'■••Mnraie.mwiMi TMH MOBIflNe C1L,AIII®N, $2,50 per Year. “Ho\v noble the Man anions noble Men, ■\vJio Tears not to ply a trnth'tellins Pen.” Single COpy 2 CtS VOL. 1. OXFORl), N. C.. MONDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1876. NO. 42. The Morning Clarion, By WILLIAMS & ROBINSON, (OKI'ICfc; IN THESPIAN HAI.l. 1U:1I.1)IN; ) Is published every Morning (.Sunday ex cepted) at the following rates : I Copy one week, _ _ 12.Jets I Copy one Mor.th, - - 35cts I Copy 2 Months, _ _ _ 6octs I Copy three Month, - - Socts I Copy six Months, - _ _ jSi.50 I Copy one Vear, - - $2.50 ssri .iberal inducements to clubs. Aiherthiii^ Ral,'s : I square i insertion, - 50CIS I “ 1 week, - - - $i.uo column I month - - $2.00 ‘ 1 “ - - - $4.00 DISTRICT CONVENTION. .‘V Convention of the JJemocratic-Conser- vative voters of the Fourth Congressional District will be held in the city of Raleigh on Tuesday the 13th day of June next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress and a Presidential Elector, and se lecting two delegates to the St. Louis Con vention. A full attendance is earnestly de sired Each county will be entited to one vote for every one hundred votes and frac tional ]>art over iifty given for .Merrimon in 1872. l!y order of the District Executive Com. IL A. London, Jr., ( 'hairman. March 31st. 1876. The Raleigh JVe7i>z learns that Mr. John V'. Ryan, special agent for the North Carolina h’tate Life Ins. Co., was arrested Friday in Salisbu’-y and carried to (jreensbor > hand-cuffed. Supposed irregularities with insur ance money. 1/ ^4 “I “ - - .$7.00 I column 1 month - - - $12.00 Local Notices 20 cents a line each inser tion. LOCAL & STATE SQUIBS. NEW A D VE RTISEMENTS. JUST received Ladies trim med Hats. XiW tyl«' -'oliaivtte,', beautiful Scarfs. IJneii (,’ollurs, I.iutMi Curts. Bari^ain.s in several (h'partmeuis of Dry (r(M)ds. Cool’KH & Wi^l.lAMS. \ Few s!iyl(‘.s «)fBoot.s that hu\'? -.- V been Oil liaiiH s(?vei'itl seasuus I hat tiuu^t bi; Mjld. Cooper li W iillaiiis. ri^ruiimiuo^s for ladies Hats auil Bou- i. nets, ^ticli as 'I'urquoise Silks. Gros- «raiii Kibbous, Flowi'i-s aud Oniaiiieiits, at GKANDY & BRO. •’’piiEMEXDOLS Stock of Xew lioots XaiKi Shoe.s just reeeived at James '1'. lliuits. liiu-ts Cityiaade a speciality. IF you v\aiit (iood Good.s at ion dowu prices j;o to Jauies 'I', llunt.s cheap Store.s. Cashmere Net and J.,ace.s. Scarfs. Kulfs. liufliiug’, B( Its, Kid Gloves ttC at GIJAXDY ct BKO. YY^AVERLY hotel~ CIILPEPEK, VA. M orrow Hrotliers, Managers and Proprietors. JOHN TAYLOE, Assistant. A FIRST-CLASS HOLSE. John ’I'ayloe, late editor Lexington, N. ('. Coitral, now Assistant at W'averly' llolel, will be pleased ti> see his JSo.th Carolina friends. [no29-iy rAKGE StO(rk Bacon, Flour, I.aid, J.VIeal, Fish, aud all kind of (rioceries, ! Cou'faiitly receiving'at Jas. 'P. Hunts. , j Beautiful moonlight ni^h s we are h VIng now. The ladies of St. Ste))hens’ Aid I Society will give an entertainment to-day week. I 'J'he Junior returns thanks for a most delightful serenade last Friday night. It was a voIin and guitar, and the iruisic was indeed sweet. it was night, a soft stUl night in i ths month of May. wlien all was , calm and .still, with naught to be heard but the voice of nature’s my riad insects. In the lu.xtirious par lor of one of our affluent citizens were seated tw( inaiciens just bud ding into wcmanhooil. i'hey were the picture of health and innocence, in whose young heart there was no guile. They were strangers to the sorrows and troubles of this world. Tlie future was bright and beautiful to them, buddenly the oldest starts from her recumbant [)Osition and sighs a sigh, her bosom heaves a heave aiid her eyes sparkle a spark and she writhes her form as in great pain. A cry escapes her lips as she e.K lainis ;—For Heaven’s sake Mariar, get np and s(*rafch my back.” Cooper iV Williams are offering- some of the greatest bargains in Dry (ioods cveV offered in North ('aroli- na. Opiates.—I'here are a great ma ny ])eople who suffer a great deal because they cannot sleep, and there fore, are continually taking some opiate, and keep it up until the last stage is worst than the first. We re commend to such persons two or three raw onions, instead of the oi^i- ate, anfl if it does not iiave the de sired effect then you may sav we don't know anything about it. W'o do not mean this for the ladies, as we know their aversion to this \eget - able. , lo i'HF. Pi’Bijc.—We desire the jjublic to kno.v (hat il we cease ])ub- lishihlng the Cj.aiiion on the lotli ot June it will not be because we can not run it, but because it does not pay, and we cannot afford to devote allot our spare time and money to run a paj)er in the interest of a party who will not support us. Most every one speak in glowing terms of the Ci.AKiox, and say, with energy “go it boys” and that is the last of il. We have no doubt we could do a great deal, in the approaching campaign, that would materiilly benefit the Democratic party in this county, but we cannot afford to sacrifice time, health and money to doit. If vou want our assistance come forward like men and helj) us, or forever, hereafter, hold your peace. RJ1]AD\-.^L\DE Clothinj;’ on hand and daily arriving w]i|,,.|) will be sold low f-ir (;asli, (^ive me a trial as I make clorhiiig a s))eci;iliiv. .Jaim B T. Hum.

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