PUHi.ICATiOXS- V 3000 ■ W. A. DAVLS & CO'S COf.UMN. ram'j-iu’ji?JT.ajwu^. lf. . PUBLTCAT10]>^s' WEBSTErS INAnillD^ED. :5000 lintfr;iviiiKs. IS-U) PasR^^ Qiiarlo, JSliJ. A mm I'EATlllE. 'I’otlH! 1)000 illiistnilion.^ lieretofon' in V\’(*l)stcM''s IInabf'ul^'ed we have added four pa;^('ri of Colored Illustrations. A1.S0 We’oster's National Pictorial Diotio-ary. 3040 I’aKPS octavo. (iOO L.iis{ravliis:s. $.5. KjgXjnil-: XATfOXAL STANDARD J^roof—i?o to /. I'lu! «iles of \Vehste*’s Di',;tioiiari(‘.s throu,>;li()ut tlic country in i87;> were -20 times a-; lari>’c as tlie t^al(>_s of aiiv otiier Dictio!iarie.'\ ^^'e will send proof of tills on a|)])lication. and such s:iU\s stili c"n- tinue. >;ore than Thirty Tijousaad (‘opies o: M'eh.-ter's L'nal)i-id ed liave beei. phic- ed in as many I’ublic Schools in tlie U- n'to.l States, by state- en.ac.tuients or S',MOol ofiicers. Can you bet ter i>romote the cause of education and the 4)od of coniiiiunity tlian by liavin^' a copy of ■\V;-bstei-'.s I'nabrld^-ed in 3’oim‘ family, and trying' to hav(> a copy in each of your s:-li'ois. 'a£|5 (‘ commend it a> a si)lendidsp(>c;imen ®W o£ learning', ta^te and labor.— Moiitijoiiif'rti Ijcilijcr. P"every s'eliolaV. and especinlly (‘very iuinistei’ should iiave this worl.'— lVr.\:l LiniisrllJt''. ^est book lorcN'crybody that the jiress ha p:'oduc!;d in the pres(*nt c/ntury. (I'lil.h'ii F.ra. j- Superior, iucomp-.rably. to all others, in ils delinitions. — />’ IT MeDuiiahL I'l'/'.-i ('umh Uiil.rurnihi. '"jPiie n'putatio 1 of this work isconiin- i c(| to Amerii.'a —llichiiKnid II hi'j. Eveiy family .in liie 1,'niled states si!( -Id hive lhi> Jhji. , ep(tsitory of us’ful inf)nnation; as i sucii ii stands without a rival. ' | Publi.-iu'd l>y Vu &. i\ .nERltJ.l.n. s(,rinu--i | iHdd. .Mas>, ; j 500 Siibscribera' A\"an(;erl a,t 1 Kj \J 1 1 1 1_ J • SEND ']'!I ]'.?.[ IN P>Y TJIi: 10\-. ‘.0’.' AN 1) ao’H. FRIKXDS. } 0 i'i’KinOll Xew Orleans Molasses. | 1 / Siipciline and r.'imily Kh^m-. Sujicri- | -r can\as liaui-. l.nid in bueVets ;i'id j 1 e:i's. Adm;iniiite ■(Miiillcs. for sale by j ti(!) cr A: \\ ' i Wv have just received a iar_;'e selection ' of new au(i popular inusi(;, v>-hich will be sent jKXst-paid to any ])artof the couii- tiy on receij)t of ju’ice. S(h'{i;s that Everybody Sin^s. , Littlii ilobin.'rell Kittle I’m comini;4octs ' 'I’he l.etter in the candh; 8(lcts (iathcrin!«; Shells from the Si>a slion; 40(;t.s , (>ood Little Xt 11 ■ Dear Moliii* .v»-a,iiii'e " Will you love Me when i'm Old Dpra Darlino' Hessie Dear and I 'l’h(‘ llachelor's Dream A NOLI) FlUENl). We.are iTi-.to rec(ii\ e " the Stati ' ])AXN’ER.antl to learn tliat this i;o])i!li'‘'; in fact 7i(4liunal family ]>aper is to enf' in -ran'uar}' upon its fourteenth year succ'css. '1 hiM'c ai'c few ])apers that as i>()])ular. 'I'he Banner is a-larae -J' c(thmn) S“pag(> paper, illiistrate(l,'cro'y'’|^ with the b(‘,st?of readin>:, and (‘verytli'‘f; to INTEHKST am! JNSTia.CT. al^-o. that its famous ‘'l{o>'ues Coriu;*' is to be ke])t uj), and thus every H\vi"' (Her, (piack, and Inunbu^'. is sure t" e\i)oscd and brouiht to jt;stiee- K'*') hous(‘hold iiecdti this pa])er. We tiiid ' a most yJejiMint visitor to oiir :.anctiiiij' ' ainl would not willingly part with For 187(1 tli(; }>id)lishcrs oli'er the alone foronly 7') cents a year, or j choice cf ;'() su]!uib ];r( mil m.s at ;i h>r y ('r pric(>. U'e know our readers at once subscribe did they know nieriifi of this.s])leudid jjaper. It ic,f'‘‘ 1)(*st and surely the chcaiie.st i)aper ‘ oirerc'd, and is eniirel}' l•(•liilbl(^ should sub'crib(‘. Sent on trial .'^ nio'il’'' foronly lO ctuit?, 7;') cents a y(ar, ^ ^1(‘ copi‘s si r cen‘s, none fre('. U(jw.and you will thank u> for t(dliuii','‘^. abotu if Address Star Si:aii;;k-d I'-'" ner, llinsdah', X. II, ’\\'(‘ have ju^t r( ceht'd ;.i superb lot of Yi: CE.YTs:\\iAL papoj. Cali and examin'e il'.‘ J T!ie (iutsi assyrfmciii ci' {adies A(ite pijurfvd v Un jsi.t to tisis ( ^(!;(! lor jjiiite Us! iii.d. ^aIi^ i;hs. . BLAXi nCOKS. !:ir>I.KN .VXli x'i'/-: AT'1 !.K • I'lUiJ.ISlIlCI) 15Y WY\T|\ M, 1:LL!0TT & (0«' J)ailyi,Si'mi-!ioeckly ixnd M’eckiyy RICHMUNI), VA. Terms: Cash In A d v a n . year (> luojiis •$:!.; months fl.i)!,'; 1 L'hi'i.s.. i) and iindei- lO. (aci.i-i 10 and under l,{>'(“acl! I .\( ar f and (’)\'cr each 1 year £-4. . Ji icliHii/iid II hnj (HkI weVkiy .edii'.on-t-i year ig4; nionfh'''"'. ;i montiis .vl; 1 moiitii ."iO cent.'. L'lahti—.J. and under 10 (•a('!i oni'yiv *:i..iO: 10 ;ind under 1e;j(‘h 1 \eai ‘' l.'i and ( ver. each 1 year ^2. -j Ii ivjtiitvii'l It (c.klji H hi'l (ei^'ht --1 year U iiicjmns ;.d; Ii montli 1 month '2.A:ts. ^lubs—.'iand und('r lOeach 1 ye-*''; ji lO and’ under If), each I year >-1 and ('iver. each. I .\car, (>X K 1)01.1--^''^J jircpaid by t he ]iubli'l‘f.. ■ 5j;^^',,( /ue C(>!i.\’ free to iIk; scndc>' cliii). il-'/rSwecimeii (•('})!(■;- for^^■:'*''' w hen doii’cd... ^'\ddr( -s, wwrv M. Ki.i.io'i’T it c‘^'j K’ichmondi THE MORNING STAl^» I'ahlltltid u'liih in A'^ Lv ii*:i;XA]:i) & liARi;!^^’ co|»_v 1 year ^7 ; C nioiitl‘^“ Thespian Hail--Op;;:osite Cx- fcrd Hclel, ■ . ■ (vxroini. \ ' . JIST TO ■. ilorsc cellars and.jlames, Ph.'.v f'', I and llame sirii|,:.;s. iMdW.-: and ^ Points for >^a!'‘ !>y ( r,upfr I'-l 'A illi.ain"

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