THE MORNING CLARION. Democi’atic at all times. FRIDAV - - APRIL 28, 1876. It yen live in tlie corporation, Register. Do so now. Proerafjti' iiuliou is tlie thief of time. TO JF.V ELE CTWN. 'riic election of Commissioners for the town of Oxford takes i>lace r.ext INIonday. We trust our people will turn out en masse avid elect good men and true.' Nobody, colored or white, can object to Mayor Crews, the model Mayor of North Carolina. If Oxford could boast of one hundred thousand inhabitants we would be glad to see J B. Crews its presiding officer, Indeed the present Board of Commissioners have aided and co-operated so harmoniously in the plans of the Mayor that they too are entitled to the plaudit of well done good and faithful servants. Vote for the present Board and all will be well. Rescister ! Register ! Register ! Un!e‘;s you Register can not vote. | A.\' IMP OS IT ION. \ A Il.idical will be a Radical the world over And the great trouble is there are too many of these fel lows spunging upon our public in- | sftutions. Honest men of Granville j — both white and colored—read the following statement and reflect up on it, We have it from good au- thorUy that iwenty-four persons with iheir horses spent the night at the Poor House last Monday night. Tuesday night thirty, and Wednes day night twenty-six, by actual count. This can be proven as we have tl-:e written statement in our possession. Tax-payers of Gran ville. what do yon think of that ? Isour county Poor House to be turn ed into a publics inn for the accom- | modation of the public ‘r*. j Register to-tlay. Town election ^ comes off next Mondav. C. 15. C,—"How are you to-day, Mr. Solicitor ?” “Thank you, not verv well. I urn trying to Catcli Bad Cold.” A STARTLING SLGIIT. The Newbern Nut SheUx'S, respon sible for the following strange phe nomenon. It says that a Mr, Thos. Land, living about twenty miles from Newbern, heard his dog bark ing furiously last Friday night. He went to the bad; door to ascertain the cause, On opening the loor a sight met hi«i gaze which almost paralyzed him. He saw suspended in the air a ball of fire, about the size and in tlie shape of a woman. His wife fainted when she saw it, and he became so frightened that he lay down and “covered up head and ears. ’ The ball of fire passed around his house and although the night was dark \’ou could see how to pick up a pin. Strange thing that. It is stated that Mr. Moody will begin a revival at Augusta, Ga.. next week. Have 3'on Registered 'i The ladies of Newborn will give ■ the members of the Press Associa- | tion an ice cream festival. Won’t | that be (n )/Vv ? | See that your name h.>s been Registered. DISTRICT CONVENTION. A Coiu’eiitiwii ul the Deniocralic-C'onser vative voters of ihe I'uunh (^)ngressional District will be helii in ihe city «t Kaleij^k oil Tuesdny the ijih day oi Juiu; next, for the purpose of iU)Uiinating a candidate Itn Congress uiu* a Presidential Klector, and se lecting lw5i delegates to ihe St. Louis Con vention. A full attendance is earnestly de sired Each county will 1>' entited to one vote for every one hundred voies and frac tional part o\ er fifty ^iven lor Merriinon in 1872. By order of the I)isiiict l:'.xeruti\ e f’oin. K. A. l.ONiKiN, Jr., rhainaan. March 31st. 1876. F'INE Assortment of Cigars, Sardine.':. Matches. Driod P'nilt. etc, just received by MITCHELL & SONS. CCLUSE’S ATE I ) HIGII "ratle Faniilv Flour for i^ule at i WII.LTAMS & lUJYAX'S. GENERAL DIRECTORY. (:iU'ii;iiKs. f'^.l'KSOOl’Ar.—Rev. .M. H.\':vnnlm Ki-c- tor—Services oveiy Suiulay at 11 o’cloek a. ni. unci r> p. ni. Friday eveniiio-s o’clock p. ni. Mktitodist—Kev. S. V', IToyle Pastor, S(‘rvice,s second Hiuiday in eaei) mf>iirh at 11 a. m.. and 7.] p. ni. Uh Siuulu.v iiiojht p. 111. I’rayei' niet'tiiii;' every Tuesday eveniiifj; same hoin-. Baptist—Rev. F. R. Underwood, Pastor—Services fcvcry ist aiid8(l Sun day at li a. in. and 7^ p.m. Prayer meetiiio’ every I'hnrsday evening at 7^ o'clovk p. ni. Prksbvtekian—Rev. D. E, Jordan. Pastor. Preaching every 21 and Irh Sabbath at II o’eloek a. tn. and S o'clock, i'rayer meeting Wednesday S o'clock. MAILS. lienderson—Leaves daily ot 8.j a. m. Arrives a i>. ni. Knap of Ueeds—IieavesTuesdays and Fridays G a. ni. Arrives same day at G p. ni. Berea—liOaves B.;rea Saturday'.^ at 0 a. ni. Arrives i2 m. Oak Ilill--Tjeaves Wednesdays and Satin-days at f> a. ni. Arrives I'liesdays and I’l-idays 0 p. ni. KKfiUri.ATION'S 01' TliK 1‘OSTOFFICK. Money orders issiied tK'twtM'ii 0 a. m. -1 J). m. Mails closes at 8 a. ni. and opi‘nsat 5 [). ni. 1.. ('. 'I’AVLoa, P. M. OXFOHl). Mayor—Janies 1>. ('reu ^. ( onlal»le—W. ('rablree. (dnimissioiiers—S. S. Mail hcork, H, A Williams, 'I'. I). Craw ford, Smltn W at kins. i : In order to introduce oin' large, eiglit- : page. Literary and Family Paper, Tht‘ j Souvtiilr, W(? u ill -send ir. on trial, six ; inoiith.4 for only ttO mils, and to caeh j Mibscriber wr will mail, post-paid, four ! (degant ()ir. CiinOAros ; ‘ Little Tied Iliil- i ing Hood,” ‘-The Children’s Swing,’’ : “Pcek-a-Boo” and ‘■'Mother's Joo.’’ i 'rii(*s(,‘ pictures are not common j)rints, j bnt genuine Oil Clironios in sixteen i colors, that ai-e cfiiial in appearance 10 ' lino oil paintings. Just think, of it—■ ! four line ehromos and an excellent lite- ! rary paper six inc>ntlis for GO cents. 'I'ry jit. * Make up n club of five siibseriber.s j and we will send you an extra coj)y for j six months and four extra chroinos. No i danger of loosing youi money. We re- ! fer to the Post Cluster, Bristol, as to onr I responsibility. Cash required in ad- I vance. No samples free. Agents wnnt- i ed to tuk(‘ subscriptions and ?ell our line ! pictures. From to 810 a day easily I niadc. ! Address W. «. BURROW, I 4t Bristol, Tenu^ R O \STEI) ColVee—-whole and ground ■ at, WlLldAM'^ c'i BI{YAN. N'ICE F.amily Beef at WII.LIAMS BRVAX’S.