‘•The very best la lies’ maf^azine piib- lislied,—,S’e»eca Falh- (JS’'. Y.) Courier. ieSrCllEAPEST AND BEST OUK COLUMN^ ^ S iiil ClarioD. iTMir PcstagG pre-paid. on all Svibscriptions. Kvery siibscnbeT for iSyb ivtU he pre sented with a superb, large-sized steel engrav- ing of 'rriinibitlPs celebratedp'cture bj •* S. i^nin^ of the Declaration of /ndependeJice. This ivM be Peterson''s" Centennial gift. Pkterhon's MaWazinPjcontain;^, eve- vy yeai-s, lOOO pa?es, 1-i- sto(>i plates, 12 co1o)\m1 Bi'rliii patterns, 12 inamnioth io!o!-e(l fasl'Joii plates. 2-1 i)a,^;cs of music ‘>'^(1 9D0 woo'l cuts. Great iinpsovonents toill be made in 1S7G. Amow^ rh'un will l>e a series of illu-^trated articles oi) tiie Great Exhibition at Philadelphia, which ^’111 alone l>i‘ wortii the subscription price. Tliey will be appropriately called The €ciJtcanjal in Pen and I’cncil! Tlie immense circulation of “Peterson’ oual)les its proprietor to spend more money on cwbeHishmcnts, siories, &c., &e.. than any otlier. U gives more for the money than iny in the world. Its Thrilling Tales and Novelettes ar >. tlie best published anywliere. All the most popular VM'iters are employed to ivrite originalbi for "Peterson.'’^ In 1876, in addition to the usual quantity of short stories. Five Original copyright Xoveletses will lie given by Airs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. 1. 11. Burnett, and others Mainmotli Coloreil Fasliiou Plates Ahead of all others. Tliese plates an; 'Migrave.l on steel, TWICIO TJIK USTTAi. SizK, and are uie(iualed for beauty, 'i’liev win be superbly colon-d. Also, llodWliold and other receipts ; in sliort, (‘vervthing interesting to ladies. X' B —the publisher now pre-pays the postage to all mail subscribers, Peter- so,i\iU eiieai)er than ever ; in fact is tlie clieapest in tiie. world. Terms (Always in Advance) $2 a Year. 2 copies foi- 3 copies for $4,80 with a copy of tile premium mezzotint '•Christmas Morning," a line &'> engrav ing to tiie p(‘rson getting up the club. Address, post-paid CllAllLES J. PE'rEUSO>i, 306 Cl>e:;tnut St. Piiiladelpliia, Pa. fi^„ypecimens sent gratis if -.•vrhten for. PITIILISHED DAILY IN OXFOUD, N. C. JAS. A. ROBINSON,' JAS. C. WILLIAMS, Editors and Publishers. Democratic to the Backbone. A//persons wishing a neat, iieiusy lit tle morning paper—giving all the latest toivn and county news, with important foreign items—would do well to give the Claui- ON- a trial. The comlnj Caaipaijjn ivill be an Impor tant one to osir Peoislc. I’.vfry man sltoiild Uci'P posted. To do this he ou"litto takca Ihc S»cr—“THE CLAR!0\*’ for iKstanee. J^R. E. W. OV/EN, S C 1^. G E O N -13 IC N TIS, OXFORD, N. C. Office at bis residence. 6-1 in "P Oisrs OIM AT_J. PETE R CIT APvLESTOX, Barber and Hair Dresser, MAIN' STREET, OXFOr. D, N. c. 11-tf Its slogan will be—Reform—Retrench- ixi0iit*—Hoine Rule—Honest and ca pable men for office. It will cry aloud, and spare not, giving forth no '‘uncer tain sound” in these Limes of Political crime. OUi; srNDAY E-:>ITI0N WILL BE COM- PLETK IN EVFHY PARTfCI^LAU—■ COKTATNINO a large A'5I0I:IvT OF ItELlOIOl'S HEADING 'WITIIOI’T rOLtTlCS. \Vc trust our friends throughout tlje Ccvv.t) li'ill exert themselves i;i our behalf, and run us up a handsame stib- scription list. IVe promise to give them a li'rie, n'idt'-a’Ti'cike pa per. NO^V IS the time to SUlSSClUliE! AVILD OJ^TS- THE CHAMPION COMIC PAPER OF AMERICA. Prospectus for iSj6. Tliis sparking and l)rig]it!3’ illustrated weekly, humorous and satirical paper has entered upon the seventh year of its jolly existence, and this being the Centennial year of our national iiulependence, tlie publishers take pride in sayingthatitwdll not be. as it never has yet been, a whit behind thetimesi n holding up the humor ous or satirical side of everything Ame rican. 'I'hc merry side of this great and glorious Centennial year will receive s})ccial attention in tlie l)r'glit c:dumns of America's favoi-ite humorous i>ai)er. 'I’he publishers of Wild Oath point with pride to the wliolly un-'Aampled suc cess of theirpaper. and. ])iedging ti\('in- Selves tiiat it sliall be in the future. ‘V(‘u better than in the {)ast, they ask a con tinuation of that kind patronage vxliicii lias plact d it at tii3 head and front of A- merican liumorous papers. \Vc have made arrangement^ wliicli will enable no to present AVild Oats in a ])righter and l)etter sliape than hereto fore, having recently taken possession of our new publica’ioi'i olHce, and had tine copi)er-faced type cast ('specially for us, together with all the vast i)arapli(‘rnalia re?iuired in the ]>rodnction of such a pn- ])cr as W(!giv(i the public at the low ])rlc(‘ of ten cent per C('i)y. Wo have also madearrangements with sonn^ new artists, and sliall at the same time retain such ohl favorites as 'I'hos. Worth, Frank Bellew, Hopkins. Wo-df, \Val(‘.-. Frank Beard, Bis!)ee. Oi)per, Stcrckiiardt, Ivothengatter, Ben Day, Kettles, Palmer Cox, >'anu, Kingsbury, Stull, White, Sperry. Eaton, Seldon, etc wiiile the editorial department wiil still remain in the hands of its founder, the vivacious Bricktoj), of whom enough is known witliout mon' being said. As an ailditional inducement to sub scribi* for the ('entenniai v(‘ar, w(* hav e vt giH'Mt exp“nse ])repared a comic ch’o- mo tiie crow ning (‘tVort of that graphic momus Hopliins. It is a work of art, worlhvofan elegant fram'*, and is v.'ortli at least one-half t!ie price asked for tiie sul)scrii)tiou. P is a "horse piece," be ing a, burle.^ijue of Mazep|)a tied to tlie back of tlie liery, untamed steed, A co))y will be sent to eat-li .subscribe)- ihu'ing tlie vear. Adv('rtisers are beginning to tind. out that the Wil.i) Oats reac.ii's a great(>r number of liv(' men than any otiier ilhis- trated. pnjx'r in America, and tlierefore it is a tirst class me.iium of advertising. Totho.se wlio know Wild Oats we need not say that it has not, doi s not. and will not coiitain a word or an illu-- traiiou wliicli may not be taken inio evi'rv family in the land. Fun we givti in various sized dos(>>. but never vidgari- ty in any shape. It is thorougiiiy Ame rican ii> sentiment, wlioHy original, sliarp and inei.-ive. and riglit to tlie ])oint in dealing willi men and (>vents of ilie day. One (!oi)V atany time will ctniv'nei, V(>'n of tliis. Subscription jirice—po.;'.- j)aid. 1 year $1.00; 0 months if'l.Oi): swingle nr;n.i!):rs 10 ets. Addn‘>s ; COLTdX A SMALL. _ l’.‘'(d;m:in sls'ect. N’. V.