PUBLICA'riONS. "Tlie veiy best lailios’ niagazine pul)- lished.—Seneca Falls (N. Y.) Courier. fi^ClfEAPEST AND BEST liAlI Postage pre-paicl on all Subscriptions. Every subscriber fur 1S76 will be pre sented with a superb, lart^e-sized steel engrav- ing of Trambuirs celebrated picture bf‘‘ The S.giii)ig of the Declaration of Independence." This will be “Peterson's" Centennial gift. rETERSON’s Magazine contains, evc- vy years, lOOO pa^eS', 14 steel plates, 12 colored Berlin patterns, 12 inainmoth colored fashion plates, 2-1 })ai;es of naisic and 900 wood cuts. Great impsovemenls iviU be made in 1S7G. Auion^ them wi[l be a series of illustrated articles on th*i (ireat Exhibition at riiiladeipiiia, which r^-ill alone l)e wortli the subscription price. They will be ai)pro])riately called The Ccntcnnia! In Pen and Pencil! The iniineuse circulation of “Peterson’ enables its proprietor (o spend more money on embellishments, sioi'ies, &c., itc., than any other. It (jive.'^ more for the moncij than any in Iha tuorld. Its Thrilling Tales and Novelettes ar.'-’the )>est published anywhere. All the most poptilar iL'riters are cmploijed to write orii/inatli/ for •^Feter.’ion.'’'’ In 1876, in addition' to tlie usual quantity of shoi’t stori('s. Five ()ri;4'inal copyi'lght Xoveletses will be j^iven by ^Irs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Ijce lienedict, .Mrs. F. II. Burnett, and others. Maramotli Colored Fasliion Plates Ahead of all others. These; ])lates are cni,‘raved on steel, Twicio tjik usuAi^ hv/jE, and are unequaled for beauty. 'I’hc}' will be supei'bh^ colored. Also, Houseliold and otlier receipts ; in short, everything intcrestinj’’ to ladies. X’. I> —As the publisher now pre-pays the 2>ostage to all mail siihscribers., 1‘eter- .s'ou’A-is cheaper than ever ; in fact is the cheapest in the world. Terms (Always in Advance) $2 a Year. 2 copies foi- 8:3,GO; 3 copies for $4,80 with a copy of the premium mezzotint (2Ix2(J) ‘‘Christmas Mornino-,” a line ens’-rav- in>’ to the person ^-etting up the club. Address, post-paid CIIAIILFS J. PETEKSON, J50G Cliestnut St. Philadeli)hia, Pa. B@„Specimens sent jjratis if written for. FRESH FISH ! CAPT. A. F. Spencer would resi)ect- fuily inform the public that he is still in thelish business, and will supply our citizens Avith fresh lish every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday oveniufijs, chea])er than the chea])est. All orders left witli ?>Ir. Hundley (at Grandy& Bro’s store) will receive ])rompt attention. Im SUPEKIOK New Orleans ^lolasses. Superfine and Family Floui-, Superi or canvass Hams, Tjaid in buckets and ko”'S, Admantine candles, for sale by Cooper & Williams, W. A. DAVIS & CO’S COLUMN. We have just received a large selection of new au(i i)0])ular music, Vi hicii will be sent post-paid to any part of 1 he coun try on receipt of price. So/tgs that Everybody Sings. Little Kobin,Tell Kittle I'm coming 4oc!:s The Letter in the candle 3()cts Gathering Siudls from the Sea shore lOcts Good Night Little Nell :50cts Dear ^lollie Magge GOcts Will j'ou love Me when I’m Old 40cts Dora Darling H.lcts Bessie L^ear and 1 3()cts The Bachelor’s Dream :50cts W'e have juft received ti superb lot of IE KCfE PAPEEi. Call and examine it. Sohool looks, The fliicsi assortment of Ladies Note paper every br ci glit to this hfisd lor pricc list aiid tssim l»ks. BLANK' BOOKS, lilBLE-S^ AND 'l'E>STA.MENT,S^ AT 'I IIE Torcli-I^iglit PUBLICATION’S. . rrlaci ^ N OLD FHIEN!). We are gl‘^' T^to ]Tceive the Staii Si’ANOLf'. BANNKK.and to learn that this pop''*‘|J'' in fact national famil}' j)aper is to eiii' in Januarj'upon its fourteenth year success. 'I'here are fc'w papei's that aspopulai-. The BANiN'JOuis a hu’ge -J, colunm 8"page ]>aper, illustrated, cro"' ^ with the i)cst of reading, and everyll“"j to INTKinCHT and INSTJIL’CT. ^V e also, that its famous ‘'Kogues Corn‘‘i is to be kept up, and tlms every dlei-, quack, and humbug, is sure to exposeil and ])rought to justice. household needs this paper. We iinu a most pleasant vi'^itor to onr -anctiuij’ and would not willingly part with For 1870 the publishers oiler the alone for only 75 cents a year, or . choice of 50 supin b prc miums at a hi.i- er price. AV'e know onr I'oaders " ' at once subscribe did tlu'y knnv t' ^ merits of this splendid pajjcr. It i-1*'^. best and surely tli(‘ cheapest i>aper ollered, and is entirely I’eliable. '* should subscril)e. Sent on trialmo>>|; for only lO cents, 75 cents a y(-ar, gle co})ies si: cent.s, nont'. free. Ti'J' ^ now,and you will thank us for telling^' about it- Address Star Spangled i>-' ner, Hinsdale, N. II, rUIJLISJIEJ) ]5Y W¥\TT M. ELLSOTT & i-O*’ jDaily, Scmi-7ucckly and RICHMOND, VA. T e r 111 s ; Cash In Thespian Hall--Opposite Ox ford Hotel, OXI'^OPvD, N C. llichmond Daily IP'tiirj.—1 year 0 moths$3 ; .'{months $1.50; 1 Clu'js. 5 and under lO, each i $5; 10 and under 15 each I year and ov(*r each 1 year $4. i, Jtichmoiid IVh'ig and Adr,ertiser-'^^^^\,y_ weekly edition—i yc'ar 64; G month^’*^'" ;} months $1; 1 month 50 c('uls. Clubs—5 and under 10 ('ach one 0:>.5(); 10 and tuuler 15 each 1 jeai'^" 15 and over, eaeli 1 year $2. liichvioiul IPcekly Whiy ((‘ight Pj’A''.. — 1 year $2; G montlis $1; 3 month 51)*^ ’’ 1 month 25cts. -fi Clnhs—5 and muler 10 each 1 J’earybj- lO and under 15, each 1 v(!ar $1.2'>i.,i and over, each, 1 year, ONPj DOLL* )5^^Postage prepaid by the publish'''.j j/0j,„One copy fre(>, to the send('r* j club. J5@"’Suecimen copies for\V!>>’‘‘‘ when desired. Addrt'ss, AV'YxVTT M. ELLIO^I'T & CO Pichmoni THE MORNING STAK, Published daily in ]Vib)itnglon, A'. BY BEKNAIID & HARiriS- One copy 1 year $7 ; G months ^ I't’ A LARGE assoi'tmcnt of Boots - , Shoes. r>e sure to call. ' closing out some styles of Boots Shoes at n.'duced i)rices. C'all befoi’*;^^ l)argains an', all gone. Ziegler’^ anil Gaiters always on hand. & ^^'illiams. ler’s H!i Cool^