- V- ! . .. i " i t - . - 1 p - . .!. . . ;; . V ! ' - fl: toe Tone n-L i gut; - : -r: : ' V. DAVIS, ' j TUESDAY,... .AUG. 4 1874. EDITCIII1L SPLI.TTXHS. Vhy is the oometlike a cat? Because IU fur to t!ie end of Ats tuU.' That's ... fur fetched, 3Ir Enquirer ! " One of 'our compositors has lost a tooth, ix Is false--the tooth we mean. A man named Whiskey fell into a Wii'C jnsiu pond and was Unowned. Wa- ter didn't Improre him. To make a trip around the J world would cost about $1,000. A Mr. Love was married to a Miss l)arling in Union, N. JM last week. . Onfje a little Darl'msr, but now a little Love! No Girds. A petition having 18.000 signatures of women has lately been presented to tlie KngHsh. Premier, asking the right of suffrage. j. Kentucky topers are signing a petition to have whukey; put down to live ceuU a drink, --:'-J: - '' "".''" " Our senior devil undertook to steal a kiss from lib sweetheart the other night to which she replied. "You cant come it (comet) over me that way. , lieaufort is now croded'with visitors. -When this campaignHs through some- iMKiy's face will look jsad and blue. The wbeman commands his tongue, but the foord tongue command's hiua. 'ffirders and sudden deaths are the '"e day. .cu':rtO .ngs in the world that are etnan never, first. -s going to be"d Ti :, when struggling win, , . 3 bouudol time, lgin. : ; Ti.:: U If you C impud rtain "the height ire the ; man M ho umbrella during wants to borrow yc a heavy ihov.er. The rriedrnont Tr doesn't like the nou on that .7 ho is the way "we expressed cur t pcriptural conundrum, "funny" man cf the 1 Y. The Henderson Ittj . to the Tribune again. There ja not a Jew in Every politician's heart throbbing for the evt-nirr; August. :hangcd nxiously l: :th of Money and time nrc t heaviest burdens of . life, and i unhappiest of all human be:: r -are those who have more of cii! than they ; kno w ho w t o take care of. or .CCTGov. Brogden h:.z c ed to an exchange of Giro " lial Fall between Jiiclgo T". of this District,, and Judge " ry, of the 11th Di-trict, r 1m . District, will, thb adi- -cially ruled by. the latu. icial. A Professor Silver, o form ed in Rale'gh lr 1 The lire" last Thursdr ight; (full partieulareof yhici r in an , other column,) cc. . inrthe", same -block Vshr: Tucker Hal!, and the r: so great that the crowd v. id left the Pre II f for : .i glory ere ho had tin: L : '.'tCPtr.liit: there ha3 been cover . ' 3 storms In diflcrcnt ae country.' Xev. U ' 1. , ,itedv with a v..r; . ; n InilL a, Wiscon--i'i : 1 1 C 1 ada with storms ; : - ' 0, l a., with j a terrible 0 i, causing the ; death of from to two hundred people, and immense damage to prop-; 7 That lost child, Charley; . wster Ros3, of Pniladelphia, iias not yet been found. Indeed i hero are those who now begin to doubt whether 'Mr. Ross has any. liild stolen or lost It is certainly a new and strange, method adopt ed to make money, this system of ding children, hiding r; them demand! n - 1 ice reward for their return. Wo know- of no v. puni&nmenr eyvG encmgii to ; m- Hict rr 5 child thief. TLdiSsechDr Sandal Wheu will this flood of -filth, says the Richmond Enquirer jxhich rushes through the columns of the daily press' like the refuse or a great city though its sewers cease ? "We have had it ad nauseum,1 and cry out in our agony to be spared a further infliction. Whole col umns appear each day in the Kew York papers, and yet there is no indication that it is drawing to a closer and (even after this irregu lar investigation by the' church ' q Jn . . -i . rfce rounds and active efibrts at threatened with a constant . n we are rehash of the whole scandal by suits innumerable in court, both civil and 'criminal -and where will' it end! The demoralizing efiects itj has; already had. upon the public mind will be fearfully increased, 'and fain would we, for the sake o decency, if not relig ion, morality and charity, see it forever buried from the .public eight. j, .;;-:.: r ; j:J ' The above suits our idea exact ly about the mattery' and-we think it would be well for decency's sake if the Southern press wouldj sup nress all I details of the Beecher Tilton affair J JC" A bottle was recently picked up fon the east coast of Florida containing the following note:.- . . . "Steamship City of Boston. To all whom this message may come: That I the undersigned, a passenger on this ship, write the following statement : On Sun day night a heavy storm arose ; 12:30, increasing; 1:30, all hopes lost; 2 o'clqok, going do .John Caswell, London Eng." j It will be remembered that the "City of Boston" sailed from;2sew York, Jani 25th 1870 and her fate has been unknown until now, and is stil4 for the above note real lv tells nothine except thai the ship wasjn danger. J5 Itil now generally coneed od, says the Central r, Protestant, d is one of the most shameful icte in history, that Whiskey is at the bottom of the Indian troutj les. 1 Geu. Pope, in a letter to the Governor of Kansas, speaks in no doubtful terms of the miserible creatures who make money on the suffering alike of Indians and white people, and by their enor mous profits in trade "replenish the coffers of the Indian Rin I The people are determined that politics, asj an ( end toward which unscrupulous ambition tends, shall soon be as much an t unknown disgrace .. politics, as a means through wpich an independent, honest people can : speak, shall be known and honored. The peo ple are- determined that a righteously indignant press jand nation shall i eventually pit rascal against rascal, until all go down, and'e veryj honest man shall be proud to be a politician in j the true and noble sense. Mi I icaucce Wisconsin, Young j Pomeroy, the ;boy murderer of Boston, could find a boon companion if he were alio w edto go tojTopeka, Kansaswhere an6ther lad, Fred. Olds by name, has confessed that he murdered his employer; "on account of a quarrel over a game of checkers. " He first shot him with a carbine, and then, m the laconic language 01 a vvestern reporter, "nnished with a cheese-Knife." Young America ! ' A Kew York chap, who calls himself a ' banker," offers to send free to any address a pamphlet giving directions how to operate in w an street on small sums ot ner landlord s front door, and money. The less the owners of when his agent demanded pay money have to do with this ment of damages' she bit his fellow and his pamphlet the better thumb off. t; She armed herself it will be foi them. . ! with an axe against further incur- , . ",V, :n i sions, and it took a skirmisli line iKe ao not noia ourselves ire- j sponsible for views taken by cor-; 'respondents. " ; ' 1 1 Als:t AiKssrtrcts Fira Last Thursday niht, at 9:30 p' ock, the alarm of lire was sound ed, caused by the issuing of smoke from the roof of tKe building over the printing office of Messrs: Nich ols & Gorman,1 on the corner of Fayetteville and Hargett streets, an it was discovered that the garret room of the building was on fire, the fire having burned through the roof, of the building and threatening to (pestroy the whole building, it not the whole square. The iire, hook and ladder and bucket companies were soon upon The BucketdCompany (col.) were the first to get water to the names, and the Victor ErigineCompany (col.) obtained the first 'stream. The Rescue Steam Engine Com pany were promptly on the spot, but owing to a serious defect in their hose, were unable to give any material relief until the placed their hoseP upon the topoj' the house. i - !!, . J- By superhuman efforts, the fire was extinguished before effecting any material rdamage, other than by flooding ! the printing rooms and material of Messrs. Nichols & Gorman, who occupy the third floor; these! gentlemen were damaged to the extent of some $50fc The floors were flooded with water, . necessitating the re moval of goods in4he second story jo prevent damage.Jk?. News, Mr. Torch Light: j I I see in your last issue, the re port of Rf W. Harris and J. K Vood Esqs, 1 who were appoin ted by the board of County Commis sioners to examine into; the finan cial matters of the county of Gran ville. I confess, I do hot under stand that report. They say they find the County owing the school fund $2,165,17. Does the Treas urer's book show that the school fund was deficient that year, $2, 165,17? If his books do not show these facts, I would 'like to know how the fact was arrived at If the Treasurers books were eor rectly kept and the thing is true; then, as a matter of course the books show jit ; but if the books do not show this state of facts to exist, then 'I say, it is uncertain who owes the 2,165,17. The oth er item of $407.94, as an indebt edness of the Treasurer is also unexplained. The committee, call this matter ot 2,lbo,17 a misapplication. While: they were 6n the subject of mis-applications I 'wonder they had not noticed some mis-applications made by the Commissioners. I understand they allowed Dr. Taylor 700, and M. B. Jones, 1200, per year, for receiving and dis bursing the County and school funds. If this is true they - paid Dr Taylor 500, and M B. Jones 1000 more than a large com pensation for their services, f One other matter' with regard to the misapplication of the 2,165 17. I understand the school fnnd has to be paid in, money County funds are paicPin County Orders the difference between'cash and County Orders, nnderstan d is about one third now one third of 2,165,17 is 721,62i I accuse no man. Frpm this committee report we learn, that, with the largest Tax ever levied- on the people of Granville, for six years not one dollar or the county debt has been paid, or so trifling an amount that it is not worth our notice. : -: I - -.- j I can tell the people! of Gran ville there is but one remedy for all this confusion in ouTfinancial matters and that is, - to elect five honest firm, intelligent men, as county commissioners -men hav ing substantial interest m the county. Until this 13 done, times will be no better. Mrs. Jane Iove, of New York, has a lovelv wav of doins: thin'. She brokC three panels out of nf riim n fr v. l , J v u. . , Have you icgiptercd I In the death of Miss CRosa Poe it is . believed that the last of the family, and, indeed, of the imme- aiate reiauves 01 ine guieu juuuk poet, Edgar Allen Poe, has passed away. . ,f .'-,.-'. Dr. Stribling, the eminent Su perintendent of the western Luna tic Asylum at Staunton, Va.,died in that city on the 23d inst in the 65th year of his age. . NE W AD VER TISEMENTS m j Gbanviixe Couirnr, ';! I July 30, 1874. Ltmsf ord A. iPaschall adm'r ol William Suiv h--..'j: l .v.-'' r:--'- . 1 j AGAINST iThomas Clymer and ; wife, Eadie, itenthen Haithcock , and . wife, ; Polly, lliisley Oakley and wife, Susan, Samuel Usry and wife, - Adeline, Charles W. Bennett and wife, Lucinia, James R. Suit, Muke H. Suit, Edmond F. Suit, Robert Suit and Henry L. Nance. j Special proceeding to make real estate assets. . ' ; ' ' ' ' : ' SThis cause coming on to be heard and it appearing ; to the satisfaction of the court that Henry D. Nance resides be you4 the limits of the State, and sup posed to reside in the State of Kentucky, oh motion of John W.Hays, attorney for the plaintiff, it is ordered ; that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Torch iiiQHT, a newspaper published in the town of Oxford, N. CM notifying the sak Henry L. Nance of the filing of this petition in this proceeding, that, the same id 1 6r sale of real estate to pay debts and that he make appearance at the office of the .clerk of the, Superior court for Gran vill cofmty,1 in Oxford,' on or before the 13th day of September next and answer, nleari. or demur ' 'as he mav see fit. and that upon failure to appear the plaintiff wiuj appiy ior. juagmem; .ior me reuei demanded in the ; petition. Witness Berijamin H. Cozart, clerk of said court at Oxford the 30th day July 1874. au4Gw B. H. COZART, C. S. C. , I Mecklenburg Female College, ' j j BOYDTON, VA. THIS institution located some 34 miles jfrom Oxford, N. C, and 22 from Ridge way, N. C, has been in successful operation for two and a half years. Next session begins Sept. 8th 1874. It offers eVcry facility for female education of the highest grade. The President would especially invite the attention of his old friends and patrons in N. C, to ( the terms, &c, now offered. IFrora $84 to $94 paid half in advance, will; be, the entire charge for tuition in aU English branches and board for 5 months. If aU be paid in advance a de duction will be made. Music and other extra branches at reduced rates. For circulars &c., address . J. E. BLANKENSHTP, Pres't. angitf. , . BoydtonVa. Big Tobacco Sale,; j '' AT THE HENDERSON WAREHO USE ; Henderson, N. C, Friday, August l4th, 1874. "TTE will offer for sale on the above Yy named day about one hundred and fifty thousand pounds of as good manu facturing Tobacco as ever was offered on aiiiyj market. Farmers bring on your to bacco, that we may have it well arrang ed i before day of sale. We will have liberal buyers to buy all grades at full prices. Buyers, one and all 1 You are most respectfully invited to attend the above sale. Respectfully, JlEADOWS, CUBRIN & CLEMENT. ans42w. 1 4 STOLEN! 0 N 26th of July 1874, while at Salem church, the house, of VV. O. Bobbitt was broken into and a pocket book own ed ty B. W. Bennett wa3 stolen, con taining 810 in greenbacks, also a second class tobacco peddlers license and other valuable papers. B. W. BENNETT, aug41t Near Oxford, N. C. Grange Notice. The County Grange will meet. on the 3d Wednesday in August, at the Grange Han, over T. D. Crawford & Co's Drug store. L AU subordinate Granges are ex pected to be represented. E. J. KAGSDALE, aug42w ' secretary vro tern. WORK 8HOP. I Persons wishing their wagons, buggies, in fact vehicles of all kinds, repaired will do well to bring them to me. I always keep on hand a good seasoned: stock of timber and guarantee satisfaction. i ! ' C. L. EASTWARD, Jnly283m i : Shoo Fly, N. C. r. D. CRAWFORD $ CO. ; Main Street, ' OXFORD, N. C, : Brnggists and Pharmacists, j --AND DEALERS IN i ' " - '- -it " " " FANCY GOODS, DYE STUFFS, f PAINTS AND OILS, Pure lTInei and LIqacn for Selcal ! pnrpoe csrjr. I GRASS AND GARDEN SEEDS, j rrcscription? carefully compounded. AT O y ALL MY And a large ra r-m sss. rvar. a Above Goods purchased and selected by resent buyers in New York, Phila- ; delphia and Baltimore, who are Instructed so purchase forme only at bottom pri ces. - " - ' i ' I "1' " ' -' Jl " -'i,- '"'iV.' '--r:-: -, SI mcnAnilhlA TVirtl9- ' r april 2Ily. J;., To the Coard of Coczty Cocunlssloncn , of the Cocnty of CraovUIe, State of llertliCiroUsa. 1 Wei R. TV. Harris, J. KJ Wood and W. H. Young, the Committee appointed by your Board May 5th, 1874, to examine into the financial matters of the County of Granville, and report to I your Board the indebtedness of the Count, make the following report : f ' j We find the whole amount of County orders issued and approved from r 4th August, 1868, up to the 1st! day of July, 1871, amount to the sum of )8,34G,42f of which about $14,000 is for indebted ness prior to 1st of August, 18G8 Amount of County (Orders taken in and cancelled up to 1st day July, 1874, $83,142,18, leaving the amount of out standing Order on the 1st day of July, 1874, $10,204,24. - . ...-! ... .. ... Ji the unpaid Orders carry , interest, the indebtedness will be increased to the amount of the interests ' f- - We also find the County is owing the School Fund the sum of $2,165,17," which amount was; misapplied to: county pur- i poses.. ' ' - 1 r:; : : ' ' ' ' We also find that the Treasurer, whose, term j expired when M. B. Jones, the. present Treasurer, came in office,' is in debted to the county in the sum of $407, 94. :t ! -:.:.-.;.: r l --,' , We also find the county indebted) to the sheriff hi thfiTsum of $28,29, amount overpaid by him. j : All of which will more' fully ap pear by reference to the papers marked "A,' 4B, 4C,' and D.? ' ' ! ' ; 11. W. HAKKIo, cn'mn I nnrn J. KJWOOD. ; k. oom- Jidy 4th 1874. j julyl44t &&&& . Tl. o- ibi C3 113 IDs 3I ItttfS 2.55 W ' JH V) O T-i- h ' c w B S T HI 2 no - ti rc w m w n r- . r z mj m g-.S." K i P s5 to See's is Cd S C " L O SS B D O b n b0 3 Z ass it;- zr.Z Po-:p bios c- 2-n m rt r- O ? t- JIL ST., o ' C o g o sr o 0 CD nr ESS2 3.E5 8-1 !! I"---" .Sb - 5 &et w 2T C l"T'' CS 30 1 .5 i. cs as 3 B -"O I North Carolina ! Granvtixe County, , ; i Superior Court, Special proceedings to make real es tate assets in the hands of Adm'r. ; ' r- 'y Lunsford A. Paschalladm'r of Howell SatterwhiteJ deceased, i i AGAINST , . .1 : " John Satterwhite, James I. Satterwhite and others.' '"" In this cause it apaearing to the satis faction of the court, that jSamuel Bow land and Elizabeth Rowland, his wife, are proper parties to this proceeding, and that they reside beyond the limits of the State of Xofth Carolina, to wit : . in the State of Kentucky, and cannot be found in this State. . It is ordered that service of summons upon the said Samuel Row land and Elizabeth Rowland, be made by publication of the same: once a week for the space of six weeks, in the Torch Light, a newspaper published in the town of Oxford, to appearj at the office of the clerk! of the Superior; court for the County of Granville, on or before the 26th day of j August next, and answer the petition, a copy of which is filed in said office." And let them take ;notioe that if they fail to I answer, plead ;or demur to the said .petition within that time the plaintiff will apply " to the court for the relief demanded in the petition." :-' Witness, ! Benjamin H. Cozart, clerk of said court, at Oxford the 14th July, 1874. 1 B. H. COZART, C. S. C. , july216w. s ; j - - H DKQPJW 11 A I.ARGE stock of Fancy Goods Just -tXopenedi at ilitchell & Sons Dru Store. The ladies are politely requested, to call and examine our assortment which we imainejs very pretty and nice Toys, from a spinning Top to a dancin Xig&r. j ! j july2St44 Turnip seed. T UTABAGA, Large Globe, Large XV Xorfork, Flat Dutch and 7 top, just received at i T. D. CRAWFORD A CO. mt n t. .9 3 ctS03L3 w 'Z C3 Si lS: iz . C Err?-3o o 3 L s -i w. rL. m Sir m - - - ? g a S & o ? 3 o pjo! STOCJK OF . S ; . ; - stock Ladies MMED HATS. A. LANDIS JR. NEm ADVERTISEMENTS, if M 111111115: f.i - ,- :' "J--. it ' 'i t' Ik 1. K 1 111 tTOYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charm- ; i Mnr.", How .either sex mav fas cinate nd gain the love & affections of simple nental acquirement all can poa- gess iffee, by mail, for ,25cta, together.: with h 'marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle Dreatn5,'IIinU to Ladies &c , A, queer ' book Address Ti Williams & Co., Pub, , ! FOR . "4 b 19 Cofd, noarseneii, CO WILLS'. CABBOUC TABLETS.' - T VV ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. tV trwi and sure remedy Sold by ilru( a I11HY SOiKP COLLEGE. - is Established in 1831. This old and cele- v; bnitecKFemale School is' situated in the . provi'iiuilly healthy town of Winchester i on "a jjtn'ch of 1 Cumberland i Mountains Tenalii Commences its annual sessions of vein hiouths on the FIRST MONDAY " in SETEMBEK. Still under its first and by President, Zl C. Graves, LL D. . For tlioroughness and cheapness of cdu- -eatiqnj is not excelled by any -school in the $(ith. Setli4or catalogue contain- , ing dl essential particulars.; G.S Walms ... lev, treasurer. ; . ; V t 2W: PIANOS and ORGANS new- arid Second-hand, of firt cla-a hiakfg, will be sold at . lower prices for cash on installments, or for rent, in oity 6 coiuitry, during this mouth, , by IIbni Waters & Son, No 48h Broad way,tian ever before oSfered in New Yorkll Specialty, Pianos and .Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of th Eistmmeut. Illustrated Catalogues mailed . A large discount'- to : Miuisters, Churfes, Schools, Lodges, ftc , U--- 1 Bleb Fannin? Lands ' 1 " IN NEBRASKA.. ! ow'for sale very: Cheap !, . f - Ten " r jQirs Credit, interest only Ci per ctJ j fpchrtfor iThe Pioneer S? jf A nanissome illustrated paper, contain ing thpHoinostjMl Law. A liew number . just published, mailed free to all parts of the wcfluV Address O. FDavis, - lanrl Cnmmissinnpr ITi'P. ll.;T? ! . "Omah, Neb. ; I II AVE YOU TRIED JURTJBEBA : ARB YOU :;. ' ; .. f - Wak, Nenrous, er debilitated f Are a so lanjrnid that any exertion re- quuvrt ranoi 01 an eiiorc inau you1.ieci t :J - capaoieloi making? TlieaArv Junibebii, the wonderful tonio-' . and iigorator, whicii acts so beneficial- , ly oi ;tjie secretive orgaus as to: impart vigoc t all the,vitatltrees. 1 n-h ? e It M ido alcoholic appetizer, which stim-1 ulatxisrfor ahort time -only,, to let the , ? suffe)f fall to a lmver - depth of misery, but itils a vegetable tonie actiujr directly on thMiver and spleen. v, ; i r It j igulates the boveT quiets Ihor t hervis; ind gives such a healthy tone to the wTole system ns to soon make the iu-r. valid f;eel likea new person. l, : ; , , It Operations is .- not ; violent, but U eharjiVaerized by great gentleness , tho - patifj experiences no' sudden change, no ' iirked results, "but gradually his. trom4s; v '.. , v- .,- ... rjold then tents, like the Arabs, ii;is no new and utitried discovery. buts been long used with wonderful; -u renieal results, and, Is, pronounced by : ' the behest medical authorities, the most . power! id tonic and alterative known;" Askj j'oth druggist for it. For sale by' T Wm4f. Kidder & Co., New York. O STi MARY'S SCHOOL, , , , ! j f jf RALEIGH, N. C. -Ui Foundedl842. . . .. , Tm ixty fifth term of this school win eminence on Thursday, Sept. 3d, ' -1874, And will continue twenty , -weeksJ4' Thej fllowiug term will commence Jan. 15tl,f 875, and end June 10th. In beau ty, I i$cessibility, and bealthf ulnes3 of 5 situatjra ? social, literary, ; moral, and , - relijiw advantages; and moxleration in ; charges, this school is not surpassed by, -any ;nilar institution -in the country.1 Fori circular containing full particulars, -; apply to the Rector, - -. '' I ev. ALDERT S3IEDES, D. D. jul&fi :, V ' Baleigh N. C. :' M TicRiTicai! mum rr. M. LYNCH, T4 J4S just received a" select assortment J-A-f jewelry, consisting ol Clcifcfcfc, Jewelry, Silverware, Wedding itinSTHi Bridal Dresents. Fantrtr Goods; xci,c, which he i3 feellin at reduced : pri to suit hard times and the closest' buye. He solicits you to call and ex-. amine his stock before purchasing else-"1 whek i He takes this method of thank- i in t$si many enstomera for their liberal v patrnage, and by close attention tov bu$iess, hopes to merit a continuance of the &jf me. . Sign 4Big Watch," 3Iain st.' jnne03ni. Oxford, N.,C ; : fj)B WORK of every descrip.. i . T

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