I i -i I t i TOE TO liCII-LIGHT. i. LOCAiL news. DAVIS & ROBINSON, Editors. TUESDAY,. .APRIL 7, 1874. CHURCH DIRECTORY. EpiscopaItPI 0 Thompson, rector Services ever second and fourth Sunday. Methodists T R Griffith, pastor Services every 1st Sunday, morning and night. Prayer raeeting every Tuesday .. night - - i PbesbytektakD E Jordan, pastor- I Seinces every third and fourth Sunday f Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Baptist F R Underwood, pastor Services every 1st and 3d Sunday, morn ing and night. Prayer meeting every Thursday nignt. - tST Support the TORCH-LIGHT in building up Oxford and Granville. Every man who wants toad on in the world is standing in his own light if he doivt sustain his local paper. DEiiAYED Owing to our enlargement and such a press! of reading matter, and rnot having the senior to help us, our pa per is delayed several hours. '- N ' ' ! 800 Pipes at Russell's. A Pane-les Accident Some one, through carelessness or mischief, locked a ''doe up in the Thespian Hall. He came out though thrbugh the window. The FiRE-Flfr. We are in receipt of the above named little paper, published at Sassafras Fork, N. C. Mr. T. C Harris editor. We hope this littlere will illumine our sauctum often. ; THANKS The junior returns his heart felt tlianks for a nice piece of "birth-day" cake, presented by a friend. Look here ! we're going tol have a birth-day soon, won't some one send us a cake any kind would be apreciated. - Musical Boxes at Crawford's. What is Truth? Truth is the cor rect representation of facts. When any one asks you to tell them something true, tell them that this paper sen they can have a copy of to their address for one year for the small sum of SI .50. - More Flowers and still they Come. We a -e in receipt of another large, beautiful, exquisite, sweet, lovely boquet ; tied with a ribbon blue, signify ing your love is we return thanks, and would really lijce to know who sent them. Grass Seeds," Clover, Orchard Grass, Timothy and Herds Grass, just received at I CRAWFORD & CO'S. -Our worthy townsman, Mr. J. H. Mills, say3 the people of Oxford are to decide in the election whether they will have whiskey for good schools. This is putting it iu the right light and Is a say ing worthy of this staunch friend of edu cation. u- Convention. The Democrats of this County propose holding a County Con vention iu the Court House on the 21st ! of this month) for the purpose of select- I ing delegates to the Convention to nomi- ( nate a candidate for Congress in .this District ; to fix a day for a Convention to j nominate: candidates for the county and fot' such other matters as may come be- fore the meeting. y- 600 lbs. candy at RUSSELL'S, I m m i ; Fishing. As the warm weather ap proaches, the genial sunshinev is bringing the clerksr from behind their counters and desks in search of pleasure. Many are engaging in this pleasaut pastiuae tho' hot so agreeable to the fish. The other evening as a party were returning with a string of small fish, we heard a gentle man remark that "they certainly tied the old cot in order to catch the kittens." I Self-denial. It is very remarkable what self-denial some children will practice, as in the case of Johnny Taylor, a little son of j Mr. Henry Taylor, living near this place; The little fellow re fused to drink; sugar in his coffee during Lent, fcut has' saved it and is going to sell it and contribute the money to the mis sionary fund. I Is there any among the older christians in the Episcopal church that has set a better example of self- denial thn this little fellow I m - Sugar, Coffee, Cakes and Crackers at I RUSSELL'S : - Town Cemetery. Why is it that the town Cemetery is allowed to remain in such a dilapidated condition ? Is there no one that feels interested enough to plant a flower over the grave of a loved one, or a friend, who lies within its en closure. The fence needs repairing and some of the vaults are in a very bad con dition indeed. Instead of the green grass and flowers growing upon the sacred mounds, alas ! weedi and brambles ap pear. This ought not thus to be. ' : - Block loaf Sugar at Russell's: Daily Advocate This is the name of a paper to be published dally during j the session of the General Conference, which convenes in the city of Louisville, ivy, on the first day of May next. Price one dollar. Address A H Redford, Nashville, Tenn, or hand the amount to your pastor. - - A Good Hit "My friends," said a congressional candidate, "I am proud to see arouna me me naray yeomanry oi i . . the land, for I love the agricultural in terests of the country ; and well may I love them, my fellowr citizens, for I was born a farmer, the happiest days of my life were spent in the peaceful avocations of a son of the soil. - If I may be allowed to use a figurative expression, my friends, I was raised between two rows of corn." "A pumkin, by thunder I" exclaimed a wag who had been anx attentive listener. .1 - ; Duties of the Hour. Spring time has come at last, and nature, awakened from the sleep of winter, is renewing her beauties. Clear away the rubbish of the past winter and prepare to beautify your Lhome.l Nothing adds more to the appear ance of a place than a free use of lime in a solution. Trees and fences in the spring time are greatly improved by a coat of white-wash. The practice ought to be kept up all the summer, for it not only improves the appearance of the pro perty but acts as a disinfectant. We would like to see a disposition to whiten up manifested all around. Ornament the walks, the vacant places, the nooks and the corners with varigated flowers I On Thursday last, in the forenoon, we observed our tailor, Mr Bourbon Smith on the street dt eked in fine attire, and were wondering what could have come o'er the spirit of the man, as it is unusual to see a tailor wear fine clothes. By reference to the marriage notice in another column you will see that Esquire Smith officiated on a very important oc- casiori Thursday afternoon. Ji any one of our! marrying friends should happen to invite us to accompany them as groom- man on such an occasion, we would over- haul our old yaller trunk and bring out iaj mc ugui cuuu a ayiisxi utu. auu ucavci i as you haven't seen in Oxford for many a long day. Things we Want to Know. We t- - want i to know when the people m this place will wake up to their interest and establish a bank We want to know when "Orange" will send us another letter for publica tion. ; ; - - ' Wei want to know if that young lark . L - iuu otuiu vi j tug j l , nuvoc juiaittj kicked him. Tommy, , did your mama know: you were out. We want to know who stole the strings had to his feet. We want to know how that old coon ! ! felt when I tsweet sixteen" in blushing colors and ten pounds of "top not" told him he need not call again. Gues3 he went home singing, "I wish I were a boy again." We want to know who sent us that boquet last Tuesday. ; We! want to know when the "city au thorities" are going to mend their ways the walk ways we mean The bridge - - at south end of Main street is in a dread- 0 ful condition. April is Here ! The little shy maid- en, who, out of goodness and kindness of heart! smiles lovingly upon us one mo- ment and then suddenly, realizing what sue ima uuuc, uiuca uci muc unguu oemna trie ciouas ana weeps for iear sne 1 OIlt of fashion. jt them have it then has been too forward. We pity April waV. but it will be verv difficut to find she's so -sensitive. You can dampen her t f . . smrits at anv tune bv looking ner square m 4A rt nr 9 Una -mA 1 iff Irk nrn fnwi Trnll 1U t rrr z ga into hystencs, laughing and crying, ft i " , , - - , ! , rV.:K -v tmiw1i uraiiur uu-p-- UcllLljr icib nit uuiuo tix wic wuiuuig) v- ftansrt Anril was lookhnr SO hanDV and ; f gay Don't call her fickle! The idea of terming that little, shrinking, bashful, -iTi-- ?ok t w she don't call her soul her own, much less endeavor to captivate any one else's. She is very winning to be sure, but she isn't I aware of it, and in her modesty she is al- ways' dodging behind the clouds, instead of trying to attract attention. April's heart though, is' somewhat af - fectedt we guess, judging from appear- ances. She often has a pretty little "Bow of Promise" come to see her, and if she happens to be crying she always smiles through her tears when he arrives, and oh, how bright and happy he iooks. ue kisses her littie wet face, and when she has ceased crying, they wander off out of sights behind the ciouas. But the little maiden nas caugnt a glimpse of her name on this paper ; her face is flushed, her eyes are full of tears, ana ner nps are quivering, one v uuuua what we are saying, and is coming down In showers to see. . It is dinner time I Will any one lend us an lunbrella? I Sp&ris frca the "TOECE.", t&m Good morning, kind friends. tuThe first game ox life bawl. ; EST" Read all our new advertisements. KThe champiom reaper advertis-1 f It - - I i I, The mumps still pervade in this vicinity. XST We feel so awful joHy in our new dres3. , j Considerable sickness in ! anda- bout town. , j SR. Silence is a virtue. - We like ; : sflence in a printing office. B.We notice that Col. S. S. Royster was in town on Tuesday last. JC Old Josh Ridley's salutation, iKGV me a chaw tobacco, gosh ding it T ggIfin the world you would rise, you must read the Torch and advertise. EgThe first day of April has come and gone : but all the fools ain't dead yet. B,The beauty of Oxford can be seen these afternoons in pleasant prome- nade. EST" The chirping blue-bird, the croak ing frog and the buzzing mosquito are heard in our midst. B-The plaintive robin chirps bis nopnciue Jay, ana a certain air oi loneu- ness pervades the village. 1 .Old Allen Hick, say. he goes to bed with the sparrowgrass and rises with the hoppergrass. Hurra, for Allen. jNow that the Lental season is over, can't our community enjoy, a little more festivity. What say you, ladies I VST We respectfully invite the young ladies to contribute to our columns. We know some of them can wield a flowery pen. JeeT bpring lever, will soon De tne pre- vailing disease. Dog our buttons if we don't beheve the j semor has a slight 44tech." ESf Moses J. Bullock, at Townesville, X. C, is the only colored postmaster in Granville county. Wm. Overby having resigueu. . - , Anr?i flrtM we don't know whether that was the boys name or not ; anyway tne ? ladies send them. .w. w ttc ucaiu a uiauMj V"UCM day that he could marry any woman he nlpARpd. BIpss vour old mosnuitrv-hitten hide you don't please any. Those who didn't subscribe in March must bear in mind that April is the next best month to take a paper. Never too late to subscribe. i JBIt is important for our citizens to register, as the registration books will be closed several days before the election. Let the friends of temperance rally. K,On Monday the 4th day of May tne citizens 01 uxiora vote ior juayor ana Commissioners. At the same time the vote will be taken on the wiskey law. Our merchants have made pre paration for spring trade and some large invoices of goods have been received and displayed in the most attractive style. The heart of man is a well of I cani'oro f mm wnin xxrc nrinnr nn rwir rr " . "v I 1 1, 4- 4. .11 i- it. . 1 A. J.U au a tufJC ' auu M UU1U1UI 1S' the wnoie truth nes still at the bottom. EgJSam and Sal went fishing one day, Sam caught a tadpole, Sal caught a shad ; Sam kept laughing till he made Sal mad, Sal hit him in the face with the tail of the shad. tB 1 ne ladies say hows have gone I mf V anything that will please them as well as uonv I 1 a subscriber writes : ."I don't . want your paper any longer." All right : lira; TlATf-ir innrr PTiAntrh nnw orxi Tea I i '""o mv. " v shouldn't make it anv longer, if vou did , . vi- I TTT 11. 1 J X. 1 it. ire uiLeuueu iaj unug out tne " w uCl uu gcLixug tlT J A t 41,1, 1 -- 1 L ii! WUSU materuu we had to grind our old "ax." It cuts like I L.l J i-i. J- 1. 4. J-l a razor now. Ijook oul i Old March has gone at last. Win ter no longer lingers in the lap of spring. Welcome bright April with its changing I mood of sunshine and showers, of dewj i orpps ana nowers. 1 Matchless misery to be aroused at midnight by an alarm of ufire" and find the room dark as pitch, the match safe empty and every prospect of making J your appearance in the street in a state 0f nature. jr-A brother editor wants an almanac tw wm fell him when A4ne-rt month" expires, . The cause of this t4want," the editor says, is because he has a number 0 accounts the payment of which was promised next month, and, as the prom- Ls , were made in ennnry lL he i wants tne almanac to ascertam When he may expect the fulfilment of said prom- ises, you know. We should like one of these .almanacs. 1 Jvrvl - . - 3y Our Poetry Machine. Once again, dear friends, The Torch-Light sends I Greeting to you all ; Mines of love we find, Showers of blessings kind, j To our lot befall. All our latent fears Qone like childhood's tears, ! Like the mist of morn ; Smiles and wishes best, ' -Set our hearts at rest, " And our work adorn. . , ; i - i - Xow we grasp our pen, I No, 4it might have been" Shall our sceptre be ; But, with earnest zeal, All we think and feel, I Swift we send to thee. Nowbefore the world, With our flag unfurl' d, I We the tight renew ; ; To Truth and Liberty, To Lave and Chanty, We'll be every true. The April number of Wood's House hold Magazine, now upon our table, well sustains its reputation as a first-class, live publication. While its contents are not deed or scientific, its pages are free from trashy sensational stories and are full of Vit-? rrVit snnnir to o rl 5 n or tViot. crrma Vinrrio tr the heart. Subscrintion nrfce SI a vear: with chromo Yosemite $1.50. Newburgh, T Mr - f J New York. , Marriage license issued for March, 1874 hy the Register of Deeds, for Gran- i Ralph Griffin, I to Emma P Furlines, William liice ; Eliza Lof tis, Elizabeth Dixon, Alice Hudson, Annie B Overbey, Rebecca S Clay, Susan A Davis, Sallie A Adcock. B Lassiter William H Ellis John B Barnes C N Oakley ; 1 COLORED. Green Cheatham to Estelle Taylor, aHST?- Ellen Webb, Marcret Hughes, Eveline Goodloe, Mary Mason, ; Martha Stone, Pattie Royster. rOTWr V. u Win Merrymah Mordecai Toney iames n mina u Hillard Wyche Northern Potatoes i Early Rose, Peer less; and Early; Goodrich, just received at I T. D.: CKAWFOIID & CO'S. . A i - Passion Week. The week through which we have just passed is called Pas- chl in memory of our Saviour's pas- sioii ill ueuisemane ana aeaui upon xue cross. There is no season of the christian tWwv ot. narf fnr t.i onmmpmnra. tion of these great events. It is observed as the closing I period of the 40 days of LenV though Ihavmg no necessary his- torical connection with the Lord's 40 days fast; in the wilderness, but the mind of the church seems to have recognized the similaritv! between the threefold lempiation wnicii lermioaieu ins iast iu the! wilderness and the bitter trials which closed his career on earth. ! The wflp.t is infmdnnpd m Palm Sunrlav nr " "J " J when our X -.1 i T 1 - !J 1.X- r sanha's of the -multitude. Saturday was a glorious dav. H we . ! KI we te a blue-bird we would sit in the cedars over the way and chirp all day long. Fifteen steer-carts m town. Large number 01 persons attended the sale. fh "boss man" commenced "crying" about 2 o'clock and "knocked" things down in a hurry. The cakemen stood 'it1- behind their tables and "smiled so child like' and bland." Nothing more, only ten! new ! subscribers were added to our list; i i ; Spring and Summer Goods Don't fail to notice Mr RL Hunt's advertise- I - . o & of Spring and ; bummer goods. He says he bought them at panic prices, and as he is an experienced merchant he ought to be able to offer good bargains. Call and try him. i ' v I 4 '' i LOOK : Out I The town constable is j after the person, or persons, v with a sharp stick, who tore up the bridge at the! south end of main street. Ko intoxicating liquors have been sold here for many years. Fvre-jly. Does "the fork" use sassafras tea, and buy liquor somewhere else? Give us light "fire-fly." , j JCSy The report of the pic-nic was un-1 I .,uvu .nrA.A s t,n avviuiwiv auwucu uui ui una issue wiu give full particulars next week. Also several interesting articles, for which we ; hayen't space this week; Cassis This charming story, written byj G W;Wmis expresdy for tliis paper. wiM appear next weex. iaxk out ior it tOur"devil" jumped up and looked very solemn, and set up three lines to fiU out this column. - - More advertisements next week. 1 ) mmmwi . , . !At the residence of the bride, on Thurs- day the 2d inst, by Bourbon Smith Esq, Mr Whjjam Ellis to Mrs Rebecca Clay all of Granville. i 1 At the residence of the bride's father. near Walnut Grove, on Wednesday the 1st inst. by B. D. Howard Esq., Mr. C. JN . UAKLET tO JSUSS OALLTE A. ADCOCK. daughter, of Littleton Adcock Esq. All 1 i Granv01e com?: i 1 IKerosene Oil at RUSSELL'S. 1 2n,d V1! fEh. harden Seeds just & C'S: I The cheapest and nicest stock of Pocket knives and Razor's at 'A'i I RIJSSELL'S. C02SESP0NDEUCS..,!- Obanqe C. H. Va. Messrs Editors; Since you have launched your bark upon the rough sea of journalism, and intent to enlarge your sails very soon : and both quite young I hope you will not Ignore a friendly word from an older head, though not a practical sailor in that direction ; yet I know something of the power of the press, for weal or woe, for good or evil, upon the mind of the masses and since your paper Is much sought af ter by the young, it behooves you, as guardians of that class, to. see to it that nothing enters your columns that would be distasteful to the most refined, ion cannot undertake to please all, i yet yoa can use descretion. Your motto being" "Onward and Upward," and you have taken for your chart the most glorious of all charts the Bible ; note the polar star of truth, and when the winds anse, and the storm beats lupon your, bark, then grasp the wheel with a firm hand and stout heart ; with a clear conscious, and then you may hope to gain the desired haven. ANON. How refreshing and comforting it is to have one to speak a cheering word to us as we sail "onward" and bid us look Though our little craft, with sails and banners spread, is riding smoothly upon the besom olthis sea.". we are ever on the alert for "breakers a-head 1" Oxford, NOV April 4, 1874. Messrs Editors : 1 1 I' see in vour naner an invitation ex tended to the ladies to visit the sanctum of the Torch and informing them that they 4 meed not fear the "devdi" as he is perfectly harmless." Having visited your office I lam aware of the fact, that your 'devil' will not harm anyone, as he has'nt the time ; he is kept too busy. That's it jSaniniyl work up my boy. I ! 1 A FRIEND OF THE TORCH. Thank ye lady, I'm doing my best- Samjiy. . f i E. Haithcock fciSon, CARRIAGE RIAIfUFACTURERSt Eillstoro Street, OXFORD, N. C. -' f II A VING secured the servj JLXof the best mechanics in departments we give par tion to all work uone at' ieel safe in saying tha i wip and durability. We keep constar I lOWilUT. VIZ : I , . -r.-tiV . r-nn I UAltlilAVxia, I 1(1 If If 'I k'V su. Also FARM WAGON; Repairing in all it? neatness and dispute Unsurpassed mdur purchasers. V T. D. CRA WJ Main OXFOED, Druggists andr and r fancy go DYE Pare Wines and Llq poses . ? - ( GRASS AND GAI Prescriptions careful NOltTHp GBANVIL1 Superior Court, Samuel I. Parham, pi'. aqainst. Jos. D. Parham feothei. Court that the defendants it appearing to tne i Thomas Cheatham and Ttirot-if- orrl u-l and rf ana- wife Nancv, lcn ma nii.f r Jonathan Amis and J resident heirs at lar- late of the County of and whose ! nlaces of 1 Known 10 me puuntui. ordered by the Court th in the TOBCn-Li I published in Oxford, necessarily summoning the dent defendants to be ant1 the Superior Court to be I County of Granville at t in Oxford on the tenth 1 second Monday In Februai. and there to plead answer u. the plaintiff's complaint ; am, fying them that unless they &c, judgment will be taken ag:t for the relief demanded in snid eo. Witness, Calven! Betts, clerk of o perior Court at office in Oxford. ' mrlOGw C. BETTS, C. S. C. Superfine Flour, Buckwhe; Flour, Corn Heal, &c., . . KUSJ at USSELLS. PA1 Mala Street, Oxfcrd, !! C. We are selling the following line of goods ae greatly reduced prices, viz: iiDIES DRESS GOODS, embracing many desirable styles, LADIES' HATS, . 'H " ' GIBBONS, FLOWERS," ii - - 1 '; i HAXDKERCniEFS, GLOVES and HOSIERY,' LLXSET, CLOTHS, CA&IMERES, Black and Fancy, - f KENTUCKY JEANS, ! for OENTLEMEX r together with v Boots, i'Shoes, , f floats, Caps,) - ,. Ready-Made Clothing, Umbrellas', e also? keep .on hand a good stock of j. I BLEACHED GOODS, ;, 4-7-5,3-4, 5S Y' ... BROWS SHIRTING and SHEETING II 4-4, 7-, 5-4, BED-TpKING, arid BLEACHED - CANTON FLANNELS r Our stoec of TINWARE, fOCKERYWARE, 8 i GLASS and HARD WAR' lit is generally complete and person- heed of . these gcxKlsU j" '" they waiiMndat s thelitief; V)C in it id in ::::o. :Ar."Ai::3 ft m I h it ! oxford, :r. c, r :zp Caps, K .M. J atol tm )TIOXS Or ALL IIIXD3, CTATICI" .ard; .i, r. no GADDLURT AIO 111 take laer-' tha - r sub tantuls. SILVER, - -:;':';; OREL. -TU ACKS feast,cor::, i - . COTTON, FODDER TIIEAT, '' mAL, xol: d: II: 8 ft