U:'J l::;V";:.vr ..: ;LFv '"-t".'::-ii-1 "V 4V- .;,.".- :v;mV-:: I HiMH-M '' HAfA)'''. ; .--i -m ! --K" : J ; -M 1 Pi' ; j ' " J'T ' ' vi.-' f' .; mm ....-: -; i ; m m; : . mm; 4 . ' .m ; f -std- -v- -m " m -.; ; m-4.1 ; . - ih' mi.-- ' ; M- I---.-.-'!..-. - : ,i' , -. ; M-.. .'.!.-.;: M -M-l : -M ! Ml'.!-' V , MMM M S .-V t v ij " M , ' f.;. - ' " T.v.1 'v.; I- MMH-l-Mh;, 'mT:;;:'-m!:m(KFm:; VV,:rir.; ! m - " . ' " r,T i ' v- i , I .: -.. j. : iM j;... '. . j ' -r ' ;' - ; p j : j-1 :j -j- : . j s, : ' "-::'ii-i .r'-' ' f. . : '; : 3 -T . . ;- t l , i. I .... H' i .... ., i. ; i' -; i . j. . . : . . , t - i - ( - . . - Frnti KtnJili'i.Santa Fe TIIC PUI4H.VCR C)UUT ' TORAIj I at sax cms- Th dy after our trriral at Sau Ctitiultal. a um cf Mnfr wa wnt cut, by th Mexican gemnmcut, f , Yeroner," tiJ Jimmj, withaluJkroo mock-graitj and quizzical Iwr of lib dexter eje, "jrer oner,, aa I jWa calkin' acrta the corral last cnin', I heerd athrange, myuriun, and rosrt aunatU'ral eounda Uuin'jfroia the oCccra quatthera op aUira aoonda resimbBn', ) er oner, loose maue vy a aiwmui, wuin in me iuu iwe ci nanu ...rr -.. .. .t;. riKit iwrriiv. fi rent to each iM.rr th ajme Jrt ws b!s furnihd the next day, ij factbarinj; board. Will, me cariosity bein excited, I Wi h the men procure for Utenvcle food ciniijh, iii lh- ha of frij ilea, tortil!a cbite guiaado, an i th-r arti!ca which tlic Me xicin women brought to 'ur quirtrrn, to apae'the keen demanda of appetite j it wat nil thoT wra a'.ljwcd. S On the third day t.ie t.li- fr-.m the cit? were atopied. the fourth day came. onJ atilt no money; the fifth likewiae, and with it auccour. Ly traaitroeiue uurrui v no inoncv were acere in the extreme, antUbe tricVa they tesorted to in order to obtain i(X)d, were ingenious to 1 1 Jerrpe, and occationcd not a little merriment. j Among the priionera were a number of lawyera, doctora. and other frofewional men peraoaa who, either from a love' of. wild adventure or Wcauae they conld obtain no tirofeaaional employment in Texaa,' had originally been induced to j jin the expedition .Then there were aeveral comedians among them, mad wagf, who, Ending that the drariia yielded them but alender aupport iti the new Re public, tnd ahouldcrcd the rifle and taken to the prairies for a better. Out of auch niateriaU it may jcadily' bo concrifed that the richest fan and frolic could be extracted, and the story of one of their maddes pranks I will relate. The wags knew that among the nflkers and merchants thera were some who had money, and to levy a tax uponj fuch pockets as weie best filled tbc3e fcllowa commenced: agsmewhich, in the end, not onfy proved every wayj aucccMful, but afTorded infinite amusement to all. They in the fir.t place fitted up an old, dilapidated apartment aa a court room. With two barrels and as manj boards they made a kind of platform, upon-which, as a bench, a clarct-box was placed, and upon this the jokers seated the largest prisoner in the whole collection as judge a ljalf lawyer, who, in addition to haying all the gravity of the Grand Turk himself, wore whiskers, mustaches, and hair in quantity suflicicat to supply wigs for an entire bench of Englih justices. sheriff, crier, and clerk mon who well understd their business were then ap pointed; an ecccentiic comedian, who could speak for hours upon any subject, and possessed the keenest wit and ' tlis atrongest imitative powers imaginable, was chosen prosecuting attorney. Aa principal witness in any cases that ntiht be brought they fell upon a little Irishman named Jimmy Tweed. Jimmy was bom and bred a soldier. He first drew breath inthe barracks of a recruit ' ing regiment, in Ireland, and in- process of time, after having picked op a fair education among the officers joined the regiment as a soldicT. The term of his enlist ment he served principally at Gibraltar, where he obtained a nirr.e, to ue his own words,' "for bein up to all man ner of diviltry," and where he alio learned a smattering i)f SiMi,it.h. - On bcinj discharged, he visited the United bethoaght sheelf I'd be after investigalin' jthe thing; no whin I was abajo, yer oner, which is the best Spanuh I have at prisent about hie for the foot of the stair, I heerd the sthrange sounds louder and louder than ver. Up thestepa I wint, and whin I was a rr ioo, which manes, yer oner, the head of the stairs, divil a bit did it stop at all. at all. What in the name of all the saints; thinks ! to meself, has put a sawmill in operation here awajt for 1 still thought it was one, yer oner; so I opened the door cautiously, poked me head in slyly, and what should me own eyes see ami me own ears hear but Captain H. him- aclf, essay in' a bit of a ditty, yer oner." Doing xohalT1 questioned the judge. ! " EssayinVa ditty, :yer oner- attempting a stave of a song and " ; ; I 1 1 "Enough," interrupted the high functionary!; upon the claret box. - "If you mistook the singing of Captain 11 for those sounds ordinarily produced by a saw mill, the case is clear enough that he has undertaken a task which neither nature nor cultivation fits him to carry successful ly through, and I shall fine him on? dollar and fifty cents for the attempt." ; . i ' M fj '.. In th'u way a number of cases, some ! BLOODY WORK IN TEXAS. The New1 Orleans Picayune ay: i : j 1 here are rumors of bloody doings in Shelby and Harrison counties, Texas, rear the Louisiana line. The 'Moderator and ! Regulalors as they term tbemselvea, are arrayed fgainst each chef4!and numbef about two hundred etclL Several persons haya been killed, houses . : T; 1 , ... Ml 4 ... t. i burned, -and plantations fpeatrdyed.. This is. truly a horrible sUt of things. ! l.l'-l .IIMS' '.'M- Since writing the above, we jlear n verbally, that one Davy, the leader of the 'Rulators,' has been shot, with twelve or fifteen o! hers- I is further slated, that General rienuerson was a!Mut to leave qarevepvir to use oia m fiueuce to bring "aWmt anl arraingement of the difficul ties." Baltimore Clipper. for,- bad singing The Philadelphia 5orth American says : Thaddcus Stevens made an able Whig speech a day or two ago at Coatisville, Pau "; He declared .lhat though Mr. Clay was not his choice for the Prerixlendy, that to falter in his sop- port, at the present crisis would be perfidy toali the great interests of the country, lie was for a taring for Marklev and he could not permit so great an evil as the Annexa tion of Texas, wilhoit lifting a hand to prevent it. It is not long since the Locos .were boastinz that Mr. Stevens hau desertca tne waig cause. I r M I I WHIG ViCTORy IN 10NV A- The Iowa City Standard of the 8th is full of rejoicing . at the progress of Whig principles in this fertile territory and others for speaking bad Spanish, were disposed of, " Vy , u. & upeeieciea ineir wuoie precinct and with the proceeds the merry wags procured a suf- tlcket ,nd, ln the coanf (Johnson) their Delegate, fiei-neT of nroviaionc and rhinruirite the latter r.i'p' Shen$ tecprder and Commissioner. Muscatine County, of common rum manufactured from the sugar-tahe, to f6 has Y en carricd by 'ghty- Li"n hold a wild revel that nieht amons the1 ruins of! San County has also been redeemed. Jones, Des Moines and Cristobal. M l ' ! J Lee, all Loco Foco Countiff , also show great Whig gains, Mates, joined the army, served two or three campaigns in FloriJn, and was finally discharged regularly at Baton Ronr, in Louisiana. To finish his education, as he said, ho then went to Texas, and alter various campaigns, was finally taken prinoner in New' Mexico. He ha.d all the wit of bis: count rynwn, and a fund of dry humour which was inexhaustible. ! , ' Thus organized, the court proceeded to the trial of such cases as they thought might be turned to their own profit. More decorum, more order, or more gravity of de(ortment was neycr seen in any court of justice.; The crier in some way procured a small bell,' and in regular form called the court together and issued Ms proclamations the sheriff, with all the dighily imaginable, commanded silence, compiled all to take offtheir hats, and was very efficient in preserving the best order. i The first action upon their singutar law docket was brought against a young and very worthy man, a mer chant, who was charged with being a V great fool general ly" 1 am not altogether positive but that the first word in the indictment may have been a riluch more forcible adjective than the simple term "great," The judge re nvukfd.lhat the charge was one. extremely grave in its character, aid admitted that; he could not, at the time, think of any precedent that might guide him in his de ciaion, which, ho wound up by s-iying should b a just and a righteous one. The prosecuting attorney, after a few pertinent remarks, brought up several vitnesiea to sustain the charge. Their evidence, which of course was madoup and suited fjr the' meridian of this particular court alone, all went t support the- prosecution The case, as raado out, was clear enough not a doubt arose as to the trutlji of the charge Bet forth in the indictment but to make all sure, Jimmy Tweed ;was brought up to the stand. After kissing a brickbat with due gravity, there being no Bible in the court, Jimmy proceeded with his testimony. He instanced several particulars in which the accused party bad evinced very little foresight men tioned several of his actions which manifested great lack of'jodgment and knowledge fof the world, and finally wound up by saying that the fact alone of his being found in company with the Santa Fe Expedition, was ample evidence against him. . I At this point of the trial symptoms of uproarious laughter were manifutcd in court, all which were instant ly quelled by the aheritT, and the judge then proceeded to give his decision. Drawing himself up, throwing back hi he.td, and clearing his throat with a preparatory M hem,)1 and 'then raising one leg over the other with all becoming dignity, ho remarked that all the evidence bore trongly against the; accused, but that the testimony of thi last witnew, in particular, view it in what, light he would, clearly sustained the charge that the arraigned party was slightly afflicted with a weakness known as " the simple" troubled with not being ao particularly vriae aa he might and should! have been. He admitted that the charge which had been thus proved was a mis-j fortune rather than a crime; but inasmuch as the times were hard, and victuals scarce, he should impose a fine of two dollars upon the accused ! The Iattcr who enjoyed the joke as much as any one, interposed no motion in ar rest of judgment, but paid the fine at once, and thus end-j ed the firat trial. ' : : ' ! ' i The next action brought, although not quite so grave In it nature, produced an infinite degree of merriment. One of our officers, Captain II., was charged with bad sinrin, or rather, as the indictment read, "with attempt ing to aing and making out badly at bent." i A number of witness testified, that at different times they had been most excessively annoyed, eyen to the losing of sleep, bj the attempts of the accused at divers songs They all admitted, during a process ofcrost questioning, that they were not exactly good judges of music still, they consider ed themselves blessed with ear which taogh (hem to; diatinguUi between the warbling of a canary and that of j a crow thought they could discover a soothing influence in the notes of a nightingale which they missed in the braying of a donkey. But as the testimony of Tweed went ihrcctly to prove the charge, and was a perfect gem in its wav, 1 shall gtv u as neany aa powioie m u. own words. , I THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG. ; ' The Madisonian is very anxious to repel the imputa tion upon the President that he is to be rewarded by Mr. Polk fi.r his withdrawal by a foreign mission. . That paper concludes an article upon the subject thus: I ".That President Polk will be the friend of Mr. Tyler's true friends we know very well, and we are not disposed to deny it, since there is no necesbity for it. But tliat he and Mr. Tyler have "bargained," as has been insinuated by their enemies, no honorable man cad ever be made to believe." ')' '' : ; ; - i ''' ! ' ' So it turns out that there teas a consideration after all. Air. Tyler's friends are to be provided for, we know vety well," says the Madisonian; that is 16 say, his! sons and sons-in-law, first, second, and third cousins ae to live upon the public treasury for the next four( years, ii Mr. Polk is elected. And then there was no difficulty, in lersuading the Captain that he would be the unanimous choice of the Locofoco party to succeed Mr. Polk at the expiration of four years. Captain TyIer would believe that;, and the New York. delegation of office holders1 and party hacks who negotiated the bargain ( for a foul,' cor rupt bargain it was) could have met with no difficulty on (.hat point. '. ''; f. : f j; . ....,' jr; ' j The bargain, after ail, is improperly termed a "coali tion," which in politics may be compared to a partnership in law. The nature of the transaction is that of a "bar gam and sale." I i A I j ; The gross depravity of this transaction cannot be won dered at by any one who remembers the 'advertisement ;made by Mr. Cushing in the winter of 1843, lhat the President was desirous of selling out. Te offer was then poked at the Whigs, but being spurned with indig nation, the auctioneer turned to the Locofocosi That party being in more prosperous circumstances than jnow,' refused the bargain likewise; but the overtures being re newed In their present stiait, they have gladly accepted : the Captain's teims. Washington Standard. ' 1 mr A STONISHING !t ! 'AMONG THE' THOUSAND MEUlUKiw adverlLted as certain Cares for pulmonary cotnplainU, JAYNEM I EXPECTORANT aland alone. It path to public confidence has been pa veil, not with puflV, but QURES ; and the vouchers for iu cfiiaacy include an array of names which, forjeharscter and jrcapeVubility, Cannot be aurpa$sed in this country. DR. JAYNE, beinj hinwrlf a PhvslcUn. Idocs not profess to perform pnysicai i:nposiatiuiv; ifii ue oo asAeri, mmi t i borne out jv well authenticated facts, that in all DIS EASES OF THE LUNGS AND CHEST, which are susceptible of cure ! without miraculous interfsreoce. health. No other mHicine will remove mucus or pn from the throat so thoroughly as thia. It eflectually losens the co.-iruutett tpasscs from the membrane wnicn ines tne tracDea, ana at evwy cougn ine patieni wiu brinjr ii portion' of the duvnaged matter. IN ALL COMPLAINTS OF; THE PULMONARY OR GANS, even where nature seems to he making no eflbrt to throw off the disease, J A Y N bb LA P ECTOR AIM 1 imparts vigor to the -machinery of respiration, and ena ble them to disencumber tnemseivea ot the obstruction which had impeded their free operation. It has restored hundreds to 1 perfect health, after their phvacians had given them up as incurable, with CONSUMPTION. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, influenza, Bronchitis, Hooping Cpugh, Spitting Blood, ina word, all uwease of a trUL.- MONAKY nature yield to this prejiaraUoo, it properly administered. J u ' , i " j- friends, who all spsk well of it. If faithfully rmplojeJ 1 have no doubt ofiHs general succtv. I nay add that bejora uing vour 3)c, I. bid tried a? tha various arti cles cinuloyeJ for th hir,! without experiencing much, i . rf. i : i it J .r..i . i I . ' u any, urocci. ,. rKrniouy ywu, : . , S. S. Ftcn, Mv D No. 172 Chesnut Su ' nUriDoxriELD, N. jj FeV-12, 1S3IJ. ' Dr. D. Jayne I take great pleasure in inform ing you that the Ltigtleof Hair. Tonic which I obtained of you Ut October, $as proxed moct satisfactory and sol cesful. My hair pad lor a long lima been exceedingly thin, but for two of thro years past it had ao fallen out that rny "bead , ha& becime almost entirely bald. I. was under the nece8itof concealing the baldnr, by comb iHg the hair on thejjriih-s over IU But nw, after using a huttla of the Touicl bava as luxuriant a growth f hair aa 1 ever bad. ' " i C CFitt, Late Pastor of. the Babtist Church at Uaddonficld VM ' !- ; 5 ".. 's ! ; AVoni the Rev. m. Ltuit, Ordinary (Prothonolary j General? fyr Sumpter District, &i CM" Slmtf.r"villk. S. C 15th Jan. 1&13. Dr. P. M. Cohen & Co. Gentlrnien: I drem it due to you to communicate the benefit that I have derived from the use of Jane's Hair Tonic 1 1 have only used one bottle of it, anU that "With so much success that 1 am well convinced of &a virtue and crJicacy.. ! . j The hair is rioW) coming out on my head in ! places which were perfectly bald, and is still growing and tbjek-ening.--. r' 'J - . ., - j 1 I ; 1 have great confidence in the Hsn Tonic, and anti ciate from a further application of it the complete resto-" ration of my hainf - ! 1 m ! bcveral gentlemln of my acquaintance .have used it, and all of them w ifh great success. i - ; - Very-reau&tfullv. vours. &c 1 W. Lewi.; r Preparel only ly Dr. D. JAY'NE, No. SOlSouth valua Rer, J. S. Maginnts Professor in Hamilton, (N. Y.) Literary and Theological Seminary, says:; - P M 'I would not be without Dr. Jayne's Medicines in my family for any consideration. 1 have found them suc cessful in cases where all other means have failed I .Mr. Nicholas Harris, corner of Front and Lombart THIRD Street, Philadelphia, where all his other street; Philadelphia, was cured of Cough, Asthma, and ble pre,a ration mSy be obtained. - laoorea lor many years. ; j . i Rev. Ira M. Allen. late of Una.' but now ot iew xorK city; says: "I have used Jayne'a Expectorant, and have all The, State Convention.1 of Louisiana, which? met at Jackson in that State sumje days ago for the purpose of forming a new Const it upon, j has, without concluding the business for which it was chosen, adjourned over to the second Tuesday in January next. The " Democratic" papers of N ew Orleans take this adjournment much to heart: for what reason we do not clearly uaderstand; but, as far as we do understand it, the movement is of a con servative character, and therefore obnoxious to those whose object is to . pull owrj rather than to build up or improvcj other medicines of the more confidence in it than kind." (Rev; Wm. Laws, Modestiowni Va. says: "I have used your Expectorant, and found it an excellent medi cine for Pulmonary diseases." ' ,i i Mr. John Beckford, of East port, Maine, says: "Your Expectorant ! has jost cured a man whom. his physician had given up to die with Consumption; and also another, in the very lowest stages of BRONCHITIS." : i Messrs. Slosson and William. Booksellers, Owrgo, N. Y., say : ' Your Expectorant gives Universal satis faction" M ' -: '. 1 - 1 M Rev. John Ellis, of . New York city, says that two bot tles cured him of Influenza, a hard Cocoh and apparent CONSUMPTION." ft ' : ' j- L .1-1" ' i : :M JMr. Ad rial tty, ot Watertown, J. ,Y . says: "Many tt tt JAYNFS IIAIU TONIC. I - JAYNE'JS EXPECTORANT, JAYNE'sH VERMIFUGE, " JAYNE4 SANATIVE PILLS. JAYAJE'GARMINATIVE. BALSAM, J A YN15 5gi j IJAIK DYE. j j . . . . ! ... All tie aboye to be had at ; R.k R. H. KINGSBURY'S. Died of P(lk And Dallas. -, The Washington Fayette Co. Aurora, and the Cir- clfville Watchman, two Locoibco papers. CinL Gazl IMPORTANT ARREST OF A. RIOTER. The arrest of rioters concerned in the! recent mobs in Philadelphia, still goes on. The papers notice th!e arrest of a man yarned Abraham .Long, charged on his' own confession as a principal in the recent mobs One of the witnesses jtestificd to Long's admission as follows- j . : i . Wc were waiting (said Long") for them en Monday night. "VVe had ten cannon ready for them, if the; soldiers had come j downall we wanted was to; get the jaoldiers. stationed on Christian street. He (Long) sw0re that they had nine, kegs of powder, and three batteaux at Christian street wharf, arid would have brought them up the common sewer, and blown the soldiers to h-Jt Say i 1, what was your intention then?' 'Why,' says he, our intention was to set fire to th? city in severe! parts; and some of the bridges." I i j After the examination of the witnesses had concluded, Long was committed toj Moyamensing. I ' M. A -l'! F O II ! S1A L E. l:.--; ;.'!- rnIIE subscriber, wishing to remove South, offers for kl; sale his Harold's Creek tract of land,' lying within miles of i the Town of jDxfOrd, Granville County; N. C, containing 1200 acres. The plantation is in good repair, and;in an improved an ini)rovirig. condition, be ing in a superior state for ithe fcultivation of Tobacco and trrain. The iiriDrovemenis consist of a Iotcpp1 twn atnr d welling huse, with every convenient out house, tobacco uarns, estc. ; i ; f i .! MinM j.-!! '-AfcSO; f'i ; Locust Valley, situated! miles from Oxford, contain- in? 400 aci!ea. beino1 well land eomnletelv imnrnvpit th C?. j I O " 1 , U J - f " - dwelling huse being highly commodious and comfortable most pleasantly situated, :and surrounded by extensive orchards or "well selected Cru it. ' .1 i. ALSO, ::- fM.: le, containing pi 5f acres, immediately adjacent There is in a state of beins built -tinon tliis tract,; a dwellinjj of the larsest dimensions, and iti the neatest .styile of architectural located on an eminence ovenooHing me town, wixrun nine ot the Uourthouse-, which die Subscriber designs. completing in the course of the year, qnd which he fs willing to contract with the purchaser ib complete in that time. These tracts are all contiguous! but may be cultivated seoerateiv. or thev mav be consolidated, and cultivated by one individual. Thev 1 t'..i .f. i . .. areiucsim a region v couniry man WDtcn there is none niorej healthy, and in the midst of I a"society unsur- paseu loriiuiwogtnct;, leunemeni anu nign moral excel lency. They 'will be sold on accommodating terms. Person? desirous of examining them are requested to can on tne suDscrmer at merasvuie. ! iii;; JOHN C. TAYLOR. t'Julyim'1844. ';!;. j, I r 36 : , ;r jj M- j-j. tf-;- Meritsvi to Oxford.! ij LOOK HERE! HAVING understood that it has been rumoured about the county that it was my intention to retire from business, I taj?e this means of informing , a limy old friends and custours, that 1 will leav for th North on the 16th inst.. fur- tiie imrpose of lavinc in a new- ami lied to i. sav: ivianv t - -.. , - . , . i t o . & r c w c i wupitJM aasonuieirt oi ucn eoooa h tare be su resiiectable neonle oner certificates in favor of veer Ex I .l:.M ... . . r . ! . . u pectoraht. 1 beheye that all your Medicines are the best ticjb , ,7-" " ,n7aV' .7, 1.. " preparations that have ever;. been offered to the public, rrt: 7. JZ1 7. i. " : V . " , . . for the relief of 'the afiSicted and the I' L M - , ""XZ ' "Tv. .C..""- ""S") . , M A ' 10-REOP. DISEASES." ! H . ! ! J V - ,i j 1 MARTIN FULDA Daniel Henshaw, Esq., Editor of the Lynn (Mass.) August 15, 184; !, jj .39 1 i i Record, says: "Jayne's Expectorant is a very valuable ' ' 1 1 1 ' - 1 ilM 1 ! ' ' Syrup, which we have lately usedwith good effect in i cnmiW U r T stopping a Cough and loosening and breaking up a cold. !LjIli l .ivcT. niuiui u. uruuiuru, oi ijarungion, jra. says mail -i it cured his son of CROUP in a few minutes. ! Ovp :T"h Ranrrnr (Met Vlnnrnal oaoo MA trial nf Tovna'a I . " o j M vw.'bi - . - - . j. i TAILORING. GR2CE & GOUI.D, osile MessilR.y. D. C. EfcrntUn Store. ' - " i tFz't M i Expectorant will satisfy all that it is a speedy cure, for TTTT AVE just received their monthly and quarterly re Coughs,, Colds, influenza, Asthma, Hoarseness, and all J1L jKrts ot Fashyns, and will continae to receive the re kinds of Pulmonary Aflections." i r ; j porta of all the changes and styles gentlemen wishmgafty 1 1 Mr; Ebenezer Wqlister, of Providence, (R. I.) was article in our line, &n now be supplied on the most rra cureil of.a severe ASTHMA by usinw five bottles. 'sonible terms. W assure the public that we have no Rev. Simeon Siegfried was cured of Influenza, a other, and will eniloy none but the most competent and Hoarseness, and a hard dry Cough, by one bottle. I j faithful journeymek, We return our acknowledcementa : Rev.! Dr..Babcock, of Pouwhkeepsie, says that know ing Dr. Jayne to be a. regular Physician, and having used his medicines personally and in his family, does not hes itate to commend them as safe and eminently useful medicines, and- a valuable addition to our Materia Me dica. "1:'. ; ; " M". -. ' : ! .'--:; . ! ! M to our old-customed for past favours, 'and desire a con tinuance ot public patronage we pledge ourselves i n re turn, to give gen'el satialaction. j tf- B. Cutting Gone at short notice' and warranted to fit if properly "madfe up. Directions for making will be I URAHVlLLE COUNTY' IN ICOniTV. Petition for the sale of the real estatjfe of James Smith! Seri'r. dee'd John'P. Smith. Wm. F. Smith and iifir '! : Rcv. John Segur, 6f Lambertsville,' New Jersey; who g'Vn, if desired. was suffering with a hoarseness and soreness of the . .. f r ' ; . lungs and throat, and a suffocating Asthma was cured STATE ofyORXII.CA.Il.OJLIJVja VJ uiic uuiiic i - r ; ,1 j : i r - I'Mr.iJ. L Simpkins says that it cured his wife of Con sunption, and one of his children of Hooping Cough. Rev. Jonathan Gdjng, D. D. President of Granville College, Ohio, says, " He was laboring under a severe Cold, Cough, and Hoarseness, and that his difliculty of breathing wasjso great that he felt himself in imminent danger of immediate suffocation, but was perfectly cured by using this Expectorant.' ! Mrs. Dilks. of Salem, N. J,; was cured of Asthma of 20 years' standing, by using iwo oouies oi tuis meuicine. Mrs. ward. also, ot a- h'm. was cured of thei same onmnlaint hv fioA Tuittloa I i Lewis u. J-evin, Ksq., ther distinguished advocate of "aJg uiaue uam txoruing to act oi Assembly in such :3- gainst LOCOFOCOISM' AND ABOLITIONISM. i A correspondent of the Concord (Massachusetts) Free man, itself a Locofoco Abolition paper, strongly urges the Abolitionists to amalgamate with the Locosin the ensuing Presidential election! j And the Kennebec (Maine) Journal declares that, in: that quarter, the f coalition" be tween the Locos arid the Abolitionists, though disguised, is complete. The leading Abolitionists, the Journal says, are circulating the tracts "issued by order of the Demo cratic members of Congress,1" and are doing all they can ts elect PolkJ uable Iiand For Salb. TW HE (subscriber offelrs the land on which he tiow . resides, k nown by the name of the Pullem Tract, containing 700 acres moi or less for sale, vith about, 400 acres-cleared, sufficient to work ten at t,we!ve hands to advantage situated threej and a half miles from Ox-I ford, adapted to the culture, of Corn, Wheat, Oats and 1 obacco-f-good water and an entire healthy situationJ t-- i ' u In n:i i. I i 1 ... i 1 ur. jyuiii iv. iik'hs says iue never Knewta case ot bilious) fever bu the plantation.1 The dwelling jhbuse has just been repaired good out houses, with apple! and peach orchards, j Those wishing to purchase will jdo well to call soon.; Terms will be made known upon application to iue suuscriuer, wuich viii ue reasonaoie. July 19, 1844. LLIAMSON PARHAM. 36 -; ,'V! i;!.':" tf ... Temperance, ! stated at a meeting of un wards of three thousand persons, that he should not have been able to address them, but for the use of "Jayne's Expectorant." He said that he had been laboring under a hoarseness and severe oppression of the chest, that he bad purchas ed some of -the Expectorant the day before,' which had relieved him in a few hours, and he found himself, con trary to his own expectation, able to address the mul titude. . t - M j; i ' ;i j ' ("The Proprietor could add hundreds of other names case made and provided, that all of the above named ueienaants reside Vithout the hmits of this State. It i therefore ordered tat publication be maIe in the Oxford Mercury for six successive weeks for the said defendante to appear at the nei't term of this Cour to be held at the Court House in lb$ Town of Oxford, on the first Mon day in September ext, and plead, answer, or demur to the said petition, otherwise the same will i be taken aa confessed by tbemand will be heard Exparte. I yv iiucBa, muui)is u. iuiiejonn, iera anu Master of equally resectable, .'who recommend Jayne's Expecto- the said Court of fiiquity, at Office, thei 14th da of M aX. a TAfwJE PARTICULAR NOTICE rTnilOMAS J. BOWDITCH having ran off from ALi the County of Grknvlile. leavins the Shun Ronk of PARHAM & BOWDITCH unsettled, this is to inform all persons indebted upon said Books to apply forthwith to L. A. PAfSCHALLi Esq., who has the said books and who is authorized to close all accounts A . i U . U .. t U : . 2.1 . . ,i- ,.-. . J, iii j .: i 1 uuo uivu;mcui, iuat ujcmiiic may uc eviueu wiiuuuiCOSl . Is it a knowledge ot these tacts that has induced the concerned that he may be found at his office on Wednesi i Enquirer recently to charge the Northern Whigs with "aya aad jSaturdays until said books are finally settled. . i : . o I .:j , i . ! . ., .:- ; T l.' unci rv t t-i a rant as superior to ALL O THER MEDICIXES for the cure of all the various Pulmonary diseases. DR. JAYNE'S II A I It TONIC, ! JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE, M JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS, JAYEN'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM, JAYNE'S HAIR DYE. . AH the above to Tie had at j R. fc!R. II. KINGSBURY'S. D., s : .1" ii 1st courting Abolition votosl Does it hope to conceal the coquetting of its own party with that faction, by imputing similar conduct to its opponents'! The old trick oi the rogue crying, "Stop Thief." rljl Oxford; Feb. 16, 184 LEWIS PARHAM.' 1 1 15 NORTH CAROLINA. GRANVILLE BOUNTY court of eqtjitv 1 James! Wyche, Ex'r.f of James Weathers) dee'd. and TEXAS. POLITICS. I The clecti6n for t President of Texas took place last Mondav. and the result will orobablv smm reach us. ; Tha . . " . I -rrn J i r u! r:u u Lt.i-L. i i '' rival candidates were Gen. Burleson and Anson Jones- 1 iig'"" us t ja at lavv ui rcaur r ireuwu, ure u., ucicuuauis 111 uiis case, the former in favor of the annexation of Texas to the others. Plaintiffs, against Edward Weathers, and others, from Jenny Original Bill" Defendants 1844. " THO&. B. LITTLE JO HINT. C 1 M V. May 17, 1844.-(Pr.dv. $5 62 J) j 26 6t i NO APOLOGY FOR WIGS ! I r . Please to read without prejudice ' the following com munications, ' whichf, in; addition to hundreds of others equally respectable should remove . the doubts of every reasonable person of the uniform: and singular, efficacy of Jayne's Hair Tonio. - : : " j- jt ." From the Rev George W. Eaton Professor in Hamilton Ltterary aud Theological Seminary; Madison Co NY. if" ' -v '- Hamilton, Feb. 15r 1840. 4 Dr. D. JaVne Dear Sir: 1 bad not finished the first bottle of your Hair Tonic, before a decided change was manifested over the bald part of the head to which ii was applied. A new growth of fine glossy hair, much like that of an infant, appeared, and has continued to in crease, 60 that I have had it cot two or three times. jM began the use of the Tonic with little at no faith that H would ever be successful on my head; and 1 was as pucn surprised as delighted when I saw the effect. You recollect the appearance' fo my head when in your office. I assure you the hair has been nearly, if not quite, an Stephen M. Danceand his wife Sarah James Ll Webb, James Mrtche!l,f Edward Mitctellland Alexander ! Mitchell, ElizaijCth R. Maddux and Ann Maddux John W. Smithy Augustus P. Smith, Thomas W. ! Smith and othery.M I i i Roiert B. Gilliam Wgent aiid attorney f the Petitioners North Cartlina9 ) Court ef Pleaa and Cluar ' Sarah Eastwood, M ) I ML JJ"M '--Sai4t-! I ' ' J Petition for Dower, i The Heirs orChi. Eastwood. ) . 1 p appearing td the satisfaction of the Court, that j Wil.ie Eastwood, one of the Defendants, resides beyond the limits lf the Slate,: it is ordered that publi cauon be made injjhe Oxford' Mercury, for six weeks successively, nolifling the said Willie. Eastwood, to be and CLuarter Se&nons, to be held fur the County of Granville, at the Court House in Oxford, un the firai Monday in Augutl next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur to tai petition, otherwise the san.e will be heard exparte to him,- and the prayer of the peti- V Witness, Jame M. Wiggins, Clerk of said Court at Office in Oxford, he first Monday of May, A D 1841 : --;"''-& '-! JAS- M- WIGGINS, Clerk. May 24, 1844. V(Pr. adv. SS62i) 28 6w 1 ENTEtiTAINJilENT THE Subscrer haying takeri be stand formerlT occupied as I Tavern bv Mrs. Rellamv in ih frt of jWarrenton,1 folhe tenn of six vearvplcdgea himself ,. " ""i i few uuue oi xumenainment lor k litw ui i chut nziiKJ.il. un, u uckuuiuis iu Luis I l . ,l. I I I i . . - . ;thn,JthA n,;ftt .hiA., anA o;,i.. nch 2 at the t'oe8 I haYe ha t cut, on those parts United States the latter against if.l' Jones, it is stated, thereof having, been rtadejby Robert B. Gilliam, Esq ! , u. ,.v wueu you saw me. ; i , , ' s . ! 9 .. .T. . . . T . I Resuectfullv vours.' &.C. ' Qeoshe W. P.jt.w .n.i..i i. ik. nA.n rn.n u.v.. i : raitornevj lc lor me t'laiBims oeioreine u.ierK anti iviaa. i 1 " i " , ' . 19 tuuuuiicu uj iu iuuucuu ui ucu. ixuusiuii. uufc 1 in I f . , - - - -- feiiera, oic, nu earnestly requeau that the old cus tomers of the hoifee will give hkn a call and judge for themselves. He s now read to acrnmmrlnt .f? i, . I .1: t Dcueveu iwk me gresuer popu.aniy oi ouneson wu eie , that pubUcation be ma in Ithe Oxford Mercury for nit mm. j ii seems strange taa nuusiuu, me negouaior oi successive weeks tor ihe saitl defendants to appear at the the treaty ot annexation with I y ler,- should be in lavor next term ot mis oaurE, w pe nenr at tne courthouse in So- of Jones, who, it is said, is not only opposed to annexa-' tion, but is in fayof of an alliance with England, and the establishment of a policy unfavorable to the U. States.! : "ii T. 1,1-M;; Another V BUT." The Richmond Enquirer; says? "But for t he miscalculations that were made in 1840, we ourselves would not entertain the slightest doubt of the election of Polk and Djillas:' "JSirf" having made these remarkable u miscalculrtions" in 1840, it ii said at least possible the same unfortunate blunders have been repeated. ' Very likely M ! ' i . . .. i ' ' i ' .i i i :' f -, . General Adrien Woll, the Mexican leader, is a French man. He was for some years in the service of the' United States, under General Scott, an is rather celebrated for bis pompous bearing, though not much : for personal courage.- the townl of j Oxford on thej first Monday of September nexi, anu pieaa, answer, orptsiour wj iue saiq diu. oiner wise the same will be taken; pro confesso, and be heard exparte as to inm. ; Mj . ' " ' II 1 Witness, T&omas Bj LiUlejohn, Clerk and Master of the said Uourtatomce tne ttn day ot July, 1644. I'M -rM .THUS. B. JU1T1L.EJUHN, c. M. e. f Juiy 19, li844. jiPradv.$3 6.) 2& 6t ! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF '- -- i - 1- ' .1 I ' .-...!.. 9 . ..... ri , - - t - - TO OR sbme months-past the subscriber has been seB. XIl ing Hs Piano Fojteaft a reduction of fifty dollars each' from his former Iprices. He ha on hand at. thu time from to 2(X Pi4nos bf different kinds, at prices varying frpn 250 to 600 dollars as well as a number of second hatded ones, Sit less prices. ; Sold subject to be reiurnea u nut gooa. From th4 Somerville CN. J.s Whiir. Some time since1 1 called upon Mr.' P. Mason, ol merviUe, for Dr. Jayne's celebrated HAIR TONIC, to Restore xny hair, which was then falling out daily . I pro cured oe bottle, and applied its contents according to tne directions, w hen the Dottle was exhausted I dia- puYcreu, iu my grca surorise anu sai tsiaction. itat the ti '.c 1.4' t t - ... . ;iouNG ciaia was starting nanusomeiy j-t therefore pur- :'...'! . .1 ' .'Ii t a ... - Ciiaseu aaomer, anu so on im i nad used three bottles. auu iiuvt, as a uuuijrciianuii, uiy iiair is as mica as ever, si And what is more surprising, my baldness was not occasioned by sickness, in which case there is greater nope oi restoration uui-w as ncreditary. - : !.. . ; M y-iV iuetnouisi xviinrster, 1 1 I I fiTunt Horeb, Somerset Co: N. J. may have the kin-Ines to favour bim with a call ;- Hia Bar shall be furat.hcj with the best Of Liqoora, and hia taJle supplied wiii every deKeacy which the market will auuiu.. uwu bij auenuve ustiers, snd an abundant supply of thebesf provender wUl always await the hor- w ui uia cusioma. f i ' ; - . I ; i! - PETER J. TURNBULL. 5tf TIT . . . j tvvarremon, a&y IMot, hi, 1843. ive nave givea Mr. TurnbuII a trial, recommend him to all those vhn un . and can safely I tinMiiat rvn. I qcartera, good livhig, and the kindest and most uniemit- ueg attenuon. Editor; ; i . 5. : Ju LI una 14 1844. E. P. NASH ' i Petersburg, Va. ;! ! J Pbh.a Delphi a. av 10. lffl- Dr. Jayne Dear Sir s I feel that I can hardlv av enough in . favour of your Hair Tonic Mr hair hA 'a r 1 1 r r t f- t . ' - . . Deen laumg on lor aoout two yean, and had become ver thin," threatening speedy baldness when 1 j i i . . . ... usmg youi remeuy, u aoout fne weei it ceased to fall on. t nave used rt now for about three months, and uavo aa ion ana ifuc. m nead ot nair as I can posaibly Vv... invmiiinHRTu iva use o a uumDer oi my 1 , MERCURY t Will be issnedi very Frulay at Thbxe Douaaa per Annum, pay able in advance. y . ; Persons forwarding five subscril rs, with the amount for aaid nambersshail receive a copy of our paper gratia. i AnyeaTisEMitKTs. -One dollar for every 14 lines, and 25 cenU for aeh succeeding insertion. . i , . i ICourt orders ari Judicialadvertisements will be charg ed 25 per cent higher. , . ; i f A liberal deduction will be made in favosrof adver tisers by the yeUr. , j s: '-.?:- i- -i 13r All letters to the Editor must coma froe of Post ae t9 insure uii-niioi. i I ' .1- wrr A r r.iv W -? i M" 1 i i 4 .r 4f