OXKORI i ADVERTISEM RNTS d/cRAWF^RDSc CO., \v A. DAVIri & CO’8 COTA'MX 1'. '! )rvioro:i Hi : Ifavp ron liniul Hie lura'cst aiul n XI I G fiOOD NEWS! \V(,‘ liiivT in.-^t rt'coived a large selocliou of U(nv and ])Oi)ular hiu^’k;, which will : b(‘ po?it-)>al(l to any part of thecouii- i try-on n'ccijil of price. Everybody Sings. • i Little Robiu/rell Kittle I'm coming 'I'he r.etter in the caudh; (;rt>.therin,-- ShelNfroin the Sea ‘^hore (iood NMglit Little Xell l)('iir Moliie Mai>''>’e Will von love M‘ when Tin »!d Dora Darling l>('>f-ie Dear and 1 'I'he B-.;clielor'.s Di eani jver brougiiL lotlii-; market. For pnri- tv. freshness and genuineness ot * nicdicinc?; they cannot be snr- pa.^^sed. For low prices tliey can (iompete; with any lirnt-elass Drug hon?v South of Richmond. Every , package eai-efully prepared and properly labelled before leaynig the house, 'J'himkfiH for past liberal pat- I'onao'O null' hc^)ing to nle?it a contnin- anwroE the same they are yours, pre>scritions care fully COMPOUNDED. T D Cl^AWFORD •& GO. R. E. W.’ OWEN, uG eon-i)ENTi;st, OXFORD, N. c. \DVERT1SEMENTS. OXFORD SPECIALIY; ^ECOUNT^ M V H iTNiTHOdli} MO&iMm D’ Jr^r /F n ' \ \ 1,' We liave ju.^t received ;i superb lot of j \E€EM E^MAI- ?OTK l*Ai*EIl. I (.'ail and exaniinc ii. 500 Subscribers 'W^aiited a-t THIS OFFICE. SEND THE:M in BV ^niE 10’“) AND 30’B, FRIENDS. 6 1 m QRS. Paschall & Young, F!!VSU!\N?'i OXFORD, N. C. I Office at 1'. D. Crnwrord & Co's | Drug Store. | ^^O^SORIAIj* j PETER CIIARLESl.'ON, | Barber and Hair Dresser, j MAIN' STUKKT, , OXFOUD, N- 11-tr School Boob, Tilt liiiesi Hsstti tment of i^adies Xote piijK-r every brought to this (ouuiy. l>riet‘ iist autl sam pl«‘S. 1 ' ■ , 1 BT.AXK BOOKS, BIP.LE.'? AND ! TE,s:'rAMKN'l'''>' A'!' THE SUPEKIOK New Orleans Mol.isses. Superline and Family Floin-. Superi or canvass Hams, Laid in buckets and lien's, Admantine candles, foj sale bj Oooper & WjlliaiiiS. A Few styles ©f Boots that been on hand several seasons that must be sold. T'ooper ».'i 'W'iillams. Thespian Hall--Opposite Ox ford Hotel, oXFORI), N' - . the morning star, Pilbrisked daily in iVilmtngion, N. (-• BY BERNARD & HARUIS. ■ One copy 1 year ; G months^ fresh fish ! ' /“1APT. A. F. Spencer would repp?cj^ ' V,. fnilv inform the public that he.; still in tlietish business, and will supp- oiir riti'/ens with fresh lish every (lav. Thursday and Sul unlay t-'venin|,^,; (.•heaper than the cheapest. All ordt., U.ft with -Mr. Hundley (at Gran.ly l>i'^ ..toi-e) will receive piompt attention. ^ Vl.ARGE a.ssortment of Boots Slioes. Be sure to call. We closing' out some stj’les of Boots i' , Shoes at reduced prices. Call before bargains are all gone. Zieglers „j' and Gaiters always on hand. Cool William.s. ^ “ jlST Horse collars and Uanvs, Plow Li'-';’. and Haine strings. Plows and l'» Points for sale by (topei- A' Uhau)--