dfUr Oxford, NojtfytiaroIIna 7 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS LET'S ALL BOOST OXFORD 5 FOR A BIGGER, BETTER OXFORD VOL. I. OXFORD. N. C, APRL 7, 1922 NO. 21 THE HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY The Parents-Teachers Association requested that we publish a list of the books most needed by the high school library, in order that many of our patrons and friends may give books which we do not already have. We are glad to say that through the book showers the library has increased from about 300 to over 700 volumes. This gives a sufficient number of vol- umes of poetry, history and fiction to meet the state requirements, and ref- j erence books are most needed now. The school will thankfully accept! any suitable book donated, but books ! or reierence, on any pnase 01 science, geography, biography, travel, mis sions and Christianity are most need ed. The following reference books are named by the high school inspector 'cn Bcok Co. $1.25. as necessary, but our library does Lytton, Edward Bulwer. Last Days net yet have them. The prices men- : of Pompeii. Little. $1.00. tioned after the names are the ap- j Creasy, Sir. E. S. The Fifteen De proximate prices, and most of them ; cisive Battles of the World. Harper, can be purchased from a dealer or $1.25. direct from the publisher. I Green, J. R. Short History of the American Year Book. Appletbn. I English People. American Book Co. $3.00. ! $1-20. Rl U T 1 I awlotr I Ann m omiliai1 mi atQ. tions. Little. $3.00. Crabb, George. English Synonyms. Harper. $1.25 Funk and Wagnalls' New Standard Dictionary of the English Language. Funk. $14.00. Gayley, C. M. Classic myths in Kpp-lish Literature and Ju Att,.Gmn. $1.50. German Dictionary. Cassel. $1.50. Harper's Latin Dictionary. Amer ican Book Company. $G.50. Lewis, C. T. Elementary Latin Dictionary. American Book Com pany. $2.00. Rand, McNally & Co. Pub. New Im perial Atlas of the World. Rand. $1.75. Shepherd, W. R. Historical Atlas. (American Hist. Series) Holt. $2.50. Who's Who in America. A Bio graphical Dictionary of Notable I ivirg Men and Women of the United States. Ed. by A. N. Marquis (biennial). Marquis. $5.00 (Not required in cccredited schools, Class B.) Beveridge, A. J. The Young Man and the World. Funk. $1.75. Blackford, Katherine. The Job, the Man, and the Boss. Doubleday, $1.50. Briggs, L. B. R. Girls and Educa- I tion. Houghton. $1.00. Canfield, J. H. College Student and his Problems. Macmillan. $1.00. Ccoper, C. S. Why Go to College? j Century. $1.50. Engleman, J. O. Moral Education in School and Home. Sanborn. $1.75. j Franklin, Benjamin. Poor Richard's Almanac and other papers. (Riverside Literature Series) Houghton. 15c. Gannett, W. E. Blessed be Drudg ery. Pott. ( Board j) 35c. Janv?, William. On Some of Life's Ideals. Holt. 50c. Johnson, F. W. The Problems of Boyhcod. Univ. Chicago Press. $1.00. Lorimer, G. H. Letters from a Self-made Merchant to His Son. Grosset. 75c. Paine, IL- E. Girls and Women. Houghton. 75c. 1 Parsons, Frank. Choosing a Vo cation. Houghton. $1.00. Richard -on, A. S. The Girl Who Earns Her Own .Living. Rickey. $1.00. Smith, H. L. Your Biggest Job, School or Business. Appieton. $1.00. Sterrett, Mrs. ,11. E. The Charm of Fine Manners.' Lippincott. $1.00. p $i 00 1 1 Weaver, E. W. and Byler, J. F. Profitable Vocations for Boys. Barnes. ! 1,uu Wilson, C. D. Working One's Way through College and University. Mc Clurg. $1.00. McCauley, T. B. Lays of Ancient Rome and Other Poems. Merrill. 30c. WaUace( Lew Ben Hur: A Tale of th(? chrjst Grogset. 75c, WhUe j g (Editor) piutarch. punam j 75 Bryce, James. Holy Roman Empire (Revised). Macmillan. $1.50. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Abr. ed. Amer- 1 VI ttl ICI1, 41. . UlUI 113 1 I Will 111,11011 1 " History. Heath. 80c. n.snnt. Sir Walter. Storv of Kinc A,fmL Appieton. 35c. Firth, C. H. Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England. Putnam. $1.50. Freeman, E. A. William the Con queror. Macmillan. 75c. im IchadjL.E. Florence Nightin gale, the Angel ol the Crimea. Ap pieton. $1.25. Singmaster, Elsie. Martin Luther. Houghton, $1.00. Humphrey, Grace. Women in Amer ican History. Bobbs. $1.50. Antin, Mary. The Promised Land. Houghton. $1.75. Brooks, E. C. Woodrow Wilson as President. Row. Oilman, Bradley. Robert E. Lee. Macmillan. 50c. Riis, Jacob. The Making of an A merican. Macmillan. $2.00. Root, J. C. Nathan Hale. Mac millan. 50c. Scudder, H. E. George Washington. Houghton. 60c. Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln. Houghton. $1.00. Thwaites, R. G. Daniel Boone. Appletcn. $1.00. Andrews, M. R. S. The Perfect Tribute. Scribner. 50c. ' Fox, John. The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. Grosset. 75c. Hale, E. E. The Man Without a Country. Little. 50c. Allen, W. C. North Carolina His- tcry Stories. B. F. Johnson, Richmond, Connor, R. D. W. Makers of North Carolina History. Thompson Pub. Co., Raleigh. Hill, D. II. Young People's History of North Carolina. Alfred Williams & Co., Raleigh. Benezet, L. P. World War and What Was Behind It. Scott. 60c. Empey, Arthur Guy. Over the Top. Putnam. $1.50. Hagedorn, Hermann. You are the Hope of the World. Macmillan. 50c. Van Dyke, Henry. Fighting for Peace. Scribner. $1.25. Wilson, Woodrow. Why We are at War. Harper. 50c. Wilson, Woodrow. The New Free dom. Doubleday. $1.00.' Bishop, Farnham. Story of the Sub marine. Century. $1.00. Daniels, F. H. Furnishing of a Modest Home. Atkinson. $1.00. j Harrison, Newton. Making Wire i le s Outfits spon. 50c. '.lolland, R. S. Historic Inventions. J? robs. $1.50. ! Xennelly, A. E. Wireless Telegra phy and Wireless Telephony. Moffat. : 25. 1 Williams, Archibald. Romance ot . Mcnlern Invention. Lippincott. $1.50. burroughs, John. Birds and Bees ai'd Other Studies in Nature. Hough i t.- . GOc. Burroughs, John. Squirrels and Cchtr Fur Bearers. (School edition). : Ii mghton. GOc. j Comstock, J. H. Insect Life (new j e .). Appieton. $2.00. Brcoks, E. C. Education for De- n xracy. Rand. $1.50. j Miller, I. E. Education for the ; Nerds of Life. Macmillan. j Betts, G. H. he Mind and its 1 ducation. Appieton. $1.25. Carlyle, Thomas. Heroes and Hero j V'orship. Houghton. GOc. Cody, Sherwin (comp). Selections fiom the Best English Essays. Mc- j ( urg. $1.00. j Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the j 1 .eakfast Table. : Ford, P. L. (comp). Great Words , : om Great Americans. Putnam. 75c. ! Harding, S. B. (comp). Select Ora j t ns, Illustrating American History, j Macmillan. $1.25. j Richardson, C. F. (comp). Daniel I V'ebster for Young Americans. Lit 1 t 1. 50c. Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on Public I J; -o.-tions. Long. 4 ;Wn. E. C.,"ierh School D.-bate Book. (Ed. 4) McClurg. $1.00. Shurter, E. D. Both Sides of One Hundred Questions, Briefly Debated. Hinds. $1.40. Thomas, R. W. Manual of Debate. American Book Co. 50c. Watkins, D. E. Public Speakintr for High Schools. American Book Co. 75c. LINDSAY TAYLOR BETrER Lindsay Taylor, alias "Kink," alias "everybody's friend," is convalescing rfter a rather trying illness. Ev erybody is hoping that "Kink" will sorn b abcut again. This old town can't spare him off the job of cheer ing up the rest of us long enough to have an honest-to-goodness ill ness. MISS NINA COOPER GRADUATES Oxford takes a pardonable pride in the fact that Miss Nina Cooper has recently been graduated from the University, a good two months ahead of her class. And there was a time when it was feared that women might :;ot prove able to stand the "intel lectual pace" set by their brothers! "What's the matter, little boy?" asked the kind-hearted old gentleman ef the youth who was yelling lustily. "Boo hoo, boo hoo," sobbed the boy. "Come, come," soothingly said the old gentleman. "Don't mind, don 1 mind." "I didn't," shrieked the boy, "an' that's what I got licked fur!" "Now," said the Principal, to one of the pupils at the close of the lesson in which he had touched on the hor rors of war, "do you object to wa', my boy?" "Yes, sir, I do," was the fervent answer. "Now tell us why." "Because," said the youth, "wars make history an' I jest hate history." DR. SANGER MAKES EXCELLENT ADDRESS IHTI.;1 ISI1KII KIUCATOH OI- VIHUIMA TALKS Alio IT TKAfll I ; At A I. IKK rnuKKsiiu Our school had a distinguished vis itor Monday morning in the person of Dr. W. T. Sanger, editor of the Virginia Journal of Education, and former dean of Harrisburg Normal School and of Bridgewater College. Dr. Sanger is fortunate in possess ing pleasing personality. We likd him from the moment he utlc-el his first sentence. Perhaps that was partly because he chose such an ad mirable point of departure for hi, remarks. Dr. Sanger began by say ing he read and liked The Tattler. Naturally we were disposed to listen with favor to anything that he had to say. "Teaching," said Dr. Sanger i i part, "is the most universal of pro fessions. Everybody teaches more or less." Dr. Sanger went on to show that teaching is the most important of all professions. More than the lawyer, the doctor, more than the preacher perhaps, the teacher touch es and shapes the life of the individ ual and the nation. How important it is then that the teacher should bj thoroughly prepared for her respon sible work. Dr. Sanger listed for ui what he called the three indispensable qualifications of a teacher: good health, a love for nwinV nnd mis sion for knowledge. It is not every day that a man like Dr. Sanger comes our way. We are genuinely grateful to Mr. Barn hart for giving us the opportunity to make the acquaintance of a man who in fifteen minutes could inspin us to reach upward and onward to ward the better things of life. MRS. BARNHART GIVES RECITAL On Monday evening in the chapel of the Oxford College, Mrs. Barn hart, assisted by Mrs. Blount Bryan, gave her voice recital. As usual Mrs. Barnhart charmed and delighted .1 very large audience of music loving Oxonians. Mrs. Barnhart divided her programme into two parts, the first from the French and Italian, and the second from the English school. Each song was rendered with a richness and finish, that only a contralto of qual ity can give. Mrs. Bryan particular ly captivated the audience with her skillful rendition of a number of well known violin solos. Mrs. Woodall, in structor of voice at Oxford College, accompanied both ladies at the piano, in her usual skillful manner. ! EPIDEMIC RAMPANT j We have noticed lately among the j high school pupils a peculiar phe- I nomenon in the region of their faces, which is manifested by a dazzling brightness. An official board of in quiry, like the ones that Congress de lights in, was appointed and the cause of the epidemic was found to have come from Mr. Barnhart's wholesale distribution of Colgate's tooth paste and soap. The tooth paste and soap were in sample form, and were not intended as a reflection upon the ap pearances of the pupils, but as a com pliment. If you haven't gotten yours see Mr. Barnhart, and sign the pledge to make water and soap your closest friend.