THH Me«NIN6 OliiABTON, ^8.50 por Year. “ H««' n«l>Ic tl.e Man aiiioii;; noble Men, who fciirs nof to ply a fruth-lellins I’cn!*’ Single COpy 2 CtS Vol. 1. OXFOKl), N. C.. FRIDAY MORXING, APRK; 28, 187(>. XO. 1C. T1i9 Morning Clarion, By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON. (office I\- TlIESl'I\.N HAI.I. Hl'll.DlNG ) I ■ • ' P'-iblislieJ every Moniin" (Sunday ex cepted) ;U llie following rates ; • Copy one-week, - — * ^ OIJV oiip Mnrt ^py one Mor.ih, •^'Py 2 Months, ';0])v three Month, - ^ Copy six Montiis, - _ ^ ^ opy one \'ear, ^ilieral inducemenis to clubs. Advertlsiri^ ^lUare i insertion, " I week, ''S Column I iiiontli. 12.]cts (Socts Socts $i.$o .S2.50 A’ah’! : 50C!S $i ,00 '$2.00 ,‘^-J.CX3 ^~.oo A 12.00 ! County ('oM.Mir^sioNr.RS.—The fol' lowing is whal be termed ma chine.made poetry, hiu suits the present:, so called, JJoard of Commis sioners about as well as anything we have heard htely. NV'e happened to j hear a gentleman repeating it Wedi I nesday night. We for1)ear to make i further comment, as it si^eaks” for it- i self and shows j-nhlic sentiment: Corn meal at 80 cents per bushel. COOPI'-R »Sc WlI.LIAMS. 'Town and county. ^mocratic Conservative Meet- ^ he- Democratic Conserative voters Cranville are recfiiested to meet, Jiiass convention, at Oxford, Sat- I'Uiay A])ril 29th, to appoint delc- h^U's to the State and Congressional ‘'strict Conyention, to !'>e held in ^‘Ucigh the 13th and 14th days of Ji.ine next, an(l to transact such bnsi- as may be deemed neccssary. % order of Co .Ex : Comrnittec. A . ^pril 20th 1875. A.MiS Ch’m '-orti meal at So cents per Inishel. Co:'PER & \\'lLLI.-\MS. ^"e\v Hook Store.—Capt. \Vm. ’Sgsi is now opening a new iiook ' in the I'hespian Hall btiilding, door to Williams & Bryan’s new ^’ocery. Oxford has now two book Slofe. 'I'l-.MPERAXCE,—'The temperance cause seems to be prospering in some portions of this county. Ivlr. N. B. Broiighton, of Raleigh, G. W. C. T. of the Good Templars, visited Knap of Reeds and '['ally Ho, recently lecturing in the interest of temper- I ance and. was cordially received-. It (o-anville conntv is in a nsighty bad j let it go on. ^ (■(jndiiion, I Xewsi’AI'KR CiiA\f;i;.—We aie ^And, 1 fear. «dl go the | gj^^d state that our friend, S. '1'. ! leads to peidition, | Schlick, has taken charge of tlie (’til- ; f^ld Dick Jones is the head of the pepe: Timts, and we are satisfied I (...ommissi('»ncr’s I’oard, | that it will now'rank amoiig an-y of I And his form reminds me of a great i the weekly papers in the Stdte of I ijuiied old toad. j Virginia for spice and good editorials. ! \N ho !u)[»s alniut .tnd juinpn about all j \\'q wish you success, old l.)oy, but I along the road. ^ will add, that altliotjgh' we •■‘love. j .And there is Chas. B, Cole who is the i as a brother,” you.-laii-st give-the next ill the Ring, ( 'i.arion credit f 'r what, you co])y Who stands ever rerd}- to do almost f on it. Do you henr? " anv mean thinu. ; , , , ' , . , , , 1>CATH OF Dr. ^\ . R. HaKK!:,. -- And then comes (iabnel lones who , ‘ Dr. \\ . Harris a ])ronuncnt cituen ot • knows how to skin ' . , , , , , . (jran\-ule. ued suddenlv at his resi- Count\' l)0nds, and to snave them ss , ... ' , , > ulence in this countv vester',ia\ . Dr. clean as any sm'ooih chin. ' ' r, ■ , ' , H., was a gentleman 01 high cliarac- I must say a woid ol l>iaxton Hunt. much estccmol b\ Iiis neigh' who stood iij.) i>i light, bor-^. He Ins been the \iitini of a And went bi,ck on (.ole and put him ■ disease forsume years }.);st and in an ugl\ plight. altliough just befor(,' his stulden There are others of that stripe who deatl/he .seeiued to i,.e l.>etler than S'l I'.Ai.ixu.—We hear a dt\d of complaint made among people aboiii the loss of their "is.’*‘Rogues infest ourcommuni- ^nd we would advise our citizens ^eep a sharp look out for them, the man that takes onr “yaller” ^iad better !>e ‘‘keert'al.” th C'anned Fruits a specialty at I, new (irocerv Store, opposite the ^^>tel. [lo-lw belong to^the Ring, \\'hi) have but little mu.'ic but should uro to Sinu-Siiig. usual the event doe.; not take the conimuaitx’ b) surjirise. He was u mr-niber of the I>U|Jtist cirirch. I’i.sKAi'i'iJ. CiiKKSK.—Charlie ha-i ’ Pkk vching. — 1 he Rev. j. 11. Giif it at tlie Post-ofi'ice Store. It is sotn'e-V-fi.itii, of Warrenton. wilt i>rcach in thing really nice. We hav(- tried it-Meth.nlist chn^ h next Sunday, and [ironouncc it excebent. ' nioining and ni'dit. to tell the truth, ('harlie has s. mauv ; jj- do -;o at nirc tiling,-^ we can'l b.'gin t*> enum- crate them. See his atU't riisement. ~..1.,. i....—l:— Call on him and^ \'oii \N'i!l be astoii | 1 *”"^‘*'^.^^’,'^'1' ished to know how low he is sellif!g them. M .\ IIU.N 1 and N't riuicela ai \Vli,[.[,\MS cV flKYAS.

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