ri ^-^■50 p^r Year. » the Man amon«: noble Men, who fear, not to ply a tr«th.teIU^^^~^^I^^ Siiigle ^Opy 2 Cts ^'OL. 1. OXFORD, N. C., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1876 xVO. 85 The Morning Clarion, By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (OKFICK IN THKSPIAN IIAI.L liUILDINc; ) published every Morning (.Sunday ex cepted) at the following rales ; ' opy one week, - _ * Cojiy one Mo.;ih, - _ ‘ -’opy 2 Months, - _ _ * -'Opy three Montli, - * Copy six Months, - _ _ ^ 'opy one Vear, £^®“‘Liberul inducements to cluhs. Atk't’rtisin^ Kates : ^c]uare i insertion, * “ I week, ^ coliniin I month, 4 “ I . I 2^CtS 35^‘s boots Socts $1.50 ^2,50 ‘ ‘'('lunin I month - . I'Ocul Notices 20 cents a 5octs $1.00 32.00 - 34.00 $7.00 - $12.00 line each inser- Btf' •Oiir Diitli 1 y*"; ,utlis jeai ’ til ear SI' 5 ikUm- 1 ,rVNur‘'^ I t CO;V, t>emocratic Conservative Meeting. T lie Democratic ('onservalive voters of ''•■‘nvilie are retiiiested to meet in mass con- at Oxford, .Afonday May 29tli, to ^,1 point delegates to the .Stale and Congres- 1 i'al district Convention, to be held in . ' ‘‘igh the 15th and 14th days of June next, '1 to tr.uisact such, business as may i)c nccessnrv, I'V (jrder of Co, 1>]\ ; (!ommittee. . j. S. Amis, (''h’m. •^I'ld 20lh 1875. DISTRICT^CONVENfToN. 'ai’ ^ 1 ^emocratic-Conser- o*" tl'c Fourth Congressional ,^^^'nct wdlbe held in the city ef Raleigh Uiesdaylhe 13th day of June next, for , pUri>ose of nominating a ’ candidate for I _ 'givss an(' a Presidential l-llector, and sr- .|ug two delegates io the St. Louis Con- sih. earnestly de- tounty will be entiled to' one lor every one hundred votes and frac- pail over fifty given for Merrimon in Nice weather for pic nics. Report.s continue to reach us from the country veiy unfavorable to the crops of tobacco plant.s. We are very sorry to hear of the extreme illness of two of tlie or phans at the Asylum, N. C. cut Herrings at 15 cts per dozen at Williams & Brvan’s. We learn that the Pic-Nic at Kit- trell’s last Thursday was a very brill iant affair. Just received a ])retty line of La dies and Misses trimmed and imtrim- med Hats. (xRANDY & BRQ. We made a mistak; Don Piatt £innouncc.s with a sneer the death of Dr. Hall, of /Ia//’s Jotunal of Health. He seems to think any man who could not Iceej) from dying und yet undertook to publish a Journal of Health was a fraud. 1 he Raleigh says ; During the ATemorial services W^endneday the Fedeaal officers stationed here, together with their wives, contribu ted a wagon load of Flowers on the graves of the Confederate dead. We saw Mrs. General Barstow with a basketful of flowers made into wreaths and crosses, which with the }csteiday in , .rnn_n wim stating that that Cotmty Convention assistance of the General, she placed whould meet on the 26th, it should , upon the graves of the South Caroli- nofo''J beiit'^ li( 'I'" ‘‘V eapf- ,)usb^' van’^' order of the District K.vccutive Com. \t 1*N', jii., ( hairinan. . -'larch 3Is!. 1876. ^;^CAL & state~s(^ibT. ^^owerftil warm vestcid; have been Monday the 29 th of May There are 13 Democratic papers in the Sixth Congressional district. No wonder the majorities there run up into the thousands. Owing to the carele.ssne.ss of one of our Compositors there were sever- ■ al grevious errors in the Clarion ! tobacco-hill, yesterday. Our readers will plea.sc | they are. pa.ss “Our imi)er;ections by,” this! m time. ' I ^-'lergy pre.sents ([uite a differ- j ent appearance from what il u.sed to. We saw iwehty-five ('moi-e or less) j Stane of Franklin countv, na soldiers buried in the cemetery Sou IH SiDK Do'i's.— I'obacco plants are very scarce in the vicinity ! of Mt Energy. There can’t possibly j be more than half a crop planted, corn, j)cas and potatoes are being •sensi- stunner. ay—a reg- J he style is for engaged ladies to as plain as possible. ,j A sweetheart is called a turtle woman seats herself in a j)eAv Severn motions: a m;>n with young ladies on the street at differ cnt times yesterday, and ail of them had beautiful streamers attached to their hats, which fell in graceful folds upon their shoulders. How beautiful they (the ladies) loo|ed. 'I'hose slipjjen —V( s. they have been here in the post-offit e for more than a month, but we did not know that they were for us, because the adlress was wrong- Our kind friend will i)lease accept our many thanks foi them, il'.ty are beautiful and | the “niggers” drunk ard !tti thtni v.-illLev( ry cmfortalile this sultry f'ghting worse thar • c.ts—that’s weatlier. j their jirinc iples iVc. now has hi.s -‘blue tent stretched” for the purpose of photogra])hing your ugliness—who first? I'^x-Sheriff 3Ioore and other lican .ivVwv.i-” give notice that they will horangue the bk-u k white-hearled and the wiiite black-hearted “pub licans' in and around Ah iincrgv on 29tli—we wonder if they will do like the Sheriff and son.e ci his nse-io-le-friciuls' did wl.cn the Sheriff was last a candidate— yot all a I!