PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS LETS ALL BOOST OXFORD FOR A BIGGER BETTER OXFORD VOL. I. OXFORD, N. C.,;DFXEMBER 2, 1921 NO. 4 CAPTAIN WINSTON TAYLOR HAS HIS SAY Speaking for Coach Livingood's "Wildcats," I want to say that the team was greatly disappointed when news came that Chapel Hill had can celed Saturday's game. We were "rearing" for one more chance to show the citizens of Oxford how much we appreciate the generous and faith ful support they have given us finan cially and morally. No team ever had a finer school nor a finer town to fight for. That's the truth. Next year we hope to bring home "the ba con" in the shape of the state cham pionship. We know that we can count on you to back us up. Despite the fact that hard luck camped on our trail this season, this has been the best football year in the history of the school. We have scor ed a total of 65 points. Of the 48 points scored against us during the season, 31 were made in the first game before we had been whipped into shape. That promises fairly well for future success, doesn't it? Of course we are going to have to count on losing three of our best men, Ernest Mitchell, Ivy Allen, and Sid ney Taylor, but we are training some more fellows to take their places. All in all, our prospects look pretty good for next year. Now a word about the physical di rector who has taught us to "bite 'em hard" but always to play fair. The school board calls him "Mr. Liv ingood." We call him "Bill," and .we always add "He's the stuff." Bill is just one of the boys when he comes out on the field to play. He puts "punch" and "pep" into his game and he inspires us to do the same. All of us want to make good for old Q. H. S. and "Bill" leads the gang. Respectfully submitted, Winston Taylor A VISIT FROM ALASKA Did you know that cabbages weigh thirty pounds in Alaska? And that the biggest baseball game of the Alas kan season begins at midnight and sometimes lasts until three in the morning? Honest now, did you? Well, neither did we until we heard that remarkable man and preacher, Archbishop Fred Drane, who, in an all too brief visit to'our school told us about the fascinating 'land of the mid-night sun" where he has lived for the past seven years. With all due respect to our text books, we learned more about the arctic coun try from Archbishop Drane in twen ty minutes than we have gleaned from our geography books in several week) of more or less patient digging. No wonder they want to keep Archbishop Drane in Alaska. Why, he is a regular fellow. He has the friendliest grin in the world and the trick of making folks like him the first shot out of the box. Young I looking, too, although he admits to being a classmate of our eminently dignified and highly respected fellow townsman, Mr. Gus Graham. HONORING MRS. GLASGOW Mrs. R. M. Kay was hostess to a very smart party Tuesday afternoon honoring Mrs. A. L. Glasgow. Mrs. Glasgow compliments Oxford by choosing it for her home during the fall months. Her many friends are always sorry to lose her when she accompanies her husband to Kentucky for the late winter and early spring. DE. HAYS LEADS THE WAY ! I)lTI(;t FORMKR CITI h ft ZEN SHOWS FINK SPIRIT When a man like Dr. Hays say jic- la iuuu ui us, we uil. ill must, piuuu of ourselves. Fellow stuaents an) ""ited by one of our most thought citizens of Oxford, we invite you tai ful and learned readers. It brings read the following letter. It speak)! ; UP an interesting point in English for itself and for its generous grammar; one upon which authori thor in far more telling languagi' ties differ. Study it carefully, pull than we can command. All together (,own your grammars, and look it fellows, make it a big one nine rah! UP- Aftr yu have formed an opin for Dr. Hays! We'll say he know i ion. Pass it on to us. We will be what good citizenship means! pleased to publish it. The Editors Some years ago the following gram Oteen, N. C, Nov. 19, 1921 i matical "Mary Ann" was proposed, Mr. Edwin Shaw, not as a bore, but as a real study in Editor-in-Chief The Tattler, English, involving as it does, sound Oxford, N. C. j detective work in the grammar. My Dear Edwin: . In Gray.g KUgu , a Country Congratulations. Your paper , araveyard is the famous line: "And ine xauier, is not only a credit to you, and to your entire staff, but to the school and to the town. I will go further; it is a credit to the State. It was very kind in you to send me a copy, and I have asked Mrs. Dela croix to pay you fifty cents for my subscription. But I want to do more than this to show my appreciation of j 8Uch a Ed thing. I j I especially like the signed "articled ! written by the students. It occurs t me that ten dollars offered in prizvJ for such articles might help the cause:!1 say five dollars for the best article,! three for the second best and one j dollar each for the third and founh , best You would have to appoint a com mittee to pass upon such articles. This, however, is just a suggestion. The point is that I want to contri bute ten dollars to the success of the paper, and if there is any other way in which it can be used to better ad- vantage, it will be satisfactory to me dies, and dolls of every price and de to have you do so. scription will be offered for sale. T will ho crlaH to send vou short ar- Don't miss this chance to get lovely tides from time to time. Wishing "The Tattler," with its Addison, Swift and Steele, a long and successful career, I am, Sincerely yours, Benj. K. Hays CANDIDA GIVEN BEFORE LARGE AUDIENCE Candida, generally accepted as one" of George Bernard Shaw's best pro ductions, was presented by the Shakespeare Playhouse, of New York, to a large and appreciative audience last Wednesday evening. This play, given at" the new High School audi torium, was a little late in starting because the electrical fixtures had to be arranged. The play was fully ap preciated by all lovers of fine drama. Out of the two hundred dollars door receipts the Athletic Association re ceived about fifty-one dollars toward the much-needed warm showers. The Shakesneare Plavhouse was so well pleased with the results of Candida, that they decided to stay ov er another day and present Ibsen's. A Doll's House. Although the town as a whole did not turn out to see this play it was an excellent perfor mance. The Shakespeare Playhouse is thinking of returning to Oxford next spring. Let's all do our best to get them back. J. W. r Miss Ida Jackson, of Stovall, spent the week-end wit'h Miss Mary Landis. AIR OR STILLNESS WHICH DID GRAY MEAN TO BE THE SUBJECT OF HIS FA MOUS SENTENCE? The following article has been sub- , a; the air soemn stillness holds." Point out the subject of this sentence. Is it "Air" or "Stillness?" One hun dred prominent persons: authors, scholars, and literati, were asked by letter to give their opinion. Thirty nine declared in favour of one of the words, and twenty-nine in favour of the other word. Twelve could not decide. Gray would know, if alive, but his address is doubtful. Examine the sentence carefully, recall what you have forgotten, the world is free, and grammars are a plenty. If there is sufficient interest, a few re- plies from the puzzled great ones will be published in due time, Clericus ..' METHODIST LADIES TO HAVE BAZAAR Tuesday, December tJ, has been set as the date for the bazaar to be held by the ladies of the Methodist Church in the Lyon Memorial Building. Fan cy work of all kinds, delectable can- Christmas things at a moderate price. PARTY FOR MISS FLORA Miss Virginia Flora, the charming house guest of Mrs. W. H. Hunt, was the honoree at a bridge party given by Mrs. J. C. Dairson Monday after- noon. Quite a number of parties have bwn piannei in Miss Flora's honor. WELL, ARE WET Folks, are we appreciative? "For what?" you ask. Answer: Our great advantages. Your parents and mine probably got their elementary schooling in .n one-room, one-teacher country school. You and I are getting ours in an up-to-the-minute building at th hands of efficient teachers as the state affords. Your father and mine trudged over several nfiles of rough road in good weather and bad. You and I travel over a few blocks of well-paved street or make the journey to school in a com fortable, weather-tight truck. Your parents and mine very likely spent the long hours of the school day or. back-breaking benches. Yb'u and I have scientifically constructed desks. Folks, are we appreciative? Madison Usry Mrs. C. W. Bryan, Mrs. R. R. Her ring, Linwood Bryan. d Miss Ber nice Usry motored to Lynchburg to spend Thanksgiving with Miss Ruth Bryan who is a student at Randolph-Macon. WORLD HOPES FOR PEACE The hopes of the entire world are centered on the Disarmament Confer ence. Everyday the hopefulness of those who long for a lasting, world wide peace increases. President Harding warned the American people not to expect impossibilities from this conference, but believing that we are entitled to expect some substantial benefits from this conference, our hopes still center on it. The reaction from the World War has been a bitter disappointment thus far. The people of the United Statts, or at least the majority of them, were only reconciled to engage in the World War, in the hope and belief that it would end war. Possibly there was not much reason for that belief, but it had a tremendous effect just the same. The second hope and belief that animates the majority of the people, was that immediately following the world war, there would be a return of world-wide prosperity. It was argued, with some plausibility, that the war having caused great waste, there would naturally be a tremen dous demand to replace these wasted articles, and the United States hav ing the greatest resources from which to supply these demands, would profit more than any other nation. American people have been disap pointed in both of these hopes. The Paris peace conference was dominat ed by the same selfish old world ma terialism that has ruled peace con- venting war, it seems to have brought up many things, which will cause bloodshed unless the situation quick ly changes. Instead of disarming, the nations have gone on preparing greater armaments than ever before and scientists have devised new and more, horrible methods of slaughter. With these discouraging reports of past failure in view, is it not nat ural that we should expect some ben efit and new ideas from the Disarma ment Conference, now in session at Washington, D. C? Bessie Faulkner GOOD CITIZENSHIP Our best type of citizenship is found in the individual who has a rev erence, for his home town and always boosts it, who has a proper regard for his state and its institutions; who has the highest regard for principle, who merits the respect of law-loving and law-abiding people; who loves his country's flag, and over and above ! all recognizes the God of nations, and : believes in the doctrine that, "Right eousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Bessie Faulkner I IVEY ALLEN ENTERTAINS FOOT i BALL TEAM I Coach Livingood and the 'Varsity football team announce that Ivey Allen is "the stuff." It seems that Ivey, assisted by his mother and sis ter, gave one of the jolliest parties of the season when he entertained the famous "Wildcats" Saturday S night. Each member of the team was arromnanied bv his best girl, of course. At the close of two hours of fun, delicious "eats" were served. Mrs. B. L. Reynolds, of Raleigh, i visiting Mrs. C. A. Upchurch. Mrs. George Catlett, of Raleigh, is the guest of Miss Frances Mitchell.

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