V’e,are I ' Sl’AKCil'l'''' this i)oi)Hlii''; >er to [H'litii yciir nptM'?! tliiit ii',''’ ,is :r hiri’-e rntecl.'crovy'' ik1 cT. jiu's (,’oriii|' civpry is Kiirc t'l :;sticc. Kv’'.' I-. \V(' fiixl ojir .-•auctiii'!’ l);u't witli I'' Vr th(‘ yeur, or , ,! nis :it ;i l-‘r ; •eaders iCV know ' '' pl-r. It , trial s nioi't-;; rs ii yt-ar, ■Ire.'. T''y. i'or tel 1 ini:'.' i'T ■& i’O.t VA. A cl V a 11 C'^‘ year 1, iaci,!-i y‘''u, 1 >car.j'-l.'>''’ ■ ••■'ii'i' j; f! tuonrli''"’', cent.'. ,.i,’ ciicli y‘ Vi; actii, 1 Nc'ai'"' 2. ((‘i--'llt Pj'.'i'.; :i iiKuitii ■acii 1 y‘i'’'^|'i; vcai- 81 1)01.1-^; ■ 1 iit.‘ tli(.‘ senile'''’,^,, j)i(■^ forWii*''' O'lT liiclinioiitli G STAI^' liAlUil"- C iiionlli*’' mu- ' \i‘. Plow f'i iws ;iim! I r 1^1 illi.il'' ^3.50 per Year. “IIow uol>lt! Ilie >Ian nmou^ noble I>lo.n, who frars not to ply a trii(U-tcllin!; I’cu." Single COpy 3 CtS Vol. 1. OXFORD, N. C., WEDXF^.SDAY MORNING, UA.Y 17, 1870. NO. 82. Th3 Morning Clarion, By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (OKKICK IN 'rilKSlMAK HAl.I. liUII.OlNi; ) ]>iil)lisbel every Morning (Sunday cx- ct‘])tecl) at the followinir rales ; J ' 'o]iy one w cek. l2.V-'ts 35^-'^^ boots 8octs. i Si-SCi I ^2.so j • (-'o])y one ■Mor'.tli, - - ■ ^’opy 2 Montlis, -■ - - > (>)py three .Month, - > Cojiy six Montlr-;, - _ _ • *'opy one y'eai', - - JJ^' Lilicral iiulucenicnLs to cluijs. Advertising^ kati‘s : t square 1 insertion, t “ I week, colinnn i rnuntli - - H 1. 1 - >2 “ T “ • Cfjluuin I nionlh - - - l.t)cal Notices 20 cents a line each inser- | lion. J Socts !?I.OO : 32.00-j .SI.OO I 87.00 I $12.00 I Democratic Conservative Meeting. 'ritc l)eniocratic t^aiservative voters of • ^'‘iaii\’ine are rci I nested to meet in niass con- '■‘•■iiUon, at Oxfia'i!, Monday 'May 29th, to ‘'ppoint delej^ates to the State and Congres sional district Convention, to l)e lield in '■^aleigli the i jlliand I4tli day.-'of June next, ■'lid to transact sr.ch^ l)iisineiis as may be (1 Mccessarv. li) ordci' of CJo. 1', Ajril roth 1875. (.'onnnittee. . S. Amis, ;h’ni. DISTRICT CONVENTION. A (,'on\ entipii of the Deniopratic-Conser- '■alive \otcr-. of the iM'urth (’on'gresstonal i'istrict v.'ill he held in the city of Ralei^ii Tuesday the i jth day of Jane ne.xt; lor die purpose of nominating a candiilate for '('oiij^res'; and a I’resid(:ntial i'declor, and se- 1 ‘etiiijr tuo diclej'ates in tlie St. l.ouis C'n- \cinion. A fidl attendance is oa.riiesfly de- ■ ii'fd i'ai h couniy will he eiitited to one ’'■ole foi' ( \('rv I'.ne hundred voles and irac- ’ioDal oarl (,\'cr tiftv given lor Men-ini(;n in >''''72. lly oii’.vi'of the Disii ict l\xcc.utive Com. II. A. 1 Ji.:.. ('hairniaii. March ^i^t. i;sv(i. Mr. Charles Lad is willplea.se ac cept otir thanks for courtises extend ed us. There were sixty colored persons baptized at Henderson o:i Sunday list. We will wager th:;t all the fish in that i:>ond are dead. We hope the fines that the corpora tion got out-ot that crowd of young men a few days ago will be turned to good accounts. 'i'lie Raleigh A^Ttys says Col. A- very the' editor of the Morganton Blade has been presented with twins. A-very good cro[)'. Two little blades now glow where only one grew be- fore. 'The ladies of the to\vn of Tlills boro, by dranuli,: ciilert:.nin,Jiu on | W«bies(h,y night lasl. netted .'!i7S. i ahvavs spicvarid readablv, s.ibicril,; Nvliirl, will Ik- a|.i,ro|>riatcd W „ i/if j,„„ wo'rtl, ot vour the beneiit qt the I niversily. ; XT ,, , -11 1 , „ j ^p.via.Mido.IS Stock N'l'w O'jOtis daih' N.;nrK.-lher.:, will be a meeting 1t. Ilutns Cheap of the Orphan Aiil I'roiipe at this i Cash Stoin*, 4 J5tiy(n-8 in New Y(tr,v, office next Friday night at Ko’(:loc:k, ; thcni owK^ oli how vlieiip. A.iiex- 1 (rollaiit: srocx. promptly. All the members arc. re-1 — quested to be present. I Ready-made cjothing on hand and daily arrivuig whloli wUIbe sold low f*r ca.sli. Give me a trial as I make clothing a speoinlity. James T. Iliml'. One of the bookstores in town has a very accominodating clerk, ])arti( - idarly w'hen a pretty young lady comes in and smiles sweetly upon him, he is more so than ever. Such was the scene a few' days ago, when he loaned her several pieces of music to try to see if she liked them. We would call the attention of our readers to the adverti;.;ement of the Durham Iferald, a live weeldy paper published at Durham N. C., in to-days paper. It is one among the best edited papers that comes to the office, and oar friend Brown. [AS. A. R()]5I:RS0X, Secretarv. jAS. C. WILLIA.MS, 3[anager.' Local & state sq^jibs. 'i’tic Junior 'weifl off to the Prcss (M)nvention atul left his Railroad, pass b -iiind. We hopMhe c)nd!if- for did not put him oil the train. 1> ■ sure and '40 to the ):>k rUore I'd' C'a[)t. ^Vm, Higgs jtist under the Ci.AinoN oftlce and op>j)osite the H )iel. ir,“ can .-h ).v \'ou something liew, 'lioic(‘ iie.d select. fall asleep in church every .Sunday night? 'This is a mystery tons, l.s «■!■«♦&= ; it because they do not get enotigh Vv’e would call tiie ;Utcntion of our: sleep at night? or because the ^ser- aeaders to the ad\-ertisement of Air. * rnon is too long and tiresome? We J. 'V. I III!',( w'uich appears in to-days; are sure the latter is not tlie case, j)ap‘.‘r. Read it and then go and as the sermon Sunday niglu, at tlv' deal vcith him. He has everything I cht.rch we s))eak of was short aiul that you are likely to need, ile will' very fine, 'i'nere was a young man sell }'ou goods as low as von c'an buy : near us U’ho aciually s/’OJrd, that is tl'.em an_\ where.. Cive him a call. bad enougii ,In one.; private r )om, iiit(,)lcrable in church. Stav at I here was a man brought betore j lioine and go to bed if yi;u are sleejjv the mayor yesterday f;r usMig pro-j and do not disturb ih ‘ congi’i.'g ition tane language on the streets. He! h>' }'awning and snoring, was fined four dollars, vv'lu.'-h he could not pay, consequently was I sent to jail. We would advise our jreulers to be c:areful v,-lien and wliere ! thev tisc ‘•cus./' u'ords. N. C,'. cut llerringi at 1 ids per dozen at Wii.iuams Cv ri:\an'^. (>orn mea! at 80 cts i)cr btishel at \\’n.l I.',MS likN A.x':-.