f ! TU E TORCH-LIG IIT.i . V: ? i LOCAL NEWS. ; r TtJESIAY,.MARCH 10, 1874. Chromo Prize Candy- at Russell's. I A rlist tirbaiice1 occurred between two tanner's last Saturday J Nobody hurt. ; JST" D uring the month of February f there were 18 marriage license's issued, 11 whites and 7 colored; This is surely a marrjing community, v ! I m ' 1 Convalescent.- We are glad to in fonn our readers that Rev. Mr. Griffith, who has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks, is convalescent. We hope it will not be long before he will be entirely well. v - - v.;- The young lady must have been very absent minded, who j started to church the other Sunday with her Bible, as she supposed, but . it proved to be a photograph .album. We suppose she a mused herself in looking over the 7iims. Animating Conversa:tion. An a musing conversation occurred on College street some time since. A light-colored individual of the African persuation, was con versingl with a female j of the same race an uncouth being as black as night when she said, 40, Mr. Jake, d is sleet was most beautiful wan?i it V ' To which lie replied, "To be suah ! but:I'jes look ed at it two hours, and X come to 'elusion it am not as beautiful as you is,'Dina." Grass Seeds, Clover, Orchard Grass. Timothy and Herds Grass, just "received at CRAWFORD & CCS. The Evening Cresent. The above named paper has come j;o hand filled with the i choicest reading matter. It is .published bv the Cresent Pub. Co., Raleigh, X. C. It's editor is Mr. T. B. "Kingsbury, formerly of tins place. Mr. Iv.y is one of the ablest writers of the present- day. His name alone speaks success for his paper. It is the cheapest daily in the old North State. T Just opened A box of choice Chewing .Tobacco, 3 years-old,-said to bethebest out, at ' ' I Russell's. r OrpiLvn- Asyl.um. Wej are always ready and willing to do till in pur power for this institution,'-but being so pressed for spac- we carriiot published the month ly reports. We will have more room in our enlarged form and will gladly pub lish them then. We give a synopsis of the contributions for February. 'In cash there was contributed $G0029, also a great many articles for which we haven't tiie space to mention. i I " - ! . .Our Enlargement. Oiu- business has increased so rapidly, within the last fev weeks that we find it necessary to enlarge our paper;, thereby greatly bene liring our readers and ourselves. We propose --"to 'present this paper to our I at reus in an enlarged form : alout the tirst of April. 'We. will also Open several interesting departments.' And will make it a specialty to condense all news matter suid make it as interesting to our readers as-possible. The subscription price will remain the same. To those ,who have helped us we-return our heartfelt thanks for encouraging two boys, who are not laljoring for fame or glory, but-simply to gain an honest living. .; Wanted.- A tame coon1 and, two or three mocking birds. J. C. Russell. While March Winds do Blow. ".as" we look upon the street from the win dow of our sanctum, and see the cedars t tossing their boughs in the March winds. t Business is duil ; the air is so piercingly. old that the shopkeepers' thoughts all get f rozeji before they can write, out an ; advertisement. l 1 - jnow anu tnen a visitor arops in to warm himself, knocks over a former two. Our blood almost freezes in our veins, 1 . . . ....4-.. . 1 . . r 1 . '1 complaining that they do I not receive their paper regularly. ? One tiling more we wish to say, and that is, if you have an opportunity of get ting us one more subscriber, don't let the March windsblow it away, j: -. . Latest -Good "weather again. Per haps now we will have the "pleasure of seeing the young ladies promenade our streets if it doesn't rain before night. AMUSLNQ Blunder. Soon after the war, when people, were required to take the amnesty oath, a smart fellow of the knowing kind was appointed in the west ern part of X. C, to administer the oath to the, ,utruly loyal'' ones of his section, lie gave notice, by public advertisement, that he would meet at 'a certain place on a eertAui -day to administer; the path. Like too . many office holders of Ids time, he did not know now to spell the word amnesty, so he spelt it i'amnasti. oath." A waggish fellow passing that way no ticed the advertisement or. notice,' arid took out his pencil .and placed a. large capital "D" before the word- "aninasty;" and there it was to the amusement of readers with the great capital D giving , what the wag thought the true meaning of it. Pure Cider. Vinegar, at Ilussell's., Eich Men. -The ; rich , men v of the comitry arc' those who were trained to some business pursuit in their boyhood, and have concentrated all their eftort3 in that direction since. Nine out of ten of the five hmiured' mUlionaires in the United States to-day begau life without any capital, and have hoed their own rows to. fortune' and fame. ' The road ttey have traveled , are open wider and smoother to the-young men who follow them., ,Vanderbilt commenced his great business career by rowing people across the Hudson in a skiff at ten cents a headl A. T. Stewart, as bundle-Ciirrier in aj store. Thompson, the President of the; great Pennsylvania Central, to carry the surveyor's chain on the very road that he'now has millions of interest in. And so we might continue these incidents to the end of thji column, , " . ni 2nd supply of fresh Garden Seeds just received at T. D. CRAWFORD & COS. Drug Store, opposite Postoffice. . : ii f - Spares from the "TOLCH." ';' Salutation in Oxford -'Ilow'Sj your mumps!" ' , tB A. Crews f; Bro., have just re ceived a lot of lime. , There is a great deal of sickness in this community. ' 1 2T A great many .country people in; the "city" Saturday last. J ifiCR. Peach trees are blooming in all th'eir glory. Welcome ! welcome I gentle Spring. ' ' ; . J3 We are listening every day for the merry sound of the hammer and saw in our midst. . j' SQT Our senior is going out canvassing; for subscribers this week. Look out for him ! . , ' . : , -. ! '&" E. L. Hunt starts Xorth soon. Keep a sharp look out in this paper for his return: ! We care not f r bcundaries, moun tains or seas, cr it.iou our forest, we'll roam where we pie i- . t5y Let the bottle alone and you will keej) out of the Jug, as the hic-ups gener ally lead to the lock-ups. ; ' j Bt, Fine shad in tlie market last week, $100 per-pair. Oh! what shadders we are ! what shadders we persue. j X.'The public roads are getting bet ter. JSow is the time to work them and put them in good traveling order. I BcBc We understand that St. Stephens' ! church propose having a Sunday school pic-me Easter .v-omd we were a child again. EOF Groaning beneath the weight of the good things placed upon it, is clearly not one of the pleasures of our editorial table. , ' . Sr-A condensed "philosophy of farm ing" feed your land before it-is hungry; rest it before it is weary ; weed it before it is foul. ; JSS?" What has become of our Orange C. II., correspondent, lias he wood bined, or is he sweetly dreaming the haj py hours away? BWe invite your attention to the advertisements of Messrs Crawford Co. They have a select stock f fancy goods, thugs,'- medicines, e., ' &c. . Prayers arc held in the Methodist church every 'Tuesday night ; in the Presbyterian Wednesday nights, and the Baptist every Tlnu-sday night. j - Cr3,Eead:thc advertisement of Wliite law fc Crowder. Mr. W. 11. Turner is their authorized agent for this place and surrounding countrv. Orders left with I liiui will receive prompt attention. j A negro man was heard to ask a young man in town about carrying his "card" to a certain place and remarked, "Boss, I. will carry dem for you by de month, if you say so." Sensible darkey. Ber Our poetry machine having been idle so long it has gotten out of order, though we are able to turn out some brilliant specimens, ' ;V ; j The pen is mightier than the sword, j The pen it rules the nation ; ' If it'wasii't for the pigs and pens " We'd die from sheer starvation. - EgThe first chapter of "A Broken Vow" appears in this issue. It is illus trative of life, and we have no doubt but what the author has ' received one of Cupid's tiny arrows, which blasted his hopes and bursted asunder his cherished vows., If there is any defect we hope it will be overlooked considering the auth or's age, 18. ;; - J53T "I say J'ims, dat dog whar come from your house has took tosuckin' eggs. How does you cure 'em ?' V Why J ones dat is simple enuff. : I cured 'mine very easy." "Well how is dat Jones ! I burnt my dog mouf wid red pepper, and it don't do any good." "Why J'irus, jes chop his tail oil close behind his ears, and he neber will poke his mouf, in another lien's nest." ; C It is a very easy matter to criticise a newspaper, but to prints one to please everybody,- and the rest of mankind, is no small imdertakirig. Those who find fault with, every little item which does not suit their ideas of right "and wrong si lould buy type .and publish an organ of their own. ; Let theni try it for awhile and if they don't get some new ideas on this subject, then we are no judge ol human nature that's all. Personals. -We noticed j on our streets' last Saturday, "fMr." Henderson, the live agent for the ;01d Xorth State Ins. Co!.J of Warrenton. : Also our old friend, W, D; Horner, of Henderson: ? t.--i,j -T7 '" '4- - U Death oi' a Valuable Citizen. It becomes our painful duty to annonnce the death of Capt. Calven Betts, Probate Judge of : this county, who departed this life at his residence, at 8 o'clock last Friday uight. His physicians attribute his death to blood poison from disease of the heart. He was buried, by the ida son's on Sunday last, in iie town semi tray; a large hmnler of jM'opIe attending. The llevi Mr. GriJUtli psvaching liis fuii eral in the, Methoi list chdrcii. - i THE BKOAlD-AX. Hew to the Line, let Chips Jail where , : theywill . '' r How long can a goose stand on one foot? Wisconsin Democrat. Try it 'and see, old fell ! I i ; -i; ", ' Oxford is noted for its beautiful young ladies. xcli a nge. f ; Wq kinder, sorter" tliink : tlie old ones are . good looking, too. The Torchlight says that, tlie Senior is engaged in writing a stofy. It is just as bad to Write them as io tell ; them. Itdleigh ffetvs. j , " Tlie Neics is so mucb. iven to telling tliem, we dp ;not regard it as naos kt all to find them in the paper. ZQT See what a real poiet can do. when he lays himself put : ). i A mouse there is in our sanctum ; t One wee, little bit of a mouse. He scratches, amlbitesj and nibbles, And jjrms all over the house. I Who'll catch him?- Kerosene Oil at RUSSELL'S . Tliihdsome E. t Haithcock & So nT.s new sign. that is a stgnot enter- prise. j tL. The colored people held a temper ance meeting in the Court house last Saturday alcohol. night. They (are down on DIED,) Xear Oxford, on Thursday the. othinst. Mi-. Ellington, aged abouj; 4. years. MARIIIE, In this county on the 4th Inst., by Elder J. A. Straidiey Miss Xauie D. Mangum to Mr. Jaiiies K. Bobbitt-all 6i Granville county. I ' ' ' r, On the jlst inst., by R. D. Jones, Esq., Mr.RalphjGrilBu, .of 'Granville county, to Miss Emma F. Forlines, of Mecklenburg county VjU: i Xorth ern Potatoes ! Earl y Rose, Peer less and Early Goodrich, mst received at T. D. CRAW1 OtlD &:CO'S. Clear Honey Syrup. The nicest you ever saw at Russell's Several Fiddles for sale 1 pw at Russell's . Sugar, Coffee5 Calces mul Crackers at ; ' ..' RUSSELL'S'. Wrapping Paper and Twine for sale at Russell's. Soap and Starch at Russell's, j.: Best EUglish Soda at I -Rnssell's. NE W AD VER TliSEMENTS. XORTH CAROlllXAy : GBANVliriLK COUNTY, . Superior Court, January 29, 1874. Samuel I. iParham, pl'tT. "J Action to AGjAixsT f reform Jos. D. Parham & others def's J ; deed. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants Mary Harrison, Thomas Cheatliam and wife ' Martlia, - RrTant- and wife Harriet, - Bryant and ' wif e Betsey, - Bryant and wife jXancy, - - Bryant and wife Sally, Alfred Knight and wife Francis, Jonathan Amis and John Amis are non resident lieirs at law of .William Amis, late of the County of Granville, deceased, and whose! places of . residence; are not known to the plaintiff. It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in tbe Torch-Light, a Newspa per published in Oxford, for six weeks necessarily summoning the' said non resi dent defendants to be and appear before the Superior Court to be held for the said County.of Granville at the Court House in Oxford On the tenth Monday after the second Monday in . February, 1874, that and there to plead answey and claim to the plaintiff's complaint ; and also noti fying them that unless they dolappear S:c., judgment will be taken against them for the relief demanded inaid obmplaint. Witness,' Calven Betts, -clerk of our Su perior Court at office in Oxford. ' mrlOGw. C. BETTS. C. S. C. : R0WLA1VD BROTHERS, . ! WHOLES ALE, GEOCEK S , 12, 14 and 16 Roland's Wharf, ' ! NORFOLK, VA. Jno. T. Bobbitt, general salesman. mar 103m , '1 : - Oxford Tobacco Market. i Primings, -i- - v - - $2 00 (350 Lugs, common, - . - f 305 460 medium, - - 375 (W 550 Leaf, common, - 500 700 " medium, - COO (1100 Coal cured higs - - -. 6 00 12 50 Tip-, - ; v.; 700 1000 r BARGAINS AT A. CREWS J- BR 0.' S Mam Street, : . OXFORD, X. C, Dry Goods, Groceries, - Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, IIEAST-3IA3E CLOTHIXC. . XOTIOXS 01? ALL KINDS, t STATIOimiiY, . BACON, i LARD, ; - ' KEROSENE' OIL, &c. All kinds of Cutlery, tlery. - POWDER, : SHOT J . SADDLERY AND i ' nARDWARE.' We will take in exchange for goods; the, following substantial u . GOLD, I . j SILVER, ! ; GREENBACKS, OLD CASTINGS, RAGS, BEESWAX, PEAS, CORN, COTTON, FODDER, OATS, WHEAT, 3IEAL, FLOUR, . ' dried; FRUIT, In fact anything thafr can be tm-ned into MONEY. We take tliis method of retuninrrthaiiks to the public generally for their past favors and hope to merit a continuance of the same. '1 febGly - jAs:.r. EDWARDS, Gun and Locksraltb. Main Street, j Oxford, N. C. Repairs Guns Rifles, Pistols Stock or Padlock, Umbrellas, Parasols, and Tin ware of all le script ion. He keeps con stantly on liaud and for sale bheet-uou, Sheet-tin, stove pipe ) Powder, (Dupont's best) caps, shot, powder flasks, shot pouches, gun wipers and all kinds of ar ticles used by gentlemen fond Of field sports. 1 . To the Ladies. He keeps constantly on hand for sale Sewing Machines, best imported sewing machines needles, oil cans, clarified sperm oil, screw-drivers, sewing machine attach ments, such as hemmers, corders, binders, Any article in the sewing machine line if not on hand will be ordered by Express and f urnisshed to customers at factory cash prices. I feblOlm fjmE RALEIGH NEWS, Daily and Weekly, PUBLISHED BY ; STONE & UZZELL,. Devoted to the best interests of the State of North Carolina to the success of the Conservative party, the develop ment of the hidden wealth of the State, the inviting emigration into our midst, and advancment the welfare of our peo ple in everything that serves to make a State prosperous and independent. -Its advertising columns will be found of great advantage, as both the Daily and Weekly circulate largely in every portion of the Statei Rates moderate. Sub scription rates : 1-7 -- , -- ' Dailv,' One, Year, - - $ 7 00 Weekly, "j ' 44 - - r 2 00 ; Subscribe for 1874. . , STONE & UZZELL, febl7tf. ' Proprietorsi JOHN W. HAYS. ALEX. 8. PEACE. HAYS k PEACE, Attorneys and Connsellors-at-Law, OXFORD, n. c. Will practice in all the Courts. I . xnar32m t V Grandy & gro. t Slain Street . Oxford, JT. C. We are selling 'the fodolng line of goods at greatly reducedjj prices, viz '. x LADIES.DRESSOODS, ' embracing many desirably styles, INDIES' HATS, RIBBONs, FLOApER, HANDKEITIIE FS, i GLOVES id HOSIERY, 1JNSEY, CLOTHS, J , CASSIMERES, Blacand Faucy, KENTUCKY iAS, forCpNTLEMEN,' SO - together with Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, L ' " Ready-M$fie Clothing, 1 ' 1 Umbrellas', Ac. We also keep on hand a xhI stock'of - BLEACHED GODS, 4-4,7-8,31, ; BED-TICKING, ! . .--r BROWN and BLiikcHED i CANTOKyFLAXNELS. . i m - . . -t-i : . - Our stock of TTVTtV A TW CROCKERYlvARE, GLASS aiil , v . . IlARDWARE,' Is generally complete id , persons in , need of these goods vill uialty find what they want and at satisfactory prices. In tlie line oi UKUCJKLES,?we offer Sugar, . ; v;.' Coffee, -., ;.; I. .; sv 7 '. .- MolassSj Bacgi and Lard ti.-?.in.-tp an 111c siting juwj cull XiUU ill any other house iu Oxford Ve take this occasion to return our thanks to our customers Nfor their past favors and we pledge olrselveg to en deavor to retain then- coujidence in the future, febGtf. GRANNY &.BRO. 1- T. B. CRAWFOEpf CO., . ' Main Street' ; ; OXFORD, N C, .... --::; - Druggists and Pharmacists', ' AND DEAXERSN. fancy goods, i . . . . . !-- DYE STUFFsi, - - - - . - PAINTSXD-OILS, Pure Wines and Liquors let? Helical pur poses only.f . - ' ' GRASS AND GARDE SEEDS. carefuUv dprnoounded. ... T7iTt?Tr te aic iiuv upeiiiii a rxou euppiy of choice Garden Seeds, alEof which are warrented to be reliable. W - ; : " We shall also continue tKkeep a varietl ptock of IRISH POTATOES,' selected for seed. Also Clover, Timothy, Herds Grass, Orchard Grass, c. R. J. MITCHELL &. SONS, Wholesale & Retail Druggists. 1 Oxford, N. C. Feb. 6th, 1874.' 3tv V .: tp. it. Youm ; Attorney-at -L a . -. . oxford, n. g., Office formerly occupied L. C. Ed- lractices mthe Counties sDi -Granville, Frauklin, Warren, Wake, jjlalifax and Person.. ALo in Supreme Cc&rt and U. S circuit and District Courts arEaleigh N C j j Special attention given to 'Securing and collecting claims in .every fepart ol the State. ,6 s:l I' ;r;e"b63m" j ; 'h j The Greatest Wonder the lge, i : THE Franklin Steam Wagier , for sale at- -To a 'V TTllTlf'o ntiooiU nnoV r-nw Oxford, N. C. also.: at Hujjt fc Crews', Kittrell, N. C. and Hnnt& Wright's Tally Ho, N. C. Tosavemqaeybay one. A full line of General Merchandise al ways on hand at the lowest ib.ash Prices; Don't fear competition dlve'us a call. iuarviii . s-a ;; A good cheap mule tor sale by GRANDY ft BRO.