OTJK COLIJ.MN’. I^T'BLI.SIIKD DAILV IN OXKOUD, N. C JAS. A. ROBINSO]:T, JAS. C. WILLIAMS, Editors and Publishers. L)eiiiocra,tic to the Uaclibone. A///>^r.uvis ivishing a neat, neivsx lif- tie moniijio- paper—giviu}^ ait the latest to7on and comity 7iews, with important foreign items—lu fluid do 7uell to.give the Claui- . ON- rt' trial. The foaiiii- Campaign will be an Impor Jiuu oiie (o oiir IN opIe. Evei y man should keep posted. To do his he oii»h to take a live pa. pei ■ ^ ior iii.sSaiice, Its slogan will bG--Refonn—Retrench ment--Home Iviile—Honest and ca pable men for offico. It will cry aloud and spare not, giv'ing forth no ‘‘uncer tain sound” In these times of Political crime. U, Irns! our friends throtii^houl I he Co:iiit\ .Jtii iWi’/ / ///t'/Z/Si’/T’c’S UI our Ih’/utlf, and run us up a thindsaim sul> Si-ription list. //> promise tij ^ivi' ,'//,■/// a live, I'^'ide-a'ivttiie pa per. xow IS I’lIK 'I’lME 'I'O SUBSCRIBE !! AIjAIvGE assortini'iit of IJoots niid Shoes. J5e snn> fo call. We are '“losino. out some styles of Hoofs and ^lioes at r.'duoed pi'ioes. Call before the '^iro'ains are all o-oue. Zi‘,o-ler-,s Shoes ■‘‘JKl Gaifei-s ah\ays on liaiid. ''-'iDeri ‘V Wniliiuns. I WIL33 O^TS- the champion comic paper I OF AMERICA. ! Prospectus for 1876. I This sparkin- and brio.],t]y illustrated I ^\oekIy, humorous and satli-ical ]);ii)er lias entered upon the seventh vearof iLs joHv I Centennial yc ai of oui natiopal uidependeuee, the ! 11’^ pride in sayiuo-tliatitwill * 10. be as It n'ever lias yet been, a whit behnid thetnnesi n holdino- up the humor ous or satn-ioal side of eve,-vthin>- Ame- , ncau. 1 he nieiry side of this o-.-eat and Slorious Centennial year wil'l reeeive I special attention in the br=gli‘, columns I of America s favorite liumoi-oiis i)ai)er I he publishers of W Oath noint i with pride to the wholly 1111 xampled sue- : cess of their ])aper, and, ])ledoino. them-! i ’I' tlie future even I better than m the i>ast, they ask a eoii- i - inuation of (hat kind patronnoe wiuch ' ''as l)lnc( (1 It at th > head and front of A- | I'ueri rail humorous ])ai)ers. | \Ve have luade :irraii_ovnients whieii * w.ll enable us to pr.'seut W'lij, Oats in ^ |a )n-|literandbett-rshaj>e than her.fo-, , toie, havmo’ recently takc-n possession ,f ' I 0111 new- ])ubhca^^ioii ofHce, and had line • eopper-taeed type casr espreiall^ for us : I tc^etlier with all the vast . nrap lernalia ^ letjiiiied in the production of .-dch a i) i- P !• as we o-iv,! the public at the low i)i ice ot ten cent ])er co])y. ! e have also madearraiiwnients with ^oine new artists, and shall at the same I time retain such old fa^•orit(^s •.' 'J hos Worth, ]Vank Bellew, Hopkins; ^Vo..lf■ Wales ]rank Heard. Hisbee, Oppe,.’ Stceckhardt, Hotben»attei-, Ben D,.,..; V i > V Seldon, etc i while the editoriiil lepartment will ^tiii fcmain in the hands of its founder, the ' vivacious Hricktoj), of uhoin enou>h is I known wilbout more* bcin«'said. ; -^s ;ii) inducement to ‘•ub ' I scribe for the Centennial vear. ,vc have ^ ! vt o-reat e>q)eiise, red a comic eh--o- I'-'o the ciownmy effbrt of that --rai>hic' imomus, Hopkins. K, i,. a worl “of art I worthy of I. I- , fr.iun, and is w’ I at least (me-half the price asked for the I subscription, h is a ■•hors(‘ pic-e-’ be- I mj-a ))urles()ue of .Mazeppa tied to ihe ' i back of th(* fi(*i y. untained stec'd. V conv I will be sent to caeh subscriber dnrin-- 'tlK'vear. Advertisers aiv be«-'inuin>'fo find out that the W irj) Oats reac,ies a 'n-eater , iiuinberof live; men than any other illi! tr;ited pajx'r in America, and ther I It i a lirst class uuM.ium of achcrti,- |o those \\l!o know W ild 0\'J' ; need not say that it h,'is .not, does’not. , and w ill not contain a word or an ilhisl jtration which may not be -taken info I eviMT iamily in the laud. Fun we -dve 111 various sized doses, but never \ ul”ari- inanyshapi'. It is thorou«iil\- Cn e- I'lean in sentiment, wholly (/riojicil _^barp ;uid incisive, and ri,o:ht to th(M)oiut in d(‘ahn,t>- with nuui and events 'f tb(‘ day. One copy at any time will convince .\(_n of this. Sub,'criptioii jirice—Post paid. 1 yeai- $4.00; G months .'^•>00 • ■ ^^iii.^Ie niiinb, rs 10 cts. Addre-s • ' ’ ’I ^ COLLIX ct SMALI., I .■)!* .I’.eckiuMn street. OXf ORD AJ ^ D. CRAWFORD & CO Drupririst Jlave on hand the laro-est and most carefully selected' Stock of n n IT a i s |everbrou,^htfothis market. For puri- I t\, fieshiiess and >-enuinen(‘ss of medicines, they cannot !)(> siir- J^assed. For hnv prices thev I can comj)et(‘ with any ‘ Jirst-class Oruy hous-.' I South of Richmond. E\'crv i packa^'e carefully prepnred and I prop{>rly labelled I)efore leavino- th(> Iiouse, Thankful for past liberal pat- rona^?c. and hopin.o- to merit a continn- aiie.e ot tlui same they are yours prescritions care fully COMPOUNDED f I , HavinG opened a Firsl-class • CONFEGTIONERY in connection with the I'ost Ofh'ce. I a,u piepared to sell e\'(>rvl hin»' in (jiat line. ch(‘ap(>r than' thev ever , were olfercd^ t(» the piibiie befori*. Caniieil Ooojls from 10 lo 20 ceiiis, SAJa.)/Arj:s JO CKNTS. i-PIGHiS, Ul. J1S3,7S HITS. I'ltKMJI CAYIMES 35 TO fEVTS. : Oaken, fT I i es EGG CRAOZEES, See.. &c. The ladies are esp,eiallv invited to call and cxamiiK* tiiem. IS-ff €. A. TAVLOK,

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