! 3! 113 JOHN L. MARKHAM, PURHAWI, N. C-, j Bespectfnliy asts his friends and the pub- lie generally to come to urham and look at his larg6 stock ot - ,f , , - j 4 I General Merchandise, Agent for the celebrated v ' t- Yissentidlso SpacJi - WAGONS. It. was a blowy f.l c 1 1 l.Jll t Jl' MA . mort nil;, wiui n umc DIVJtuarl'KU uuuulvlul , -V with-clouds .and faint:' sweet scents 'Ye, tliei ild. - ' - going to. a ranee, and-faas requested l- - .nTt tm-. ; x-.- rw.-jili t ma mrtct rwrvlit ol r r ic irl o hi I liltor.-l C3k . . ' I C . . - 4. . Highly irecommended by Physic ans Z liZ: ' i4;li.: ,aonn. hoW;uck J, was oi toe nax, oi pave- iron nosrs ciruere .faces r ' 0 J - I LI I IVILIU UUIUI-IC VIUI 1U Ll lll 4J U4.I1V 1 ' 11 -11 . 1 I ll. 1 T T . T ' 1 iPilthfiil and nutritious. 4 .1-. T.ii. V .1 racnw ana ones wans, ana nu urc, i ucyievf;ney ao.' v aim iuo - item 'that go to make up a city, . -'Den 1 beU onlbe red noesiw tedv to mY neice and was kind Enough would make e there too 1 y-w . i a i i . 1 1 l l unm iriT n n T irp(i l f l(l k a.riii x i iiii " . avwa ilvw uu His uu ua onuctooer. Ana wnat a spienaia - I " ti. it. j ih,g i would be lor the baby to WfJ '25 nave we 3:",!" halo five months in tbe conntry." ! Et 10 "Te . i:.. i ... .i, i i . vH iutw. invuarimur v eves uiuieruii ai, iuc uiuurtw -y--. . . .. . i i m 7. -..-. The fir"st oth bad-alrcady begub ,W?J? 'S 3 K g earn nice a peari m us rosy , , . , 1 - JL j j t a aa u t,f r. f and tionnds of the worldl ahntnn noze?...l;ie dat ter. me an' dsn r.rv,o 4- i;tiia Ti0i.tiQ'a coi-o . I in a raere lodgingf-noute I Uantwel "Yes" laid I. doubifullv: but Je- UveJa house tnat lias ai leasi a in i 9 m ' rome I" . j j. j healthful and nutritious. BaroTijLiebig says: "The:-nutritive vaxie of llou'r will be increased ten per cent by the vise of Hotstord's i3rend Preparation' ll. . I Use no lard or other shortenings for j bread, biCTttt or roll3 when . this Preparation is em ! ployed; - ' ; j ' i - ' The cost is less than ordering f bak t,- 1 laVj i ' mure jicviui man uoi, i vui vue, iw f iiajiltk 4U" ue uruMiSW VCr her baby she! ...o ., taAi, ,oif Kt n- : i ? . - to say that it , 75 : S . - , r I itn,:...'. -i hfference if you L , 'Ka.d-hen- vr a, "t 1 : or five months I "Cl","c v . 'rr""l. irl .1.1 ti i iT.wim ai iasL mv ipiguaDu came ",,vv .'-r'ivLi. uiwu iti umo FOR ins! PowderF. Ij wld de Mur- SALE BY GROCERS. uaran.ees the best troods at the lowest prices. J . , Manufactured under the direction of Prof. JE. Uorsford; :lktne Rumford Chemical AVorks llvi- dencej R. 1. - i 1 Send for Cook book, j fe22-bm tie fir jwer border in it rer V we carj aflord to ' some- very jan25 It TR. JAMES CLEGG, TWENTY JLy years experience in Female Diseases, ir regularities, ovarian tumors, guirantees sat isfaction or no charges, Buhiness confide n lial. Patients furnished -with boar if rquir ed 89 and 91culL High stieet, Baltimore Marj'aad. i . ." Jan 11 ly ENVELOPES PENS, INK, ., 1 1 SLATES, ETCh - . lYoni Mitchell & Sons, Oxford; It's rvnl v t v nt Tr.fi vn minnfps hv train," said Aunt Penelope. ' "He lUmeVy aearsaid Jerome grave nnr rtnriA iIawti (iirorV tiWVl iYi Cf 'TVifk mriro A uni Vonolnnn MH -T I ilUl Uien neurew OUl 1119 ....wk;. tt, r- onerf id bis roll of figures and wentto oKlo. onrl lluKcr'kf If onnnirAil . trt I WOrt-f . . ;r. v, iMitntrir . llT? April oavs, Deamea on,- au :n- -,,,1 fM.i, bricric skies' soft winds and kajeiao- llllliv, iciicv luun u lanno, uuu jivr -f o . , - l.nttor ToW- Tioromhn iMr nnnlrl I FCOUIU Climyt;ii 01 auu uuwvi,u roll over gravelled walks; Jerome I befarae almost- heartsick ior Uie V.o- tlin ;l,r;nrrnl.a fimfr ef CQUAt jry. . '" ' j u "Tiiferome reared for. rnc as lie a fiiaiiiut-r twiiiiriii, nuu vatv;u tuc i -c?;v' w ,1 ..v Ai. fl i-ritV, cironm .w1 1 useato care, i voiurayaen, wim r i a x l.i ri. i teveMsn , lmrauence. "ne wn:u ai, once I'se reddjl rr jlne in phy'sl? ' ?v. -ThexialnjBa was 'too bard we treate'dl U. " - ' : , v 1 ! TJprit rgislator : tWhat.ir 1 Yon take n Sp for oce -Vhaicah. b mbed? j 1 u' inault "roTsenee or onor'--irat In. case i'-realrir were such amaa how.;xnacli ouli'-yoa r enelope andy coubi U foci ve sh ; imraticnce, "he would at fine ladies at xbe bead of a easmakesomoeflorttafadabwne give me :ul tnre claape, i bcr iaurbandia a rap ofhuauand "thoozbt. oh, bow blessed a 1 1 fates, till I looked ou ' the gIof esV)iat encircUd Ber wrist, and foundf I that, aja ther y. cro cighu." nt- : A r m rtt 1 v ..I- - "tl

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