p d :b o Id Wp fii. TMH M:®BOT-Ne CIjABION, Sy.60 P3r Year. ‘•Ifow nobln tlie Man among noble Men, who fears iiol to ply a trntli-tellinc I’en.” Single COpy 2 CtS ^^OL. 1. OXFORD, X. C.. TUESDAY MORNrNG, MAY 2, 187G. NO. 19. The Morning Clarion, % WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, ^ (OKl'lCK I\ rilKSlMAN lIAl.l, lUMI.lMNC ) I'uhlished every Morning (Sunday e: (-'cpted) at the fcrllowinii; rales : '~ opy one week, _ _ _ J,»Py one Mor.tli, *)py 2 Montlis, _ _ _ .opy ,Month, Loj;y six Months, — - _ one \'ear, - - ^d'^Liberal inducements to clubs. 12.] cts 35cts 6oots 8octs $1.50 ^2.50 Corn meal at 80 cents per bushel. COOPKR & \Vji,lia.ms. yes ^I'he Fire Company was out terday evening. 'Fhe peoj)le mourn because of the slate of things, Brought about by the bold conspiracy . of rings. square A dI H'rtising Rates ^ I insertion, ,, “ I week, coluiiiii I month, /4 “ I J “ ‘-''^lunin I montli - 50Ct: $1.00 j $2.00 \ S-t-OO ! It' is rumored that a Republican paper will be started here about the opening oI the cam])aign. How much truth there is in the rumor we do not know—and do not care. He got a friend to do the thing, I'he thing was done in a hurry: It hit the man that made the fling And failed to ('ause a flurr\-. Je. ho I |e. ho ! I^ISTRICT CONVENTION. Y*“t>nveution of the Deniocratic-Conser- ''oters of tlie Fourth Congressional ’ do much gootl. held in the city «f Raleigh ' Uif the ijth day of June next, for purpose of nominating a candidate for 'I'he colored Simday Schools in and around this plac'e held a meeting in the colored luirch last Stnidav. S7.00' Orange county (Grangers talk of - $12.00 ' having a county Fair next Fall, What man never v»\'ikos a baby up lor ~ ~ ' do the Graiiville Grangers say {q 1 making it inuo'h. having one too ? No doubt it woidd As soon as the novoltv wears oil’. Folks will marry. 13 marriage licenses were issued by the Register two delegates to the St. Louis Con-j ^^'^ds in this county during the full attendance is earnestly de-j month of April. 'Two tO white and r I to colored „erso„s. IVooJso/i in U'i/son . ia’i'ancc. \Vluit do you knovr ;ibout it. Woodson ? 1^0(‘k thoeradlo, E ldio. '‘•lu’ a Presidential Elector, and se- 'io'naf"' 13^^jwrt over fifty given for Merrimou in | 'J'he funeral of Mrs. Jas T. Hurt 'ji'der of the District Executive Com. ■1. If. A. Lo.ndox, Jr., Chairman. 31st. 1876. ^'I'OVVN AND COUNTY. HURRYGRAPHS. but few attend 'hurlie Paschal 1 is quite sick. "^''iners are busy with their farm "■ork, , C'oo[)er was thrown from a horse Saturday evening.. Sol wasn’t ?rs are consequently 'tiut;h. election yesterday resulted in ^^^^tiiig J. ];. Crews Mayor, with the ^ Ijoard of town Commissoners. li. 'Uena \'ista the cry went up- more grape Cajjt. B,,” ’^^dier Braxton has poured hot shot >vrapped in the arms of Mor was preached in the Ijaptist church last Sunday evening, by tlie Rev. Mr. INfarsh. A laige number of relatives and friends attending. “Button p:irties" are quite ])opu- lar in the West. We do not know from whence th.^y derive their name, unless it is because they are always sure to come oft'. 'I'lie J'oi-('hligIit of this morning likened ('. B. (_'’s circular to a game of cards. Well, it does look like tiiere is a “good deal'’ of “tricks” about it. Won(!er if he won’t “see it and go oric better.” e saw a young man go to sleep in Church Stnulay nigh‘. Wecanr.o:; conceive how anv man can allow him- ^'he R right into C. B. C. ev. ^^othodist Oi J. R. Clriftith occupied pulpit last Sabbath, '^■>orning and night ; preaching '^■'■cellent sermons. pheous, with a pretty girl sitting by him- It looks as though he had no taste for beauty, (,'ome old boy, re deem your rep'itatio:', ere it is too late. ' Dikd—AVe are pained to chroni cle, the death of Capt. Jno. Mnr- risson, of I’etersburg, Va.,who dic(i at his residence near AVabnit (iiove. on Friday last, in the 64th year of his age. He was well known in the tobacco trade of Granville coimtv. 1'>ric-a-]’r\c'.—'There was ai\ old nigger And his name was Fnclc Hrac. And he lived long ago, long ago. They thouglit ho was a forrl. And could use him as a loo!. Ijiit Brack could'nt see the thing so. ♦ ym» New Ci()OD>.—^Ve call the atten tion of our readers to the advertise ment of (.!has. .A. Ta\ lor, w! ih ap pears in another (-olimin. Charlie has everything in his line that is good, and will sell his goods as cheap as you ('an buy anywhere in town, and then they are fresh. ha\-ing bc-eii on hand only a few days. When _you want iiesh ('r;n!ectionaries, can ned fruits, i\:c., call onC.'hariie at tl.e Post ()ftlce store. f'orn meal at Ho cents per bus!.el. ( 'o,um;k tV Wii.i.iAM,;.

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