IM, 1!,] f)’clocU ivciiings i>i' )jle Pastoi'i 'iich luontl' Lh Suu(1i'i.y ting every iiulorwoodi I Liul ;](1 Shi'" n. l’ra.y^|' 'iiing :vt E. 2(1 and 4!l>. ' (1 So'clix'''’ j S o’clock- at 8,1 a. HI- K'sdays aii'| mo daj’ :it. ' OXFORD ADVr:ETISl':MENTS -lu’ilay.-i ^ ('sdavs ;s Tuesday" gTOI-'KlCl*'' i’ccn 0 1 OVXMIR ’’ aitiicocl'. ■ ' ^■ford, Su'"‘ ARDS^ "oung, [CliVNS, brd & NTT> cnce. RSTO >resscr> ts thlit il A iillaiii^' T.° CRAWFORD & CO., IDriig^ists- oil hand the largest and most careftdl3^ selected Stock of 13 n IT a . ■ s bronglit totliis market. For ])uvi- t.y, freshness a,nd gcnuincuicss of in(“li(-ines, they cannot h> sur passed. For lo\Y]);-ices they fan com[)Cte with any (ii-st-class Di'uo- lious'.' Soiitli of Ri(‘hnioud. Every package cari-fnlly i)re])ared and properly laJxdUMl before Icavhig tlie ''oiise,- 'I’iiankful for past ])a.t- ’'>nage and lio])ing to merit a conthiu- "•'leci'of tli(^ same they arc yours, PRESCRITIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. 'r. '*ic api tfj I). CJiAWFOET) & CO. [t 1 marll-i’m lew Cioods! HavinG opyned a Firsl-class CONFECTIONERY *'> connection w itli the I’ost Olllce. T am ])rcpai'c,d to sell (“verything in that lin(\ ch(>aiH'r than they (jver were ollered to the public before. CJoasls from SO to 20 ceuts. SARDINES 30 CENTS. " wm, &111 jffi, % Giifs. FilEXCil CAS!>!ES 3;» TO 5't) CE^'TS. Cakes, Crackers, J'ellie« BG-j CBACISRB, &c.. &c. 'I’lip ladies arc especially invited lo *^=all ;uul examine them. l8-tf €. A. TAYLOU, OUE COLUMN. Tiie loriiii clarioii. PUBLISHED DAILY IN OXFORD, N. C. JAS. A. ROBINSON, JAS. C. V7ILLIAMS, Editors an'd Publishers. Democratic to the Backbone. .4//persons imislnng' a neat, nnvsy- Ut ile morning paper—giving all iJie latest toion and county news, 7c>if]t important foreign items—IVon Id do well to gii'c the ON a trial. The coniiiig eatii5)aigii will bft an Impor tant one to oiir l*cojjle. E^very man sliocild keep posJod. To do I’lis he OHj^Iit to fake a live pa. “TIJK CLA!ilO.\” i’or lustanee. Its slogan will be—Reform—Retrench ment—Homo Rule—Honest and. ca pable men for ofiice. It will cry aloud and spare not, giving forth no “iincer- tain sound” in these times of Political crim.e. We trust our friends ihroughout the Comity ivitt cxcrl Iticnischh's in our behalf, and run- iis np a haudsame sub scription ti^l. \Vcprojuise to give :Ju'!u a live, 7Ciidc'-a7iJut’’ pa- pcr. IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE!! A LARGE assoitm nt of Boots and Shoes. J5e sure to call. "W^c are closing out some styles of T’iots and Shoes'at r('duccd l)rices. Call before the bargains'are al] gone. Ziegler's Slioes and Gaiters ahvayi on haiu!. Cooper l'c Williams. WILD OA_TS- THE CHAMPION COMIC PAPER OF AMERICA. Prospectus for iS/6, This sparking and brightly illustrated W'cekly, humorous and satirical paper has entered upon the seventh year of its jolly existence, and this being the Centennial j'^ear of our national independence, the publishers take pride in saying that it will not be, as it never has yet been, a Avhit behind tlietimesi n holding up tlie humor ous or satirical side of everything Ame rican. The merry side of this great and glorious Centennial ja\ar will receive special attention in the br'ght columns of America's favorite humorous pai)er. The i>ublishers of Wiw) Oats point witli pride to the wholly unexampled suc cess of their paper, and, pledging them selves that it shall be in the future even better than in the past, they ask a con tinuation of that kind patronage wliich has plactd it at the liead and front of A- merican humorous papers. We liave made arrangements which will enable us to present "Wild Oats in a brighter and better sha])e than hereto fore, having reccully taken ])ossession of our new publication ollice, and liad line copper-faced tyi)e cast especially for us, together with all the vast i)arapliernalia re(xuired in the production of such a ]>a- per as we give the public at the low' price of ten cent ]>er copy. We have also madearrangements with some new artists, and shall at the same time retain such old favorites as Thos. Worth, Frank Bcllew, lIo])kins, Woolf, ^V'ales, Frank Beard, Bisbee, 0])i)er, Staickliardt, Eothengatter, Ben Day, Kettles, Palmer Cox, Maun, King.sbur}', Stull, White. Sperry, Eaton, Seldou, etc while the editorial tlepartment Avill still remain in the hands ofv-its founder, th(* viva;ious Brlcktop, of whom enough is known without more being said. As an additional indncemeait to stib scribe for the Centennial year, we ha\e wt great expense pi'cpared a comic ch' o- nu) the crowning ellbrt of that g)-;i])hi(*, monnis Uopkins. It is a woi’k of ai t, worthy of an elegant frame, and is AVorth at least one-half the i>rice asked for the subscription, li is a "’horse ])iece” be ing a bm-les]ue of 31az('i>pa tied lo the back of the liery, untamed steed. A copy will be sent to each subscriber during the year. Advertisers are beginning to iind out that the ^\'ILD OATS reaches a greater number of live men than any other illus trated i)ai>er in America, and therefore it is a lirst class medium of adv(>rtising. To those who know Wild Oats Vv(! need not say that it has not, does not. and will not contain a wortl or an illus tration which may not be lak(Mi into every family in the land. Fun W(^ give in vai'ious sized doses, but never vulgai-;- ty in any shape. It is thoroughly Ame rican in sentiment, wholly origiiial, sharp and incisive, and right to the j'-oint in dealing with men and events of tlu; day. One cop\':tt;iny time will convince you of this. Sulwci'iijtion j)rice—po;;l- paid. 1 year OklK); G montlis C-.OO; single numbers 10 els. Atldress ; (’OLLIN SMALT., ofi Beckman street, >" f.

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