THE OTiiABTOIf, S2.50 per Year. “IIow uoble the Man aiuoiiK Moble who fears not to ply :i triitli-felliiis; Single COpy 2 CtS 1. OXFORD, N. C.. WEDNESDAY MOENING, MAY 8, 187(>. NO. 20. T1i3 Morning Clarion, By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (Oi'i-'ICK IN TIIKSl’IAN BUII.DING ) Is ]iiil)lisliel every Morning (Sunday cx- cepted) at the following rates : I (.’opy one week, _ _ _ i2.]cts I Co])v one Mo;:lh, - - I Copy 2 j\h)nlhs, _ _ _ 6octs I (Jo]iy three ]\Ionth, - - 8octs I C(jpy six Months, - _ _ $1.50 I Copy OIK' \'ear, - - ^>2.50 B@“'Liberal inducements to cluhrs. Advcrtisiui; Raics : ■ I square I insertion, - - t;ocls I “ I \\eek, - - - $1.00 column I month, - - $2.00 X “ I “ - - - $4.00 >2 “ I “ - - S7.00 I column I month - - - $12.00 Democratic Conservative Meetiri!; The Democratic Conservative voters of (iranville are requested to me"t in mass con vention, at Oxford, ^Jfonday May 29th, to appoint delegates to the State and Congres sional district Convention, to be held in Raleigh the 13th and 14th days of June next, and to transact such, business as may be deemed necessary. I3y order of Co. Ex : C'onimittee. J. S. j\mis, (.''Il'm. Aj'.ril 20th 1S75. • DISTRICT CONVENTION. A Convention of the Democratic-Conser- Vfitive votei's of the Fourth Congressional District will l)e hekl in the city r.f I'laleigh on Tuesday the 13th-day of June next, for the jnirpose of nominating a candidate for (.Congress an(’ a Presidential Elector, and se lecting two delegates to the St. Louis Con vention. A full attendance is earnestly de sired Each county will be entited to one Vote for every one hundred votes and frac tional part over fifty given fc.r Merrimon in 1S72. By order of (he District Executive Com. II. A. I/)Ni)ON', Ju., Chairman. March 31st. 1876. TOWN AND COUNTY. HURRYGRAPHS. How is your ej)izoot ? Oiir inside is dated wrong. Splendid weather for pnetimonia. Yesterday was a disagreeble day. Business ha; been quite dull in town for several cays, so the mer' cha'U', infj;-;ii u.. Corn meal at 80 cents per bushel. CooPKR &: Williams, Mr Geo. Hicks is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Judge Gilliam is confined to her bed witli chills. New sensation in Henderson—a Jewish Priest from Palestine. Raleigh elects a Democratic Board ! of Aldermen. ’Rah for Raleigh. |- . _ ■■■ I We regret to state that \V. A. Da- I vis, of the 77’/rA//i;'///is (|uite unwell. I How to be happy—be content ; with what you have and work for an i honest living. i _ • Coolest weather for May we have felt for many ) ears .May we never see the like again. A large lot of N. C. l^acon, Hams and Sides just received at [201 w] WiiJ.L'iMs Bkvan’.s. ! What did the Judge ]; that j lawyer, and that lawyer jninch the j judge for in church last Sunday? I A late publication is styled “'Fhe Art of Kissing.” The book agent may as well Oxford in his round. The art is fully understood here. John 'J'. Britt will begin the pub lication of an advertising sheet, the size of the Clarion, at an early day. It will be called Jiriti's Mo/ith/y. I'he Raleigh uVi’rcs says “O come out of your nice new calicc, you fool ish girl, and ])ut on your plaids ; there will be no picnic till August.” | \'ou are mighty right. j "'j'he colums of the Clarion are ; open for^Ir. Cole to justify himself: in regard to the ])oor house. As the ; matter now stands, and judging from tl'.e evidence, it is more of a Public j Hotel than a poor house. ' Corn meal at 80 cents per bushel. I C'0( pr.R \\'1LL1A.MS. Mayor Crews Avishrs ns to state that in speech Monday he .said “He would rather for every colored man in town to vote against him than Allen Hicks and AV. H. Crews,” and for fear that some niav niisun- derstand him, \Y. H. Crews voted for hnn. Norici'..—The young men that are desirous of joining the Oxford Min strel 'Froup, are requested to assem ble at tlie ( LARtox office at eight o’clock Saturday night, for the ])ur- pose of organizing and electing offi cers. Six men will constitute a troup. A young man in Rale'gh shot i twice at a young lady and gentleman i as they were returning from (Mnnx h Sunday night, ^^'e would advise our yoimg men to be warne.l and never go with another man's sweatheart an\- wlicre, as it is a d ing,*rous ex[>eri- ment. AJVOLO FiUEiXI). We are glad r('eei\o the St.vk 8i>an(!Lkd 1>axxi;h.:uu! to Icani that this popular, in fact tiKtinnnl family piipcr,is to (‘iir-^r it) .laniiai-y upon its foin-l('(Mith year of success, 'i here; arc ftnv papers that ar ■ as popular. 'I'Ik'Hanxki; is a larpc 4) Ci)hiiim 8’pag‘])aper. illustratiM!. crowi' 1 with fli(,* I)(>,st of rc'aditig. and (‘xcryiliin ;• to IXTKKKST and IXSTKI'CT. \\ (■ sec also. that, its fatuous ‘•({oviics ('oriKM'” is to ])(> kept up. and tints every swji- (lk*r, quack, and Inuiibuir. is su;v f > ])“ (,“xpos("J and brourlit to Justice. Every liouscliold tliis paper. \Vc )iii(! i;, a most ])lea.satir \ isitof to our ,'^.ui-tuii). and would not uidiiio-ly ])a:'t with ii. For 1870 the piil)lisl!ci-s olVcr the l>ann(>;- alone forouly v.") cents a year, or \\it)i (dioice of r>!) sui)ui'l) pivmiuuis at a liigii- er pritrc. We kuou oiu' ivadcrs would at oiK*;‘ .sul)s(a'i!»!‘ (iid they know tlic merits of tlii.s splendid i)ape.i'. It i- the bt'St and Kiu'tdy the c.lieajiest jiaper c\cr oiTercd, and is eutiridy indiabi '. .Ml sliould sult^ei'ihe. Sent on t rial .'J iiiout hs foroiilyiO cents. T.') cents a vi ar. sin gle eo[)ies >i -ceu's, iiou" free, 'ri'v il iu)w.aud you will t iiaiik u- for l‘lliHii-\ 011 ahoui. if .V(h!tvss Star S^a'igled I*.-n- uer, l.'iKs ;.ih‘, X. II.

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