8-tf 1.- A- OXFORD ADVRTISlOMENl'S ^ D. CRAWFORD & CO., 3Driig^ists t»^.mL,'rjraiifejw,B.ajoaTiiiMiiMi m i ___ OlJJi COLUilX. A/* market. For pnri- ^■(!nuiiieiiess of cannot bo siir- Ilavc on Iiand tlio lari^ost and most carefully selected' Stock of D n XT a s cvei- l)roii;dit to this ly, freslui(!ss and niedicine.s, they passed. For low jr.'ices they can coni])ete Avith any lir.st-cla.ss Drui;’ hoiis'.' South of IMchmond. Every packai^c carefully pri'pared and prop(!rly labelled ))efor! l(‘avin«’ the 'louse, 'J'iiankful for past liberal pat •onag-c and lioj)in)- (o uiei'it a coiitiuu- '^I't-.e, of the same tiiey arc yours, PRESCRITIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. 'r. I). CJiA^VF01iD & CO. api (fj [t 1 inarl UJm rXJBLISIIED DAILY IN OXFOKI), N. C JAS. A. ROBINSON,’ JAS. C. WILLIAMS, Editors and Publishers. HavinG opened a Firsl-class CONFECTIONERY Connection with the; Tost Ofllce, I am prepared to sell cverythin»- in tiiat , line, clieaper than fhey ('ver were oliei-ed (o the, pu'biic before. . (jJoofls frojii 10 to 20 cejiis, SAT^DIiYJ'S JO CENTS. flEHIS, EiL JiSS, IS CilfS. ®'UEH€H CASfOIES 35 TO 50 CILYTS. Orackors, Jellies ego- CBackers, &c.. &c. ladies are especially invited to Democratic to the Backbone. AH persons ^uisliing a neat, nnvsy /it- tie mo/vnno- _paj)cr—g/vi/ig all the latest town and county news, with unportant foreign items—would do 7uell to give the Claiii- ON a trial. The coming e.aiHpasg^n «51! an Isajjor- (ant one to our P«“oj»ie. Evory iiiats should k««i» i»osJ«d. To do «3sis he oiigfht to fake a live pa. i#cr—“THE for insiaKfc. Its slogan will be~Reform—Retrench ment-Home Rule—Honest and ca pable men for office. It will cry aloud and spare not, giving forth no “uncer tain sound”in these times of Political • crime. ]Vc t)-2isi our friends ihroiigJioiit iJu' Coun/y ivill exert themselves in our behaf, and run us up a Jiandsame sub scription list. IVe promise to give them a live, wide-(nval:e pa per. KOW IS TilE TIME 'i'O ^ali. 4f !Uid examine them, C. A. TAYLOR, SUBSCKIBE !! JiJST TO SIAKB. Horse collars and Ilames, Plow Lines and llame strin?s, Plows and Plov' Points for sale by Cooi)er & ’>Villiams. A Few styles ©f Boots tha ■L\~ been on hand several seaso tliat huv3 asous that must be sold. Cooper & iillauis. Wir^D’oiTS- THE CHAMPION COMIC PAPER OF AMERICA. Prospectus for i8y6. This sparkino- and bi’iglitly illustrated weekly, humorous and satirical Daper has entered upon the seventh year of its .jolly existence, and this beiiif^ the Centennial year of our national independence, the publishers take j)iide in sayino- timt it ^vill not be, as it never has yet been, a v. hit behind thetimesi n lioldino^'up du' hunsor- ous or satirical side of everythiug Ame rican. ■■J'he meri’y sid(* of this great and o'lorious Centennial year will rec!i\-e special a,ttention in (he br'giit coJmnas of America’s favorite humorous papei’. 'I'he publishers of VVji;o Oats point with pride to the wholly uii-.\ar-ij>ie(! suc cess of their ])aper, and, j)led_o;iii.i- them selves that it shall Ik; in thciULUr(‘ even better than in the past, they ask a ccm- tinuation of that kind ])atrona‘,>(’ whieli has plac( d it at tlr; head and front of k- merican hnmoi'ous papers. \Ve have made an'ani^-enie.iits \vhich will enable us to present \TiLi:) Oats in a brio-hter and better sl!a]>e th;in ln'reto- fore, bavin*)- recently taken possession of our new publication oliice, and had lino copper-faced tv])e ease cspeciallv for us, together with all the vast parapiiernalia required in the production of such a pa per as we give the public at the low price of ten cent per c;op3'. ^Vc have also madeari’angemonts \\’ith some new artists, and shall at the ,‘ame time retain sucii old favorites as Thos. \\ ortli, Fr:ink Jk'llew, liopkins, Woolf, ^Vales, Frank IJeard, IJisbee, Opper, Sta>ckhai-dt, liothengatter, lien l>;iy, Jvettles, Palmei’ (Jox, Mann, King,s^ur\', Stull, White, Sperry, Eaton, Seldon, ctc while the editorial de])artmeut will still remain ill the hands of its founder, tlie vivacious i]rickto]), of whom enough is known witlioiit mon; being said. ” As an additional iiKluce'ment to sub scribe for the Centennial year, we. have, ‘-',t great expense pi'cpared a comic clno- mo the crowning elibrt. of that graphic moinus, Hopkins. It is a, work of art, worthy of an eU'gaut frame, and is Worth at least one-half the price asked for tl;e snbscri))tion. 1; is a “horse piece’' be ing a burles;juo of Ma.zepj)a ti('d to v.Iie back of theli('ry, untained steed, A c,oj)v- v.'ill be sent to each subscriber durin'"' the year, Advertisei-s are l)eginiiiugto tiiul out that the Wiu> Oats n'acacs a greater number of live men tb.an any other illus trated paper in Ainei-ica, and therefore it i^ a lirst class medium of ach’eii ising. To those who know Wild Oa'i.sVvc; need not say that it has not. does not, and will not contain a word or an illiis- tration whi(di may not be taken into every family in the land. Fun wc .‘>'!v(; in various sized doses, but iie\’er vi.ljinri- ty in any shaj)e. It is thorougidy A:nr- rican in sentiment, wholly original, sharp and incisive, and rio-ht to the'point in dealing with men and events of t!;o day. One cop3"at any tinu' will coii viuec you of this. Subseri])tion ])rice—p;st- jjaid. 1 year § !.()(); {> months .‘,y.■')(); single numbors 10 ct^;. Address:’ ’ COLLIN A SMALI- Leekman street, r.