. -rf - a -( .-rt Ar'-J-'".-,! u mr x,' ... -v';V iT,TiV--'A ... " 1 DAVIS ROBINSON Editors and Proprietors; innrArc ? " ft UTX w Variety is the spice of Life,'" that, Qrvs rr all its flavor. '- " TERMS $L50 per Annum,' In Adyance VOL. 2. .j 6xf6rd;;Vgr ANvniLE - .county, an: c, V tuesB a y iorning! ' ec'ber - isT-i: lUl'ii't : --0.- -28 1MIi&' IK r fU ;.lS I!) . nil n, h V. 7. 1 i M 1 !i if if J It li II V. II W I II I I . I I I I II I I i II II .1,., .. I l ll.llt'li.ll 1 I II '.If. ( V J )VJ - :., -' &xf&m1dvcriishncni3s K''i Drs. Paschall & Young, OFFER their professional services to the citizens cl and vicinity?' - -' v Office at T. P. Crawf onl & Co.'s Dru tore. iVb.G 1 ; SURGICAL. DR E. W. OWEX wislieiit ever borne inmuid that he is stil living: hi Ox ford and is i)rrpai-ed to siTpply the. phee of lost dental oriank "with arthieia"! one? for $25.00 per Fet; and to perform ail ', oporajion$ m Jns profession- m & sVillt til aud satisfactory manuer. '"BepSO'm A NEW STOCK. I have received a rif.w stok fkr-' j .full lot of Spectacles, jvd- ladies. . -Chains, Rin. an i plated -ware ! 01 an Kin is vcrv cneuiu . 1 n;c on numi .111.!., t. ... . . " ''?.... I. 1." Willis Landi; Comer Broadway and HillslDoro St., j Shop lately occujneU by-II. .T, IlnIrr All work tunic, m the lonsorial art. In addition to nW Oyster Salwn,-Avhere,oysrr may he had a large and ieet a-ssortnient too hum-1 rearn 01 nnoou ana re moment crous toiniHihiehitt.' Oall and examine. AI:enT stood yonr nilcj dud bride, N Watches. CloOks, iieipnirrd. v . ; rIo.,.: myi.earttrirl Xov32m - l'. LYXC U. j In thatIionr of womius pride. ( .ii my loorsrens to attenci;: ; ; shop. I wiilcpeii an I He tlvat's jiipre thiii friend or brother,- nt all hours ansl-alb sty--t-ewl; fr;ed, ;-T;,.MiM vo vh. wC'i.L..- ti, iinrtnl raw, aud scalloped. Also ior sale hv the i 1 gallon or smaller quantity. 'I return my j Lt ;iuin to : aieavemy home siucere tluinks to m custoniers for tlivzrj Christ ha? prbmised life iiiiinona, past patrouagtyand hope by.'.clo atten CL0SI5G OCT STOCK. . ... v'.: Having determined to close out our slock - . of Goods, we are now oi;ering GliEAT BAHGAIN8 ' . . , . n . " ,- - .-r," , DrraCdi, Trlcualngs w . -, . t ...... Clothing-, Cools & Sac Hats and Caps, Etc., Et. We. Invjt your special and early att en ti )ii to our Stock of Goods. Now is the time . ' - T j BUY GOODS CHEAT. WE MEAIT.OTAT "v"E SAY. ii; c:i-" w. g. iii:idon'." decl3iii j , Oxford, .. U. Loch Aj your,' Interest! Harder' will eel, and -so wli! the Great ... .r y -'jv,- - A. CHEWS & BUG., are offering. Their NEW GOODS are pouring in daily. They have jast re - eivcu me neatest, me cnetpest, aim me x, am, me I ; t' best - STOCK OFGLOTHIN tbAt nas cicr dccii seen m uxtora. Dress Goods, . Calicoes, r White chih Xotioni of all kiudlu fact Dry Goods of every description.- A fine assortment on 1 GROCERIES, : - it ueh as Bacon, Iird, Siigar, Coffee, Mo . lasses, Ciqe1valu?.ma1J otner things too uumerous to mention. All wc ask is a trial" -'Xo- charge for showing goods. " - - Don't fail to give u? a call. We will an i-rn ' r.... ir M., -.wit tiou to bitsiness.o,nierit acpminKance.it;t ' ! 0 . theirfavors. I sludl emleavor ju i!itf u- Anienl!fefn.ils wait around tfiee" tnre. as in the, past, to nue it to the :u- j . , . . , f ..., u. n . . m 11 ' ' f. ' i . i -VllC! lt CiaiillJiJ LlJJuWS swell : tt rest of all to mve me thon orders. j , , - i . , - ; , ,t .. ... . ; ihon It thamc heayen that I am; spared i - t - complete. . . .... : ; ' - f I stopped in Richmoud one day Reiceinber yoa can purchase land was highly; entertained bv the - rail and Ulster Goods : .. j proprietor of St; James Hotel. At ; ofus. j oetetf Washington City 1 sojourned, one . . .' .. '. . r I dav, and saw , the man v: sights to NATION AL IIOTr-L., furnished and fitted irp in 'the best ;' saloon in Bauneut. C, B. BROWN, ocr(3w - i Propriotor. riigatfjicrsitna the 1 "hAtJElGTl, Ni C. I "Monumental City," where I stay- A NEW' iiouseV Fine ) rooih:1 Uii ! cd hrce days. In :- - It 13 rarely wc find sucli contributions to the . cohunnKot a 4nespaT)r. -tlt ,U sweetly beautilnliyal:! V KaiiO my p'illov, iiiiihaiul, dearest Fain and fainter edtne hiybffatlr ci, And the shadows stealing slo-vvly, ; 3Iii?t, I kno'Avbro thoc-of death. Sit do vai close: hedc t:;.c9 darliny i , Let me clasp j ot ir warn?, strong hand. Yours tliat. ever haSi u-4ainfd u:e , . . To t!ie border cf this laud.1 . ' For your God and irainc our Fatlier Then shall ever lead res cn . , r Where upon a throne eternal t'. Sits his loved and holy Son ; . v I've had visions arid been drreuning; . r Year by year I've; wandered backward, lul 1 wa5 u c!'? v1-. ; v ; - ' - j Dreams of t!i e. and all ihe. earth-chev Firmly twmetj about n;y heart , T. ; Oh 1 the b'tter:;;b:irn:niniilsh,. . When I HjcsL knV we umst part. i to the end. , Aiid 'ih he thatibids me come. Thou'lt then feci tiu is weil j Brlnq; our bivs unto my bedside, ; My last blessing !Ict them keep . Bat they are sleeping, do not wake them ; TheyUl learn soon enough tovreep. Tell V.k-vS of ten'of: their uiothcr,7 7 Kiss them for nie when they v,ake,' .Lead them goiitly in life's pathway, , Love them doubjy for my sake. ' Clasp my hand fsilh closer, darling, . ; Thi;-, the last'iitght of my life : For to-morrow I shall never . Answer when vou call mc "wife." Fare thee velIT mr, noble husband. ( "Faint not 'ucath'the cliasfning rod. Throw your strong arm around our rhil- dren, ' i " " j . Keep them close to thee -and God. - " ON THE WING. RICHMOND, VA., WASHINGTON " CITY, BALTIMORE, ill)., PmLADELPHIA . PA'., AND NHW YORK THE - ! "GREAT METROPOLIS. J5 i: CENTRAL PARK. ? " i i Leaving Oxford -on Thursday 19th November, ye editor" salli !cd torth to take a 'look-at the Northern :ci ties und liold : a-haiid i: in siht seeing. I could write pages of incidents on the wav,-Luf . must confine, m Vself to as small a ; - - i 'XZ'j.a a tir ac6 6f-possible At ; Weldon T stopped in to see friend Maiming oi ttie Roanoke belt's, vdio was de lighted to ehalca the- 'paw" of a brother editor. - ;.IIis ;latch "string certainly, hangi on the ontside. Tad Ncics is in, a flourishing ccu- J dltion. L i r.v - t W . ; yhile on ,tlio cirs between Weldcu audr Petersburg Va. I made the acquaintance of ,- - HON, t ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS,7.'' one of Georgia 's; ablest sons. Our readers, I uessJ know as much of this gentleman as J; could tell weisrbs only. D 103; be seen :there. From AYashin?- PUILADELPIIIA Iispent two days. ? In -the city ot "Brotherlv Love" Ahem are manV '" ; it has i-j.iss.oji and nr.il Tim riv.Tini'-d best ityie oi the . .77 i 7 " V:r;.T ,- He'll be with;voii public 1 institutions that' would furhiili niatenal enough for a long ' j3 and lnterestinsr articl rardf Coltegtt'otcl Hall, XLS. Mint,. Custom House, i ancl .many, others; VQ U On tbn ownintf tim o!u ,-"T ' reached theirreat metro . . O y - I York CUvahd reiri Giind Central: Hotel - - 7 ' rvtninff : nmi ho fnnurl tr mfrvd-L S thcnticr Mn:r- 'rhisisamag-1va!al6 nmcent ' builumcc ci eiccnt stones .. J'; NEW YORK ....... ' 3t . objects to the visitor. Her galle-! ricsof artj her - places of amuse- mentir -lier -public buihlinjrs andi 1 i i i ousiuess palaces, ner eiefirant ave- lender and the 1Ln. ?vu lvc asure grounds, about iiidtalk- -i - . .i. -. nues oi cosiiv resia L- . V. ,1.. 1 i I ,1 beauty of her pie have, been .written ed about ali; over t he civilized world. Id. ' s'-y ' - - 4 I have not. space to sneak 0f I halt the wonders ot tin?' trreat city. I cm only enumerate o, few of ihernA I can ; but alludeUo Hier vast railway and commercial in terests, to her creato clocks and I warehouses, ', to her ." va harbor or vessels con stantly "coming from and going to all habitable parts of the world, to" her irreat wealth and her favdr-i iu,ua uuuueu uiiu. uuv cirtJCiJS, j i. ....,7 ,1 ,1 l... .... i ahle location as the iirineinal cnni-' rnVreinVcdtv-'-nf thc TTninn s k"FVoii item,treferrcd to would make ?x instructive article, and so much ' has. already.- been, said dfthemi that their .importance is generally well known,, and understood in this? counxrv. - For real pleasure aud comfort there is no spot or retreat in the great metropolis that rivals or even apprpaciie CENTRAL TAr.K. It is a vast public pleasure ground i.ia puyuepaSaregrcuuu s contammgnebrlytteenlmndred; acres, ana is qeautmea ana with almost - everything, that .the most EkiUtul landscape gardeners can devise and art can furnish. Nature did much in the beginning to make the locality uneven and picturesque- So skilfully have the 'improvements been carried: out, so cleverly have the trees and shrubbery been planted and the, excavations' v and elevations madetliatfthc visitor is puzzled to discover where nature left oft" and art began her labors.. The sewerage is perfect. The road ways arecomparative.lv.. drvv im mediately after the heaviest show-l ers. The drives are .dehsrhtfalJl the foot-paths -wind about amontrhouse servants in cutting the trees and shrubberv. withH rustic seats and summer-houses atS e'ery slightly and' favorable idea - tion." The vast- lawns and open greens are kept in the most perfect order. i . THE LAKS with its cur rving Ishores, its 'pic-! Bov that's tbe Sirl of the Perioci itsand prcdy biidgesjS0 lTrMilt?n M:: turesque inlet is as attractive a possible. There a. are many- objects, of particular in terest in Central Park. Ward's statute ot' Shakespear is a promi nent and, colossal bronze figure that no at no stranger passes ;without tdying intently .There h also stu a colossal Morse and equal interest. Iho Mall, is; a long avenue shaded by beautrii ul elms massive and ornate stairway and . v ' 1 - , bridge, which forms the princi pal approach to the k lake. , The observatory is an ornameutal tow er buut upon the highest eleva- tion in the park, an(l from which a magnificent view - ot the great Croton reservoirs, of Ilarmel High Bridge," of the Xorth , and "East rivers, and of the 'Surrounding eitv. is - obtained. The view is well worth a jorqey to the top ofj: Talking 'too much "is a social!: the structure, evil. I THE MUSEUM ' oagh for a long ; j3 a. Iarc, heavy ' b u i ld.iiiff : v ' 4 T:. 1 icle. The-Qe-librmerlv0 occupied as a.U.' S-nDrroiisI yo LiUependeiicer Arsenal. : ; It is now I used as!11"; closed -item9;.V;w u repository ftr curiosities of evervi111' S3? tlie!? Min?1 Ppc conceivableikindj Ni TT.o;,;.ltuemin the hrc: ,1 i ,u i t UUUUlUiiS illiU auuiuuua uutc UUCIi i vvyis nuu . c t v i 41 jWiin, utu j .-.1-! r.. ; .v'T.Vi-i.:.i. There nro ' a : thousand: other things in this great public garden tliat are worthy of attention.: One can anve aoout iornours, not cro- wi'Vr.w i. i i- now. since me iuru-UD nais fprf.il nt thft I f urt n,u,'inu n-To:1to fashion." Ihey look puuo, j.h. r niisir 1 tk nnnn inn nrfriiisfs it.r.-iv. ., i ;iwlre eve- ! kr ArM, -r.A 'n?V-i8 I1"1 tnelr - - - . 1111 4.V,V lii.illliniLllVlll 111 I 111, t. ... . - . which are a": source of::naftictiiir "1$ ?. IUI3 UUK?U1 "jv jinterest to-children :atid Visitors . Ko-crs-ntlv ! hrw will thnt fSftt ' rr I iiuui iiiv vuutiii t l i iab9Vtlie visitor constantly comes trrpoh. something- new,' pleasing antj that surprises him.' There are l E LEG ANT CONVEYANCES, . costty equipages and throngs .of carriages that meet him at eve'ry turn. There arc si thousands of beautiful and elegantly dressed women and elegant . and hand- the stranger.is he meets or basses i ,kw..iV.-.1 onr Riorhc tn t hink'thfir rt -the. 't. . c -7 Sis, concourse there is not; a spul U- P- hc ever saw before or. will' proCl. blv ever see a";ain. ' Central ratk i one'of the greatest- and most popular : evening resorts-i It 13 the retreat of all-j -iTrtii iiw. - rvo'ir-v.t- n . fiwi - country. nin 'uv.LAi. i 1U1 JiWlil t ilillllUUlllill , and .the incipient1 aristocracy ;of Xew York to exhibit their, spiri ted horses, their costly equipages and .their diamond and stheir flunkies ..to the,. common; people, who sco' on foot and ; doubtless en- iov the beauties, of tho place equally as well. , . ' J, TIIE VISIT0R j twice over, the same road,aud(Wwc" '-Muyu- i ,.n? f eoo n Viwv f i, shoes. Better be an old focry than pet:not see or discover- halt ot-the , : . r - .-i.- beauties it contains. .In. driving- . V- u i i t f i ,i une oi our uxiora. srins iah.es adorn-Ul.nnhl Wml n wbnlo rlv nt h in tbiii nlfmcnnf rtrfi!it ?mfl tbfn j h m hardly, have seen alL of it 1 1)eallties. It is . one - of m03t charming places in the world.' : ;' - Willie A. Davk. " ' '. teSosthera Girls. .,;;.;,': ..... '.'. . --. - - . : ' ' , A young lady in this township, the onlv whiter memh'er in her fathers family, and who was rock- t ed the cradle of wealth, finding her father distressed about the imnossibilitv of crettin hands to ssiDiiiiy oi geuing xiauus 101 . i 5 i . - r save liis-ioDacco crop - voiuiiicer; ed to do the . cooking and house work herself so as v to give I the benctit of the services of him housing the tobacco.-r-This did tor a week or two, and ' only this but the meals over "things clea " , ned up" she hied to field and helped to the tobacco loail and unload the wagons. She saved her fatherfst toh'accb' crbp. Life is made up of little things. He who travels over a- contiiieut I must rostep " hv step. He. who writes a book must do it sentence j by sentence: he who learns a sen- is the hann f Ur of ? Little courtesies little ! : ' X" - - r--- -- . ' . o . . smiles, a friendly; letter, goou i wishes and good deeds. -' Texas is a paradise for editors. If one lives through -the first - six t j months, they elect him to a fat office. -. Sweetness: is no,, protection a gainst injustice ; even sugar can be crushed. ' r - - : Spice frcn 'Tolly Pejjsr." on JtmiK ortliv of 1 oonsr- lauics' are veiretanans came "hloom- heeks and , ,9 1 . ClCrrV. rJIpS. ilrtiral ten , Imaa jcry in "WashiiiETtou ? - . Bo careful of 3our healtli, girls. Don't mind being called "old ioy" becausa 3ou wrap yourselves run well and.' venture ' out in i thick One of "pur Oxford; girls takes the lead(cr) in the way 'of beaux. IWhat can be wetter than a wo man with a pataract in lier eve, a vaterfall pn her head, a creek in her neck, forty springs in her skirt and high tied shoes? J ' ,,Whv, one with a! "notion in her head, and swimrrihg m tears. -;?i4 A convention , of ha d-head man K?P -to jnecj W.ps r revive . the old wig pa Ion soon. party, per- I Direct-road to the - hamlet of Ntentment across the stile of 1 Gss- t lit rrOi -Tin inr nnni m : wV uvu.uim f - 7 . -- I, 1.ty-d. down 'the rale oi Kind- f Resio-uation-the.diamlet comes m . m i- t . view.., .iraveier, onwara , ,0f un nonest. lace, tnoun its- be plain, admirations heed will gain. ,Tt Ilousehold heuedictibu-grand-ma busy knitting and rocking,' skein entangling kitten, j loau : Remarkable economical hous Fcariiig that'I inn' trespassing upon your space and time, I will bring-these rambUng- thoughts to a close. . Polly. Pepper; , , : . : A Pat-Wreci Eciaance.. i: : 1 One day two "pards,' with Irish pride, betook themselves to take j a ride, and being frcsli from Erne-; raius scenes, peruaiw u nuiu snui i of means,; they v thought they j uoticed wntten: upon it the fol- -would .forego all trouble,t)iandj Iowing:""DivBoou killedc! a bear " take their horse-back riue on double. So thev . with intent both agreed, with help, of block usvu .. - r - ,4: nof?rlv i.toQ1 onI 'ctnWfrr1 - 41311 "kyj iwv cM.uvu on wun wniuiijesx,:iur uuuun 1 cousins an lnjquest. ...... . . '.I I I i j l'f"ng . T.:. ditch dd ,. receive ; .whi e partner Jim f did just kecpaboarf by mam and tail; JJp rnsft Tihnr Pat -from out the mire, i . . , with face qmtc black irom . mud and.ire ; and, grasped quickly. a stone ,bard ...by. ;and -.-.witU ?, yen-! geance at Jthe; horse-, let flj -Bat - . . . i anger somewhat warped h;s sight his- nerves unstrung with, muck and friffht : so 'stead of where 'twas meant to eo J Tini an awM bloV he. hit . poor pranciu g- bound, "Shure, t what's the matter.-with you ' now, thus leaving mev with all this row?' "Faith,53 cried out Pat; -"the bloody baste -kaeked -me clusin this backguard place", and I gave ihim a thundering rap to pay him for his sore mishap." .. ''That's righV-Ccried Jim, "give him one more and send it swifter than before his limher-heel3, sure, have great knack, 1 for i he J DctnUzry Neics. . III-gotton gain? Doctor fees. liss Fanny FisherNorth .Carp-.j.j-' lina's brightest lumniary,vhasjiceu f engaged to writejacxuil for'" ' Jack frost is getting upj 1hs,c7 ,V sel for the wiuters! "trade. jLaiici- - scapes on 'grltss ahd cbtormg Viose will te his specialitics.-iVic&cnir " Times. ' ' - v -r .- i pi - a - Cotton, the fleecy king, and "'v:7 chief object of man's" ctVisideration in tlii region; seems ' hot id be all sold vet - but ' continues : to ?'come H j i n Witson Plain Dca ter.- ;i .. .. , The iwif e ;bf R.guW. - Ricky;: $f tho Mountain Afterf.U said o ; H be hxi ' excellent" conipbsifbr and doesaiearlv all the tvpc settiuic -'; ior inui paper.v, r , T street box; ;Tic impecunious ;T hummers cdfner Ioaters .and troocU-,'i whitlers ' arc' jusfr iiOw v wbn- v ni 1 derirfff where their "ithiter. clothes t' andlproyetiAer? are to come;frora.x 'St Milton Chronicle, i . t -i ni i The Petersburg iViiurs says f'tho. receipts 01 loose .iguuccu iiaye beett heavier for this week than" foriuuy previous week of the ge son. . i . xue prices ior ; an graues holds -good: . The intant son ToF the Diike6fn i Ediubtirgti was' baptised icvralf day $ agoi They named h him Al- t v bert, rAlexanaer Altreu. Earnest s- Williams, Enough name to c caqso -aaij- CutpZeFtifocr': T-vrTi!ri in iirow o imirr niini breatli afr 4 Children: amprohibitedfrom'b raking home their J books i ii ? I the i Ii Philadelphia public schools.. TJiey, : t don't; want : teachers-io - xlo tlib wor-teachens are paid . for,. and tp keep the. little uns-hVains . at,., t . . X" l. 1 1 . n rtn Irl Kks. n eisi.l Xe' have heard of h6bls7.: i r' outside Tof d?liiladelihia ih! "which ' ; ' ! this Excellent -Vule ash no rccog-? ; Mr James W; I?rcston,l of.this -i .5 place, ; has, quite a valuable curio?- , ; : ,.y ity whichi he obtained 'from his t , "'. ' faMfhT:Su!llvafv; coiiiitvv Teiim: a"-' rfew davs aio. " It is7 a lection cut - from a tree whidi ;hc - has beeh-: -:T pacing ior, the .last thentyrfivc or, L . tnirtv vears; ana Iiau not before- ; - on tjjis treeV 1773.' It shows ev- r ldcn t sigus.ot antiquity,, atid who; khowsbut , that the great Western pioneer am not here leave ; hia mark" of his, repntedfine work- TamiKAlingd(m:yirg y, a vuuu tlUl'II 19. . . this. ?. An : f intfeatinff -:- m subject, and alhjleclectiUru; " J a a, . - " , eoiworni lo. jine provisions - of the - ,a.will IC' summoned fo the UnC ' tC(1 .- (nYditd ' fined.' A'" ." i..tt. a-!u-.i-ii-irt.-,-. uui iiau. t lit: inn .rt ii hi i no i t there is no niistaking the fact that ; : : he will perform -his duties; to the - utmost.f j it: will save; annovanco -arid expense if all who have busk ' nessat any hank will attend to : the caution wb1 ii6vHgtveC : " every man's name Won hU check, ' thera is ho .chaneG of e.scapel-2 ; 1 - Piejnovt Press. Aladyjn habv face 13 had her a lace all torn to rienri: by a -parrbtjcaloiis of -;thd- carreu es tho mother, gave the child.- ; . r Give strict attention to your own: afiair3an(l: ccnsider-your wife " one of them. I v , . " . . A depraved punster says ho shalsmoke if hejchewJo.l : I- BUficult-punctuation.-.Piittin a sioj; to a gossips tongtii !: . 5

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