((Mol.r ; UlOlltil I .•ll ! I V. E 1)0LI>A‘V :ie (> sciidi'i' ‘i ■for Its :i^ cliciip*''' .. bushel THE M©BIWN© i i Q) $2.50 per Year. « How noble the Man amonff noble Men, who fears not to ply a trutli-tellinff Pen.” Single CODV 2 cts VOL. 1. OXFORD, N. C.. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1876. NO. 34. By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (OKFICK IN THESPIAN HALI, I!UIM)IN(; ) published every Morning (Sunday ex cepted) at the following rates : I Copy one week, ~ _ la’.cts I Copy one Month, I Copy 2 Months, - I Copy three Month, I Coj^y six Months, - _ _ 1 Copy one Year, - _ liberal inducements to clubs. Advertising /^atfs : * square i insertion, * “ I week, column I numth X “ I “ - >2 “ I “ 1 column I montli - Local Notices 20 cents a line each inset tion. 3 Sets - boots Socts - Si.50 $2.so 5octs $i;oo $2.00 $4.00 $7.00 - $12.00 Democratic Conservative Meeting. The Democratic Conservative voters of Granville arc requested to meet in mass con- 'ention, at Oxford, Monday May 29th, to iippoint delegates to the State and Congres sional district Convention, to be held in Kuleigh the 13th and 14th days of June next, and to transact such, business as maybe deemed necessary, liy order of Co, Ex : Committee. J. S. Amis, Ch’m. April 20th 1875. DISTRICT*CONVENTfdN. A ( onvention of the Democratic-Conser vative voters of the Fourth Congressional i>istrict will be held in the city ef Raleigh •^11 Tuesday the 13th day of June next, for >e purpose of nominating a candidate for I'ongresii and a Presidential Elector, and se- ‘ecting two deleg.'ites to the St. Louis Con- 't‘nti(m. A full attendance is earnestly de- ’*‘ivd Each county will be entitel to' one ''uie for every one hundred voles and frac- 'lonal part over fifty given for Merrimon in 1072, liy order of the District Executive Com. 11. A. I.ONDON, Jr., Chairman. March 31st. 1876. dozen at Williams & Bryan’s. We notice that several Hook and Ladder companies have been presen ted with a flag, but ours has not. Just received a pretty line of La dies and Misses trimmed and untrim- iTied Hats. GRANDY & BRO. Mr. T. B. Venable and lady re turned from Charlotte yesterday, bringing with them their daughter Miss Gracie Venable, wlio has been sick it that place. I he young ladies of St. jStephens Church propose giving an entertain ment at an early day for the benefit of their Church. We wish them si,cces.s. iSioricK.— I here will be a meeting of the Orphan Aid 'Troupe at this office next Friday night at 8 o’clock, promptly. All the members are re quested to be present. JAS. A. ROBLVSON, Secretary. JAS. C. WILIJAMS, Manager. The County Convention.—7'he attention of Democrats of Granville is called to the fact that their Mass- Meeting for the purpose of appoint ing delegates to State and Congres- sional Conventions meets on tlie 26th inst. It is important that every Town ship should be represented and we trust meetings in each will be held at once and good delegates sent. The County Commissioners have been in .session three days this week, a called meeting. We learn that first they appointed I Mr. Nelson Hicks Overseer of the Chain Gang. He appeared with his Bonas men fully (qualified and responsible. Mr. Hicks was then informed by the board that they had the “dead wood” on him and told him to go about his business. Local & state squibs. Flies have made their appearance, ^nd there is 110 chance fora morninir 'lap. i he grand Centennial has opened. Wonder who is going from Oxford ? e are not certain. Very few of our Merchants have gone North for goods, we suppose it owing to hard times, and scarcity money. New Goods.—Read the advertise ment of Grandy & Bro., in this morning’s paper. They have just received a lot of new goods, such will please the ladies. We will say, here, that Grandy cK: Bro., keep con stantly on hand a first class stock of goods, no shoddy stuff, and will sell their customers good bargain;'. Read their advertisement. Our JuiTor was h -ard from-yester day. 1-le arrived in New Berne on Tuesday morning at lo o’clock. The gang were met at the depot by two military companies, and a cornet band, and marched between the two companies to the Ckiston House. A great many of the citizens were out. An excursijn to Morehead City is ^talked of. and on Wednesday night .thegrand ball. VAGAnoNUisM.—Young man fpiit loafing and go to work, do soaie- ihing. Pull off your kid gloves, doff your beaver and dro[) your cane, take the world by the horns. Ji owes you a living (after you have made it) but not until then- Help the old lolks, work in the garden, go to keep off the ohvs and keep you from loafing and vagabondism. Above all don’t drink, dont give u]> to the blues, but go fortli with a stern and manly heart to meet the sliadowy future. The bihle savs he tliat don’t woik shant eat. We know a young man in tliis place who actually bought a 7,r/yJine vase to send some young lady a bou- Huet in. Now ot all the rcdiculous tnings that we ever lieard of, that heats all. We’dr.ubt if the )oung lady will tliink as much of them in the vase as she would without it, atb{ we feel certain she will not say ‘'lis but a little faded Flowei'. I’l.t oh, ho'.v fondl^i d> ar to m

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