4 - r - I TDD .; T, 0 II CD-L I G II T . ! - 'LOCAL NEWS. ; ; DAVIS & ROBINSON Editors. . : . - - ..... TUESDAY,.. - JUNE 16, 1874: COUNTY ORDERS, r ; J--' ::f - i 1 jJOUGIIT BY ''' -p'1 f:-- R. it. Harris. ' ; - j j Died. At his residence, on Saturday the 6th inst., rMr. Richard Holeman, ah; old and esteemed citizen- of this countyj . f BFXOVEHY.-'We learn from the Herald that confident hopes are entertained for the ultimate . recovery , of ex-Sheriff Wm. A. Phil pot. ,"'.'4 . V ;V. '. ' .' ' V : Dead. Mr. L. M. Vanhook, an old and respected "citizen of this county, died in Raleigh on the 11th inst. , hot known: ' "'-'-'. v: Age Cnors. We are informed ' that the crops corn, wheat and oats, in this vicin ity are looking well, considering the dry, weather. Rain very much needed. " : 3 1' New Shed. We notice' that Messrs !E. llaithcock !& Son have built a new shed on one side of their Coach Factory. It is to protect vehicles ; from the weath er. s - Refreshing r Rain. On Thursday evening last, we were visited by a most refreshing shower of rain. It revived vegetation considerably. , . Corn is fairly hopping. ... t- . Runaway. Last Friday morning a horse belonging. to Ur. J. G. Jones, rail away with a top-buggy breaking the top off and smashing the shafts. It seems thai while putting a net on the horse's head he became frightened. ; u Persoval, Mr. Jas. H. Horner and lady, of Ilillsboro, are stopping in town for a few days as the guests of our towns man, Mr. A. Henderson. Mr. Hor iier has cliarge of one of the best schools hi our State for young. men 7 New Awning. Messrs Grandy '& Bro. have raised in front of their store an awning which forms anexeellent shade. It is with pleasure we dot even this little improvement.' AW hope this will be a (v)awning to other merchants against the heat of the sun. ' i A ; Bad Spell. Our post-master in forms us that a letter was dropped in the office a few day ago, directed to "Phras Thork." After -much' study 'he found it -. . , .. .- " . . -. was intended, for Sassafras Fork. V That was the ; worst spell he's had for some, time. ' -J '" " Still Lixgekixg. There seems to be, a little spirit of -'improvement still lingering in our midst 'The familiar sounds which the busy carpenters make are not entirely hushed. Mr. Bryant, is aiding a new porch ? to his residence, which wiil improve the appearance very nmeh. , . .- ' v- ' - '.' i Xice PbksExt. As we were sharpen ing iL? last piece, of --lead pencil we had to our name, and wonderiiiir where the next 10 cents was coming from to get another, we received one dozen with the compliments of J. .CV, .Russell. Accept our thauks Russell knows how to touch an editor's affections, he pencils it off which is all tcrife. - ' Schools. As 'it is about time for schools to commence advertising, we would call the attention of Principals to the advantages offered by the Torch- Ligiit as an advertising medium. It has the largest circulation of any paper in Granville county. It goes blazing in to fifteen States of the Union. All we ask is to try our columns,- just once. Old Kentugky to the R(L)ight.- We Were made the. happy 'recipients of a. club of subscribers from Hanson Station, Ky.j a few days ago, sent by Ir. P. E. Hampton. The Torch shines for all,- not oidy Xorth Carolinians bat all who t will furnish us with the cash. Mr. II.', let us hear, from .you again, j We bive given you one 'corner in our heart and would cheerfully give you the other, but we leave that for some one else. 7. .. There's Life in : the Old Iand Yet. Our town has presented quite a lively appearance for the past week; or ten days, notwithstanding the warm weather. Business not in the matrimo niak line was not as brisk as - it should h: 4e been. We are glad to see so many st -angers among us and we Wpe some may be induced to remain. Phaetons, carriages, -buggies, wagons, and "carts hsive been prominent features oh our Sjrc.ets' And as' for the; men, we never Ea.Vir the like preambulating and riding around, in r: their linen dusters and dog skin gloves. ; They ' all seem as 1 merry and playful as young kittens.-. We can't tell what it'all means 1 :- The nicest assortment of Note paper, Visiting cards, fancy Envelopes and Ini tial paper, at Rull'e. -; " ' - Cheap bargains in chfldrena carriages 1 at Russell's. ; .-A Xandis Jr.,- can beatr the world-on gents scarfs. Fine scarfs 25' cents each. High priceV are ruining the; country. Come to Landi3 Cheap Cash Store. He has just received 'a fresh stock of ladies hatsj 'flowers, etc.. f--:-V "f-i. s The Veatiieb. We have had some very: hot weather of late. Indeed it has been so warm that we came near cremate ihg orice oAwice: :A 1 'r'" j uOh, for a lodge in a gardefi of cucum ! bers! 'I:" . Oh, for an iceburgor two at control ! ' Oh, for a vale which at midday the dew cumbers I " .'--''-"' Ohfor a pleasure trip bp to the Pole i "; MAKRTEJ--In Sti Stephens' ' church oh Tuesday morning last, by the rector, Rev. P. D. Thompson, Mrl Alexander Cooper t to.Mrs:iBETTrE:CARR.f ' Tlie diurch"wa3 beautifully and artLstically decorated with flowers - for the occasion, by some of the ladies of the village. On either side of the chancel stood a desk, with a large boquet upon each, and in the centre was a , beautifully arranged vase "of lillies,.i which threw around a sweet perfume as they hung' their diminu tive lieads in meet submission under the gentle influence of the music, which filled the j church with 'a concord of sweet sounds. -; The sunbeams .danced upon the white walls, the leaves upon the trees without quivered in the roorning breeze, and the little ? birds joined yin to enliven the occasion A large number of persons assembled in the, church,' and at every slight rustle all eyes turned to the door with eagerness. A little after 8 o'clock a. ml, the haj py pair we re ushered in and the nuptial ki.ot was tied. 1 After passing though the usualbrder of salutations they left immediately; for a bridal . tour. ; We wish them a pleasant time, a happy return and that their brightest visions mar be fully realized. : ' r- v : A beautiful stock of Fancy Goods and Notions, Toilet Soaps and Perfumery. A nice line of gent's white shirts and hose, pretty scarfs and ties just opened at .'!.:'' ''',. Russell's. Our Experience jsvitii Mosquitos. Mosquitos are the peskyest creatures on this whole earth-especially when a fellow Is trying to get sleep. They will sing," and light, and hiake stump' speech es (taking your head for a stump) around you all night. - H -j uf ji; : - ; We slept in a hotel once and tlie land lord .told us there wasn't a single inos quito in the room. We got'partly asleep and from those biting we made up our mind tliat there. were forty thousand. . ; -They will fight a man all day and then go to bed with him. r . ! , - . f v We were sound asleep one night, dreaming, thinking we heard the most heavenly music ; at the same time our nosej felt as though there-was a "galvauic battery" shock on the, left side of the cuticle. We awoke- and found that it was j caused by a fat masculine mosquito perched on the end of it singing .'.'How's this for high?" to his lady-love who had crawled part w ay, down our throat. They lil ways sing on the key of A, and never sharp it except when they bite, and then it's sharp for: the individual. We tried every remedy from 'Planta tion Bitters" to'Itch Ointment" to keep tliem way, but all'to riolise. The last time one bothered us was on an eve in July.: We'd been trying to get to sleep with four woolen blankets over us and the prespiration oozing' from eve ry prewhen hll at price we,; heard the music of a hearty mosquito. We listen ed I yes;-we were not mistaken tee-e e-e-e t witty." By the "twitty" we knew ' ... ' ' .- ' -. ne nau nt ; so up we got, and soon saw our hearty fellow flying around the room. After him we went with a pillow banking around in every direction. ,He cried "ninrder-r-r-r !",wliich.broiight in all the neighboring mosquitos, - who pitched into ik a4 f oqri as. they saw our shadow between them and the moon.- O ! horror I Wif could scrape them off by handfuls. We rushed out of doors and made for the river," swinging the pillow around our head, and threw ourselves in- the water all , but our head, Svhich we kept ducking in and out ; and would you believe it ? the next night ,we heard afar off in the distance the very same mos quito coming towards us singing, 'Cousiu- n-n Icousin-n-n'' We told him he lied; we "wasn't his cousin or any of his rela tions, .and with that we crept softly up behind him. land literally I smashed him with a pillow. 5 r i s V- "Marriage license issue in May,TlS74 : . ; Whites : ' Yancey Oakley: ' to Laura A- Duncan, J. Abuer Harrell Rosa F. Harris, John W. Rovster ' u AhnaI Wilkerson Andrew J. Jones -Eliza Si Rogers. Sowell Giles , " Julia Ann Haskins, Thomas Bullock ; " Lizzie Epps, V LXevrene Smith ,4.4 Francis Williams, Thos. Cheatham1" :Mary. Cheatham. . A large, -aried and choice stock of ci- j gars just opened at Russell's. ; - ; ' JC3Indispensables fans. " tSUMonday w:as a beautiful day. ; 'Lemons at Russell's. ;T "- XS" "Whats in a name" four letters. t3. 01d uSol" Ehines rightjwarm hei4 of late. : - ' M t3 Tally Ho letter too late for thU issue "T . -: ' ' ' V. CS? Hurry up your strawberry sorti cakes, before they all give out.' x VL ' I tQ- Prayer meeting in St. Stephens11, church next Wedneslay evening at 6 o'clock.-" ; . '.. ' '-.v"; ". tv-.. i t-. Send ns any item from your com- mumty. Marriages and deaths inserted free. , . , , ' tg&m The only improvement onMaini street, during the past week, is a new pair of steps. : ; , s . . ; " . CSWe expect to do things up brown now, as we've got a Cook(e). That's our s name. , - . Four well broken workhorses for sale. Apply at this office. ' ' ' ' Any one having a -young squirrel foPiale will find it to their' interest to apply at this office. " 4 - BSTThe first Raspberries we have seen this season, we had last ' week.1 They i sell for 25 cents per quart. t Peanuts at Russell's. ': We are glad to. note that the town commissioners have at last commenced Work upon our streets. ' ' r "Mamma," where shall we ;go to spend the summer?'.' Come to Oxford. Equal to any watering place. j ..v.- J6" A good action is never thrown away. " Tins is tne reason, no aoubt, whywefind so few of them. , tQr- Two horns . will last an ox; a life time, but many a man wants that num ber every morning before breakfast. Interesting contributions received which will 'appear, soon. : Don't ,be im patient, Rome wasn't built in a day. BThe swells of the ocean soon sub side.'; : There are a good many "swells" upon the land that subside about as soon , j JCNot a cherry received at this of fice yet. e are cheer(ry)ed with the hope that some may find their way here. When a lady stands at the hy meneal altar with her intended, you may know- she is about to draw her beau into a knot. ;-.: : ; .. ' , i J J5Dr. Herndon has in his garden some of the nicest tomato plants we have seen. Oh, glorious time when 4tmartises" ESome youths on the south side of Tar River seem to be regretting that some young lady married.. - Don't grieve young men. ' ,1 I Dream cake is getting fashiona ble hi these. diggins. If you dream the devil is after jpu, come at once aiid set tle your subscription. w ! ct? - 500 lbs candy at Russell'sl 1 ! -! ' ' We saw- a chap in the j neighbor hood of Knap of Reeds talking aud smil- ihg'so much to a young1 lady that we en tertained great fear of his catching cold in his teeth. . - r ; r ! " .r: We trust the saying does not , ap ply to ladies that "a man is known by the company he keeps." If so w hat a- bout the one we saw in company-with the "devil" the other evening. ' " " When an Oxford girl is slyly kiss ed slier puts on a frown and says "Sir, put that article back where you took it from." The generality of the Oxford youths usu- ally put it back, so we arc informed. , 1 gigX-Riding out seems to be very pop ular with some of our young people. We have noticed several couples enioying themselvea m that way recenty. A brisk horsed a good buggy and a smooth road are delightful especially if your "inam- arata" is with you. Good roads are scarce, though. ' "" 7. ' r- ' '' -' : - Croquet sets very cheap at Russell's. ! A small lot of books, consisting of Bi bles; .Testaments, and Hymn Books, Cheap editions of Byron, Burns and other poets , a few novels, and some nice little books for presentSj to. children, ; at RUSSELL'S. I Democratic Convention. At tne Convention held in the Court House last f . - . Saturday, the following ticket was nomi nated:; Y ;: :. Senate A. II. A. Williams. -. . Commons--Sam'L J. Skinner, 7JVW. . . . i . i ....... . Walked :.--:rt y" -, ; - ; , Sheriff -T. D. Clement".-' - ; : ' ) ClerkS. H.4 Canadyi . Register of Deeds K I. Hester. ' tTreasurerJl. O. Gregory.. 'fj' - Coroner-. J. Mitchell. i j : Surveyor -A. Sherman, 'fy ! - Commissioners F. .' J." , Tilley, W. X. Harris, W. L. Burroughs, J. A. Watkins, EV G. Brodie: ; .- PnoTOGiiArinc. llr. T C. : Harris will open a photograph gallery here some time this week. 2Ir. Harris is one of the best artists in the State. ' His advertise rnentwill uppear i.:zt week, j ; - PAR5TEB3 READ THIS. We wish to buy fifty thousand lbs. red tobacco and will pay the h ghest cash prices, u e find It v impossible to fill our orders for red tobacco and bright wrappers. Bring on your tobacco, we will pay you Rich mond prices. HENDERSON WAREHOUSE, v ' ' Henderson, N. C. On the Wing From Oxford to Flat ... River.' .! . 'IIome, the spot of earth supremely blesti A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest." " "Ye editor'? left Oxford on the eve ning of tne 8th1 and sallied forth for Flai River, his native place, reaching there, oii the; evening of: the same day; ' r.I i " The country presents many attractions to hose tired of "city life," and "desire to see the beautiful "country lassies" as they stand at the table washing dishes, and when J their day of .toil Is over set down , and ' read tlie Torch-Light through. It is also quite amusing " to hear some of r the country , 'larks" sing ing the following verse to their.'j ularkies' : C Oh 1 SallyjHIs my chief delihti To gaze upon jrour eyeses bright ; : My lo ve for you by gosh cirpasses : . The love I feel for rum and 'lasses I 'I ' A good many girls, pardon us wre mean -jtypung ladies, are coming home from their. respective schools, ana what a nice tune they have meeting their.-, '.'mammies and daddies," and if you will allow us we'll put ' 'sweethearts" I in right here. Tis useless to for , us. to use thel pen on this subject as you (all) know hWtis i your self. - ' ' : The farmers are looking gloomy on ac count of -not having :any rain for some time. 'Most of them 'that had the plants are through planting tobacco; We' tell them it Is useless to ' "grieve i over spilt milk,", but arouse and think of what an abundant crop of blackberries are com ing land what a nice and glorious time they will have eating thejp. Corn is looking premising and with refreshing showers good crops would be made in this section As you pass along the public roads the merry - harvester inay be seen preparing to gather in his wheat crop,' r . f-y ".v'-v ':- "' " s .s f'J'l t'lhe Flat River people boast of a tree with a handle like a jug. We gues3they wish it was a jug, full of that real old well hard cider.: .rvr':n -; ' The Grangers and Good Templars a- bound here. ' - . ; ; yt : Tobacco is reported, to be selling very well in Danville. Va.,' and many an honest old farmer has taken his "carry all,1 kissed the old woman "good-bye" and gone to try his fortune in the Dan ville market. ' ' s : ':' Hot, hotter, hottest !. j As. we WTite the thermometer stands at 98 degrees and and never mind we're off for Oxford. f Temperance Meeing. There will be addresses delivered at Oak Hill Satur day next." "A" move, "will be made to or ganize a lodge of Good .Templars at that place. A large turnout of the citizens is requestsd. The senior will go out for the interest of the Tokcii-Light; and the advancement of temperance. - ' I 1I1RBIED, At the residence of the bride's father, on the 10th" inst., by the RevP. D. Thompson, Mr. W. T. Brogden, of Rockingham, X. C, and Miss JULIA F. Hicks, of this county.' t i We tender our thanks for a piece of the wedding cake. Our best wishes go with this couple, and we trust peace and happiness may be their portion through hfe. ;.v.- ;.,.u. ; rJust received at Russell's Kerosene OH,' Gasoline oil, Gasoline lamp burners, Lamps and Lanterns, Chimneys and burners. ;;A nice lot'of baskets. Laguira coffee, Rio Coffee, Xew Orleans Molasses; feugar of all grades. ; Call early at Rus. sell's. , . ; .v-; ' Saturate a piece of bread or meat with gastric juice,- and it icill dissolve. This is digestion. -Add to ; such a mixture a little alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This Is indigestion.' Beware; t then, ""of tinctures,- or . tonics, or ueeoctions o con taining spirituous liquors.' ""Shun all rum tonic?,' and rely solely on Dr. Walkers Vinegar Bitters, the finest digestive invigoraut known, and free from the fiery curse of Alcoholr-r r 4w X ; . Korth , Carolina. ; ; ; Granville County, OUNTY,'! f '' :-If 1374. J t'. - " y Superior Court ! . . , , , .Mav 10, Alexander Jones and wife, Xelly, Ruffin i- Jones, William Jones dndDelila Jones, William; Chavis, -William vBivey and : ,Wlie, JUlia, 1 ' : U . against t l"dney Chais and patricf Cliavis peti tion to sell land for partition. : It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that Edney Chavis. and. .Patrick Chavis, resides-beyond the limits of this State, and supposed to be residents of the State of Ohio, it is - therefore ordered by the court that publication be made in the Torch-Light, a newspaper publish ed In -the town of Oxford, iu the State aforesaid, for six week3 successively, no tifying the said defendants to appear be fore the clerk , of the Superior court, at his ofllce in the said town of Oxford, on or before 3Ionday the 20th day, of June, 1S74, then and there to plead, answsr to demur to the said petition filed in this course, otherwise the same will be taken to be acknowledge and - heard ex iwirte a3 to them. Witness Benjamin n. Co- zart. clem of said court at,. Oxford, the lCta.day cl Hay, 1S74. tr:ylS7w B. H. COSART, C S C. 11 "0 G S -P - 'r,'-t? n x 4 1 - F A CI: , GO'OD S , T,0;Y S , r X O T I O X. 7 - COlSWCTldNEIliES, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AT . RUSSET. x . I, offer at . bottom pakde prices' a Ihrgsifca and .Attractive stock- of MILLINER YfG O OJDS, LADIES 'KATS, JZONITI! TS, ; 'j; Mowers Ribbons. Xew styles in Dress G ooda. Great bargains in Woolens.. . Ilardwar-o at greatly reduced prices ; ; Ladies.Scail'andllanke etc. - ; Above Goods purchased and selected delphia and Baltimore, ,wha'are instructed so purjehase for me only at bottom pri ces. y r -; H ! -' ' . - - , ; r. : - . 4.' - . ; ' TERMS Cash or 60 days only to prompt and responsible parties. aj)ru 2iiy. . . i . . 1 nil ; : : GRANDY & BR0 vMain Street, Oxford, K. C. - We are selling the following line of goods at greatly reduced prices' viz : LADIES DRESS GOODS, embracing many (desirable $tyles, LADIES HATS, . RIBBONS, FLOWERS, nAND ICERCItEIFS; (GfLOVES and' HOSIERY LINSEYk CLOTHS' CASSIMERS, black anp fancy v :Vj ifENTUCKY JljAXS, ' together with "' ' BootSy Shoes, " : "t. i ''((. i - ' ; Ready-Made Clothing in : :v- ! - Umbrellas ,f We also keep on hand a good stock of BLEACHED GOODS, ' -" ' , 44, .7-8, 314,-. j ; . BROWX SHHITIXG and SHEETIXG " ' -4-4, 7-8, 34, ,;; . ..' 1..: . - i BROWN and BLEACHED CAXTOX FLAXXELS. Our stock o '-" , 7 TIXWARIV - - -: ' - - ' - j ' CEOCKERYWAREJ;: v " -: . , GLASS and jr. I HARDWARE. Is generally complete and persons in need of these goods will tisually- find What they want and at satisfactory pri ces. In the line of GROCERIES, we olfer Sugar,, " r, - " j t. . ' Coffee, ' . ' - ' ' ' Molasses, V ... '. . , Bacon and Lard as cheap as the game goods can be had in any other house in Oxford, We take s this occasion .to-4 return our thanks to our customers; for their past favors and we pleuire ourselves, to en deavor to retain their conlilence: in the future. - GR AXD Y '& BRO. febOtf " '.' '- . Korth Caroling Granvtlle cIounty,' , Superior Court, . - , ; April 21,! 1S74T Ellington CWashingtou Adm'r of Edward Jones, deceased, j ? ; .r ' AOAI2CST ' .- . ' James Waller andElizatieth hi.- wife, William T.Stem and Jane his wife,4 Jer C. Washington,- Ailsey Roberts, Re bc-cea Roberts, Thomas Jones and Suan Gooch petition to make real estate ,sct?.- ".' llii this cause it appearing to the satis faction of the court that the f defendants, Thomas Jones and Susan Gooch, are nou residents of this State and cannot after due diligence be found in this State, but reside in the . State of Kentuek, to wit, at Hanson Station in said Stat of Ken tucky, and i it further apiearing to the lates to real property ? In this State and tliat the x said Thomas Jones and Susan Gooch are proper parties thereto. It is ordered that service upon the said Thos. Jones and Susan Gooch be made by the publication ' in : the Toncii-LiGirr, a newspaper publUheit in the; town of Ox ford, Grauvlle county, Xorth Carolina, once a week forsixweeks of a Eimimons to them - the fdd Tlioma? Jone and Su san Gooch, to be and appear in the' Su perior court at the clerks office, iu the town of Oxford 'aforesaid on or lfore the 23th day of June 1S74,: and answer the said petition. And it is further or dered tliat a summons and a copy of the petition be forthwith depo'.ited' in the ro5toC.ce directed to aid Tliomas Jones and Susan Gooch at tin ir pl.ice of resi dence alorc . IJ. B. H. COZART. CSC. raayO7 And Pro bate Judge. ry Jones, Nicholas 1 Gmjn and Xanc'y his; wife,- Thomas S. Johcs,t William If. Jones, Xancyashingtonl wife ot'M, E L t ' S :'iC? tp- TOBACCO, SCFF, CIDAUS Ji'S.- SI' . - by resident buyers in Now York, Phila .. i-' . ' r t TTT A. LAXDIS Jll. iWHith's Patent V 1 ' i IT: SPEAKS FOR SAiTL ' HOBGOOD j r. - viae Cor.- .TESTIMC 'jtrSmiVi last year ar ! to cur .' r :) i: by help- inr t 1 ; -s sr. . L. 3.. . 0 . r . 1374. ' si:. ; cl oi-e'-f vour ;.au 11 nd thut they I 'vjiut and that un :2 .-.11 v roeeomniencl , I). T. Gooch." iilt: Co., :1, 1S74. i.'V. I purchased ' Tar. and Hud -'T I need.. .Those : v re their tobacco . ' " had better .. . --tfnlly, - G. V. Currin. :.:, D:r:r.ibcr.l3?.lS73. i I : . . 1 i : ;i;r cf y&ixtixLxs this '.-apnsss of ccnstnzctlon, -1 :-rJi szinp; cf labor,, can . .!." I rcccznuend it to ,ell :. Vour trulj', ' J. B. Kobgood. . ' . C:mviile Co..-N. C;. ' . ' Tcl:ru;iry,i; It4', j ; ; Hearing so niucli in favor I viTo influced to purcha'i I c.:a safely say it .is a rat..- '.: is so much cheaper thau.j. T' intending to raised. .1. "7 to cure ir-fine n-ith f or V p, tf. P- 11' v. ' L . nf yo C0ll invent' coal, tobac but7 pu: :p?nse, nau Dttsr Clias. Curriu. 1 April 25. 1S74: at I hnve fc-eeuen-' o or three years ' :w'.t by coal,'hnd-:-i. and expensive; . -, b:id purchased 1 1 .-.bio. : I think tl .m co il. U, f I 1 1 th II. Iloborcod. - a. :Ii 23, 1S74. ) - " .11 1 T i:s;hi one cf I i .1 safe in raying' 1 th :i . yry. thing" for iuirhbors are pleas-; A are. ?ieaking . , .1 it; A good mauy W, Lyont " April !,1S74. 1 wl::t 34. i . .. : :. f l.'c. . VI. iii Of tro . . . . . 'I take f timopyt er j f JW VIWV tsangiune exp I 1 'I ' " ' f 'XSibRGAX s:.. apri!2itf : . BY E. J. - J ! V'- DURHAM:.::. ( . -200.00CI I! , bright Emo'cersand iillcrs. Mana. for ::ll' rfni'Ics food tobacco. O. liirhf. Geo 1 auctioneer and nt : di.?patcliod promptly v job woiai c.:.v Hon, clone st th;: - v . -