; --"r:- ' V'-. i. -L j r - ' ... -;. y ! .; j. . ; ' ! '. " " v ' ' ! . -I . r i i .!: ! . . "' . .. , i ' ' ! , . ' . . " ; f - . Mi - J t i- . ' . . .. ! i : 1 - s : I ' " I ; - - . - - ... V - , s . : r- - f " : -. i - -t . - ' , j - - . if . " - i There is a charm I can't explain About a girM've seon - r y 3Iy heart beat? fast when she' goes past, 4 In dark dresk trimmed in green, i "Her eyes are bright as eveuinstars,! So loving and sp shj, if , r t And the folks all stop and look around "W'henever-she goes by. f ' Chorus ! And I feel ust as liappy as a : big suuflower, - r- j That nods and bends in the breezes;' i And my heart U as light as the wind that blows " : " ' ' '" ; - 1 The leases from off the trees-zees. . As days passed on and we became ; f: : like friepds of olden tunc ; , -I thought the question I would pop, And ask her to be mine.' Bat the answer I received next day ; How could she treat me so? Instead of being mine for life, w She simply answered, uXo 1". I went next day, dressed in my. best, This fickle girl to see, To ask her if she would explain ny sne naa snaKen me. She said slie really felt quite sad To cause me such distress, And when I said, "Won't you be mine? Of course she answered, "Yes IV i Exchange. "The Sun nearer as a PreireatlTe cf CMlls. A correspondent to the Chris- m Sun -writes : '! wish to call attention . of r yonr xeaders to opriety of planting the Snn ;r, i as a -preventive of chill r m t ne 1 al L montiis. . ne ver has been tried on the 3 . larslies in Italy, in the 1 T , -r and Belsrinm 'with rc:.:i success. It has re- known? 'that the Chine: inirof acticedthe plant Flower as a pro- bhvlactic iu . ir malarious dis- "tricts for.a tliov. rs. They should be plant . 1 the -dwelling and c::. to form a thick err: " - Mower 5 is prcliilc l . are exceedingly r: ' makes the best kind poultry. ! Thisi3 woi . The writer ha3 per.... edge of the beneficial 7 1 v, round 03 so as Sun vhich and for -1. m the bun i? lower, lct od C 1 u 1 as it costs nothinsr .What 's ilcait 17 a The power of prim is measured, by horse-power: iound that the strongest . 1.011 n draught horses were capablo ; doing work equivalent to 1: ii ; (33,000 pounds one foot hki - .r " minute, and he took thi 3 le unite 01 power ior xne src. n- gine. The horse is not r. ually capable of doing so great a 0 uan- tity of work Ranldne gav3 26,- 000 toot per pounds as the ngure 1 lor a mean of several experiments audit is probable that. 25,0 C ) foot pounds is !a fair minute's fr-"mvffe : work for .a good animal. It require five or sis men 1 1 work of a strong horse, estimate has become V consent among c ngi : standard (of power ::. for all purposes. Sd. can. I : ' Why is a coal cbarit of all charities ?. Beer ild he .'3 ll ie it -t Atho receiver's gro T'r "Why is a trend: convert f . j Because the result; of -man: v 13 Love-matches a ced h by people who of honey with a On week dy music by the l: you can havo 5: 1 j most a hogs- : o harrow .'g in one's we can't do verv , and ; yet we turn it as. 1 ; J. i-i . !, a chicken like a farm. use 'both delight in a p. Vxiom for the kitchen Things rubbed against a grater beecme ;rcrazc your home paper; T I1ET T 0 B C D -L IG II T . ; - 1. : . BY DAVIS & ROBINSON. . vyr .,. ..' -y OFFICE OPPOSITE COXJET-IIOtrSE. TERMSThiipaTOA Is published every Tuesday morning, at one dollar and a half per annum,-1 our ance. ' I Terms of Advertising .The follow ing are our terms, which will, in no in stance be departed from, r une wiuare, (io unes;isi inseruon fiAA Each subsequent insertion - 0.50 One square 12 months t - 12.00 One squre 6 months? J - - 8.00 One square 3 months . 5.00 Quarter column 12 months 35.00 Half column, 12 months CO.OO One column, 12 months - 100.00 i' Advertisements for a less time than 3 month3 will be charired for at the usual r rates one dollar per square for the hrst insertion, and fifty cents for each subset quent insertion. , - ; The . humber of insertions must" be marked on the manuscript, or the adver tisement will be continued until forbid, and charged for accordingly. ( All advertisements payable after first appearance of the same. ' BARGAINS AT CREWS & BHO. Main Street, ' OXFORD, N. C, Dry Goods, - r , r ; Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, - ; v , Hats and Caps, IIE1DT-JIADE CIOTHCTC. 4 ' NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, STATIONERY. BACON, 1 LARD,' ui KEROSENE OIL, &c. All-MiidsbfCutlery. POWDER, SHOT j SADDLERY, AND f I HARDWARE. "We will take in exchange for goods the following substantial : gold, .r SILVER ;'P:' GREENBACKS, OLD CASTINGS, ... :- , RAGS, BEESWAX, PEAS, CORN, COTTON, FODDER, OATS, WHEAT, 1 MEAL, FLOUR, DRIED FRUIT, In fact anything that can be turned into MONEY. ' ' ' We take this method of retiming thanks to the public generally for their past f ayors " and hope to merit a continuance of the same. - ? febGlv BOURBON SISHTH, j T ail cT : s Koaton-neimer Row, Pfo. 4, j OXFORD,-N. C. ' H AS returned home again, and is now prepared to promptly execute all work entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to the art of - I 0 ut t i n g . AH kinds of Produce, Wood, &c, taken 1 payment of work. ; j ' ; "EC0X03IY IS WEALTH.W 1 OLD CLOTHES MADE NEW. Remember that Adam, bur. Father in . Head, i.v" . - The Lord of the World, was a Tailor by f .trade. r. -.. marStf r and act accordingly. 1 Remember tbc Dead. L T'HE undersigned respectfully informs his friend and the public at large, that he is now pre paired to furnish all kinds of MONUMENTS AND TOMBSMONES, of the latest designs, with promptness, and at prices to suit the times. Orders so licited and promptly filled Yard on Tate lot, South Elm st. Greensboro, N.C." EQjseud f orprice list before purchasing. feblTGm S. C. ROBERTSON?9! JNO. HUNT,1 j :",r lia, Street,: ; " ' '' :1 OXFORD, N. C, KEEPS constontly on hand: Groceries' of all kinds. The best Family Flour,! Boot;, Shoes, Hats, .Candy,1 Cakes, Fish Bacon, Lard, -Cigars, Snuff and Tobbacco which he sells at liTing prices. t feb66m I oxford hotel; . ! W. P. COLT, . - - Proprietor. Entertainment for lan or Beast always : . ;y iteady. ' . - The proprietor will . use every means to give entire satisfaction to his GUESTS, and hopes to merit a liberal share of pat ronage.:' i- :: Ir ;n '.m.:-.? ir: . Feb. 17, 1874.' ',H y rv-n. :tV HEN JUERSON A R'EH O.S E i ', TJ -O- : TOBACCO PLANTERS, You will always ; find ; the 0 pro-; prietors of tliis house at their post and ready to accommodate you in i every respect to the extent of their power. , . ; . i At this house you will get tile hisrliest Drices for all' . srrades of leaf tobacco. I 1 "We buy largely ourselves, and have orders for an unlimited quan tity of smokers. .. ! - . : - ' ! .'-':" ?? . r ' ' i- "..it- Rest assured, that your inter- est will never be neglected at the - y. i . I: j Henderson Warehouse. "We sell every day. I . ! ' Respectfully, ; J. MAT. CURREST, J. K CLEMElsT ' ' . . . . . ! I . . - ! . . Proprietorsj NEW STORE. 13EW GOODS. ALLEN. MEADpWS, HENDERSON, N. jC. ' WE take pleasure in informing our friends and the public generally, that w.e are constantlj- recemnr from New York and Baltimore, in addition to our already large arid well selected stock of general merchandise, such goods as enables us " to keep our stock complete and attractive. Everything entirely new aud bought at Xanic prices. A good sup ply of , : 1, 1 GROCERIES : always on hand. Special inducements offered to those who wish to buy bT the quantity. A We are selling goods very close to cash buyers. Give ; us ; your orders or call at the new store and be convinced.! " Agents for Gilhams Tobacco Fertilizer. - ALLEN & MEADOWS, mayl2tf t-: Henderson, N. C. SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. The first grand Opening of the New . Year, commenced at the store of R. L, HUNT a few days ago ! XnAVE been receivinir and will con JLtinue from day 'to day until my -large and varied stock of New Goods are mark ed .and placed in position. j This beautiful and attractive stock now arriving, was bought hi New York at panic prices. I . am therefore prepared 10 oner unusual inducements 1 to my inends and patrons m tne line of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Ladies Gen tlemen's Boys and Misses Boots, shoes aud Gaiters, Dress Goods in endless , " Variety, Domestics, Plaids and Prints'-Cassimers and; ' ' ' : ; Jeans, and a large ; u i . ; . : stock of Gentle- h ' : - . , .men's wear, j, ; Come early and secure great bargains. I also keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Groceries, Sugar, l Coffee, Molasses! Bacou, Lard, Flour &. I - Give me a call before buying elsewhere as I charge nothing for showing my goods april7tf;: . i ; R.L.jHUNT. SUneral Waters. .4 - - . . - . Greaibrier White Sulphur, GETTYSBURG tmd CONGRESS WA TER IN BOTTLES, j : .' ' Also the . r .-.-' FOR .REPRODUCTNO---' -; ROCKBRIDGE ALUM, CONGRESS, , iVICIIY: and . :"s7 kissegen Raters' : ' in their original purity kt'- 4 f ' " jrlm Crawford & cd'S 5 une21m WEITELA W $ CR 0 WDER, RALEIGH, N. r" ' A HE prepared to furnish Marble . Tombstones of all kinds neatly carved and engraved. : Also all kinds of granite work. W. JL Turner is our a- gmt for Oxford and surrounding country, rders entrusted to him will be attended o promptly, - -inarlOSm E. Haithcock Son, .; CARRIAGE AC TCREIIS, .r-i Mi; Sfllsbro -.Street, ; OXFORD. N.'C. . -.1 . . iL' -' ' r lumm; .ai8r "VOL HA of AVING secured the services of some tho best mechanics in each of the deDartments we give particular atten- tion to an . wort done at omr snop aiiu feel safe: in raying tnat onr rKifill . , . . . compare with any in the Mate, . m styie and duniDiucy. - We keep constantly on hand, the fol lowGpr," viz t-yi ' .. CARRIAGES, , i - i .51:. BUGGIES, ' : . . . ' SULKIES and ..,..:".! ,--. HARNESS. Alar. TTA-RAr IV A HONS. .-, ; V CARTS, &c. &c. Repairing in all its branches done with neatness and dispatch. V j - 1 - Unsurpassed inducements offered cash purchasers. . " marl71y OTW. T. LEACH. N. Y; M. T. LEACH. LE ACM BR O S GROCERS AND COMMISSION . - MERCHANTS, Wilmington st East Market Square," Raleigh, Jf. C. j WHOLESALE DEALERS IN .Hi- Sugars, Coffee, Snuff,, Fish, Salt, Flour, Canned Goods,, c. ' YY HOLESAEE AGENTS FOR ' Foresters Lemon Cracker's. P k. Proctor and Gambles Extra OJive Soap, Farmer and" Wainwrights Wilson Plows, The 4Snow Flake' VFannly Flour. COMaHSSIOK aIERCHANTS For the Sale of Cotton, - Corn, Flour - .1 Oats, : Chickens, Rasrs, - i Eirers, ...... .; Butter. Consignments solicited, and prompt returns made. -: -: Send for our Price List. ; april71y. i : . . 1 PtJEE SPANISH i i! fj 'D Ii il 6 1 Ofldifiereut grades. 7 y Ton Flavorings, f; Olive Oil , and Gum- arrabic, to manufacturers of? r tobacco we oner special ' - .inducements. T. D. CliAWFORD & CO. mar34m Oxford, 0. II. A. BEAMS. . A. WALKER, ; DURHAM WAREHOUSE, T70R the sale of leaf tobacco. Sold JL more tobacco in le J than was sold in any market in North Carolina. . Let your tobacco be in good order. -1 i . Res)ectf ullyv: 1 ; ; - REAMS & WALKER. may53m . ; ; . ; , Durham, NC. P. WISE, F. M. WISE, W. B. S.TANABD. WISE BROTHERS, : ; General - Commission Merchants,.-' : No. 1305 Carjr street, . : . Richmond, Ta. . : SELL on conimissipn. Leaf tTobacco. Grain, Flour and produce generally, apru283m; r ' - ' - - f I Attention Farmers ! G U AN AH A NT GUANO, EUHEKA, ODER'S FERTILIZERS, &c. . pFor sale by 7 v - ? I v COOPER & WILLIAMS. mar3tf; , . - . Oxford, N. C. I A3I prepared to do hauling for , the s pubnc generally. . Teanis f urnisned to go from Oxford to Henderson and. other points at any dar.rhe patronage of the people respectfully solicited. - febGCm. ; J: Oxford, NC! Cooper & Williams, Ccr. Wiliiamslcro and ClarisTille Sts., I .' OXFORD, N. C, 'O! rx Jropose to shorten their line of credits. Cash and punctual payinsr buvers should take a note of this. ' "febGtf. A EELLETT, I . A JUDSON WATK3NS, Late Ellet & Watkins 'CLAY DEWRY, ' formerlr :s Ellett & Dewry S B hughes, late Hughes, Caldwell & Co. j A . L . E Uett & f Co i , vj j ." WHOTVE3 A JiV. DEALERS IN , ' v DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, j ; No 1211 Main street,- - i IUohmbno!,'V2u - . Orders promptly executed. ; i t ... ) i .r.'4:x V'' v .v:-'.,r-;:,;t lii apnl74m i A CTS a glass or 15 glasses for $1,00, JL V flows from. the beautiful, fountain at CRAWFORD & CXPS. june21t .;L mm j -u:i ! IS THE ONLY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ' IN THE SOUTH EDITED, PRINTED, AND PUBLISHED BY BOYS. - J -; t . 'i A Free and Independent Journal issued eyeiy Tuesday morning- at j OXFORD, N.C, at the . exceeding low ? price ; of 1.50 per,-year. Every man inthe County ought to j patronize it. And everybody "-; ; I, out of the County want V " iny a LIVE NEWS- . .. ' PAPER should : I hasten to sub- 1 I scribe. Our columns will contain each "week the "J ' ' "; ' " best , ' ' " j' Poetry, -Stories, - - - - ;. j' -: v:. Jokes ' , . ' , Sketches, Wit and Humor. I To sum up in Bill Arp Language : We are going to run a very peaceable machine very peaceable. . The great in terests of our country commerce and trade, pig irbn andj pork, tobacco and corn, the.Fair and the fair sex, accidents burglaries, etc, etc J, will be attended to We intend to caper and cater for the public' Our bill of fare is before you. If you like it, board with us, and pay as you go, an(J when you get tired quit. 1 ADVERTISERS Desiring to make their business known in this section, can find no better advertising medium than ' the TORCH. ; Our ad vertiring rates are very low. JOB PRIWTIWG I NEATIiY EXECUTED 1 At Prices to suit the times. Give us a j triaL We study to please." i Address, - -. J .... ; . j i if i . t- J D AYIS & : BOBINSON: OXFORD, JT. C. ; : The. Giant House Hover., - 'TIIE -. undersigned announces to the jl citizens oi uranyiiie county that he is prepared to do all kinds of house moving! Contracts taken on reasoiiable terms and the work done at short notice. 'En tire; satisfaction guarranteed ! or no pay required. ' Very Respectfully, " 'r 't ' "'I "-:" W, R; TURNER, feb66m 1 - ' ! Oxford. N. Cl R. T. COUCH, ' i . Surgeon Dentist, v OXFORD, Ni C . I OfFera his professional services to the citizens of Oxford and . vicinity, and will do work at bottom figuresi f;, , ' Those wishing anything in, his line, will do well to give im a call.- j J S "-' : omce at residence, College btreet. 3m Drs. Pissctall U Yoxnij, FFER their professional ; services to the citizens of . ( J OXFORD ; and vicinity. - : Office at T. D. Crawford & Co.'s Drug store. ' fphfiiT-" SM1 :r.t.pVJCAT7 YcrU and rtfcs East. TOE bfOMlKlbT cOMPAmrrsxiNES and Geo.1 Wl Elder. leave N orfolk and kl?maayTueday; WeanesWantf Satur day atjj30 Jinjonjrrivalof iiains. , , . FRok new, TORRV , , "r i Leave Co's wharf oh Tuesday, Thurs day; Friday and Saturday at 3 p. in., connecting, Norfolk and Portsmouth with trains f or intMnthe South and For Cherrystone ana pastern shore of Y a t Steamer N P Banks" leaves Norfolk every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Ah pnn n . And f ot ratthewsu Glouces- terjind Torktown, Va.,r eveix Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 'atOm,, calling ; at Vue.de l'eau and -. Fortress Monroe each -way daily. ; ' . IMFor Hampton, Smtthjietd8 if I Seamer'4ltamptcrh leaves Norfolk dailyf or for Nue de l'eau, Fortress' Mon roe,'llampton and Smithfield. For' Washington, Ni C.and Landings - on the Tar River. - . f r Sieamers V'Olive orJ-Pamlico" leave Norfolk every: Tuesday for Washington, N; C.,V connectinr there Nvith' the ; Co's steamer Cotton - Plant, for all landings od Tar River.: i Returning the loat arr rife? at Norfolk on Saturday. , june2 ') ', 1: POSITIVELY XO CIIIiOMOS , y THE DANB UR Y NE WS Containing every Meek forty columns of choice reading matter, printecfon clear, handsome type,-and fine-"white paper. " J The News is. .edited by the JDanbury News Man ; is contributed to by George Alfred Tonsend,. the chief of Newspa percorrespondents and otlier ' excellent writers, Who1 will furnish fresh corres pondence from the leading cities, and cptiirTbute.to the" editorial columns. ; j TftE News has its own ScientincvFash ion Chess and-Puzzle editors ; publishes thebest original ; matter, the? best mis cellany and the freshest and best stories. IsAiits departments it is edited 4 with sjdJnpulous care,' and is, in eonsequence, qnjeof the best Family Journals publish ed;! Sample copies free--send for one. I ''- ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ; 1 ' OnelTear - :;; ' - - - ;i-r- $2.00 Special rates to postmasters and clubs. Mi: BAILEX DONOVAN, f -ltl'V ; - , .; -Danbury,, .Conn. I PV UU1 & SkinRerv mission Mer chants , ti; No 18 Pearl or 14tb Street,? !fi. ;.;-RICHMOND,:VA,-- ; I Solicit Consignments of Tobac Cot tbnFlour, Graui. Pravisions, c. , , . i ( 1 Xgents'for G. Ober & Sons' Standanl fertilizers in the States- of Vlrgima and North Carolina. Alf?o on hand Peruvian Guano, Lime, I Plaster, 'Salt' and Bone inn Dissolution of , co-partnership, rpfiE Co-partnership of Rogers," Webb JL'& Co. has been disolved by mutual consent aud all claims due said firm must bema.idtoGE Webb. JC Rogers, v Jflf r -SG-E Webb, - i j.TFaucett; npSE business will be .cohtined under X'pe style of Webb, Thomas & Co., at the lsame well known stand, f ora'ierly oc cupied by Fouler, Sharp & Co.v where tliqjr will ' be glad to see their friends. Th)cr5ofier to all special inducements to trade; with them'. Groceries a specialty. j v ' WEBB, THOMAS & CO., mar24Gm ' J Durham, :N C ili Nat. Ii. Brown f - ' j; RAEEIGH, C. ' jTv ".DEALER IN V :-" ANCY Goods, TovsVBaskets, Croqiiet 'ASets. Balls. Bats. ChQdrens carriasres.' Pianos, Organs and kind of .musical in struments, strings aud , trimmings, ;Birds an& bird cages, Confectioneries, Canned goods, Jellies, J.ijitSj Lemons,' Oranges, Cigars and .Tobacco. Prompt attention to all orders. Vi7" ' feb241y I A TTRNE Y-A T-LA W, 7 i RALEIGH, N.C. ; TILL practice in the courts of the Dr.. W. Owen; ; f T - :jn&E oiiIde .hjt i s t 0FFERS his professional, services to . jthe citizens of Oxford and surround ing cpuhtryr Her is prepared'to perform all (Operations in Dental Surgery at prices so riduced that the most , panic-stricken neetl riot shrink fromcalling liis prof esion- al trvifis intn rpnnlsitiori- " 'OffipiA at hia restjetice opposite the residence of ColRr J. jftitchell, near Osborn3 Tobaectf Ware- luiil m " V i . nK it Hrr SK ROTTLASD. BROTHERS, 1 c noLis sa Ij fe iijp c & b is ' )-( , 12f 14 and 16 Rolands .Wharf, ; ;. ....xoRKo.LK.VA. Uiio. T. Bobbltti general salesman.. mal03m -i'i J; ' " Hi , .WILLIS , LANDIS, i't'iZ :'s "-' FASHIONABLE tBARBEIn t Main 'street,; t fx ,QxfordyN. ? ' Rspecfully tenders his services to tha pubflc and solicits their patronage, v ,'.' Fe5l7y l$74.;-:;-f-y'T-V--f:- N hand a large lot of Ziegler& 3hoes JARB ORO UGHkHOU$E,k-l RALEiGn, N.' p,;.;v : ;J Rifer to all traveliiightlemen. f iVhe elegirif passenger steamers "Old or the ladies. At bottom prices- . . , ; " rCREWS'&BROi febGGm. ? ' -; Oxford, ?Nl Ci -A- ll&Wfi ' Cl"1"' 5;,; '"''lr; , 1 . ' V ';.Y-";4 i i . ..! f . i ' j I -V. ' . . v -.- . :i V ". -a--"-