■50 per Year. . IIow iioblc tlic 3Iaii a«uoii« noble iVleii, who fears not to ply i trnth-telliug I’eii. ’ fcjiugle COpy CtS ^'OL, 1. OXFORD, N. C., SATURDAY MORNIXG, APRn. 22, 1876, NO. 11, Tho Morning Clarion, By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, iCii IN TilESl’lAN IIAI.I. UL'll.DlXG ) l>ul)lished every Morning (Sunday cn- eeiiledi nt ihe following rates : ' * 0|iy one weolc, - - " ' '-ojiv one 35*'^^ ' '-0|)v 2 Mouths, - - boots three Moutli, - - 8ocl-> * six MTnths, - - $i-5° ' *-'opy one \’ear, -- - ^2.50 fc^^i.iberal inducements to club-;. Advertising Rates : ’ ‘'quarc I insertion, - - 500th > •' I week, - ■ - Si.00 .''s euhunn I month H “ I ‘‘ 'A 1 “ * eolumn i month $2.00 $4.00 $7.00 A12.00 TOWN AND COUNTY. democratic Conservative Meet-; ing. ■ ,i The Deniocrat'c Conservative i '’otes of Granville are requested to | 'rteet, in mass c nveution, at O'x- i'oi-a, Satr.rday April 29th, to ap point delegates to the State ai.d Oongvessional district (,onvention, to be held in Raleigh the 13th and Hth days 01" June next, and to ti’unsact sueh other business as may deemed ,nece9:iafy. By order of ('o. Ex : Committee. J. Amis Cli’m April 20th 187G. ■ S:'noT Accidekly.—L:ist Wcdnes- niglit a colored man by tlie name of Henry Hunt was ac( idenlly i,hot “n tbe hand by Warren Smith, i;olor- ^^1. Hunt is now doing very we'll. *‘l-ook here ! isigger, mind whu h you pint dat weapon, agin. Hexderson Dots.—J. Voung, ^"^1., the popular Henderson drug- ^'issts is quite sit.'k. Small breaks of tolxicco on the '“U'ket during the i>ast lew da)?, tobacco declining. Walter Rowland ard bride have ^^turned from tlieir bridal tour. Col. Cooper is fixing up the ^^opc ■ House. HURRYGRAPHS. { ^liss Cracie Venerable, we learn, is improving. Miss Millie Paschall has returned from an extended visit to Hender son. Canned fruits a specialty at the new Crocerv Store, opjjosite the Hotel. ’ [to-1w ‘•C')nce I was hai)i)v but now 11 haint,” was the bhint remark of aj yotmg man, not far from here, as j his eye ran over a dainty, perfumed [ little missi\ea iew days ago. He | h’l-^ uf)t smiled sinr.e. ! Rev. R. H. tiriffith of (Charlotte, I agent for tii'‘ Southern Baptist I heo-1 logical Seminarv, will deliver an ad- i i dress in the liaf>ti.-,l Church next | j Sunday night, on ^‘Tlie Baptists and | : Religious Libert}-. ’ j ; H01 letnon is punch very good for j ' a cold, but it will not do to take tco ! much at a time, or it niay be some-| ! what diffu'ult to turn over after go ing to bed. We saw a young man try the experiment a few nights ago, and in his desperation was heard to exclaim; “Dad lurk—hie—to the spalpine — hie— lliat sells—hie common rum—hie.” e presume he was from the ■‘Ukl Country.” (\>NCKRT.— I'here will bj a con- ( erC at the Orphan A-;yluui 'I’u'sday night, i:ext, the prix etds of whieh will be divided between the or].)hans and the Baptist Sunday school. 1 1 e l>rice of admission is very small, on- 1) 2^ cents, and ever> >hould go. Boys, all of you who are luck}' enough to have ^wt'athearts. lake them bv*all means, and thereby add vour mite to this charitable institu tion. We h.o])e 10 see a large turn out. Uememlx'r tl'iC ])rice of admis sion is only 25 cent--. Correspondence. Battleboro, N. C. I April 20th, 1876. ^ The first number of your sprightly little journal has been received. The following is a never-failing remedy for the destruction of this nocturnal crupu : If you have not one your self, borrow of yotn'neighbor, abroad tace hammer and sad iron, thence proceed to the place of concealment, invert your iron, catch the little in nocents one by one, place them (piietly upon it, and by a slight m6- chaical stroke with satd hammer the victim is yours, l^asiest thing in the world. You probably will want to know about this town. It was incorporat ed in 1871, and is situated on the W & W li R., 30 miles from Weldoni iand contains near 350 inhabitants, I two saw mills,' two steam cotton gins, j one foundry, twenty-five stores, many I hat;dsome dwellings, two doctors, i two Ins. agents, one coach factory, splendid male and female schools, one hotel, &c., About 600 baks ofcott(ni are annually shipped from this place, as well as staves, shingles, &c.,' in large quantities. 'I'hc Odd Fellows, -Masons and ('.rangers are all flourishing here. A projiosition is al^o on loot to es tablish a I,can Association, whicii will be a great help to our pea[)le. Miss la/zie Mann w.is yesterday married to Mi. Joe ( arter. ot loi..- not, X. by (.lie Re\'. Mr. Holder, Croquet is the f.ivorite game with otir young people. labertv Harrison, colored, who lives iu':ir here is 110 \ ears oid and will go to the (.’entennial city, Can Craiu ille send one Mr. r>. 1'. Pitt has several hen eggs, of the lirazillian stock, weighing a fraction over a quarter ot a pond. \\c had a heavy Irost iast night, ^ but fruil is sale vet. A. J. 11. The SiHUhern Baptist Ct)iiventiun will (onvene in Riclimond, \'a,, (ii the iith of May. Revs. R. 11. Marsh, j. A. Slradley’and F. R. L'lr.lerwood are among the dc’egates Irom this State.

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