Jichard H. Thornton Library Oxford, Vortfi Carolina PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS LET'S ALL BOOST OXFORD FOR A BIGGER, DETTEROXFORD VOL. I. OXFORD, N. C, DECEMBER 9, 1921 NO. 5 v CAPTAIN -FILLMORE TALKS ABOUT AVIATION SY IT I TIIK MOST FASOVAT (JUIK IN TIIK WOULD Not many of us are likely soon to forget Capt. Bill Fillmore, the "bird man," who camped just outside our city walls for several thrilling weeks and deserted us only a few days ago for Henderson. For some of us, Capt. Fillmore's ship afforded our first glimpse of a plane in action. For many more, it provided the first rea sonable opportunity to taste the joy of a new species of tnal de met: There is something jaunty and debonair about spreading one's wings and scouring the earth. A good many Oxonians proved that they were will ing to be separated from five bucks to experience the sensation. But to return to Capt. Fillmore: Ic seems that by assiduous scouting a round, Edgar, alias "Old Sleuth" Reece, struck up quite an acquain tance with the airman. "Old Sleuth" is capable of luring a stone man into conversation of a violent character. At any rate, here is what Reece says Capt. Fillmore said: "Everybody remembers how com paratively a few years ago, the auto mobile was looked upon as a high priced toy, not likely to be of much practical use either for pleasure or business. A year or so ago the aero plane was regarded with even more doubt. Owing largely to its use dur ing the World War, it is now rapidly becoming standardized. The good year 1921 finds it in dally v, tarry ing mail, express, and passengers, pa trolling, mapping, advertising, and performing hundreds of other ser vices which can be done with more ease and dispatch than by any other method. "What is to be the future of this man-made machine which rivals the bird in swiftness and mastery of the air? It is not an exaggeration to say that new uses for the plane arc being found every day. It is now proposed to fly to the North Pole. "Research work is going on and ex periments are being made in sustain ing planes on the new aerodynamic system which may, if the commercial application proves successful, bring down running cost to an almost revo lutionary extent. "Much interest in flying circles is centered in the progress of Profes sor Raimund Neinfuhr, the Austrian scientist. His theory is that we can not attain the fullest efficiency in fly ing until we are able to imitate me chanically the methods of birds and insects. A pulsating wing is the chief feature of the Neinfuhr theory. Com mercially, the wing will be hollow with a flexible membrane forming the underneath side; inside air bags will be operated by an air-compressing ap paratus that permits them to be' fill ed and emptied very rapidly. As the wing moves through the air, a cush ion of compressed air is formed un derneath it. The pulsating action (i. e. emptying and filling the bags) communicated to the lower side of , the wing imports vibration to the lower side. , This gives not only sus taining, but propelling, force. It is claimed by the friends of this theory that air screws (propellers) will ev entually be done away with. A plane using the wing just described would need only 10 horsepower, whereas the type of plane in use today entails an expenditure of 200 horse power This principle applied to my ship would enable it to carry four passengers bes-ide the pilot. A powerful syndi cate in the United States is behind Professor Neinfuhr and his experi ments. "Strange to say, the United States is the least advanced of the big na tions in commercial aviation. This is because capital in America is not yet supporting aviators as it should. This attitude of capital results from the fact that there is no real public de mand for air transportation because the means of creating public confi dence through actual operation, i. e., a department of aviation with a back ground of national legislation fixing legal responsibility and liability and regulations for controlling operations and personnel are non-existent. Ae roplanes should be required to carry licenses and should be inspected as to their air worthiness several times a year. Pilots should have somewhat the same status as that of the captain of a steamship. A large majority of accidents and deaths is due to inexpe rienced pilots and planes that are not air-worthy. Figures based on civil ian flying in England show that pas sengers have 66,666 chances to one of surviving a trip through the air. Laws pertaining to aviation are very stringent in England. "Last year out of 37 accidents, the United States government analyzed 22 per cent as being due to "stunt ing"; engine trouble 16 per cent; ad verse weather conditions 13 per cent. "Th general impression is that hU bout $583,000,000 was returned to the federal treasury. The net cost of our aeronautical endeavor during the war was a little over $598,000,000. National legislation with the use of some of this returned money as sun lions of dollars were spent for air craft during the war and that the production program was a colossal failure. Of the amount available, a sidies for commercial aviation as i the case in foreign countries would have prevented the many failures of commercial aviation companies in the United States. Fully 95 per cent of all such enterprises in Virginia and the Carolinas have failed in the past two years. The majority of peop!e who consider taking an aeroplane ride have visions like the darkey soldier in France who always said when he went over the top, 'Good morning, Lord!' National legislation will cor rect this impression." CHRISTMAS GLTTS AT BAPTIST PARSONAGE If you want something dainty and distinctive but not too expensive for that very special and particular friend, call at the Baptist parson age Friday afternoon and look over the lovely Christmas things on sale there. We guarantee you will find something which will please the most fastidious. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY MEETS WITH MRS. OGLESBY The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. S. R. Oglesby on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. R. Hall was leader and pre sented a most interesting program on Brazil. Following the study hour, a social hour was enjoyed and dainty refreshments were served. A. G. B. i THE BIBLE AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOL 'i For a number of years one of the '.ost fundamental questions confront ing patrons of the public schools has f bi-en: Shall the Bible be taught in our public schools? It is manifestly impossible that any 'one teacher should find her religious (tiews in absolute accordance with those of all the children whom she ; eaches. Consequently the state has 'eemed it unwise to include the study f ; ie Bible in the public school cur ilum. Nevertheless, many Protes ' t parents have realized that their , !dren are being defrauded of their , st sacred inheritance because of ban on Bible pedagogy in the i u ilic schools. I The problem has at last been solv- ftd by an experiment which has al Iready been tried out and proved suc cessful in Durham, Raleigh, and oth- er representative cities in North Car olina as well as in Virginia. The plan is to give the student credit for work done in his own Sunday school. Thus he receives religious instruc tion from one of his own denomina tion and, in most cases, from a spe- Icially trained teacher. As a result. "boys and girls are encouraged to put fcareful study on the best of all books V- i - the only book that is aoie to mane ?!us wise unto salvation. Ij Jack Usry it 4 1 IDLE COMMENT BY THE AUTHOR . .( idly pwuler-by an idly burn ing (iic, and as I think how idle it would be to peruse Caesar's 350th Gallic war, I idly decide to take my pen in hand and comment idly upon sum of the things that every now end then drift idly into my idle mind. For instance, there's Frank Slaugh ; ter. But it is absolutely useless for i nie to trVtmment on n'm because ! whenever I think of Frank, I can t I figure how in the world he manage I to get such high marks, when I study ! twice as hard as he of course (of 'course). J Well, there's Miss Harriss; but ! evcrytime I think of her, I feel like i a Bolshevik. Rpd jacket, red sash, ' red hat, red feathers, and J. D.'s red Ford! No inspiration here! Of course, I'd like to comment on Frances Jackson's eyes; but gracious me! She won't comb her hair out of her face. I can't see through that barrage. That's what she gets by i having her hair bobbed nobody but Tig to investigate her occulars! Now, Mr. Barnhart, ought to le good subject matter. Great! I'll write on why I think he should be al lowed to teach school. Say, I wonder why he doesn't shave oft his side whiskers. Shucks! I've gotten clear ofT the track. Such is life! i How about Mr. Livingood? I'll try him. But first, why in the world doesn't that man talk civilized? Why can't he say "students" instead of "stoodents," and talk like an educat ed fellow ought to talk like Mr. Barnhart for instance? Great Cae sars! Why didn't you stp me? I'm not getting anywhere. Ho, hum! I'm rrtting sleepy. Guess I might as well study my Latin here goes! All gall is divldeJ into three parts the one of which ! P. S. If the editors publish this mess, they're an idle bunch of er er editors. The Author CRITICISM OF CURRENT POETRY For the benefit of some of our read ers who are of a literary turn of mind we will publish in this space from time to time a criticism of cur rent poetry. A recent work which has evoked considerable favorable comment is Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tale. These tales, although not quite up to The Tattler's literary standard, we have judged worthy of comment here because the author shows such i marked improvement over writing of the vem libre school. There is such a superfluity of inferior work be ing produced just at this time that it is really a pleasure to find some thing a little above the average, ev en though it has no particular mer it. The following passage with its translation will serve to illustrate th' literary style of the man: "But greet harm was it, as it thoughte me, That on his shine a mormal hadd'.e he; For blankmanger, that he make with the best." In the vernacular this reads: "But it was great pity, as it seemed to me, that he had a bad sore on his skin; he made minced chicken as well as the best." This passage serves to bring out three characteristics which perade all his works; namely, his tine literary style, his remarkable versatility and his keen appreciation of the intellect of his reader. The above passage brings out all these qualities to advantage. As to his fine literary style there can be no doubt. Which of his contemporaries can de velop such a .sensible thought and yet in such an elevated style that it makes the reader feel as if he were in love or under the influence of much good wine? His versatility is sug gestive of the earlier influence of the renaissance. What other poet of the modern school can combine such deli cate subjects as a broken skin and a chicken pie and immediately pass on to such an entirely different subject as Chaucer does when he continues his discourse in this manner. "There was a thoroughly religious man, a parish priest," etc. And he goes on with his narrative in the same elevat ed style. Surely such ability should be recognized in the columns of a progressive pai.-r like ours. One other quality we have not dis cussed is his appreciation of the in tellectual ability of his reader. Cer tainly it takes only an average intel ligence to recognize the relation be tween a sore skin and a chicken pie. We will not offend the dignity of our readers by attempting to explain the difference. It is so evident that it needs no explanation. If Chaucer is proficient in the other two quali ties, he is supremely pre-eminent in this one and we should all be flat tered by his high estimate of our lit erary taste. Let us have more from the pen of this rising star in the literary firma ment. Ivey Allen THANK YOU, MR. PEELE When one editor extends the glad hand to another editor, then is there time for Rejoicing. The entire staff of The Tattlec wish to thank Rev. Bob. Peele of Clarksville, for his words of kindly criticism. Long may his banner wave! I