V 1 ft 1 ill t . 1 i : S :- it ! I ' f . ' s -t , ' ... ... . . . . . : WW W77V Proprietor? $i 25fER ANNlhl, IN ADVANCE. 1 i ff m . ....... ,. yfK , :..rA.v:-.jrt.-;:v-.H OXEOEl), iTf ?., FRIDAY, HAY 3, 1878 NO:i 22. Sit THE OXFORD 4 . FREE ' Ptblislfei every Friday M6rning ovet tEe MITCHELL $ SONS, OXFOIII. site-., V JOHN t. BUY Sp.nnn inntePRitfir ENVELOPES, PENS, INK, - SLATES, ETC. - From Mitchell & Sons, . Oxford. - 'i! r-S !-- Price 6 ' Subscription : : III I...!-!'!,:. -S ' 77". I Any person sending a club of PLUG ouioVriUGr.oi wiuitMcfc-n receive one ft i the cash? 'iHll t? t ree .o Jfp year. " . C'Advertising Bates Literalfej li "! !l a M-.Kt-.- .. ! ' I7te Free Lance Is the Leading Journal ; o. , Granville County, and circulating largely in all Ihe adjoining counties . offers an $nsurp&s$edl tnetyurn, ( for vertisers ta reacJi the public. - j AU Business Letters must be Aa- pressed to the ruDUsners.t. JOHNSli. MARKHAM, durhaki,'m.;c., . ; 'i. Resrectfelly asks his friencla "and the pub lic eent rally to come to urnam and Iook at his larg6 stock of - vy ty . ! i ' ' Qeneral -Meckanfli$e9 ! Agent for thej celebrated v ' jj Ji ' Nissen, also SjdacM I; Gaaranees . the best goods at , the very towefet prices jau25 ly 1 ! Are constantl' getting in J -They would call special attention ' to tneir aparmenc iOi Eeady-Made ; Clothing. Among their" clothing will be some beautiful Overcouts. Be sure; and call whPe you can get, a lit. n2 M POUT ANT TO BUILD ound 1 i -. T: ' ...... . , 1 ; . . ,. ; A thing of beauty is a joy fqrever. ERS. JOHNiW.JIAYS, Attorney & -Ctiunselfor at Law, 'Offic after the ntsf ily"!rf ffar;narv, ovtjr th -new Htorr hf T lOi-awff.rrt f'o- A. 1 B. VENA BILE Attorney v tees m bunrtuie, oiu-ts OfB PEACE Attorney at Law, OXF01 Attention paid to N. C. collfction of MjiUns ii not a -. r 1 1 t Law; Pract Statu. C ., Co!'etions of Qltit sJEOKGE WOHTIIAM, Attorney at La, OXFOJiDiX. 0. No W. Federal ' ! ain ;Ti4 a S;:ec'nilt'J "2 f Vnable Buildins - Mr? f- I ITAVlS recentiviaded a new feature toy bteam bawsiuii m the way of ha hrst-class Planmgn-Machin, pronounced t he most superior thing of the kind ever brought tn tha.State. j j I am row pTepaired to furnish at shoirt nQ tico,an3 as -cheap as caa.bo supplied! else vher"l9 all kinds of ' , - if 9r DRESSED; AND UNDRESSED". . S nd in your orders and bo convinceid. 1 fim " I s - jj: K. v. MIXUR. 1IACDTUIES. BY JOHSSON JolSES. Oh ! take me, frjerid, oh , take , me "where tiara ;Ximes none ever cry, 5 . Where bread and butter. grows pn ttee38 And feausaces close by ; . J Where oysters.dwell in constant stews, Where clams come ready cook'4 to' hand, Ana cooks can never pon, t " Oh ! take me to some wilderness. ! Far. far awav xrom town. . ! "Where turkeys roasted inn about. With sravv driDmn z down : t Where people never have to work. As6omelo msrlitandday s s Where ono cjan get just what one wants, Ana nothing have to pay. Oh 1 ta ke me where n o "wicked still Of strychnine whiskey's found. Nor where champagne fills every rill. And Cognac doth abound ; i But where the most delicious Sfrait The-eyes have ever seen,- : !! - Spontaneous roll & from mountim dowti, And every hill icecream. j j . Oh ! tke me to the land of peace, ? -Where never -comes atfun, Where people never gq to law, ill And lawyers never come: 1; Where crope are good and never fail, And each one erets ma snare, Where one may eat and driok.Sand sleep, . Without an anxious care. I Oh 1 take me, do," where all the folks Get plenty of clothi'S to wear j Where fashions. never change, and pants Do never burst nor tear; ':; Where satins, silks, and bonnets all, May have a full supply ; Where children are obedient, ; 1 And babies never cry. j ; Take me where; wives goodhuiaor'd grow A n1 OrnRKlTIH TlftVPT" talk . i Andiparsoris leas by preaching Jadg'd Than bv their nauy waiK1: declined; to receive the two girl's any "longer without" the aftcornpaby ing ceremony bf a small payment on account -. r -o t And then heTiad. hired ' lodgings of Mrs. Lynton, and died "there. lexving ; liOQ aau.iJiona pennuess. Mts Lynton'. was a kind " soiil. and ha4 never told' the poor young 6r puans that their lather naa not paia ner a sojuary veni, , , ,-uWhat: -wodid'he the use?" said sher- Poor t damhs, f they ve . got nothing (0 pay withP 1 Leona'was a beaotyi with at 1 fcolt, contralto Voia a willowy, graceftil "figure, and a face that . every one timed, instinctively to : look 'at the second time; but Zoe, the younger sister, had not been so favored by nature.' 0 ' ' . : ' She was 'slight and; below the medlunr stature; her face'althotigh Dale, and sweetv was not one to 1 1 . attract ; " admiration, ' ' and t6he was shy and retiring. But some how Zoe made friends everywhere. "Zoej" said'Leona impetuously, as she 'fling herself intot a cLair by the window, "we must go away here." . . . "Go away ? Oh, Leo I" cried Zoe. 3 Leona Bracehridge thfew b en elf heart: :ind soul' into the 4new life. She practiced trills, ani ripples, and high : ?s, with unremitting perse verance ;' she sat all day long at her hired. iano, and spent her evenings lutmurjing up mepiot 01 a nove- lette4 which was to take thb uncon- scious3vorld by storm., And so the vear passed by. ; ; t ;V- f - ' er ot .ihe orchestra at ' the Opera Housei-"you sing," Mademoiselle ? Alvery nice little parlor voice, I dare eayyliut ' you4 be of 110 'more' use limn a ' xhirpping; 6parfow on 'the stage, f l should thiUB your own common sense might- have taught :you tfj.-tf." Mr Peroux was rous:h, bnthe was nonetti and Leona went back, "in teaYaHo her boarding, house, where a fattBundle of MSS. awaited her, neatjyi tied in brown paper, and la beled"; u : "For Mies. Bracebridc. Posi tively-decbned." ' "' "Ig it possible that I am a fail ure ??; 1 paid poor Leona to herself. "And -with all these bills to pay, and the pino-hire due for a year, and n But yliss Bracebridge s unpleas- 1 Correspondence. ! f - "&Sblt Lii"cE?: AVo think it may beiiriya5umedthatrOai:"" Town&hjri will be almost a unit in . vote for iCapt. ' Enfus C&toiS, tf ha should geVithe ; nomination ' d ; 't ' SherifTs olace, which his numeroriS friends so Clinch, desire. ' J He haslmployed budrerot tho , Colored "people within the last ten': Tu; ; years, and there is not onloand -who will iiX glvo him' tte'f oi meed of prai&o tor honesty .undlau- deal-; ", ing, and the hint that he "would pre r Daoiy oe a,canuiaavc ior xnc, soeru j alty has ;en he signal ? for th spontaneous agreementrwith, botlv t jj .i-a. vj; it. wnne ana coioreu. as uo . f man, eminently qualified .lor; thc . -: ; place. . His'' sober; abits and , strict r iTt integrity, nl wU educational and : , 1 ; ; , other necessary qualificatipnf ijtaro!4 r, , t Whrte doctors charges are unknown : Where none grow gray and old; Whelre chills and fevers trouhlenot, And quinine is not sold. Oh ! take me, for I'm awful sic CK, "I don't like the idea any better ant' rfverie was cut short by the than you do,"said tha beauty ;i.'bu tappii?5 of her landlady knuckles Vqt triTYi rkO.Ti Ira tk xeGTT i p s-i ti WW iWW f n 1 c M U , W hero ne'er -a nother note I'll give, ' , a live and lively weekly j: Oran of Oi -plian. Vork, 1 j H Entertaining and instructive to the young. A zealous friend and advocate of Education. Published every WedLesday Mibscnption attt - w stape only 51 a year Office in the Ortihan Building, OxfoidJJ.C j- v .11 j. ur nave a diu 10 pay ; t . Oh ! take me to some wilderness. Where all these things are found ; Oh ! take me, take ma quickly, for I'm almost run aground. p esday irivV "aai V' liOWS! 'Hdbcond Plows, Morgan & Stoy all's pi The Viiiriiiia plow. Home is the sacred refuge of our life. 1 if.-. - . f . ' Dry den OWS BY HELEN FORKEST GRAVES. 11. Y d ftr n g Attorney & Counsellor nt law, Ah412m i IlMnER$DT; N. C !m'BR Pi. r G'G S 1 .. UK, 1 Rnd the Supreme Court ' of North Carolina. ! Special atentiMm' t&cMIction of claims j and to thq adjdstmett,' ahd! etUenun,t 4f ac S teOnhta. nariicularlv f the accuunts of Guar dian an4 Ward, Executors, ' Administrators and Trustees, and. ill trfsiilessin tue Prohate V Court geirallf lCfEct corner Fayetteyille ahd Maftii"Btrefet4 opposite Citizen s'Nationa! uanx, upstairs. i " 3uiu I We call; aj.ti ntion to the above Plows. Persons who haveji not seen ti e celebrated i Virginia plow fire invited to call and see it as it has peculiar merit. ; . i COOPiiii & WILLIAMS. Mar. 29,,tf.f " ,v fljf ; ;. js . ; . Vv' known ami appreciated ' by his nu merous f fiends - throughout . .the county, wwiil make his: claims fully knoii at " the proper season, either thrpugh th press or thenom- ; mating Convention. He is . a true - r and souni Democrat and will ministej tlxi sheritTs ofSce , tntirclyj n in the Interest of the people, and, the whole eppleC TitCBDEtfOCBlT. . COUNTY WAXTK1WC," -Is it notia little remaikablo that ' neither the : Board, tho Sheriff oor : ' the Treasufr pf our county -po-"v sesses enotrh curiosity and.' regard ior tne nonpr 01 xne coumy. ana; the interest of; tho complaining, cheated oilier holders,' to enqabo how it wai hat orders got into 1 the county tnjksurer in place s of 'tho . money thatbucht to hare been paid .; in and receipted for? : . v ?. :t t GranviUa'cbunty needs relief, and . ' - she must hare it soon, or her rapid' . Iy accuniulsling debt will sink her credit so 2ow that the honeft tar mvn xrVrfA wTcViaa ' n1 v-t rrVt 7, uttcreH these words, and poor Leona 1 ! , . , ... , ; 0 r . 1. have been ignored, will have to ns ?' shrank away in spito of herself. . 4. . . s ' r ? .11 . sorttotliG unpleasant necessity of . repudiation, or of ehoulderin I .4 1 7 PROF. EOESFORD'S SELF Erealifreiaraii UnsMi passetl for making T iht Bread 8,;aml'fJrastrv.l l f Highly recommended by Physicians 1 as healthful ami? nutritious!; ' s n.GEo;:w; LANBIS,. D . 1 Offers his Prof esiorial services to the people pf &xford ,f)and.t surrounding country1; jgCjtivjbe, found, always sat one of the Drti Stores, or amis iatners resideh'ce rH ' No 14.tf ss -; "1 B 1 : A; SurgUri COUCH; Dentist, "Ktnv hpf found at his residence where he will! 4kef pleasure in vtae.eting4his; friends UdattenydiUS"to their wants ;iu the different Jbraiiches of ( his profession. I Residence opposite Baptist Church. nl tf I aron Liebig .says 'Ihe nutritive value of "flou f will ber in creased ten per cent by. the use of Horsfbrd's if Bread f i f " f Preparation." f Use no. lard or other shortteninff lor bread, bisbuit'Mrr rolls when r this Preparation is bm- The cost is less than! (ordinary x7elix Lynton has been goose enough on ihty door. to fall in love with me '." ' ' "I bn't want to intrude, miss,' "Has he ?" and Zoe's face brightened. Said tf-jat ladyt with the belligerent "Oh," Leo, how nice" air of rne who means b'usines8 ; "but "How awkward, you mean !" in- I've jVveral heavy payments to meet terrupted Leona,impitiently. 4 'Have nexteek, and I would be greatly you got c jmmon sense, Zoe, Brace; olligei if you could just make it bridge, or have you not ?" convevient to let rne have a small Leo did you refuse him 1" , payment, hot its nearly six "Do you think I would marry a months, mi$s I'm a-tellin you gos a carpenter I, papa's daughter!, pel trlth since I've seen the color with' my. heritage ot goocl looks and ofy8ir money; and ; it's just . such genius ? . Yes, I may as well speak boardtrs as you, miss, as drives hon- it out." est 'folks Jlike us intD the bankrupt "But he is very handsome, Leo, court and very intelligent; and he owns lie nose had reddened spitefully the house, dear, and ho's such a good and hM voice grew louder, as Bhe nn tn his mother. Leo. darlinr. t ; nnftnfii. - T ' quarry ; a wmmuu 1 i.fjfin:i iiiuucuiiunc. ,.1 v 111 1 ..... . m t 1 . , -w .-. . ... -v . CD 1 ' I llf . " I . 1 11 1 77 . . . 1 I a I .rll AAVM ... ,M A h V . deed!" ' cenamiy vuaii lui, caiu ukv vyuiuiuuiwio mm iuj She was 'tall and pretfty, with na. "We must td'ok out for a home friends, Mi s. Bat'tersby,". said she, dark brown hair, lovely blue-gray somewhere else, immediately." "awl .Utie with you very soon." eyes, with! longrcurled lashls, and a . "But I'm afraid I can't do that, - ?I.hope you will, I'm sure, miss," fresh I red; anil white color in her Leo," said Zoe, apologetically; aid tre iand-lady, closing ihe door lace; short an nf snsnif'ionslv whinri was not trimmed three little music pupils for me allthoaflernoon, crying .quietly to - : J " , .. iu:1 1 with the freshest of ribbons. Mrs. and' auu St ncr.ucn- Lynton reddened at the girl's re- "Well, let that be as you choose," ing ,had .resting upon .hcrf hands, 'marV ! "3 1 -' f . fi said Leo: yawning. ' "I don't mind ot.the'ipast and the present. And "He's a carpenter, I know, Leo- being by myself just at first it will then,ghe'put on. her bonnet, and na," 1 said 'sb' ""But : as fcjr being perhaps give me more leisure for went 0 'the little red-brick house common-" il I practice."''; t. ' where ber father liad died, two 0h, you know what mean," "For practice, Leo ?" . - 1 years ago. said Leona. "We have lleen ex- "Yes," said. Miss Bracebridge, MBi "Lynton Was sitting in the Densivelv educated, Zoe an& I, and with an iufperial nod. "Mrs. Buckr red';glov. of the firelight, kpitting papa was a'lawyer, and mamma was mgnam anmics 1 suaii succeeu on uway,f3 ishments hi' the CHrmn dtantly related to the Sterns ot me operant ..uiutuuu ..uuo " and let the Mlgma'or ridfeal cdrhii.-' ' Monnr ' ; h i! while I shall be writing out a lew Nnce,; 1,. Lt -:J ' " t.." L-.il' ; -1 .,nr x ;j Hi; .it nnoms -.Mr. Rrrlhblp.ton. the En- "Child. ' cried she. as tho tallficr-l - i . ...1 - r: ' . "i.es,vsaia airs. uynwii,, uuu r ; . ' V V- ",v.V i " perous county to a still.I that don't help you to a penny 1 And as you have oeeir ray for three months, perhaps and old Mrs. Lynton was "for I have proniised Mrs. Lynton behin her with a jar.that set every d stout with a doupie row to neip ner wau uei uiam ociu 1 t w.wutto - iv. bright broAvn curls, this winter, ana sne nas got, two or oubtih lucre, m uiosuauuy ruou, burden ttg": heavy, almost to - b v . -borne, in f placing tho proud 1 61 a t "banner coiaty" on her feet strain.' - If our Magistrates, in Augtxst next, will manfully do their duty in j. : electing lit, competent, snitable v Board of Xounty Commission ernj and in d'nipanslbg wkh that tiaeleafj, -m: appendage tS the radical "machinery J : ? z the treasurer, they can burst jasun -der the galluig cha'n of radical rule that haj so long . incensed . tho honest tax-payers of, thq cotlnlyJ vv 111 ineycqme up to me iuu meas - ; ure 01. them duty in this emit of ' our historyJ or Trill tbey tupinely! succumb to-Jthe entanfflins blandt if ... , r t '1 J bak- very unhajtural think"' ! f that Felix DR. J. BUKTO!! VlLUAMS, ? IHOXFQRI), .N. C., :! Respectfully informs Hhe people of Gran ville thut 1 have located in the town of Oxford for the practice of my Profession. . iWhen to4 professionally engaged I can he found afc the Drna Store nf IiJ MITCHELL & S0NS, or at my residence; lately occupied ly Capt Jobn A 'Williams, en College streei. j I''. - S .1,'. .:'?';.:: ' j i s3?ob:iat the ' :" KaicighyK.-a - " . - FOR SASis CROCERS "Oh. ifrwe lave worn LLIpj !- ni'Ainith !i Lflona. ter's wife P, ower ' state . nMA w w-k a o-a o Alii : 1 tt 1 uro trnnpn 11 t nn ti rnr ini 1 - ' r 1 aow. uvc u.p.. Pr; ; C ' 1 of andtfnancial imhealthinegf t '.J.nlll'a olnravQcniii m v .nmnrtci t w itiq I Rr.rtoii in front nt ner. is it ivon I . ... ...... guests -Vr- r;.-r--: v VT' -i Magi stales of tho county! wake itf s't so uia iook weu i . prim,. , j " Z J Z ' t a ? hp totfsegsS of the grave responsi. i ehonld vou sec, Z.oe.,1 nave a career DPiore ieona a ve come uac vo veu you , - ; - ; , . . sisnouia juu ovvi" . I t . . ... ..... j . - . I hi 1 it v ret.inv nn von. To too th ! me ? It .would be madness . to now sorjy'I am that I ever acted so , J . . . S . " . . r. t . II - ... , hv.iV.. u.j,: honest, burdened, taxpayers of this but our blight it au Dy Decerning a carpen- louirsy. vo come- uauK iw., aj. - - , . L.',.. 11 . . T r - o . .T ' 7, 5 Manufactured under the direction haughtilvi of Prof. E, N. Horsfbrd, bvi the ivumtova. unetmcai vv oiks, i rovi- lady ueucc, lv. i. - Send for Cook book; can put up that I will be -Felix's wife, if he wi "Tlr vAn think nn ?" said ZoP. nnn'. I dfalv M. j v, I.U..... 1 r; i . eU "It isnthatfmy; dear " laid the lively. "Wellr Pm not a genius, i- i i ioS ianndn'pRk Tcnow Von're dear, and ljcan't tell how geniuses ber I Vrlvt T A , ww -- j VOl r oo fi welcome-to stay here as lon as yoii teei. uuvr eux very mc , auu ie -Dm j i .. . f ,.?..,., a Vio ia an fTAnd in hi mothp.r. "And VVllU UUi UIU'MOUIUUCU I o , too ill . . - - - r. .!' - - . ' ' " liilatforrn r icformwith an nnvield ! OldjMrs. Lynton began to wring in-anta-im to official irrupaon ; lvaad3 in dira dismay. : L;i t, V- I A.I1VA UHCI Ulk. OU AA-L II IVU WAAW 1 .. . T 1 41 I " . f "uju" jeona, saia, sue, . "you are i p:z late! Felix was married; last Bat it's mot a pity isnt it, goa sons ai way maive goou us- week. jg V e , Ued odr best to get that you cSn t make up yovir mind band, Leo." yours Address, but you had moved I ; Ninetefis centuries, ago ihe im- irncK ior me irecaorn Spring and Summer raf si i - i i m. . viiirr..iii l in aivc uu tuui uiiuu i . i j - j - J to a coinfortable horne witlv a man . So Leona BraceVidge went away, UvVav (rom the last place; -and left mortal Bf?tikti that loves the very crohrid vou Diaaiyg uc iaiUilul "1CUU8U C,J' fno.clufe behind. ;z.oo was neartoro-lot his coujtrv, i !H. MARKS ' & GO-i kuii9. ' cavalier son of :cgood-by. .. keh-abW.it: but there was no helo. ouerer D$ledint i i vv :-iiv inr : ' i ... . - w & i PETEliSBUHG, VA. j JanuTv.- "This BTjW rock sba31 rait and fly i: From S rn base as' soon uL"- f s. CANDY r ilANUPAGTUBEHS, ' Pruiters, Cakes and Cracker Bakers. and Pharialias con- i j ; o siJence at his feet.,, ' ; ; the .Magistrates of . i - lone determined and : : i: HAViKG Increased onr facilities fcr mann- facturing Cakea and Crackers we are pre tJ thr lUtnn vjieiix,-:.saia oe, loomg vimiu- Yes; was married last weefc, and Andhall?xiOt X 111 .WIT. DV t , , out JUT ..VV.', .1. ..'' '. t i il s , my uu in hci, tvuu& ,uv.- I iney Vti liouu vu x luutueiyuia jur i urauiitiv iuy.o me lasi i thpir Pd(linrr tnn. And I do be-1 nnifcod effort in Vn'mst next lor the are not lie ve if iy poor boy is happy at last." I liberation o themselves and tho Leoiia stood, pale and silent: as a honest, and" intelligent t people o . .f , - I . . .'. ft V t 's statue vof marble. ? r . tneir countr, wno arj &o eageny ; " "BUjJ whom did he marry TV said RATIONAL HOTEL, , Accommodations eqwt to any m the city iJclightfaiiy situated next to Capitol Sq f. mLEim;Mc. y I Special j Indnceinenta offered by the week and month. FirsWlass Billiard and Bar at j tiched to I e House. , y - . I 1 7tf I, I ' .: ' C: P. fcSBOKN, Proprietor; becoinini? a mechanic's wifef" "instSasS-ounieaVe " saidldMrs. "Vexed, Zoe ? No." H ' r,. i a . Pared to furnish the trade a superior article T ; iu :J. " rrav . "Because I'm" sure I flooi, 4io.noTin meant to hurt vour leelincr8 coax- ! . . ; J -''.! T , r T .a 11.- t ? ' CQ Zi'e. , ynuif sue , is a geuieus, she never corner Commerce and maik streets, Norfolk, Va. , Jc6se i fC-"iJacocksi Propnetorj Encourage Southern Industry and Enternrise .. bUVa VUUD SVVU1W.JUIU VIIU 1 And Leona went up stair!i to the yon now, and geniuses are cot like Ourteam refined CAi)Y is made te .suit tbe fafc aDartment where- hr sister other people." ; i . i , . a. i nj . i Lr - if.i? i--a iu: l. I "Shu is a rrpniliH. Ilt.llft X,o." Rfiul zoe was cuiung , out ,Ki"5iuii - & , U V ;f !w . v ff Felix, with a faint smile, "and I am ; I - . - . . . i . been a j a fooL" Is that what you meant to -I 1 cannot be ' excelled. - i W S.fWnEBBEE,' Clekk Ciinnnd Goods of all kinds Tomatoes' Bran- aprons. dy Peaches; Teaches and Cherries; ! ! Maurice'Bfacebridge - had w TOtt. TOHeria-bco. Yh-rfnU & geritlemanojje,x)f the i seedy, im liurweu B ai iuiciory priws, nuuvisarB povensneu 7 Kina, vuai. are: aiwaja writins:be?gifig letters andJporrow- Snunv-Tralph, Starrj Railroad, Caroliim Belle Jntri . five-dollar . bills and J ihe ,had i and (jaU Jt ax in Daies or DiaaaeFB. , ; - ,. f , i - ii.-S. T tur--. other goods too numerous to I brought up niS, aangnters auauauj Also manv mention. All we ask is a trial and veiusare T Vtntil fhWt. lndv mchl5-ly 1 r. 1 say??-: f! t-'Sh "Oh; rFelix,"how can you be so cruel V. said Zoe and she retreated intq her Utile darl bed-room to' cry, and wonder why it was that she was always saying awkward tmffgs. BUB.. " . ' I "Didn't I tell you, child 1 ?fyKy, Zoe, oj course !" : Fetrf Lynton and his young wife are aap'py as if there was no such tnincrts vrquoie in mo wunu. oo is'old'jilrs. Lynton. -And Leona is supporting herself by giving lessons ia miAc, and doing wha! ever . j bs of plain needlework she can obtain. ".'Jl'Oie must nave a iau, says tne pfovej h and Leona B raccbrid ge is one. ok its living illustrations.' : county, looking to; thera fcr. relief from tho . dangerous sua ruinous eiemeni oi, . - Radicalium ijiore to be dreaded. . than tho "destruction that wasteth at noonday 4. f K . .: , -Ye Mainratea; of GranTillo' , " . ,. 1 - 1 .. - ' 3A J l. . concern f or: jh'e .interests, integrity - ' and honor oT your cohnty be seen : ... lia the ' f sefjievemVnts you.,' have 4 wrought ibr?her liberation from the withering oiifse of radical corrupt . tion and mri rule. . , " ; , OXFORD.' . v. i -' v ' i i. ? ii- .3 ' i r d Per Dav $1.50. satisfaction. i 1 -r if

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