, . ?: , :j . i i- 1 ; , , 1 , i ; .' . . i I,1 , .. i I'll i j ' : ' t H-! -: - :id . '' ' : , . ' . :- ,- ; ' : 1 ' : ', I Y 1 ' ' : " I .-i : Y--,3 ! , i" I'" K ' 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 s 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ; I '! ' ' Yi-YY :- ' ' Y : ' L; i ' vj ' ' : I'll ' ' I ; ' ' JJ' I ;ii !'' " i ' ' ' Hi ' : 'rr':tf ; Y,YY ,. y y yy; : im W-iMWM 11 .; ' . , .. " : )' .f. V I- "'-fi' THE TEXAS QUESTION. A Washington correspondent of the N. Y Courier writes ? ''The rumor tint hare reach cdus through the Hew Orleans prts. that J trety ; pior.Ung Air the ionrxalion had re cetreJ (he assent of the Senate, we all know nut to be true, but is aufllciently probable ti be credible ihat the draft of a treaty to tha eflect has been agreed upon by our GorercJ mtnt, and. dispatched to that of Texas for ltd acceptance, and it its not improbable that ii may be agreed to and subinitled to the Senate t this session, for ratification. i : . TCXAS The New York Herald has beerJ farored with the follpwing extract of a letter dated ; t . i ' i ! . j 'f 1 Houston, Feb. 24, 1&14. "uen. Henderson ta now on his my id Washington citv, as Minister Extraordinary! to arrange matter with your Government fo J Annexation, which I think will be accomplish ed. Texas ii, nearly unanimous for annexa tion. Ilonty remains fori; your Gorernmen -to be firm and decided, to produce one of ihej happiest results from which the U. Sta es even derlred benefit.' ANNEXATION OF TEXAS. f "I 1 . l! ' , . i , ' i OliVer Oldschool," in his letter of the 13thl inst. tof the Philadelphia U. S. Gazette, say: I have, for some days past been in posses ion of inlormalion, in regard to contemplated movements,! and movements already made, o the administration, having1 for their object the annexation 6f Texas to the U. Slates, by trea ty Judge Upshur was engaged litvjnd ben upon accomplishingsuch a project before hi J death, and 1 am informed, by good authority expected soon to lay a treaty of annexation before the Senate. , Mr. Gilmer, I have reason to believe, Was appointed Secretary ! of tha Navy, on the ground of his opinions being known to be in favor of annexation; and I have i canon to believe, further, that the annex ation question had not a little influence upon! Mr. Tyler in selecting Mr. Calhoun as Secre tary of State. . ! - 1 fully be lieve a treaty of annexation will be negoiia ted between the two governments; but I am! very confident, at the same time, that such a treary will not be ratified by the Senate. OIJR MINISTER AT MEXICO. The New Orleans Picayune says! A gen tleman recently arrived from Mexico informs us that there is some probability of General! Thompson's remaining in the country until a! new minister is sent out. It has all long been supposed that he would return in the Vincennes The Raleigh Register says -f" We lead that a most fearful Epidemic is raging in the! County of Rockingham, at the present time All accounts concur in representing it as a fe ver of a highly malignant character accompa-l nied with congestion, in some l eases of the brain, in others of the lungs, liver or bowels, In some famUfes it has appeared as the con gestive scarlet.fever, and the number of deaths from the epidemic in the county, since Christ mas, is estimated at from 250 to 300." V . i" . . I i S: ir. I,: STEAMBOAT DISASTER. The New Orleans papers contain account of another steamboat disaster. On the even ing of the 3d instant, while the steam tow-boa Pilot was moving oft from a wood yard a shor distance above New Orleans,; her; starboard boiler exploded, killing and scalding a numbe , of persons. The Bulletin says, "Among thoe brought to this city were Mr. William Gow, a son of the Captain, who is not expec ted to live; Mr. Nicholson, 1st Engineer,-and Mr. Fox 2J do., both badly scalded; and th steersman, who had both! legs broken andwai slightly scalded. Thomas Kearney was blown overboad and lost. Capt. Gow himself wa badly scalded, and was', left at Gretna." I Seven of the deck hands were badly. scalded some of them 'so badly that no hopes of theii recovery were entertained. - Two of the hands jumped overboard and Were drowned. , Duel Prevented. His Honor the Mayoi having received information that! a hostile meeting was fixed to take place on the Jersey shore early on Saturday morning, despatched two pouce ofliccrs in quest of the partie?, am as they were leaving their lodgings to repati to the appointed spot, they were each, to theii great surprise, .arrested and brought befor . his Honor. Their names are Dr. Cowan, i respectable physician of this city, and a nava officer named Wheeler, attached to the Nortlt Carolina. The misunderstanding occurred at the masquerade ball which took place in JSroaoway on Thursday evening,1 and was, l ii said occasioned by a not uncommon cause pi such aflair lady. The message waa sent by Mr. ! Wheeler on Fridav morning through Mr. William MetctT Green, formerly of ,the U. & Navy,' and was at once accepted by the liuctor. In the j course of I the davJ however, the lady, who was the innocent causa of, the qiia.rei, became acquainted ! tvith thd intention of the two gentlemen, and immed ately despatched a note t hia Honor ilayor informing htm of the contemnlatet meeting. The parties were bound ovir in the um of 810,000 to kee- the peace. Mr. Gieen wa dilicentlv soueht after bv the ofli cers, but was not to be found. N Y 'Republic An Abstract r Uf the Keport of the Agent of the American and North Carolina Bible Societies, for the year 1813. j 1 he following County Bible Societies, Aux-1 iliary to the North Carolina Bible Society, have been organized, viz : Carteret, Jones, Beaufoii, Martin, Edgecomb, Lenoir, OpsIow, Duplin, Sampson, Wayne and Chatham, j Monies have been collected an faltm; . In Granvillp County, at Tabernacle, 849 25 4 Oxford, 40 80 Salem, - i 3 40 Ebenezer, 4 86 Rock Spring,; 24 15 r Grassy Creek r .! .: " ! tt andShiloh,J7104 Collected by Iter. Mr. NVillie, 20 00 Toial, 1 , Of this amount, 8130 was collected M for Life Memberships. 8313 50 In Carteret County, at Beaufort, 881 00 30 00 iuaccuonia. ! i' Total, , -Of this amount, 860 was collected 8111 00 I I (or pfe Memberships. In '.Franklin County, at Louisburg, 839 25 Of which, 825 was in part of a Life r Membership. , ' ; In Craven County, at Newbern, ! 33 50 "Jones Lee's Chapel and Trenton, 17 85 V Washington Uo. at rlymouth, , 16 25 ! Chowan Ldenton, 23 63 Hertford, 3 60 H Perquimans " Martin, Edgecomb Lenoir, V Onslow . : i . it it it II ti it ii ii . it ii VilIiamston, 20 50 Tarborof . 70 25 Kinston, 33 05 ' Richlands and Jacksonville, 79 85 V Dup n, Grove, . 12 00 Fiiendship, I i 3 10 Charily, 2 50 Waynesboro, 50 40 GoldsboroV . I 75 t. t f'Wi ay no " Warren bhocco. 12 25 Shadv Grove, i I 2 95 it "Cumberland"' 114 37 Of this amount 839 67J was collected ! for Life Membership. In Wake County, at Raleigh, " " " . " Grand Lodge, " ' " Paid by a friend, Jewellery by hands of Rev J E Edwards In Chatham County, Piitsboro', "Beaufort : Washington, Johnston , Smitbfield, .! Received from Iredell County, 56 73 50 00 20 00 10 00 20 05 4$ 15 80 15 1 00 Whoit amount rn11ot1 fmm 1 : Jah. IRlfl in T l2lf i ! uiij m a- m j 1 ' '''. - . - 1 : . i. !! in audition to the amount collected in the several j Counties mentioned above, there was obtained on subscription 81,241 96, which has not yet been paid. ,; The sum of 8818 71 has been forwarded to the Treasurer of the American Bible Society! tbee Keports.) The remainder, 8435 521 nas ueen paia over to the North Carolina Bibl Society. 1973 Bibles and hundreds of Tesia m3nts 'were sent out for distribution in1 this State, d uring the past year. . ! t;.L;j WM. J. LANGDON. Agent. Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 1st, 1844. "FREE TRADE" AS ENGLAND UNDER STANDS IT. The Trade advocates and admirers of British Free have a;good deal to say about the re ductions made by the British Parliament in their late Tariff on the rates of duty imposed upon American productions. And they cat upon the American Congress to follow the liberal example of the British Parliament, and admit the fabiica of the English manufacturers at the jowest revenue duty. To illustrate the extreme, liberality of British legislation on this subject, we will again refer to the article of tobacco. Of this article the United States exported to Great Britain in 1840 the value of j 83,380,809. Upon this amount Great Britain collected duties rising in the aggregate to 822,537,405! Thus, from the single article of tobacco he derived a revenue of twenty two and a half millions of dollars more than the whole amount of revenue derived by the United States in the same year from duties on imports of every kind and from air coun tries. This i's "reciprocityt" as England un derstands it. ! And it is with such facts before them that the; Free Trade advocates call upon us to emulate British liberality and throv open our potts to the fabrics of the Manchester manufacturers 1 This would be 'Free Trade with a vengeance '.Albany Eve. Journal. CAPTAIN STOCKTON. Madisonian of Friday says: "It will certain, be gratifying to the numerous of this distinguished pentlomnn i.k ; The we are friends learn that he is gradually recovering from the shock and injuries received on board the Princeton on the 28th ulUmd. It gives us much pleasure to state tie fact, that nearly all the immediate relatives of those vho were the victims to the latal calamitv of thal dav. have in i the spirit of the greatest kindness communicated or expressed to Capt: Stockton the deep sympathy which they feel for him ; and have also, in the most emphatic manner, acquitted him of all censure. We speak from personal knowledge, when we say, that no person whomsoever, sorrows more deeply for the departed, jor sympathizes more sincerely with i the bereaved and afflicted, than does the gallant, the generous and kind hearted Stockton." r! I ' ... : ' : ' - r i . i . FOB TUX H CKCTBT. Mr. Editor :I$ it moved end seconded lJiaV ihe tocos are o; hqrtibly frightened at the idea of Mr. CUy'a arrival, a proposition be maJe tj them to send on an express and bring out til their candidate r(o meeV him in Raleigh and let the peoplcaa t fair ahoW ing Martin, Dick,! Lewis, -ic. &c, oa the one side, and Harryj Clay on the other, and tell them tc take their choice. Let them ay agreed if they darej and my hat to a buckle bcrrJ" lal thcir car wil1 b greeted with such' a stunnin? chezr for Ha rrv rf thm Waat that j thunder itself Will be as gentle in its ri- brations' on them ifterwards, as a bean in a bladder.r ; At, Boston, on y:dnesdavy the followinir sales of stoeks were made: : 1 $260,000 Mass. S per cent Stock. Davable V 157, interest semi-annually, with cpupons attached,-viz : 830.000 830,000 820,000 8180,000 3 adr. 3i adv. 2dv, 3 adv. AMOS KENDALL AND THE LOCO FOCO MEMBERS OF CONGRESS It has been stated in debate, and. a far!a we have seen, there has been no contrad! lion to the statement,' that the Loco Foco members of the present IConeress. havp iSr. culated through the Post-Office 50.000 rnriip. ofan infamous pamphlet written by Amos Trarirlfll:, n.l.l:J-l J' ... i t- ill . .iyant uu ucsigueu 10 injure tne uersonal cnaracieroi nixtir UIAY. Our readers are well aware of the obligations under which thaVnotprious ind vidual licso Mr. Clay. i hey know that when he was poor, and ill, and homeless, he was-taken ihto the house of Mr. Clay, cherished like tf tfear relative, and finally placed in the toacMo prosperity. But for his assistance ihewptrl&i literally have; starved to JleathUperished ?like "a cadger pony" " by some field.tfike." For this act of generosjty, with be,(rue instinct of the serpent, Ut has never forgiven his benefactor. For sixteen long years he has been pursuing himi with; all the inveteracy of malice all the ingenuity of uhdying hatred all the rancor of a spirit, which seems! to be as poisonous asxhalalions from Ihe ipit ofjTophet. His vengeance is yet unsatiated -rhis venom like that of his kindred reptile, the rattlesnake, acquires virulence with age, and is stronger the longer it is keot. In .11 our lives, we have never heard or read! of any cnaracter who : ought to be so utterlv iiamc in uie ajgnt ot all good men Amos Kendall.; i t. . That; there should be men honora as ble men men at least entitled to writ ihor selves honorable from haying a seat in Con gress willing : to lend themselves to! the assistance of such fdiabolical ingratitude,! is a mot uvon the INatpn. j It speaks a rotten r-"t '.uifi cuuucnh, inai cans touu ly on the people lor correction. I ! rrom certain riints in various exchange r-r'-F - Hi.ivi.iiu nidi titB prime ooject of this pamphlet, Mjthis lime; is to effect a Locofoco victory in Connecticut, and with hio view oi accomplishing this hopeless u..uriiaKing, uiay is denounced as a . vr mij oniiiv man 'ivenuan has written a lile of Cen Jacksorrf in which he is extolled as only; a little loiVer than1 the angels Jacksonj who! was-j'ftearly life a notorious bully, and on5 dnearaainn .h'ni disarmed adversary; in! a .uertf,roueh the ucaii : ne is napu and glove-wrth Colonel Benton, who has likewise slain hi man and is undeistoodjto approve all the "acts of oenerai uromgoole, lor whonral similar mis fortune has happened ! We should like to Know ii: any, or all, ot these Tacts are stated in the pamphlet.! The slanders of such a wretch as Amos Kendall cannot hurt Henrv Llay. When the Jackson power was at its ne5ght they had (heir influence for awhile ; but thanks to the sure, though sometimes siow, march ot truth, they have Ion since become perfectly harmless. They will lose their force, if they have any left, in conse quence of the xjtiarter from which they come. Men wil beware of venom when they see the viper. Richland Whi I Jn the Senate of the State, of Tjsnnstl vania a Report has just lerf rnade by ; the Minority of the Committee on Jhe Tariff, which bears with singular directness land pressure upon the recent movements in Con gress, of a party character, directed , against the same measure. We copy from the Pennsylvania Intelligencer the following very significant abstract of a part of that report :U-NiLiInt I . " I i , " The; Committee consider a distribution of the proceeds f the public lands insepar able from the adoption of a system of duties adapted to the revenue standard, believing that ; such a system connected therewith would fall far short of the great object to be secured by Pennsylvaniapolicyf-oroferion to domestic industry. . They fully appre ciate the feara of the Executive; expressed in his last annual ;messageof j-isurrender of the great interests of Pennsyjyarla to the Arcadian scheme of Free Trade,' especially when they consider that tfie present tariff act was the result of a protracted ami acrimoni ous contest ; that its passage was warmly resisted! at every step,1 andft: was at last carried by a majority of but one vote. Thev quote the letter oflr. Van Buren of 28th r eoruary 1843, as follows I ..'! "Albazct Februaby28, JS43. " Mr Deab Sia: 1 ih.nk you kindly for your fnendly letter. 1 h,teat no time, nor any where, hesitated to express my decide disapprobation of the tariff act of the latt feskionvas well ; in Jrespeet Ito the principle upon which it is founded, las to its details. Inoof time you Swill bare my Tiews in respect to that and joiner subjects before the public. In the mean lime, believe me to be, very stneerely, your friend and obedient servant, , I MARTIN VAN I3UREN. "And, as this distinguished statesman is now before the pecple as a candidate for the highest office in the nation; the commiUee say they entertain serious apprehensions lest these opinions should gain favor with the people, and ultimately prostrate a system fraught with incalculable benefits." Henderson, Petersburg, &. Rich. 1 mond Markets. -uou., xubauuo MARKET, ) Wb&nehday, Mrch 20, 1844. $3 55 6 50 7 00 4 50 . 3 10 5 10 81 i5 T 20 .7 50 4 60 7 10 CHEATHAM & YOUNG, lns9. PETERSBURG .MARKETS, i i OBACCOha markrt ha. beenerj animated, and paces for the better description, have further a 1 25 : if at last week ranffed from 3 to SIO -and larger proportion than usual frcm 6 to $8. In lugs, geaerally, there'i, no change-1,50 to 32.50 th current rates-but aooieChhda. go Considerable higher. -. COTTON.-Therek almo-t i of operations; both buyers and sellera waiting the next accounufron, Euiok. The great kccumulation of stock. uur ,arge marked ,nd' the increased estimate, of the last crop, have caused price. J decline about a cent. FLOUR N ?h' Tk "l 9UM : BACON v ln s""eT b mail at 41 toS5 BALOJ.--Virginia, hog round, 6J to 7. 1 CORN.-40 cents.jn .mall lots) . " REIKW OF HJCHMOND MARKET. COTTON- aVrAVMC l4, ,9t:;! T O B ACCO. Receipts continues light and quality ' very mferior. We continueW quotaUons of last week for Lug, and Common sorts. Some -fine Stemming has been sold at $7.. No fine inspecting. That suitable fir manufacturing purposes ranges from S6 to 111 Strictly priZ V would readily command S 15 j FLOUR-The market this week!has been inactive, . and holders in order to effect sales' had to reduce nn JFlVft S4 43 ea, in demand at j -. '. ! Corn :' J j " . I Oats, froth Dock ' 1 " ' ifrom Dennt $1 10 40 30 33 prices. $5 75 $i 50, S?225RIES- anSe f4 last week's PLASTER In the lump. J :' ' , :. . '.'i I . : .' f ur tierce of 50p lbs. 175180 1301 e w market, at from i $3 to 5 HARRISBURG CONVRVtihm . This body concluded the important busi ness of nomirtaipK a candidate for the v,uvernorsnip. .Alter three ballots. Henrv a cl , r '.sr , r ' oies, rrancis Mi M K 1 rftes-sfitering 6. Mr. Muhlenbur? Afaslconseqiienlly nominated. .H5 uuuvCnon;inen voted tor candidates w "e ns iyi Presidency. We are indebted )o the democratic Union Extra for the proceedings! s The follo wing wa, the j vole in regard to candidates for the?Presidencv. itjdiiiu v an uuren had 91 votes. 4( ! tt K. Johnson. (C ( Lewis Cass 36 -m mi oonnspn was unanimous ly nominated for the Vice Presiilpnrir x-ni. ri. American. Gen. CAss.j-General Cass did not place his name before the people as a candidate for Ine Presidency, and he w 11 not withdraw it. General Cass has said that he would abide by the decision nf a Baltimore National Democratic Convention, and he will not re cede from this declaration. i We make the above statements, by authority, and request all' editors who ex change with us to note them. I : The Standard will make no compromise but steadily adduce all the evidences which go to show, and all the arguments which can lend to demonstrate, that Martin Van Buren cannot obtain the nomination from the BaltU more Convention, and will be defeated if he does obtain it.i-N. Y. Standard! A TOUCHING INCIDENT. A corresponilbrit of the New York Even ing Post, writing from Washington, relates this touching incident at the funeral of the dead of the Princeton : r a j The most affecting incident that I observed during the wholelproceedings, occurred at the -door ofthe. vault, when the body of Commodore Kenton was. about to be de posited within its Uark recesses. ; Two little sons of the deceased officer vere among tho?e who followed ihiol to the grave, anV the youngest, a child of eight or ten years of age, clung to the coffin, in the bitterness of his anguish, until it was found necessary to withhold him b3r forcei To his almost inlantilo perception this was probably ihe first complete reaction of the ! irrevocable departure of his parcn . Of I the awful change of death he hadf.n instinctive but vague conception: but at this ms,nni r.,Ki upon his young 0.ld thd first consciousness of a parting that knows no return, of a sleep hat know, nowkin?, ami the ,ROny of his childish heaJt J,to the sorrows, the suf. fenngand the ia of life, i ii ! And so hareMed, a. f.r MVh world rill concern it.?l ihe actnea of o which followed the dregful accident of Wrdne.. day. Let us ntt leaire to lift the veil that covers from thij eimmon pie the rrief of those whom thtfpmpof buriil cannot com fort, whose wtfjnled heaits ourisymnathv cannot heal. , k 1 . if, 5 J ! i - i i SUGAR TO D COFFEE 120 Ban S TROd PU'.-i t....- J for tI'nJi toSincK .uitahli with the stock alre.y J Store, forri the ntort attensiva assortment of Iron found in the couotyT j T ' ' ' For Bilebw by j ii " J ' ' w.i W..WYCHE. 20 5 j PETERSHlVttG, VIRGINIA. FRESEU pBY 1 GOODS; j - ,EmVl JAMES A COJ, ' ! h RE now openfnatheir full supply f Spring and m Summer St.p.1 Rich F.ncdG varied JPJ Vft9 many of whfch We been purchased with C AKj their Dorocaic Good, have ecured much WoLw M.nuup. ftj HbLOW THE GD&TnsMMPADKKinUi v PULL. uioms So. I to Ih Cic!uaiT. Ann ik. r.. -B Twine, 3501b., tf S-UntZ R nrUrlf vlv W Up ,n f 2- bank ; i bale. 4 4 nurtapa for bahn&Siton goods, i , , . . i 7uU SO 2 E AlfEADYFORlTHE ,Wh .n Vn($ Lirg. ,nj Dwtabte Stock cf Boots, Shop?aper, Trunks, Sec. and FbUadelphia, ilft - - ! t I j CASH fmOE HblTSE. 4s where! having :apiortunity tocelect from.rtik Permanent arraiiiTwnia k..;n i . j ... I fARLES C. WARREN, i I s,n M.mmoth rjoot, Peieraburg, M.5, 1844. ' ' "T. f X&solution. ! TJ!?? VAS3 & CO iVlhU da dissoUed byfitual consent. ! 1 , ! 7 ii ft' w. - i .f H : . Henderson, Majcfe 1, 1844. '- . -. . art r t W. VASS. JOHN-S.ATOfT. ass &, Co. will cini Jnii- ik- n. r i. . ' " business at ihe udeTlne.nd firm oT .;fwpectfu.ly fatf their friends and the public a KkSM J " Trm TfjZVf mak5 ra to cZmc forward ar2t ile uiUi the underggked, without delay, ther beint t only peison. authW U gmnt diachaSwr f ! " .SB fEWIS if KITTLE. tt r mUi. JOHN S. EATON, i Henderson, MakrKl, 1844. . . . is i V p , g4i 1 1 1 EXTENSINElAfiSORTMEVT nu PROBABLE 1 laARGESTj I2t ANY ONB ASSOHTMifr KQRTH OR SOUTH. ! I " iT. . 1? nf V-an articI " no Porte JJL woukl it not bjtvet to order it frm one wboS been engaged in Ueteimnes some 8 or 9 years. haVJ? upon tnal. to aWpersonr in mdsS Carolina bear fouf red iostrumenut ithoniS-S a Ud one and ofer. to take aQ the resiS selecting foryou, al grant you the vAfiZ ng m case you ai tfk pleased 1 VouId it not l iTil to order dit;fntRa seller himself ince1 ing vpoa an agenrticulariy if that lZeni ?. tolt for you. thereby ssn the resDo.ih.n?." r tu-"? iru If . I-,- ; i . . whereas, rea. if you lehin, to hiWlf tVSuTail . Prices Tai-y Trdm 250 to $600. : Ul x ... i ; i ;t' . - ... C n tri 'r.w cuse Bookiplhr and dealer in Piano fortes. R P K A err. March 1 Piano fortea. -Petersburg, Va. -r2 Roxboro', ManJi. ! 17 4 i " NEAtl 400 PIANOS." rfpHE subscrihfilias sold near; four hundred Piano ! JA. Forte wiihha ie last eight years, and has yet to find out that he ha eer sold a bad one and if perchance he ever should, it g$$kl n.4 be suffered to tie kept by tha purrhaer becausf b well aware that the sabof a irigb bad Piano iid do hi.n much injury. , Ordera adJrassed to the stribcr, will be protnpUy attended to. ' ' E. P. NASH, : 0R. .tef, --?" ft . I F.ck. or . ge ep e Mllstaction. i i l ciVomr' ,u' ey nave on hand, a wut ril oi the Feb. 10. , 3 & dwk auu nano t one seller. ! i 1 1 4 i, 1 r4jfer' ..: ,1 PeUrsbary, Ta, 111. . Ii - 1-1 a. g