^^2.50 per Year. How noblo the Man auions iioWc Men, who fears not to ply a truth-telliHjj VOL. 1. Single copy 2 cts 0XF0RI3, N. C„ TUESDAY MOKNINO, MAY 9, 187G. Tho Morning Clarion, By V/ILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (cH'-FJCK in THESriAN HALL lUllLDlNo’ ) Is puljlislied every Morning (Sunday ex- cej)ted) at the following rales ; I Copy one week-, _ _ _ j2irt.s I Copy one Month, _ _ I Copy 2 Months, - _ _ oocts I (Jo])y three Montii, _ _ Xnrii; I Cojiy six Months, _ _ - 1,1 to I C:opy one Year, _ _ J[>@!“J.iI)eral inducements to cluhs. , Advertising A’ates : I square i inserlion, - . rods * “ I \\ eek, - . . i, no X t^olumn I montli. - . ;^2 00 'S “ I u ' ■ ■ I - - *^7 oo I cohmin I month - . I 1 xr • -fa.UO Uon^^^'^ -Notices 20 cents a ]ine cacli insei NO. 25. ^ state''squibs! hurrygraphs. Refreshing showcLs yesterday. Peas are blooiiiing hereabouts. Chat lie J.andis has tlie pnetnnonia. 1 he whandoodle nioiirneth. He ‘>as been indicted. _ Mr. J. Y. Landis, of New York, in town. Hie oat crc]j of Warren county is looking well. Our Senior excnrted to Raleigh first of this week. ^dver taken on subscription at this ^’fhce—when offered. 'J'hc Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows '^■'’embles in Raleigh to-morrow.' ^ ^_’he friends of the noble horse will be pleased to know that ^ ’•‘i now in season. ^^adies wrap up your furs, and put beyond the reach of moths it is too warm for them. J^acon, Hams, J'eceiv^ed ut U'lLLIAMS & JjRYAN’s. j^^^eare glad ^to learn that Mrs. e, who has been quite sick for day, is convalescent. Five or six coloi'ed persons were baptized in Herndon’s creek last Sunday. 1 he Minstrel'J'roupe' v/as organ ized last Saturday night. We may now look out for some fun. Pitt county is clear of debt this year—iruits of a Conservative ad ministration. Jas. PL Moore is writing pleasant j letteis fiom the I'lue Ridge county I to the Orphans' Friend. I he young ladies looked charming in theii new &j.)ring suits last Simday. 'J'hey always suit us, the ladies we mean. ilson, of the ATasonic Jowual, was treated to strawberry pie the ist of May. Never mind, Rrother we IVilQi) so{o)n have some. It is cuitomary to draw on one’s imagination when locals are as scarce as they are to-day, but it is about as much as we can do to draw a good, long, cool, sober breath. We are informed that th.e Granville Democrat will be moved to Plender- son where it will be published by Jones Hawkins and edited by S J. Skinner. Mr. L. E. Wright, a young gentle- ivan clerking for Grandy Bro., was taken sick laa Saturday, and carried out to his home near 'J'ally Ho. We hope he is not seriously sick. Calvm J. Rogers, Ivsq., the former postmaster at Raleigh, was found drowned in a creek last week in Wake county. It is supposed that lie had a fit and fell in the water while fish inc. The ladies of Warrenton will give a leap year hop next Friday night. Bad colds are raging in this vicini ty and one of the best things we ever took for a cold is a pocket hand kerchief. I he Pranklin county Comrnission- eis are being stirred up about their frauds and corruptions. The people are getting tired of such things. Give It to them hot and heavy, brother Baker, we have about just such a crowds of rascals to deal with. We dislike very much to see our young leaving Oxford. Two have left in a very short time. Charlie Ha-ris has made Henderson his ho;r.e. He is in the Tobacco business. Can’t we do something to keep our youn- men at home. Oh, yes ! Let us go to work and build a railroad. I E MALT-Hoi>-ToNiQUR-For Dyspep- hid, Kccomniended as an improve- ment on Ale and Porter for general I ciebility. j WILLIAMS & BRYAN 21 I w. 'I ^ o’clock Sunday morninjr, M,\kv Sill e d"’ I ' ^ liays, aged 6 nioiitlisand 7 days. Lmic May has fallen asleep. She only l)udded on earth to bloom in Heaven. God whispered such sweet words to the baby child and the n-.elody of the angels was so unlike the “by l)ys” all mothers sing, that the child listened enraptured, and as tlie soft, low mn- s.c continued, and the gentle Saviour held ' out his arms, she nestled her little head close to his l;osoni and fell asleep. Heedless of cveiTthing baby May sleeps. The little cas- ct IS smaller than the cradle, but bal)y does not.mind, They strew the child with llow- God’s flowers, the only things pure and S.veet enough for this, but the iiulc fir,rers so wont to pluck then, in pieces do not cCsay to ptiier tliem now, and the sculi)tured hands clasping the tiny liilics, reminds one of a pretly carved vase in which one has placed choice flowers. Clirist i;ends lovin- V over the little one, and her face eatchin^ the leHection of las, sends back a smile not of cm til but of 1‘Ictivcii. * w'other, , AKY s only gone bercre : \\ ait, with patience, soon you’ll meet her Over on the other si,ore/’

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