w : i r ti f f. ? h ! . tt re t'7 ! t I. J i 1,1 I to ! A rl.ly Jtif, ' ' i . ncra ui h i ' ' I Hit1 Ui.ta i He Umi-, uf to it Iff of I I . E ! I i. 1314. j i tr. t, (hit l j f firt id, An i.e ourtat r ,m. ' ''II. . oriuerT Le lnn . liiitiM'lf i unit, lor old fUfr ! 1 mi wfco . i II. Ill ndli ' rktlVMit lW hut m afelr . , ''.. e amount vfjiriiha. I t ilHCt, I bo chrj of advfr ,' v f of po. MV' W.V- 'I.- BY JOHN CAMERON. OXFORD, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1844. :,.-v vovh VL. IIINOJ XLIII. Mil. BEURIEN'S SPEECH. AT ALBANY, NFAV YOIUC. i ; i ' Webster At the conclusion! of-jMr uneccli the President I introduced! the Hon John Mcpherion Herrien ofiGeorsia. which nnouneeacnt was received! with immense spptaue. ' f! ! ' ' i V i: ' !. r' Mr. UcnniRV ni'nl: I thank you fellow ci'izins, for thi kind sreetin. from so va$ an einblji;e of American i freemen. It IS a duty and gralihcaUmr to yield a prom p ohcliehce ' Nor vrbuld I appear merely i obedience to the call, tvhich' vou have made 1 anntrar before vou to addre9 vou. as privilege due to a free citizen of this Ke-j .i t- m i i i. r.. cJ, m..m...JI IIUUIIC. 1IV IIVUIC IJ ll MUIII VUUI9 hut. wherever the Star .Spangled lianne waves, wherever there are stout hearts and! strong arms to defend it, there is! my court try. I despite of Texas Annexation, and miserable disuntonism, I trust that my last Uok will he to gaze on its ample untarnished as now. ! I II : r ellowocitizcns ol !iew ; xorlc, this is a moment pregnant with events of great in teresl to our common country folds, stil to public order in the Treasury. So deep- ly was i cnnvtncea oi tne beneni 10 oe de rived by ; the country from a protective taritT, that in 1642, even if it should impose burdens upon my constituents, jl was deter mined not teonsent to an adjournment of Congress! till the stain of forfeited! credit hoold be wiped away, and, if necessary, that I would go horn and tell them j that burdens tire not jo bad as forfertcd ntonal faith. I have seen twenty thousand Geor- gians, and I have told them that ; he; who would refuse protection to American indus try may be a very good British1, subject, but 1 swear that he is not an American patriot. VVhat would our opponents give to nefjre the j arm of industry? Free trade. What is free trade? Where does it exist? llnVtHe present condition of the world, where-can it exist? Some very "learned Theban" in Congress some time ago discovered ; that a tax of 20 per i cent was levied,! at the gate of some Grecian city, on a certain article, and therelore ne supposed that this was the natural lax to be laid on every thing. A 20 percent, horizontal dutyfis the doc trine of James K 4 Polk, and this is the free be as easy to defend ourselves on the of the Sabine from invasions which There are two leading questions involvedl trade of some people Great Britain will in the present campaign on which I ahall make tome hr;ef observations. rather tq show the feelings of us Southern Whigs or. these topics than (o convince you, who from local circumstances, are supposed to be more in favor of a tariff and opposed to an nexation. I need not go into an extended argument on the tariff. The argument of the gentleman preceding mehave been set forthwith such a force of eloquenca and soundness of logic as must 'convince even our opponents, many of whom; are here present, and must have found their way to .i i . ... Li ' l 1 ' 1 . !, r me neari oi every American pairoi. ; . x ou will not expect me to give you as constitu tional argument on this question, which he has so ably done in characters of living light. not come into' the system of free trade, be cause she ! cannot. She raises about one hundred and ten millions of dollars on im ports; and, besides J this, 8he is forced to levy an income tax, hitherto considered on- This Government was founded for the ly as an expedient in time of (war. But the heaviest tax imposed by Great Britain is light when compared with the tax which she would lay upon our credulity , in sup posing that she will ever.be in favor of free trade. My doctrine is for free trade be banks must t !l- ' .11 j i I . , i il - seeds of the same sample unprepared, and t usually about an ineh and a half by two sown at the same: time, I and on the samel inches ?quaref ill other! 4gold fixint" about reach us through Texas, as to defend our soil, had not tillered mere than two or three the neck are bitterly discarded. Vi But I have selves on irve nio del XNorte, where we stems, i he advantages to be derived by t tilled my sheet, so adieu till next week. ivnnll K hut nnnrltf ailAnnrtorl ' kv t V !nti I ! Mnnc ', H.iil.Nnk'i hia... inim.iiii 1 .'. '. i ;. . i UUUUI1CU. ICM.II ICIIHU1YI ; Will we UUI I WIICIl : Wl, VJCIU (UUTO lllin UOUU1C I limiP'lll A GC HI ITTIVr be as sale with Louisiana as the border which I when the seeds, is soaked in the solution j!, nr trr ,iT iimptav Kt n wetnust defend, as irwe had to .defend t will hasten the hat vest ! at! least ten Wy-fiM I1 b HLlf) IN, I.rXINGTPNf W- C- Texas also? Those steamboats on the Father teen days ! sooner. No injury can be sd-I Al meeting of the Central Clay Club, of VVaiers woud soon-'car fie,d held at Lexington on the 12th dsy of Aug. lions jmice; for it has been ascertained that even lol. Jv ,Mi l-eacti submittea the lol- lowing preamble and resolutions:' i The period before the Presidential elec tion, being short and the members of this hard sons of the more Nortberft sections o neienu our couniry, as it is now bounded, birds win not touch it, ;atter being ?sown; rom invasion, j Canada was on our boun flies or rust will not in the least harm the daries during the last war, vet even Enelahd blahts when erowincr. V Mr. Hauterlne's was not able to vanquish usJ 1 when ! Scott solution, or urocess. is eauallv ' beneficial toKu'UD nd the. Wntgs. ot Uavidson present. and others covered themselves with glory; all kinds of seep such as barley oats, rye, believing that the principles and measures Ann u we were noi airaia oi Hrfigiand then, nciover, jc. oniv ine soaK ne in tne solution uj u iuo iuuhcih acksonV military takes mare or less time for each kind of Whig party of this great country are the shall we gratify General Jackson's military opinion now in this purpose? seed. Translated from the 'Annalesd' Ag true principles 'upon which this Govern ment Should be administered and that i . . ... .' m Mr. L.! Montronii ,rank and unreserved interchanga oi aenti I ! - ' . ...r J. - J A ".. L t . a to induce us to take of this city , has! received the receipt for roentj among the wings ol this congression I. ; . i .i " i I I r . . . ii r . i But we must admit Texas of smuggling riculture.V will! be carried on! Well. tmlv. that is We are i informed that strange argument these;very smugglers into our bosoms as our preparing the solution. Bait. Patriot. nation is a 1 bave this to say, that this and all the members must be con sulted before strangers are admitted; and as long as any portion revolts I rom taking the stranger to their embrace, so l long will I for bear to enforce it Upon them, would rather 1 LOVE IN RURAL FELICITY AND - . j V,V ,; A COTTAGE. From the Correspondence of the S. C. ,Tem. Advocate.! I White Sulphur Springs, July 24. I. v e continued our tourney up tne oeauti al District will Have a .tendency to confirm them in those great principles upon the as ascendancy of which depend the weal and welfare and happiness of our beloved coun try; and whereas, the self styled democrats of the last Legislature of North Carolina saw proper- (doubtless, out of vvre kind ness and patriotism )frto throw together claim as a part of (this fglorious Union the Jul valrey: of the James.River, its softjgreen numb'tt-.ofYhig Counties in the 4th Con- smallest State, than all the broad domains o f I meadows, and I waving fields of ripening gressional District creating, thereby, such Texas, from the Rio del North to the Sabine, grain smiling in the sunshine, and present- overwhelming majotity of Whigs, as is V Look at the two parties. have a good ing to the mind sweet pictures of rural quiet calculated to lull them to sleep, and produce cause; we have an appro ved! leader! chosen and comfbrt, yielding :to the influence of apathy in their ranks Therelore j j by the people before we went to the Balti- enchanting beauty of the scenery, and lulled Resolved, That the Whigs of Davidson, (af- more Convention a. choice which we had by the quiet which pervaded this Happy ter having taken the matter into consideration only to ratify. Look at our Vice President. rV alley," t fell jto musing, and began to de- and adveriisenent do call a mass meeting of The most senseless of those who sport with plore the elbndition of thqse who are tlbom- lK18 CoiigressionarDistrict, and the surround- t ween different parts of our own country; character dare not attack him for Theodore ed to wearout their lives in the wearisome lP8 country, to be held at Lexington on Wed- reciprocal trade with other nations, yielding Freiinghuysen stands elevated above the rounds of business or fashion in cities,- and ""uay.ineiina .uay oi . vciooer.nexi toeing where thevl would vield. demanding where reeion where caluminators divoll. Shall 1 'to contrast their condition, with that of such SuP.eriur Courrweek) to which all pur friends Hhey demand. England levies upon! cur tell you how he was nominated? New York as spend their peaceful days ih a Paradise ne surroundinjj counties Withqut distiuc- productions, taking cotton out of the list, claimed him as a resident: the Gallant ? State Hike this.! !tWitn one fair hpirit for a min i i i - ' . w i. l ft I ', -. I. i'lin orortitn lv nf 'XKCi npr cpn ... ...... hV . www ,,w. - 1 . .: ft 1 ' . . native ot iicr,- nui uui i thirtnr iva coll In hr and wp havei cnmA I hpr anil thp loiithprn Wk! eiAnU.I I an vifllP nf lifie: ' jmnnv iu ivhn aayilhaf jvp ftuontnot 10 levy a higher tax upon any of nei mwuviwia - . J l . ,.... i I I'M r i I rn ir -ni 1 n a- of lftr r . a m n uri tftoni ifi vainrnui 11111 v. t I xi u 11 iuua at. uiu uiiili iim, I t v a i I V i- ' . -1 I . : - ' . ' .A " ' 'in '1 i -ii i i . .i. Lfmn rPori -ia annrr9ihprl ntt inttai irnons are excellent, v firiiieti. n u i neir ,v mrv - leaders are divided and their counsels dis- hy the road-side, from the chimney of traded the Democracy at Baltimore solemn hch, the . blue smoke ascended in gracelui lv came to the conclusion that the good of the wnule people, each st8te giving up'aome of its rights for the general ! good ef the whole; and truly this spirit ought to be carried out. On these questions j l will therefore give you my views as a Southern man and the reasons whith ought to! influ ence me as an American Statesman; The first argument1, which I will notice in 0f a tariff as Henry Clay, the Farmer favor of the tariff is that it will supply a rev- Ashland! VjThis is a species of i-npudence, fniif fin fficient for the wants of the Govern- shall I sav U. whieh, if recordedJ has hither ment. In raising this revenue,. 1 go for to escaped my researches into history,: But protection, un cvci v i ui iicv jeisev ciaimea nim as a "hiss stepped in 1 .1 - ": 1 I, . .:!.' 1 .11 . ' . 1. 1 1 : ! ? . 99- A . niaue up me mauer. and vt"x-'fuA hir l nKmibflftmiinBrrKB - aort lniv tnnt -at th ntVtor neritr Tholr Unto mv head. V Just as T was in the w w mm a. w wvaawa I -f B W J W I , F came midst tion of parties, are respectfully invited. A 1 1 ' it i . 1 ic mm iVit. Kuan a.raa Anri Ana in order that an .. uiose w ho attend ii viii 111& uuo v vi viiu i i . .. i . u the world forgetti n e. and &lUWito?m. n? -t..cr-oer rt ukJ.T:"ri"!Iltendio thera-but also a "feast of reason Free trade is the crudest conception that ever disturbed the minds of the American people. Our opponents know this, and tnorofnro thpv STR now 2ttfilTl Dt in . tol make 8 J - t - n 1 1 : . .1 L U l r.iin 1 Cc Z n TX ii ran cknnln n nf I rnla it appear thai lvir., roiit is as uiucu iu v,u!i ' v 0"wui , 01 decided that the minority (for Casa) should not j rule; and then they adjourned to see who should rule; so neither party being able to rule, they chose a! manj whom neither thought of choosing. I do not hold to the doctrine of instruction in all! cases 3 majority wreaths towards heaven through, the pure and they tnoi ning air. i was just thinking as l be- held this enchanting picture oi rural bliss, and a flow' ol; soul" tsnd -depart to their homes wiser ineh and truer patriots, there fore ; V ---j-VjH-', '-V ; ! " S ' V " - J -Resolved, That the following distinguished gentlemen anef firm supporter of, the whig caufce be invited ; to attend, viz. Hon. Willie P. Mahgum, Hon. Auguslin H. Sheppard, John Kerr, Eq.; J.T. Morehead, Esq., Hon. D. .Al. liarreiiger, uen. Alexander Of ay, tlugh not incidental or accidental, 1 1 appeal from all arguments of his friends to hut on nurnnsR of encouraein? some inter- James K. Polk himself. I will not -say e.t. Admit that as a Southern manj that I if with him of old, I appeal fromj Alexander say that !he action of the Baltimore have no God knows mil it for iHf there's peace to be found in the world, he heart mat is numoie (migiH nope ior u Waddell, Eq'.Gen. Jas. Cook. Hon. Edmund here," when my ears Were: assailed by a Deberry, AlexJ Little. Esq., Hon. John Long Keen snnii voice, crying ouim a i niruic and Gen. Alfred Dockery.. " ' i . ':Ci 1 1 . .t..ui I ,!but I do Key, yyou oau you ,,asiy,. u.ny, ai..Kuft, 0n moion (he following gentlemen were rL 1 trond fnr-nothini? s at voui if vou don't come IJ ... KIlU llldl IS I UUUIUCI II l.ll t Willi llllll UI , Will) I j;v.iii ii" . . ' i i - J i -- ; , . -. '1 1 4 ' : 1 1 interest in your welfare-which, drunk to Alexander sober," but I do appeal vention was a shameful violation of a sacred down out of that thar apple ..ree, and go a vs,is far from the truth-yet ad- from their misrepresf ntation to his own trust committed to them. As for Polk and long and wash your Daddy s dirty clothes, the sake of argument, still ! have words. Here Mr. B. lead extracts' from Dallas, they are perfectly antipodean to each Pit come out Maraud give you jjoss -you .rest iu the increase of national rMr. Polk's letters and speeches, proving other on all great questions. But 1 rejoice nasty, dirtyUiiking, good-ror-nolhing huz- that lhpr 9rf a orettmanv nf that ZV VOUl'T hlS eloquent appeal Was 8dn ppointed a committee of invitation, viz. Absalom Williams, D. Huffman, Col. Leach, arid Jas. A. Long. . , a a L ..&a.A.Aja. v f MMll.hatftl an lniereresi in me iuvicjso ui wealth: domestic .manufacture stimulates to industry and increase najional wealth. The second argument l ! shall j notice is that it encourage industry, and thereby tends molality ; among a Local f2elings The American to the preservation of people. -' . .. .i ii . i! It is calcuUled, thirdly, 10 eievaie nation al character, and to absolve vis from depend ence on foreign workshops, i lam speaking to those who will yet be permitted to: see this nation, with a population . ol seventy millions of people, speaking a common lan guage, living under a common Constitution, and kneeling to one Ood.: Are there men at this day so destitute of patriotism, that all these millions of our countrymen shall be held tributary to the workshops of Europe? No. no! we must have lotlier views oi; na tional character than this, must give way to national statesman should have no locality. I advocate a tarifl, in the fourth place, because it is calculated to draw us together more closely in the bonds of common union. If.at'the close ofalife which is now rapidly passing away. I should have the privilege o countrvmen in mv last hours, it would be that they should love one another, bound together in one glorious confederacy. J ; ' ' 1 i " - i " - It has been, said that the tariff or 1842 makes us sell cheaper and buy deafer that We have done before. Now, I state ; here before you, as a Southern planter, that I we t the South buv cheaper and sell dearer than before theHariff of 1842. This, so far from beine denied by our opponents, is ac I knowledged, and a reason for it attempted to'be eiven. IHere Mr. B. went into 1 description of the state of the country, as it -i No money in the Treasury i bills drawn on I Government heldtup in the Senate .of the ,! United Slates protested; agents sent to pro j cure a loin unable to eflect that purpose ! He then continued. Ne-wJ I assert thit, by i the tariff ef 1842, the credit of country has . hen redeen.ed. On the 30th of June last there were seven millions of money subject him to be opposed to a tarifl for protection to know that there are a great maay li . i .1.1.1 ihii in r prpnpp in mp nan v i mil v iuiu iui uia ut. l ci liii 11C , 1I3U. 91ICU llioi, -;...w w . i--- - j . n- - . j - - j I H i I , L l l l ' ' I I a a i a-- '- a . m . . ' i : ! - i i , : ' v i'.aMnBnv a rw at n n r : w nrn ri on - n a m-t - . -r- " . . I claims of the opposing candidates, there 1 rejoice to see the ladies, too, muster to uu,iV , a'p .fr ' i ..i Southern Cilizifn give the same an inseruon mos uraiicnc yi V" Vin id their respective papers. J her little brother with green apples. it i On motion the meeting adiourr.ed. I . ' I : W I , :. - jt fTi - , , : . . I i ; ' . " 1 ' ft - J 1 I I 1 I . L " - . " & s aa a . - t- i - a - I a-aa .k a n I 0 nrias I IIr Wi m K m U vriliauji mr-i mm a a I 1 mv aavi-si forbear. Some one here cried out i "public, ot l ennessee to attend :? nr.eeiing mere DUi ro l ,,' ' V . ' ; ' . . . I . - . . i . -- ! . 1 . I i i I Unnrl - innnnlilHItia nnaiiL'. lands." to which Mr. B. replied, that it was impossible lor me to get there, l leu '." V'T V . V-7 though he did not intend to say any thing like saying to mem, nowever, was sons nn ihii .nhipct: vpt he would comtilv! with I the request, which' he then did, proving the guage of the French coutier, in the lad- Id handkerchief, her jaws tied up in a white j Mf ,h;i i one, and the slump oi an old pipe m ner C L. PAYNE, Ch ra. I' Jatheb A. Lqko,' Sec'y. wish me to do be possible, deign to considering, was tobe seen protruded from one i fit be not fm possi -I ( n . : r. ..... j! 1 say to you in of the windows of the cottage.! f I i threw the myself back in the coach, say ing to myself delphia the head t quarter a ot the Ldcofoco.' uot.n Wh ' ii,., .w as one Tom Havnes did when heVseed" the Prty--has a last been;appointedi i rjeasurer lL. lV . i . i.LK.-l rhai.,,ffiftient." IGiv. me brick United Satea Mint, vice Majof l.aae aa h am m a a7 U r a 1 t. v a-m IT BT I -w- a w m a" aa - - ' - ' - - - - a a iiin&nivAii j; u in 17, ;J 1 :-1 - ' '- !V - walls, sea-coal amoke, but sat in a cottage. and Lobster sauce. 9 nn.l auu , iui ustice of, the distribution of the proceeds of that; it is already done; their sales. ble it shall be done," . I now turn to Texss, and I beg to correct name of the Sou an error started to bv our Southern! oppo- will do their duty .' ' .1 - ...kl.l. mm Mnrlhorri friPmlc I VVtiina nv Now YnulT !BE VK 'iT.Srt BE4T1V. ncnis; anu.iu wmtii . ..-.. ... . , ' r ...1 f.i:.:i have lent too ready an ear, VV hy should Mr. lierrien, -during me delivery. 01 this 7, the South be in favor of annexattonr It eloquent speech, o whicn we have given would increase the supply and consequently 1 . I .! f 1 1 a nAnt clanla itrnrtiio. ,unl' " .1 ..! T r. .... 1 ! . . .v- . .. id. k.n&fit At t.rtw'frinr1l in Hnllimhll linn nf that naft of the countrv. 1 have were etven lor JYir, toernen anu three tor ""rv? r .T - addressed Georgia Whigs on this subject, Georgia. nd ih universal answer which I received, f'.'.V.,! ik.m. IP iK.r ivanlPfi 'IVtai lMfUU 1 Alt 1 UlSUUlfLill IU r AniULno DONE AT LAST. Amos Holahah. long known as the proprie tor of the EaglelHotel, Chesnnt street, Phila- liltle attention h"ajeri Roach, removed. : Doctor. Samuel, Heintr el mann, another individual of the like charac ter with Ilolahan, has received the post of .1 . , ,i . :U l i t 'i' '- - ; morplvan niillin-. Jwas lireflUentlv flnnlaud L lfhave Deeh paying SOOJB ,i j i K...:..:. t.- to the Fashions since I have been here, for Fii.'Hiui ui inr iiur nine ciiLiiuaimiu: ciirria -t - w -' f lr In Chaklston.(S. C.) August 20, 1841. "a tv r ar v - ! sr r a mvam t ; the first place, sun bonnets and sashes are A tuiuuua all the go. Next, you may tell our ladies j We.have been much amused with the in to burn all their little sausage like bustles; spection of a curious . plant at the Union " should Eol Garden of 'Mr. John TnnvKOKJ.Ifinnibnri-it ,nn,J WaNo " Are Southern Whins Of the effects of soaking seeds ia ehemical solutionshhey won't do no -how. : V They k mUUi kv ihfl hrnfouud arguments of , r' ' ; before sown, i j : j iu u v. iii.i-v. u .'.w - "I9..i T , l VI ; T..!..!. Cisltru rtnrt ifilllarl V eta. listics? Are they to"be seduced! by his arV has awarded, a gold medal 'and the sum of b ... Ir u ik.. it "mU- hWa an 3000 francs, to: Monsier Hauterine, of the tail,. , An empty flour; barrel, wilh bath gumemiu Tv.- 4K.. Rk- 'fa 'hi.1 Waa. Irn'ltfcd !ot. , and 1'ewun arcund the WUH h nflnnr nn nnr nonular dOmeSUC inSlllU- I vcuai iincii w iiauk iinwn w. ... ...... v. I , ---- . - j o : ---i t i n. . Influence on our popular uojnwj r-ot,;J..aa ofiaW rnnrt marf Uaiat miirht answer the ouroose. Thev having a most extraordinary, resemblance, m tionsr Mo! They Know inaune.r imere ?0.uv,. . .w...-,, -..-i - - -r-"-"- n - LL v. :u.m.u .u..!.jU:,. i: jIU is safe in the hands of their brethren under m he year to said society, oy ne snoum bb mo .-uj , uu7, cu, .fu.i, u iu. uu u.w. k the ffuaransiesofthe American Constitution, coitMnission appointeti lor mat purpose, com- to turn nerwu. in. '7ul !lu"",r "r"-' . rf.r'lV.r' . '-u?- Kl & . .. . r i :. I AA Mr r... Ak.t.t ;nJ rr.n! riAiitiiiral. li.nno, lik lha handlfl I in a Chum." DreSSeS I ahanad flnwnr tKat PTaminad ia (1ft inoliaa and they indignantly spurn tne guaraniy .wui,uiB.i?i ."""r.- 'r T , . v, f , " .11 v " s " "T.'i "'V,J which Texas vould afford them. Believe, istsj who, after testing Mons (in length and l( inches in ccumference of me, for Ism fresh from the who have relatives in Texas . I ; ft I M 'PUaaWa t aA me annexa . , t . -riL-- i Tha"; nil MhiWih ttherihnta''iverei'lie 'remembered that thts'last mentioned fash ?n,und mm ptr.i r-l ". ffi r,Sor.oer- iaa U inden,emabl .rid 1 in, .eribu. m U be.utin.lly mol.leJ d ri.E.,ed With rich ifi ouuiniiBii uj i m.niirMt frti wff. inr tn our ladies that thev had better platform of trisciples with ODBoTH- . " 7 r"-. 1 " .. - ..rTed aee.n shell, but neither so brilli.nt nor ,NBRKTHERK-h...dj&ined.nhU-he.ri er.l,rs.v bCinKinoniionwUhheirt It nol nen c.ra j.Jf..P- , K SEiS il,m,i.i.l..M th. 1 , r' T : ."V i". . i ; - .L r ii r.u" i .i s I animal ana vegetable kingdoms, i v -: . ; i I . ii . .. t! I C ki..Ll1iU i l ihan Ih lull m urih hnilla . . . - Li We bave since seen the duck-flower i lf ATnincinn 'I'Vl o ln.l 'mil li enoiieii. irom ins ;oua w t,bA.v.w i ,tw: - -. r-j. -.-i-.i . .'ivu riA III.- Jlr 14- w-:.- - ' ..il 1 .r.r r-f-- La edt milit a mi o us by the hero of the Hermitage, ; as ii tion. and :;80wn on the h ,0 ine,- nao. oy inform n l- .ifnRi; ntcon harySt! Now, I amnot:mucK th.ftidjr, wiU.dmt oBnee- iiliurv man, but I may ask, would it not ' eleven stems, cf nearly equ.t f igor; while lets and breastpins are much worn, the latter '; " .. . ' ' . .. '-u-r,..:-. ,(i '. . ,;i J ' " I ' :- '" ' h: ih ' i': -I :i ' ; J !i- ' .n :!':-r '1-, M - ' ri-.p'! loon. nd assumed the beautiful appear- palanquin, or a parachute to a bal- Ve predict that Monsieur Toksok will have lots of visiters to-day. Courier. i I: V. i ..t ; Jl j ; i . ....

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