IRk'ri7-i'v 0-: h 7:;.-if M- i :i : r; - ;-?s i - m ' i - -.jr r t ' ' - : . ; : .- . ;rmN!-.: :vl,'.i;. s :i : 1 - -A,rA a - r-i.!Sv..-. f i .'n ' ..'-!-.- ; --Willy.' aid a dnaine parent at the bre-k'-"; 1T f D W A Afl A FlFMV fcit ublr to an ab,i.tgi e,!itio., of hin.selfj AU?r , VL AUAULiUI. bo had iiiM -rultrrnl tllframmar claa althe f7P Th'v'"' I401 ln ' it u fcs i l ,iJ mi , JLL lnrtl an I the f,tmf. mUji of Ump cll at ,l!r,h !?ci,,K -UV ilrr T"11 -WJ rcum! tie arnicwof biittril 1 hi rt a in it. t!ir it taklnr in to Mr. J-iav II. DiwL-nr. ntln l kU t . 7 1 i, f ' Am ) 1 1 1 I- i I. people of this country ienI in lliif way fi minions of uulitrs a y ear to purchase foreign tnrullnrtit produce, in tbc hapc? of good, w hile foreigner take little .or nothing front ui; our whole a-jricnJuiial export to all. the (vurlJ (exceptin;cotton and'tobacco) do not amount tu ten rotlliom ofclollsraa year; thus Sir, we purchase five ilallar worth of:foreiji agricultural produce to jevery dollar worth W4 aell; this may seem, alretigp, hut ' it I , atrirtly tr ie; I defy cpntrx irtion-1 chal le'ufte investigation I-t neiitlcrr.eii lij.oel to cotite?l it select an artideof foreign goal. yard uf cloth, a ton of iron, hat, a coat, pare of shoe, any tiling, from a .needle In 4ii anchor," examine in couou aeni part, tlie rv material, tnc clothing nd the fubiiu:e of the lbor employed in its tiMhuUciure, and it ; would bo ltfoverel tlut more than half, often thr?e fourth!, of .the.wliidtf price in mad) tip f annilitiral pro. luce. lr is a well known fact thai frinr often tiiake.liunJretlaol; dollar woith of tloneetic good,- clnh, &c.f without uain a dollars vVohh of anylliuije not pro duced on their own f4fnM; iroo U ami rloth lhu made are therefore entuely agricultural; and are not the name inateiial ummI in the A correspondent cf the Augusta Chronicle gives the. lollo wing account of the tlcvnlit tiouury services of Col. IVk'a anlcesior. which have been o much lauded "by the Democratic Review, Globe, Standard, Gen. Saur..iem, &e: -l . U -r; U ': f 31 ( r While Lord Corn w1U was encamped at Charlotte,1 the aid Kzekiel remained tu the Hritih cmp, during which time, (a a maik of repect to hi country' invader.) he wore the insignia of royil'y, a red CO' . After. the retirement of Cornwall!, zeUttrl returned to h a home, iimte on Sugar Creek about seven mile from Charlotte.7 I'he Whig in that vicinity, unwilling to tolerate his neighborhood, rrsolvVd upon hi death. I lie forentot of the p"rty who had j taken upon themselves the huimi.ry execu. lion of hit nentence, was a Mr T);r. who, upon fi'Mtiiig. the lory. It-veiled his gun to kill him; b it Kzekiel fell upon hi knee and imploring hi life, wa, after some conuUa tiotu permitted to live, upon condition that t he thoold forthw ith rpfit the county of Meek' lenburg ; 1 hi con tinon he pranrptjy com nlied witlv. ami did not return until after peace ImiI been vtahli.hed ff I h . I lie List jMerkleiilinrg JeUernni3n 1 a iiMiiufrfClure of goods, whether made on a 1 ileui a the grave on thesohj-pt of4he Uvo frm r in m factory ? Mr S. aaid he hid ascertained thd fact from Uif own bonk kent at af furnace, that luUonary services of Col. l'uikii aucestur. reader j As a matter of new, which cur more lh tu three fourths of the once of every re putnlr.l to knoiv at our li -nd. we M too xjt lion sol.l, wa pint to neighbort ig I '' e " U iien Mucpent'eut, r a neu'rl fjimers lu their domestic good., the r utcat per, K liet hy Mr. Tno., horjng. tlie and dur, ih'at rluihed u. fed hi hmts: for tormer Lm-ofoco Kd tor of the Startilard,li into a their Hap, corn, oat, ' $v.t tint miUiiieil iht 10 ronerted. Mom. heticef. rth t.ures mule and ocu emplojed about his 1 Mujiporter of Clay,.Frelingiuyen, land Gra wuiks. In Kngjidvj tiuu is made ul the "a'" lor 'he reasons. ' principally,, wet forth auie mateiiala that coiftitnte it here; welt, in -the following extract from its No. of we no.v import, manufactured and uum nu- Saturday last: FayeUevtlle Obnerver 5 factured, euht millions of dollars worth of I he disgusting apene of the la! Legis iron ami ateelz a v ' bn v half it valou i I lature, it will he onr uruvince 10 'notice agricullurrl protlnce, jthu,- then, we: hend more paniclaily, as. f tr irullton of dollar a year to purcnlie may require. : - foreign airnculiunl nroduce. consL'rted iiito The Democratic Convention ; FROM ; TKX -IW way ef New Orlfan Texa paper to the 19th instant havje ben received 1 sThe rrver contain little worth extrf ting; tHy 1 t - . ' , i' ' are nlletr with articles on annexation, I he Gazette of the 19th kays that if TrX4 eruld procuie from Mexico a cothp!et recigtiition of her .indenendenee. a '" ttiitirit v of the citizens would be opposed loabnerafibnl i . in reMiion 10 ine annex. 11:011 cjueuon, iiir GalveMon Civilian of the 13th utitmq sava; '-i- The annexation fever if we jare htppy to siate, j tloW cof fined pHneijriOy to jjtie othr side of the Sahtne r l.ike the grippe. it ha, been of a muchmilder typej ami ipJ ed off much sooner here than in the Duiled State. Solitary; at'i alone we have until recently held the only pen, f-ehle one, it tl true which has; betii l treated against this irieaUre.;.hut anchor has at length come for vard, and the large; Intetliiient, . and respectable class of citiz-ns who havr; Mood opposed to the measure re likrly to rtud other and abler adtorale of thei opinion. At the ouiet of the; nego'ia'ion jt ws a- Mimed, with i more confident e thin circum xtnre witrratited,' tiiMt ' nine tenths of the jieople of Texan were in favor of1! he mesu re. Tin was a n.eie gne, like; the one which give rise to it, (viz: that; two thirds of the United Slates Sena'e ould voter, fur the treaty.) and a hot ten knowledge of hicts has jroveU that both .vi-re erroneou.? its friend tiefe are a!toiiihed to th opposition to it Mrst'rort and iccetul. I ne tdc-t t not to he concealed that ironi all cpiarter the evidence are s'roii and p-ilpible of a grow ii) aversion to tlie scheme. i ., 1 3. . ! I t 1 1 .. I I iianhe any thing. Hotter ith a common thut- .r,'' v ttun or Mr. Vtu J. Btngtani w thkn'ive. neuter 2nhr, ajfreeth with hot iV!, V?0 bj- w m m mm m w mr a f mm a m m hi av a ar bhi mi w , : i m . f- l miuih mulathe imdeistooil , j - Air. 8 rior will ta ihc rbuul on the ISth Jot arvl tjetr on the 1 jth iWtmrcf. ; T! crurw vf clxaaical atn.flak. Miti fw. ... .... IT.: f . i. . . ania iM LM t nmxxxxxs ai mm 3c 4 jtui uux , .V " r' 7 'Vv ... ' v u "J-1 51 JKT mwuiu. j luiUvu in tut Cubical Drjrtmcnt, - $n prr action. f Rl It hILi.Ji.-a of 'lb 1MB nvotrnt Sicurtv 4 Oxtwf XL pnijuir ta b!.! 3?2V.XH in tlx Intuac imtoeUi atiy jn the rear of Mi-fr. iviiijjibuTj'a , on IT U ES D A Y, AtJG TJ ST C I'H, being Court J ie.- re j.rrjmrr,t a variety of fmcT ani urful arudca wbicli will !f oflemt focaate ou that uccraa. j V ' IDXil33 filt'jatw .be 'ncepuc-l V2brr with thote wh I m i j frt-l ilikw nt ti p-ttruutzr tV S'tciety. Pcraiii' frtfihilr tiu the Societj, anl tb public Vue ratU are ttivi'inl la dait. ! I " J auarxaxva tn exxxcai tanim a tatai i acaamx i US T OF LETTERS j TnSM AINLSaiin the P4 DlSje at UxArJ, N. C. lh I t djy f J ul v. which if n t ukrn out by the lUUf uf; O rtithr. ?wi i btf rut to the Post OfSca D- pirViiieat Uiat 1-Ucra. .iron and sent hre for sale, while our own I held at il tltinrjre, i as developed iueilent i.eOMa OCCaIOII recently WESTERN NEW YORK S PILL LN;MOTlOi. i T;he. j Democrat: deptrve near I v, hve column to mi accoiint of vthe hit meeting in mat city, laM rmma, k it a :t glorious i lly of t lie freemen id old Monroe county, ij. IJft ween eight and tell thousand were present, ami country is hded with ore and coal, burieil ami character that tie" and the ntteoHon and uelei, and the produce of our farmer and scrutiny dl every friend of freedom, left without inarket. . Will the farmer of lleie we behtld Uink and ami men"; thi country submit to such a sytteui a this UniouUt ami Diiiiiit)i.ii!; lepuliationits openly advocated and adopted to favor iid anii-Kepudiationi.! : Tar illites land auti foreign industry al the expense of our own? Tariflftesiiiei together in a spuit of mutual Will thev tamrly add silently aitree thus to mal guily; and after rei'-ctiuss from their be crushed and sacrificed ? No, sir, they uppoii every matt of imntl and njerit, we vill not, they will ifpeak out against thi wee Uiem ojfeel to li.irinoniZf u;)oti a man Unjust and ruinous measure; your tables will f straw,' t amLiciously hold hijnij up to aoou groiu'under the weight of their remon the American People as a proper candidate a'rances against it. I edl on them to do so; for the Chief Magistracy of tni; great and 1 call on them to come to the rescue before glorious Union. Is thi the Democratic il is tuo late. i f vi j ratty J Ih this the freedom of the Public Wil,? Are the People to submit to thi L0C0F0CO P4tLN'ClPLEi EXEMPLIFIED. ariug inti reckless itespolism ot selhsU " We mtich from thoe who would ld"ician and an.bitiou ilemagng'des? transfer thp people olthe country to Polk. frue, e say -No! We will neither .and Dallas, ahojl their love of urinciiile ' ,m.f' suniml nor be cr-venly silent. And Letua ree how these very 4 44 democratic' htle we lender our heart felt thanks and principles look in jtixlapos.'tion: If express our wanrest regards to the many Mr. Van lWn received a larire maioritv l,urw am! honest nien of the democratic party of all ihe vole gi veil in Convention on the iih.whom wo have been anociated, and fir ballot, yet Martin Van Hureit Was I whom we have received many kind- Ihniwu aide lo give tdace to another. i!j "esses, we uttetly tepudiate and denounce . - The Convention was held,!professedlyp to lhe course of the Cadets who holt! the embody and carry but the! wUhes o! the destiny of the . party under their contiol. party. The delegates were' instructed jin pin: the triumph of ih.s comt illation of Tavor of Van Dur.en, Johnon, Ca, Stew'art, ellJ?hnes,.. ;cle.niagpguiin nnl dUorgauiz nd Calhoun, but none of them in favor ot no,, out country ha nothing nfj good to Polk; yet Polk! was nominated over 'the hope, but every ihmg of evil to fear; and wp heaifi ol all the othtn! . oeheve that a consistent regard fjr the purity Mr. Van Uuren ivroto a letter against of 'republican principle,, will be best pro annexation. Tliep:irty pressesof the Not Ih l?exl " the suppoi t of lhe Whig Candidates came in il lhe display as the : pro ; from the eveat-town. with rappiopnatel b uniet audi nut?ic,l ws I he- venerable Vincent ; Ma in intficeiili. Ittviyat pesidel. jThe( spker efe Gov. Sewaul, J A. j Col Iter J Dr Dcon, of New Yoik, and J. J 11 irdiu, of Iiiijioi.t i H 7 Onj the same j (lay tipwaflfof filcen mi t i . Iff. ' mTm z.. - ' ' tnousana ot tne vv nig ot Uavuga were in couuciu evincing an enthusiasm that va never befnre witnessed there Mr. iluibutt was in t he chair, and the people were uddrrs j Anua Willi im Scn'r Allen Uicbanl . j Bnutt Jtfi-uh C f KuhUti J J j Btl ick IticharJ i Btrr V S C triu tto Willi im BfiinKt Letvia rtutlef Henry'T 1 I But!r Alt 'xatiilrr I i-..J . inr'-. : s CbaudMr Daiiit-l ; f, , i Oillliuil tlinvrl 1 f 'I Colluii Mrs Alary if. Uuke MiUln u ami Lues FtiWief Hetirv I I Freeman t littcki.l Uiltiarl Uiiltt-rt 1 Uicica Mmh S ir.iL D Hicka Oayitl W A Mmi i'mmiHS j li; Joiim i1rs Henry '; Jnkiua Aiwa SusaO J.thiison Wjliiaui $. iviiitnii joint ? r iiiiott Buril, it i f K-inreil Jtihirthun Lh'iii.jv Samu L.aiuaiii Uyuia it K Mitchell AS MUlea ThotiMa M.MKy W A .' NelaiHt Iticiiar I FarrUh Miaa FA Peare Jului Prha h Kf nnoa lt.harla H J A -A-ll.tyaier B tniter itlClM-rs-ui Saul tt- t. r Al U ltowJanl rbomas Sunc PurktT 5tiitli S VV . ?itietii II .'jif WH-t Manaon raL,r J 1 1 . Puwiirf A - - Vrrty Strfhen I urucr Drury tl , I'urker 'I h'Uiia , VVaiikiiH SuiiiW , ; " ' v;hi.. i ...i. " ' 1 - Vi.U4ii.a WD v uue v in i. U. y U il ' V.ioiiu CHinciI Vi liaiiw C ijit Arch Viliiau. U..U M D 12 catlins fir any of, the above Itttcra wil p!eaif say iiify are uuvcinca. ,-' -i-'n; I .-..";! A' I's J. C. COOPER, P. M. July 2, 1844. " i -. !33' ; j --i 3"" ed b) 'Messrs. M irk A. Sibley; J-dm Kin', Kraslus U J (Jul vnr, and others. THE A. WM.-J. CR ANCIL Franklin Co , June C8, IML S3 3 P. S. Thi instttotion ii aitoated In a bi;h tnJ bealtb- fat region f country, miJ.Ty belfTn Louubar and :i I '. ii.' .ii rentiita from all aceiKa of uWiation. j "' ' STATE of 6 RTH CAROLINA ORXNVfiLK CoUXTf IN EQCITr. rtilin for the Ut irt th b"al ctatr of Jaotra Siirflh, Si?n'r. Jcc'J., John T- Smith, Wui. F. SuulU and ubrra j 1 ajalnst I Ij Stephen M. Dance anil hia wifSarali, Jamrat.. "WH Janira MiuMirlh, !LJarJ MitcLrll ataJ Alanlrr MttcbHI, Eiiilelb RrMadikia and Ann MatUtr, Joiin W.Sinittv Au'u-tua r. Siuitb; TUomaa W, SJuiIib and uherv ;r . ... . . J . i Rlrt B Gilibm; agent and attorney of the PHitJonrra liaving matle Mth acnntliii; io act ot Aancmbly in auch caw made and, that all of the ahnvr naiMtl Defendant! rratde without the Iiiuita of tl.ia State. Ilia thTefire orvlere.1 that puhlicatkm I ravlein the Oifird Mercury fr si i acrei e ks f.r t he taid dr frmlaitta t.i amicarat the.n.t tormofthia Court, t l btrU! atlho Court ttouse in the Ton of OxUrd,n the fir4 Mon thly in SejAeinln r jtiext, and plead, answer, er demur to the iuii.1 irtitinii, U her wine tlie Mire will be tales a confessed hy tlwt arid will lie beard Eitiarte. Wilnes, Tbrtrna B. Littlejohn, Clerk arid Mastrr of tue iwii toun uity, at Uicci the 14th day of May A. D., It41. f v .' i; ' THOS. BLtTTLFJOHN, C. M. E. ;.M-y XX WW. ij :;.- .(Pr.ade. S3 621) I ; 2GCt . tlE COLOMBIAN ' LaciyT8 & Gentleman's Masrazinc,' . edii:d by johx Inman, And died with c.intrilutinns from the most eminent and . "' acouii.lulicd writers f the cbantry. nnHB motiveawhich have led tn the crmuncnce:ncnt ii. ot thia uudfrt jking mar be briefly atsteit. It is be tieved tu tlriirietor ttiit there U in the rjiiiied Sutra an i luneiwe roiion of liicrary ability, fir which aaytt there is no adHte rucnurageruetil or .field of display j t(i;it besidoftthe iii'iitieis of clevrr and eocc sful writiTa, whose luct'onMre wei kly, and monthly, and annual iy read deitlit hy thou'm K there are vft ert r ;inrniieraconswiMuy arriving al niaiuruyo: power, w&q have nly to apr n the alsge f puUicatioii to receive abri'.liaiit a ward, of fame; mid that the fxiwcrs of Ihtate wlicwe names arearcady pronounced with re'?rtby liia ot wiflest censuTe, are capaNe if inore arut still bishcr I. ....a -1 1 1 la .L 1 a - t FHMlNiJ INTEREST" OF CAI'K COD: The editor ofih Ne iv York Cnurier and Inquirer thuvfacetii'usty dicoure!i I i The larmin Vntereal on Cajje Cod ap pear t l)eii a rath r Morie preinu foot tii than any where els, where agricul ure i purs ted to any extent. A cotijdeof acres ot tanu, pianteu witn eurn ny . iir. 1 lat vey the (XFqRjpI AG A D EM Y. Hl HEj Trustees jareapjv tb inforitt the public thai AM. they hive. eniiiloyd Air. Jamks L. UlL,I.KrPtR, l iti of Ol.irksv.U.i Va. Ho take chars . ks urinoiDaL inate (lemrtwient of tht41iiMituiioii From the J exertion than ha yet been catted forth. It i belie ted, lUH!ifi;aiioti and loli t'Xperienre of tliia jjent'emin in I k that the (lemaiid tor literary production in itdaeoun it'iW Droffs-i.Hi of teaciun i t. to r,.hjr with t he man V ttai-1 try. eau. ciallv in a v rv lure uriKxirlion. and t;it nrvt I rnoMils from the bigbrst wurces accMiijKiiiing h'u ap J suppjiea have only! U lie prcat'iited of the rljjlit '"quahty, 1 plication, the '1 ru-tfc-rt with mu;-h confidence reciMiiuieiid I UI' " lhe riht way, to ensure a hearty wttoiite and j the iacbool to all'whft miy lw. willinsr to imtronize it.; I I profitable reception.' No doubt is entertained of tbo Jnal .1 ; The many advantages atteudin tliis location for! a 1 merican mind's aTuIity to sutaiu itwlfcertahily on Ha 1 : 1 ? I I' . . . ' u I w 1 es it . . IBl M.m 7 . . . - .Rf m ' ' m : I . . . 1 -. mm . . m . mm. . pUtMtc to require tat th.-r notice, l ho liiHtitutton will be I mat tne iniriiecini otner lands oeued aain on Monday the 15th of July next. tUhiAlY H1L.L.IABD, iS.c'ry, j; v 3d ' 4w ! Hi.- t . . , ; j i - ! June 3. 1814. u and West lauded it offices now about to aa ' tiat the thinz: as ,ulr u,e promiuciu mW i ' - - whntlv. entirelv. and tiureli- democratic oe7UMl Vacant. Mr. Polk wrote two letter in fuvnr at f We shall, therefore, in our next number. Immediate and unconditional annexation, and liames of Graham, and Clay, and 1 the pily prees pronouueo bin the true j demur rat tc position,' and Mr.l I'olk the very dnk of Democrat!! j : The Convention nominated ! Polk and Ddlaa for President and Vice Pieni'lent. - Wlnle one was contending ! and . vol ins; in one branch of Coiire against a United sen, at the head of ouri editorial eolumns, and endeavor to hoW that the safety and prosperity, of the country lequire their, election." ? REVIVAL AMONG TH E NULL1 flRRS. NV learn from the Charleston CotirTer ol St4te! lVnk, against a Protective Tarilf, and I the 27th June that the lion U H. Rhett, I we j, at Dennis, wrfs blown (tWtty by wind,) a few ilayst i, to such a deptn it was impoMhle to tell which part re named phnted, and ! vJneh (lid not ! We have neani Buange sioriea oi vape uoo larminr be rltow they f uldered their pv iiptni coilhh, and weaned the calves upon pickled tie 'ring,1 arid all that; but llii. tbuMne l haliii$; iheir freehold taken otf. bodily by a nor -wftei'i i a ealaiiity.lhajijqiiite. new, to us. Why loni the Cipe Coil nt?n kttt'ick their corn fie Ms as they dO.theVr tnackeiel hoiits, or tie up their pot-to patches jo a tree, when tney aetra xjuall cmnthj;?,; j A It is said that Dick Jrhnon,:Whfn lie1 asv certaintl that he was lroppt'by the Con vention, tore his; old red. j icket froui top 'to bottom.' He declared ho never woult a ja i , 6 r aheil a leaf, 1 1 o ave't tYe from the d I-' -7- 1 a y v i 1 1 e , ajle. oit s a a. E SHALL attend atjtht foliowin r pincva on the fo! lo.ving days to Witt- Couioicticing at i j Juty agitnit D stfihuiion; the other, in the other branch, was advocating a Iiaiik, a Protective Tar 1 IT, and Distribution. This illustrates U'leofoco conxistencij as well as Locofoco democrucy!' j : The Hitiiuiore Convention adopted a resolution decl inng a limk unconstitutional nd inexpedient. 1; Mr, Udlas as late as Jtdy, 1S36, mn tendril thai a li j 1 1 k ;wa both vonslitutional ml expedient. ; I ir The Convention adopted a resolution de claring' the assumption of States debts unconstitutional. i ij Tho same Convention resolved in favor of the annexation of sl'exa, thus auctioning th a-uhption of the ten r twenty milinn lebl ot that country ! Mi We might extend this exemplifieation: of the beautiesofthe "democratic" principles tn almost anv len-rtlu! 1 his will auUice lor .the prttent. Qltio State Journal. 1 . -.- v 4J i:-. ;! tF.LKOTRICI rY AT BREAKFASTJ Ur. Lsrdncr .iys startling as it ."-may teem, it is beyond runtradietiou certain that the largest charge of the largest Leyden battery does not equal in quantity the elect ricity which payees betweeu'the tongue ind a silver pou; during the simple act of eating .an, eg.' Indeed, it , the quantity developed in the latter cae were free to as ume tlie forat of tho electricity obtained from friction, the result would be a lightning flsh of no s nail pow?r. . l he chemical ac- tion of a grain of water uponTour griins of Ztnc, can evolve electricity equai in qoaou to that of 1 powerful thundcralorui one of the Hepiesentativus in Congress from South Carolina, has recently athlressed a etter, in pamphlet form, to his constituents. lie is in favor of a Southern Convention to levise means for the annexation of Texas. nti tninKS sucn a rnnveinion tinaiiatuanie during tlie canvass fur the Presidency,; the quertiun that absorbs sll others. 1 11 tela- tion to the tardi. says the Conner, he differs, it seems, from Mr. Calhoun, and is forthe State preparing by legislation to put herself once more on her stveretgutyv as if a State vjfte not afways on hr soVt reignty, i.-e. by calling a Stale Unnvention to meet in April next, to apply that mot wrongful of ail things nullification, the rightful re medy,' hhould the new President; and the new Cabinet not be of the right sort, and supersede the necesity for State action." Salisbury Watchman. ANIMAL KLECTRICITy. Mr. Glover has published the loliowing method of receiving the electrical shock from a cat. Place the left hand tinder.the thioat, with the middle finger and the thumb slight ly 'pressing the bones of the janimal shoulder, then gently pressing the right hand along the bark sensible electrical shock will he felt in the left hand. Very diMiriel discharges may be obtained too, by touch ing the tip of the ears after applying friction 10 the back of the eat. It will Jiardly be necewsary, we suppose, to hint how requisite that a good understanding should exM between the experimenter. 3nd the appar atus lest shocks might be tliciled more electric than were to be wished. i .SIXGUL'A Rif Clitt'U.MaT-A iNCK;!A'!,j n Al very ctrcumstarce has been communicated to us by Mr. tVickera,!of iiar,y A. 'j ; J; . t' SEA. j Hi nd.rsbtt, i Liriuuiiik. ! Hanis Store: i Pution's old Store, 1 L-ww UeQiu'S j Hrash omul's, 1 ; J itue Ueflin'-V . I E1ij ih llei.ti-r's Store, Jetlerrton HonieiM . James Hed Jpeth'sjj I jtisfph U. Hubjjuoiirs, .Win li Webh's ure, M U. Kftyter Slufe, Urprory'a All I, J hii Jtirdi-n', f Jatut s Ellis', 1 I Oxford, s For the purpose of ertllectink the TAX due for the Vear 1813 All those who arc inde bted for the same are u H I it It 1 I ? i u tl ti 9 10 It 13 1.1 15 13 It Id IJ LX) 22 S3 21 &5 SJ 27 requested to altmid A n Eleetion will be hel j chooner Henry Curtven, of this. ring of ! the On the 7 h notice of srientific- the port, desetr " . : ' :'t individuulif. of .May last, in lab 44 N and 32. 35i about fur o'clock" in the tnorn ing; it was discover! d that all thi;ivatrhea'nii i m..r - 1 1 : - i 1 i .. r "' i : . 1 i . i . hoard, and ; the chronometer, had f iopned ; to the compasses; of j w litch on b);in, tfiev' pointt d to and on referring here were tin ee ! ' ' 1 ( '. ' i 1 - - different parts, ' -anil were "for a. time usflcsi hi about two 1 hours afirrwartls ..the,; watches and chronometer recomuienced gong, and the cumpassea became again as before.--Liver pool Mail; J. It. .GOOC H, Shtrijl at the following places 011 the 1st! Thursday in Ausiist next, to wit: at Henderson. 1 J C Nesl Unnhank', B-rasfie!d Uest ia Store. ' Ji ff, rsou Hur. W G Simml n rii, John SheraiaiiV O 1 1. Youns's Store. VounT's V I Eiies Strffent II1.' 1. lit . . I . . . . w a uoaii. vaiTioo, wiiiiamsDorirtiun anu uxioM. lurthel I heoJore o bar pnriKMse ot ElMitinz'a Governor of the Slate, a SeiiihirL I R W Griswold A anu oirre commoners i represetii me county of Uran-1 tJeorge. P Morria nr in tut- ut-i own- jcirifbiiureui ourta uaroiina, anu 1 oepu omitii Mrs cuiiiia U bmbary - canbtihs the eitcoun- ' t r ; and full a-suraii'se is frit that aoicn the m limits uf A merican readers there ran be, and is, cor Jul electee ' for all that America 11 trnterstan produce uf-tbo cxcvl lent and iiiterestinj. r i . ..,. - : From tliese jyviuises it is undoubtedly Inform!, that there i abundant ;Tana for another M iazim, notwith standing the merit ami suoces ot tliona already in l inp; : that there can be no lack of ability to fi t iu pag a accept- ' ably, within the reach of capital and hln-rd ente rprise j and that such a riodical will not fall to lie gre,-til as a , we'eome visitor by thiMiiands upon thousands, who as yet hive lime little or iHrfhing toward 'the su,jjort and ut-vrHriiu-iiv ui iwriran peruioicai nirriurs. . Anotlier and strong in itive has. been tha feeling that New York, the fjrst city of ttie Union, should be the tnme of a peiiodieal owning no superior iu Cither merit ' or success . s (-- I - ' ; . . The Columbian Magizino will lo pi bVuhed on the irst ifay tf vt-ry montli. Its mechanics I arrsngenienta will tomysite the best of iwjr, and lyp, and workman ship that money ican procure. f : ? ; -; j '.' : . Its cont ributora .wiil e nought for among the ablest and niosC pjuhr writer in thociuntry; and no efiUts willhe spared to aecare'the aid of thu luosl djsUugttUhe.,( uch aa v. H ... r . .... .r- . ' AVC Bryant- r r J K PauUting ! K l Wi li t Nathaniel Hawthorne It W Ungfellow C P Hffinaa , TS Arthar ' . , 11 P ilarnnsloa . ' x ' Jtihn U. Stepheba. K.GK Ualleclu 1 li. W, Ileib.rtj : ' H. T. TuckermdrL J. R. Chandlery ' ; T O Gratun v a Sheriff ttt the Count v of Granville. :i : ; :'' - T.-U J. H. GOOCH, Sheriff. June 8:h, 1314. -j. 34 - ! - M rs Ann S. Stephena Mrs eba Smith Mrs II. E. Beech Stvre 10,000iJ)s. BACON. 400 So. 1. IiAliD. i t Nothing i Via aweeter than the trarm, ardent Irotn one we love, ttnlesa it is mo-lasses. PUT t& U S BUiiG Al A U K KTS, l i 1 u Monday Moaning, July 8, 144. Business baa been exiieedingly dull for sbmo weeks jasti except in a few artids-of which Totiaccb U ouu with soma slight variaiioii, itccasionaltj ' ices havt-. u. dergone Jiule change, and the iusiiectiotM have fallen off in ouiintityj 1 LUGS- tor Shipping sell at S1.73 ti aU. ib FSJ tos Vhe-iusucctKtta hera are lihda ajiainst irj Id last Jnly. , . f, : iisijUAu' U i Some tittle new wbt-athas been brought to market and sold at 03 cents. , A tew contracuf ir earl deiiren buve b."en ukuleat tkat price; but tnen jceeuf .U bo tui dispoeitioo to opt-rate extensively at'preenC j CUKN-40 cents and duiU i - ! 11: i BACON-Vtjrgii M Hogfeondi td'Clf Wesfefn sides 44 t6 5i Shoulders 3 J to 4. i i- , -Li There has been a fair demand fab Domestic? Cotton Gdods, aryl our Mi'feare frUishirigxtr4dr(ah(e supplies to tna dealers 111 tno iMortocm utiea. . i nf weRiy thnt- inenis 01 uuou miiu laiua noiu ceieuouK kviuhuuu one of the largest items in her tradato Bd'tiinore i'bil adelphia and N. York the quality of the articles secur ing ihcin a preference ia uurketa where'thej are known. TTU3T received and for sale by I Jl . A A ' : 1 Ai I : i 1- P. W. WYCHEi 1 Henderson, Jiine2ll5444 32 4t ) iT ., . , Jt. : J . , ... . sBaaBBsaaaaas HENDERSON HOTEL m -'M-r BY 1J1 B. DEliN AM, Z fTTl HE subscriber ihaa taken charge of this Urge and JU. tcuninodious hiu and takes grat pleasure in an lumnciii t his old tjfienda and tlie public eenerally, that f ta. iiuvt pr-areu .10 accoiunKMiaie an wno inay luvor lumwiiu a cm. cery enon win De maite to render the aconnmodations comfortaMe and agreeab'eUi bis patinas, and he hojies by prompt attention to business to receive ail irge nh ire of the Custpin .( thetravehing iutl;c. ; His - taJ1a i- -.a'"'' a 9 f . I ante au in tie lurnine, wun as eootl prmlsions as the narket affrds 1 Gojl and attentivo ostlers are in the service tf ihe establi4hnviit. ; j " A V-. V, : .4 Uendersnt! J Qile l44. ; ; 30 5t. North Carolina; J Court of Pk?aa and auar 1 ' ter Sessions, !'-.-. I . 1 Obanville Cotjxtv. j May Tern? A. D. 1S. .tl;- Sirah EastwoaJ,! , 1 - . :f ' '---A' against I lM-;:': Petition for Dower.! ' The Heira of Cilia: j Eastwood. ) IT apiieariug to the fsat'uficl wn of the Court, that Wil ie Eastwoix), on of the Iefen ' nl, reside neyond tile limits of the Slate V it is ordi n-d that pUbh Cittioii ho nude in thej Oxford Mercury, for six weeks successively, notifyintr th said I W illie" Eastwood - to be ,iud apiir lietoro the next Term of tho Court of Pleat. inr: Uuarter Sessions, t ha beld Pr the County ol Granville,' at the Court Hooo in Oxford, on the firvi Mimday in August next, then a nI there to. plead, an wer or demur to naid ei ition, otherwise, the same . aii! w hrsrd exiarte as la bun, and ahd prayer of the pfeti tianer be granted. A ' ' - 1." Witueas, J.nnea M. Wig;in Clerk of said Court at OSka in Oxford, the first Monday of May, A" D, 1811 11 H Weld Jwhn ICeal 1 ..,'' Park B. i jauia i It H Daui j Hufu Dawea ' i j KM Bird j . " MraMsry Clavrrs ' . Ivl is Frances S O'gooJ. Mrs E F Ell't1- 1 . .Vim Volnev E Ilawsrd M rs Lvdia H Sigouruey Mt M S Leni Loud ; j Misa EIiti Leslie L Jrs A M F Annan' u MUsC AlSeJjjwkk MUa Hannati F Gould With niany of these, arranjements have already been made, iu w'U as with others whose reputation is sure, though yet to be established in the pobdc regard." Tbe . ..:..... v..!.--..:.. . 1 j t; !ttrMir riiu-ibiiua Kuiguine nnprs oi accoiiiMisning an object to wh'u-h he tooks forward wiUi pride--tle secured j co operation of regular and occasional contributors, form- r j. n 1 : .u: )?. uiK-iiuatitru .tit tutv(untry. ...t - . 1 n each numlier 'there will be two or inore Engrarin after snch artists as Chapman) Ingnua, In man, Osmond; : Slc, W.Oniwhy, A-ctiesulesa 4ateof Fashioiucob-rd, and occasionally ot)r r illustrans, sotliat evt fV subscrila r will receive, in thecou-seot the year, at least twt-nty four elegant productii3is of the graphic art, which Could ih.1 l otherwise procured st three or four tiuxa tlie annual cost ofthe whole Maaxine; ;- s : -' (-;. . In each uuiutiei there will also be two pages of M usic original, or jutlieidusly selected by a competent professor of the art. Proper, regard w ill te paid to the current iitsuea from the book press not so much however, with a' view to notice all the volumes that may apjrar, as to the expression of matUml opinions concerning thse which shall be deemed worthy of the public attention and confi dence. The aim of the edit r will be, rattw-r to furnish judicious ciitic'um,on which readers sod parchars may rely forullance, than to present a ure laudatory chronicle of new publications.. : ' ; . :-' - ', TERMSi; , The Cjlambisn Magazine, cne year la ad ranee $303 "-'" .L jiwu"-' ' - - '".'' 5 00 Two copies one yeaiy-- : J i , i' SCO . DealeTs in -periotbcals thronghoot the United States and he Canadas, who wish to'becoutr stents Cr the Ctum hian Magazine, will please apply to the ittb'isher imnie- -May 2J, IS 11. t; JAS. M. WIGGINSi Clerki l(Pr.adv.55 621' US Qw .- In addition to thf above, the puWUher simply adJa,' for the benefit of all, that the work will te by sufii cenicspital. -; . "; ; ,i- Editors who will insert this prospectus enlire, aijd ser;dl a copy markeuVand addressed to thu ColcGsbian Ad anzine, shall, have, a copy sent to them one year.. Address, jtcstpaU, v ISRAEL POST, PuMUhrr -' i 3 Aatcr Uouae, New Yoxk