THE MOBWIWe CIiAmOW. SS.60 per Year. “IIow noble the Man among noble Men, who fears not to ply a truth-tellins Pen.” Single COpy 2 Cts H. is dI.v' evonii’n! (Ifi; 01'' Boots VOL. 1. OXFORD, N. C.. MONDAY MOKNING, MAY 8, 187G. NO. 24. Th5 Morning Clarion, By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (office in TUE-Sl'IAN IIALI, BUILDINC ) publislied every Morning (Sunday ex cepted) at the following rates ; 1 Copy one week, _ _ _ i2jcts I Copy one Mortli, - - 35els J Copy 2 Months, _ _ _ 6octs ^ C^)py three Month, - - Socti 1 Copy six M )nths, - - - $1.50 1 Copy one Year, - - .^2.50 £§:f".Lil)cral inducements to clubs. Advci'iisinsr ■ Raies : t • • * Square i insertion, - - 5octs * “ I week, - - - $1.00 /8 column I month - - ^2.00 3^ “ I “ - - - *^4.00 K “ I “ - - $7.00 t column I month - - - §12.00 I>ocal Notices 20 cents a line each insc:- tion. Democratic Conservative Meeting. I'he Democratic Conserv'ative voters of ^’fanville are re(]uested to meet in mass con- ^’'-'ntion, at Oxford, ^Monday May 29th, to appoint delegates to the State and C'ongres- ^■onal district (.’ouveution, to be held in ‘\aleigh the 13th and 14th days of June next, ^iul to transact such^ business as may be '■^eeiiK'd necessary. l!y order of Co. Ex ; Committee. J. S., (Jh’m. April 20th 1875. DISTRICT CONVENTION. A Convention of the Democratic-Conser- '’fitive \'oters of tlie h'ourth Congressional ‘district will be held in the city ^if Raleigh '“'1 'I'uesday the 13th day of June next, far purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress and a Presidential Eieclor, and se- ecting two delegates to the St. I,ouis Con- '’5>ition. A full attendance is earnestly de- ^'*'^‘d Each county 'i\ill be entited to one \ote for every one hundred votes and frac- ijart over fifty given for Merrimon in 1872, i'y order of tlie District Executive Com. II. A. LontjON, 1r., (,'hairman. ^Iarch3ist. 1876. ^OCAL & STATE SQUIBS! HURRYGRAPHS. Granville is to have a chain gang. Nothing new in O.'iford except Pneumoni .1. Don’t throw your orange peel on sidewalk. We are pleased, to welcome to our j ^^change list the Milton Chronicle. ''\ is a neat and readable paper. i-'alem has ripe ,tomatoes. Oh for some ‘‘martises.” We were plea'ed to meet in our of fice last Saturday our friend Bobbie Clay. Smart cat. A lady in this place caught her cat dipping her fore paw in the cream pot and then sucking off the cream. Mr. 15. F. Persons is building a handsome dwelling just out of town, on College street. We like such Persons in our community. Superior court adjourned the latter part of last week. Every body that was in attendance has left and O.x- ford is again quiet and serene. Hard on “ye local.” No news. Mr. Geo. B. Hicks, son of our townsman, Mr. Nelson Hicks, died in this place on '•last Saturday of pneumonia. He was in the 22d year of his age. This is the second death in our ir.idst during the last week. We hereby give notice to the Rad icals that in the t oming campaign no quarter will be asked, and none giv en. If we loose we are no woise cff than DOW. I'he Tobacco Plant hears of an old woman of sixty }cars, living- near Knap of Reeds, in (jranville county, who lighted her first match' on the 27th of April. . She don’t l)e- lieve in such things. We are very glad indeed to hear from “Cramplon,” uiid hope tlie chap will be a ?nan and let us hear from him often. JJenl with the word Crampton lightly as it is a tender subject with the Senior. Malt-Hop-'Fonique —For 1 )ysi)ep- sia. R'3t;ommenled as an im[>rove- ment on Ale and Porter for general debilitv. ' Wn.LlAMS BRYAN. 21 IW. A large lot of N. C. Bacon, Haras and Sides just received at [201W] Williams & Bryan’s. A Competent Juror.—Henry Richardson a negro who served on the last grand jury, occupied a rather ubiquetious position. AVe had been taught that it was the duty of the grand jury to ferret out crime and to protect the innocent from the machi nations of the vicious and the corrupt. But in these days of crime and pecu lation they have a novel way of drawing the jury. You can never convict a thief of stealingmeat ifone of the jury has partaken knowingly of the hospitality of the rogue. This man Richardson served part of the week in the grand jury room, and a part in jail as a criminal. What a shame has been brought upon our free institutions. 'J'he character of a grand jury man should be tniimpeach- ed and unimpeachable, but to serve the ends of modern justice those in authoritj^ see fit to have a “friend and a brother'’ in the right place. It ‘‘fatigues imagination.” LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE'. Oiian(;k C. II., Va., May 5, 1876. Since the receijit of the first issue of your sprightly little slieet, I iiave intendcil ih'op- ping you a line or two by way of congratu lation; but up to the present something has always prevented me, and now I have noth ing to write that would, I suppose, interest your many readers in the Old N('rth State, but as you are Ironi this section of tlie Old L>ominioii, of course, any news from your old stamping ground will l.e of interest. \\'ell, to b(;gin 1 will say, the health of this county is unsually gooc'. The frost that tell iiere on the night of the 30th ulto., kill-'il all the vegetables that had made their apjjear- ance aboveground and nearly : 11 of the fruit. It seems that we are not to ha\'C another fuii crop. (,)ar clim.'sto has undergone a won- derlul change in the last tew years. The wheat prospect is gootl. ’J'h.e young ladies of the village \viligi\-e the young gents a ho]> to night at the Kiilgeway i I:\li, ^\•ish your elder “Jceins” could I)o here. 15y the way; 1 hear your Junior “Jecnis” is now a Pap— whicli is papa abreviaied—if it is yo, ])k-ase tender my congr; t ilations tt) Ma and I’a. With best \vishcs fi.r y.iur success I am, Your^ Truly, CRAMPTON.