'*^‘^.00 per Year. *‘IIo\v noMe (bo ]^lan nRioijy noble Men, who fonr^ tsot to i>ly si Jrutii-telliH;^ Pen.” 1. OXFOKD; X. C.. THURSDAY IMOJiNIXG, APRIL 27, 1870. Single copy 2 ots NO. lo. Tho Morning Clarion, 5y Williams & robinson, ^ (d'.'FIq... t:; tIIESIMAN .HAl.L Uni.DING ) ^ Puolii'.hed every M )rnin_:j (Siniday ex cepted) at the following rates : ,‘^P)' oiie week, ,'*Py >ne Mor.tli, '^Py 2 Montlis, , tliree Montli, '-'^Py six M jnths, 12.]cts 6octs Socts AVe would like to hove a rainbow similar to the onewc saw represented on the stage 'riiesday f.iglit, to go arm iii arm witli us ili.roiigh life. Wouldn’t we though? You bet!” » 1^1 py one Year, ^■S^Lihcral inducciaents to clubs. Adi'crtisi)!^ A’a/i's : I insertion. Orukri.v.—I'his has been quite an orderly ' court so tar. ^■'ery few 5r.5o dnmken men on the streets, (ilad 1^2.50 j to see such an im))rovt.ment. I week, : 5 colunin I month. uin I month I Si'j)!)EN Dkaii! —K?tie flilliam, 5oets j - ( (ilorcd wonir.u living near the nc $1.00 i school liouse. was foitnd $2 00 ■ . 'v^j'oo: in IvM' b((! yesLenia\' morning. .$7.00 ! Her husband says she was perfectly •V'i2.oo! well when she retired. Town and county. l3 cinocratic Conservative Meet- 'n , i-!eniocratic Conserative voter.s ^’I'auville are recjuested to meet, 'iiass convention, at Oxford, Sat- ^'Uay April 29th, to a.ppoint dele-- iSi'dc ■ to the State aiul (.,’ongressional ; iadv, (and the baby) of -Raleigli Li’.C'I'lki'..—(^.1 accoi'.n: c.f the l;ad weather !a-;t Sunday night the Rev. R. H. Oriiiith ilid not deliver his lecture on ■•baptists and Religious Libertw’' Me v\ ili lo( lure to-night if! the !>a])lis[ ('htn-ch. i’i'.usoNAi.s.—Mr, r. H. briggs aiid Htly., to l,e Ithe 13th and 14th days of j-0 ntxt, nnf! to traiisact suc'h bnsi- as may be deemed necessar_\-. '■y orrier of Co .l'^\ : ( 'ommittee. '^M>ril 20th'‘iS7^. f. S. Amis ('h’m on a Visit to our village. We are pleased tt'see in our midst i,!ie Re-', J. R. (Griffith, and lad)-, of W'arrentoii. Wc trust they v,-ill have a jjleasani sojoiu'n. HURRYGRAFHS. "^•t*ap})le Cheese at the Postoffice. notice a great many liorse ' in town this week will venture to siy that O.Kford one the handsomest towns in ^^tate. has begun on ?.Ir. J. T'. Oj-j'^'- s new stable. From the amount we sltould judge it will be *''y good si/e one. "v ^-'anned Fruits a'si)ecially at Grocery Store, opposite the I,?- '' . Would call ihe attention of our the ‘■"^3 to the large advertisement ol' d’eiH-d ttew contcctionery store just I Xor AM.. KifXici). —W'e are glal to |kni)w-that all'the' fruit in this vicini' ty is nut killed, noticed several trees of apples, ( berries, and i)ear,s that were not damaged by tlie cold. And of ('ourse there will be p!cnt_\- of str.nvberries and blackl.V'rrie,;, Ah-sTF.Kioi's.—The Senior was in vited out not lorig ago to speul the night with a friend. H-.'iore reliring he hung'liis ho':e, as va'^ his custom, on '.he rung of a chair, next morning he sought said i. hair, with the inten tion of puttirig them 011 but alas ior vain h.j[)e, they were m,)!: tlu re, aiid could not i)c found, ('onscquer.tly he had t') put on hissh.oes withuut them. The Senior has a habit ol talking to himself and was heard to .‘■a}', “the/; rats in th-u h(,)use must be \'.u'v 1 irge. WiiAT IS iHi': 3NfA I'l KK ?—^V'e re- ceive our exclianges ver)- irregular. What is the cause, gentlemen ? For the last t\^’o or three evenitigs we have failed to get the Danville papers— and they are A^^^'.rpaper.s we desire v/)rfss]y to see. —■ • —. 1 j Roiri'. Bf.ow.—We received a let- I ter last evening from our old friend, I Robt. Blovv l'vS(].. late editor of the i Oxford Lcadtr. No doubt Iiis manv ! friends in this vicinity will be pleased I to know that he i.s alive anil doing , well. Me is in San l''ranci.sco. Cab, connected with blow Brothers, Com- I mission Stock I’rokers. (dad to hear you are doing .so web, old fellow, I and may you contituie to prosper, is I the hearty wish of this deponent. ! Fn'ikr'I'.vinmkx'i-.—Accorfling to ‘ annctmcement the concert came off I at tite Orphan Asylum, Tuesday i night. ,It was entitled the •‘Kesli- { val of the Seasons,” and tlu.'v vvert- ; indeed, beautifully representeil, and I reilect great credit upon those who ' took part in it. O-n- j)en, ;ts well oin- ! bra ill refuses to come to our aid, therefore we cannot descril)e the i beauty and grandure the st,ige ])rc- ; sented, Hllcd as it wa-\ with nym[)h like forms of youth and beauty]' fu'e it to say the scesie was enchanting. 'I'he co.-^tnmes ',\ en.'tasl \. atid cli - gintly gotton nj). (>ur space is toostmll to ;dh.>w us to comment upon all tlu,):,' \\ho tojk f>art in this bev/itching entei'tainment deser\’ing it. but will allude to one or two who. (jwing to their extreme: vouth. attracted oin' ;uteutio)t. d'ne two bide Misse^ b. a.tid .Y Powt.-ll, who re[)rL'seute,l .fX'\r |)ro|is. v.'ere lovel)’ emblems. at;d reminded us fo-r''ci!ily, in tlicir iiinocence ami beauty, (,'f the da/./,bng d-w drop resting upon the Lilly, th; loveliest; of flowers, in the earl\ morn. N\’e Iso add. that ihii.Tewho repre ■ by .Mr, C has. laylor at the | or my iViend must h,i\\' beesi scarce davs issue. Me has of that p.irt ituilar article of clothing, lound in a first j^trange an uu'ic.:ouv.tabl(‘ il'iing-; t p.'’,,*'Oive him haiiuen s: ni tiuKS. Woi.d r it ih‘rc i/in‘']'aHing elsewhere. ip!)e anv suc!i thi a "ho-; w 11 seiUed Ijon'c. reace, tiopoaiAl p.iv, pia_\!'d their parts ;id:nirably. i'uc music, as well as we cau judge, was excellent tile la>'i eniei'taiuini'.,'! but tiiar we will, ere a no; her. W'e hope this will not bs