re- - " V : ' Richard H. Thornton Library Oxford, North Carolina PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS LET'S ALL BOOST OXFORD FOR A BIGGER, f ZJTER OXFORD OXFORD, rf.4flWATh9. 1922 VOL. I. NO. - OXFOIU HOY HAS HOMK-MADK UAIMO Picks Up Musical Concerts in rills-Imt-K Willi Homo Outfit K.V I'.rXTOX MlIYF-TTE. I Chapel Hill. April 2!. To have the I oportunity f listening to musical con- I vrts in Pittsburg and New York here ' in North Carolina over a radiophone j constructed by a 14-year-old y at a i ost of .$."0 might jHissilily In sicken of as an unique exjiorionce. J On my way to tin University, pass ing through Oxford. I learned of a set built ly It. C. M. Calvert of that town. Naturally Interested in this new de velopment of science, and esp- hilly in the faet that the set was built ly an Nth grade high school hoy. I went around to his home to see it and to Hud out what results lie was obtaining. The radio program began at S o'clock and dosed with the weather rejMirfs from Arlington at 10. The first station we picked up was l'lttsburg. The Instruments were tuned up to different broadcasting stations by delicate mechanism which Calvert manipulated at a mere twist of his hand. As clearly and distinctly as if we had Ik'OH in a big receiving station we heard a musical program, consisting of solos, bugle concerts, and "veil a hvture on the Einstein theory. Tiring m .t .1.1., . .. . . I I.. oi I lie more classical iye oi music in the "Smoky City." we tuned up to New I York and were refreshed with n little , . , CaWert became lntereie,! JiMtilp telegrajihs four and ii li'alf yenrs 'fljrh At that time he purchased and con structed a set at a cost of $1.". which pntveil fairly satisfactory. Since that time he has had six sets, improving on each set. He const ructed over half of the instruments which lie used and bought the rest from Sears lloebuck and Company. According to "Cray" n set ea ii be built for practically a nomi nal sum If one knows the right instru ments to huy. He can tune up to nny station in the eastern part of the United States, and enjoys radio pro grams every night. His room has be-i-oine a community center. A jiersonal license for one year, and a station license for two years for amateur transmitting was granted him by the government some time back. His station was designated by the nuni Ikts mid letters 4 MA. Ity careful observation he i-nn fore tell the weather for the next day. I rouicmlKT that the night I was at his home, he commented on a big storm raging out near Pittsburg. Tills was proved by the story which the morning liiKrs carricl. Weather onditions can bo told by the rumblings ami growl ings caused by the atmospheric condi tions on the set. He is planning to enlarge and make more t-omph'te his set during the coming months. O. IIK.MtY CJLKK CLl ll . HOW 1 INC SUCCF.SS Tlio O. Henry Ch-e Club, which gave its maiden crforman-e last Friday inomhig. was literally a hmrlimj sue "Mouth" ;ill. Pud." Smith. "T" Hoys tor. r'ShowMies.' I'.unt" Jacksot. "P.asso Profundo" Aven-tt. Kill Hunt. -P.ig Pmi.v" Slaughter. "Dude" Krinkloy. "Sport" Kakor. The iorformaint was under the able direction of Miss Malel Tate and MNs Frances 4aoksiii. The O. Henry's are looking forward to an other program from thU versatile hunch TIIK HIVALS PLAYS TO CAP JTT HOUSK , ';' Wliat the management termed X&e biggest house that has greeted an ,-tma-'eur iierforiiiauee since What Iliin,euf hi Join fumed out to see file Itifpnl, Sheridan's famous comedy, presented by the senior class at the rphiuWr Friday night. The box receipts wrre ! as against .2: K for last year a play. This is rather remarkable wheO I one considers how much tighter lnoiiej ' is now than it was a vcar ago. ami the I 1 senior class wishes Oxford to ! know that their generous suporf. la warmly appreciated. The eostun proved a rather heavy exense. C1 ! tainly they were worth what they cuei, , however, as the best acting would Have' , g flat without the setting afford by appropriate costuming. 1 We understand that the senior li considers using tlie proceeds from th Itttiils to start a fund to rurulsii tne high school stage so that school producv Hons may be staged in the school. Ilii'i'v luiliili" tliiit ntliel ol'innixat Ion' .! ' - ; M will follow suit. It is a shame that W have been obliged all this year to go toJ the inconvenience and expense of st-" linr s hool dramatics off Hie s grounds. 9' - ? hen it conn's to i critical comment, i ' , . inn i 41l "t " burning buildin ely to oversteii iiT. . ... ... .. 1 ai'luWiiii that the lire va we find ourselves lik space allotted to us. for every lnemMXr.' 'X .. .. . . . . . . ,, !!jrt liieinen did Hot dare lo go into it or fli i".iit ilisirvf soim wiMM-bil ttfJ . . V of commendation The liril Is an excellent comedy xcel-ent comedy; it was well l'b'if3 heart, while the hot-tempered !ir .AV fhony Absolute; playetlT.y FdwlnSlnJ Mj wasn ievelionof w-fmtn high schJ; ""' tl.e way of iiniH-rsonaiion when he sets his mind t. it. Margarrt Mavis, as Lucy, was a bewltcinng urue . 1 f I ..I. II.. I.i ll,,rjM ini r oi nii-iii , iinn- .i iiuiiti and Corrinno Cannady in tlielr .pialnt costumes wen' as The dillieult role pretty as pictures. of F.ob Acres wms admirably interpreted by James Mhni?.4iI il.o cavalier Sir Lucius o trigger waa Played with such swagger and ,,il8h J as to win Irvine Jackson several ronntli ' of hearty applause. Ivey Allen. Jr.. j use. Ivey Allen. Jr.. e bit of charm-tor work, Pavid. did a tun w Idle Joe Floyd, as Fag. and Sam j ...... ... n tli.. I til !l 11 t;nll l-aP'lf III I llli.Mll II.- iiii- i "in mi ...... - - rlI ofThis part most creditably. Frank , WKp 5ul -kIIo, had -Wflrtfi-'ilMory U U. II. fl. V. V hardly be exei lied in amateur dramat- j . , , ,.., .Ziu,l Tl.en f ies. Annie Cray Uurroughs was sunJl ""I 11 W,,s ,Im' h,St W M'at r,,,,,,,i" a Mr- Afnianron fter SherWan'. owl ' . W ,Muf V"? '' " ' .... t -no Meadows. U. M. Cnrrin. and . f irnu M A to M WH IVIII!? Oil IIIC M rnilllt Slaughter as the Kitchen P.oy iS'tjj 1)lt ,.)1Umh1 htn, to realize his hearty laugh with his one speech. j,,, ,,,,, n,.v,.r ,. true, th.' whole, the iHTforn.aiu-.' was a ' jonl, . T)le way of the puppy lover credit to the cast, and to the school. .4J j,,,.,, . . . " ! V1 DISCOYUKKI) MISS ALLKX! Mis- ll.irrii.LMoii savs that the innate valuable discovery since Columbas j sdjkls honored the seniors Tuesday af stnblHil Ids t.H' on America is MI' terWKUi jmivod a most delightful event. Allen, who proved such ft-.1 xna weather man insistd uihui seml ollent assistaiu-e in oiiching the m-iiIT -showers of blessings." but ho Mar this year. Miss Allen may ne liniitttl us to uliltt. but she's there when it onn's to iuiilihi of nil. she's always ready to lend helping hand. Thr-e rousing chefff for Miss Allen! wrrt-: Thomas Koyster. chief; Tincy , ?VKS.T".I'KW7,KK . fL'iiitbelI. Kailoy Curriu. Henry Phipps. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulysses I.ewt a ropicst tli- honor of your presence , at tlie marriage of their daughter Ktt.i IU-He to Mr. Coorge Henry West on Wihi'stlay afteniMni at six oYhck at the Temj.lo P.aptist Church y iMirham. North Carolina. , - 5; I) ,s his i;i.i(.in i:i ijivk" aid" iii Slang (With A logics io (ieoigc Ade) j l -I Al K I '.III N KI.KV. i!Jiue theie was a l.Vyca r-old Laiuh Uv by the name of William. He was t,V' of the easy going kind that the ijpjlnws didn't even bother to call Hill. VV' lUi particular i 'pocinicn attack f the f the Hcics nail a seven1 f'.pcshy sickness known to most coplc ' the name of Love. He stayed awake Trills and began to l.M.k weak and 6pny. He cut down his eating and M around the house looking at the sign on the ceiling. He would go and yh himself up in his room, where he Itojld be alone with his thoughts. fi)rjielinies he would come out of this Italic long enough to ak if the even jfa mail had come: but this did not $lcn often. he object of all his alTtvtioiis was r,iretty little blue-eyed, blonde-haired ' ie. with plenty of nerve, and it eemed plenty of smiles nil tin liH r hoii. I u t for him why. im! Whoever heard of liking a kid without Wliu'li nerve to yell at every other jfift at high scIumiI and make love to ujTjJW of them. '-iFMltle Willie bn.l many beautiful It Tijn ii 1 1 1 1 itiii- ilriMiniw Th chief one Just as he so bad that tny more, he saw the face of his he Vi lved apiear at an upstairs window- ving for help. .i t,.i.,... f ft c,ovrd around him. Then lllw,htHj ,nto H. ,.,,,wd and .JJ t(iirs )(f ,.,.,,.. llski. -My jfi,, jh( ni nut Sl,111(.,,lltf i ,. ,to ( ftrV((U ,.,.,. vuU fnr your heroic .; ... , anvthiiig I I. ' t,Hn W),ull, ,msw,.r through I"1 ""T th J.andages ami plasters. "Civo mo yonr laughter.' Jst then she would come rushin; h1 hroW ,u.r i)nns JiroU11(1 his )1)H.k tIMj sak llis newly-made pompadour f( ))rs ),(.au,ifu, t,..irs ,,,,,1 then ....... ',,., dinner ! Ulght this I "Willie. 1'njBUU . woiilil bo broken by the i i.i . i:,i.. I...tlinr inBon iiui Mini voice OI HIS IIUIV .m.. : , . ,....,,,, r.,r,i, wlth tlTPSV TF.A DF.LK.IITI I Ii hH.M Ttio gypsy tea with which the niar- ,Udn't suceel in daniiing the uVif U die merry -nipany. Well-tilltHl pio Mc'haskots and a straw ride back to owt contributed their share in an binually hapy outing. The hosts Lillian Walters, Martha Cannauy, r.u- rcuia Curring. and Annie Iu Williams. Fertility . Itunnetli out. and the C.amo TBUaf tliore Im a Yaried Method, or Tb only faculty ineiultors present were tkcriNiin teachers. Miss Tate and Mrs. Jeiing. ri wildcats i.osi: Tor;n ;ami: Last Friday the Wildcats dropHi an eleven flame affair to Henderson by a M to s soie. It was a game that had the s.. ;,to,s on their Iocs every min ute, and was replete with thrills dear to I he heart of baseball fans. Undoubtedly Coach Livengood's kit tens deserved the game, they olllhit the Im.vs from Vance County and the earned ; run column stands six for Oxford and throe for Henderson. Hut when we pass to tM. Mi-i ton marked errors we are confronted with the fact that the local boys are much more elliciont in that resN-et than our worthy rivals. Waikins started the game for Hender son, but was relieved in the eighth hilling by Vick. who linislied Hie game. T. Itoysior pitched the entire game for the Wildcats, and should have Im-cii retinue.! a victor. He soot twelve Henderson baiters back to the bench with tl Id refrain. "Three strikes. xou'ie out." ringing in their ears. His eliminates hit well behind him. but their lie'ding was ragged and cost him the game. Two flies that should have gone for easy outs wore droptcd and four runs were scored as a result. F.veii in defeat the loam looked good, and were a vast improvement over the team of a week lie fore. The student body gave excellent su port to the boys and stuck until the last man was out in the eleventh Inning. Smh is highly appreciated by every nan on the sipiad. and goes a long win towards kecnim? them mi " -. mm' " - mi . . . - . ; Joe Floyd will play for the High School. These tiiree valiant warriors of many battles tave done much for their Alma Mater. They have rcfhvted great credit on the While and Cold. The well wishes of the entire student body and the thanks of the school ami coach ac company them to Iheir new fields of activity. MISS XINA COOPF.U Class Prophet at University Out of a graduating class of l.'i'.l members. Miss Nina Cnoter has Ihm'Ii chosen prophet by the seniors at the University of North Carolina. She is the first oo-i to be chosen a class otlicer. Such a signal honor is surely a happy compliment to Miss Cxjier, who lias made an exceptionally fine n-oord at the University. A JOINT KOUQUKT FOK MISSUS LKWTKH AND HUNT The cast of the Itirnl wishes to ex press publicly their warm appreciation of the valuable servh-es of Misses Florine I-ewter and Helen Hunt in producing the senior play. Miss Low tor worked like a Trojan getting out listers. Miss Hunt was the eflicient stage manager. All the "borrowing" and stage setting were n--ompllshed by Miss Hunt and her committee with out any asslstamv from the faculty. When it eoiiies to practical ovory-day ellicieiicv. Helen Hunt can't le leut. Dock: "Rebecca, I can't see how you can make yourself study so hard." Rebecca: "Oh. I have a lot of will power." FORCK OF IIAI11T Walter "Sir, when you eat here, you need not dust off the plate." Customer "Beg pardon, force of habit. I'm an umpire." Lemon Punch.