it ' 7; I 6 I4 ESTABLISHED IN V' VOLUME i 1 J.s NUMBER 4. i h U UH I 1 II J I 71 I 4 f ; ' M ! l - ' J 7H2 YPSSMIT3rYlIinK7d, and'aroihe 4alhes,:nti man - or .nerfoxis woman. JLet tkem.Lald their An E?quiaUePe Pietnre r timid iu fay111?9' wsrucu .- ui ?aille CkriiUtui Advocate. ", j lUwr8t8ud4eniy npon.j we gained the jmmiait cf Inspi ration Point,"fmd lay twQtJious andI6et below us, quietly, nest- jling'in the bosom of fth ,snouii- tains. A" or Beyerai wearjr bouib in the heat of ihe afternoon we Lad been Blowiy toiiiDcr tip the 4altes,;nolrifor tear c f Iq'sIi sronfroraiid for opintkss Wloeitf age's carV-1 n S LT7DT? WT V STT1 flhT?V , iv,AV VHaHhu steep mountaintioKeTndrrfrlobefore they tafe -AbcoIutely.Pure. This nowder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate Sold only in cans. Royal Bak ixo PotvuER Co., 106 Wall St, N. iust ab the'delinin suir was cast instils logdJwf&croissahQ valley- below, the summit was gained, and this vision, comming ling ft soft anJquiei beauty with. an s awful gtaideur, $tiddenty burst upon us. fillip g us with! an emotion that at once "sealed -bur breath and k:ep quiefiand af terward itj wibo enjantd naye aescenaeAvnj-jpountam after this isliia fj j r ' llurrah,'r cTRs due aa Ve torn a shwp ant&, ant the beau- tifal Hndal Veil FaU in1 full View before tis. its whitA, watprH breskifig "into floating clouds reached "the bn dftxi feet .(elowi 4m, spray eight dibejxind ana ;mist the setting sun is painting upon thegraniFe alf Jnpsf 'icJrgWus rainbows that move tabout iwith th e; ascending ancfshif ting spray The. most , delicate and costly ss geologic ages ing!these fci monuments ' ini the aanite canvas v ant the green I ciau eartn mese an pictures tnat milt, to shame the.nobtert wprl of 4 tare hin in tlie osemifce i at this season. "The' heavens grow leaping over the mad precipice. ?ron ft safer poiuTwe fttahd- aiw! study the wondroujpictara would lingerliereBut a'littte dondis seen tofloSt of .pverj the, valfeytrrom the sumintfCloud'rf Sb6nTntherWtVsair6uon inefshe couldh&rdIy haviJdescrTf)ed1 airy ocean and joins it. We must Uarrywjjritaa.going. to. rain SAUFOMWCSlOESSldBT sassJSaiUPUi8saMcl merchant? it more accurately : ' Here are tceringrudntpuDtains Grayitft9t-k8. all scarred and gray. Nature's altnr whence her. increase, black. Peak after peia Jud.jU Floats in wreaths of inisi awayV A thunderbolt is hurled fram tc-ii - ' hind Cloud'. Rest. It' rtmttera 1? :fau,,In WfttCT?C terribly amidthemouhtai., TmSZ2 . -Their majestic peeiias raise. " shudder. It beeins to nun. ."Al i. storm is cominz. '"It' is already I- upon qs.- i The cloud-mist, black the canyon's rocky gorgf ' and thick, envelops us.? We carA No" h w"dlr'Kma?,iL , j, l , 7 -A.S, with lauglnng shout triumphant, uaru,J eee ine . norsemen- nex. 0'er the rock they Joyfully leap. , ; aucuu.. j.1 uuurs uuwii. we wjsn . . t paused a moment to gaze upon e for fairest bride a veil half so we were somewhere lse. J.n- .Then, in calm and limpid beauty. ,- needed to'askvhyhia had been P the white spray-andTinned tolto start from our yery side. We,h the veMantbaaerhanging, named "Inspiration Point"; our ihe rock by the jeweled.raintow. shudder and quake, . We are glad j M,rrowed ln the deptha , . own emotions told us why. And And now we are at the foot of we are nof atoiie. 1 We hiirry -p from th heart of natur e,' here lay the fur famed Ydsemite 'he falls m the midst of the val- J down, but not too fast, for a j Here glad fountains genial gush . - I I V . 1 . .... .. - . Vallev in-all its .lenHh and ie7-" -Loox up. tlow awful are stumble means aeatn. vve Know men, streams from Alpine glacier Law. AW. .ALLEN, AtUrncy ail CeaaselUr at OXFORD, N. C. Practices in the Courts ofQranvili.' and adjoining coanties, and the-! Su preme court at Kale lg ft. ts umce in court - je!5 the precipice is beneath towering crag above us, us but we J-HOMAS W- CANADY. j ; ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oxford, N. C Practices in the courtsi, ol Granvil e andp adjoining coun ties. apl21-l2ra. HIKES' IMPROVED Fackftffe. rents, mates s paHona of a delletoas sport! ui, temperance beverage. Strengthens and mirififlP the blood. Its DarrtT ami delicacy renoinmend it to aU. 8old by al druggists and atorekecpers. breadth, hemmed in on all sides these great; granite walls j that granite towering aloft three a?weanveup the vauey it is j can gee noiniog Jor uie mist anu thousand feet. How lovely J ihe everywhere the same-one con- rain. We hear the roar of , the auiet vallev! How grand, how tinued, precipitous granite walyiterfall beneath; our feet, but terrible thes grawtewalisl ? Did wun aeons t the bottom, and we cannot see it. i are wet aniet beautv and'Hwful eTandeur hroken here and ";therfe Jby deep and cold. Visions of bad. colds. I ; l i . -i i 1 I l ever meet in such close contact ravines ana mae,. wna gorges, before?: Surely,. it must be a down which tumble in mad ; con veritable "garden of the gods," fusion, white foaming cascades.; nr ,,ainrp wnnia not have bnilt We next pause at the foot of snclrfrisramtic walls as! these i to the losemite Falls.tue nobUst df exiard it from intiudmg man. 1116 nal1 aozen tnat plunge -w No gateway into this garden; one mignty volumes into the valley. ROOT . r Jt CM PPO It causes, and I j.HriVLOO a new and suc cessful cure at tout own norae bv ' one who ' wag deaf twenv-eieht rears. Treated by most of the noted specialists without bene fit.- Cured himself in three montns, and since then -hundreds of others. Fnll particulars on application. T. S. PAGE, Xo. 41 West 31st St, Tew York City. CURE DEAF FOR THE reek's Patent Improved Cushioned Ear Prams iwf-wtir HMiare the llearine. no matter wheth er deafn'esii is e .used bj cold, fever, r injuries . ,h. n.tnnl drums. AlwaTg in position, btit m nthi-rii and comfortable to wear Manic, conversation, even whispers heard dis- i-.-ti wi refer to thoe osihk taem. rena tor iiinntnited boot of proofs free. Address F, HI3COX, Broad ay,N.Y. IJ.mdS.riiilrfjTTtinTTrR The r Curs for Ctxarti. Weak Lung. Asthma, Indfr siun, tnvanli'aiiu, ijihaustion. CVmhuunfr most Xi rm now i r o- rfi-n-- orisown to other renio-iiw, TTk ljnrn KWnran-m, r.nuiie Comvliuntm, and tu btr-ireillaof UieStoniaoo-ljver.KKlneysand lioweU ar dramrui UkkiiikI- to crare who wou.d recorer tnir eaithbytlje uid-.' u-ot -AaKK'sGiSG2BTosKi 0s. Hiscox A Co., liB Wiliiau Btrset, 5. . r MARVELOUS nnrr DISCOVERY. and If Down the gorge they, madly' rush. This fall is two" thousand; and five hundred feet.; ;This water must climb its dizzy walls if. en- that we have iiiointdj the 'wall comes from the melting j of Jhejbowpaus tte TaUey,f Wtfn'd neuralgia, and rheumatism come up before us. We wish we hadn't come up here. Another flash, followed by a( sharp and sudden clap. The rain ceases, tlie clouds breakj in?fifteen min ttfeMhey are gone- and' the:6uo is shining warm and bright. How lovelyJis theC&ightiiX' rahiA how are weWget down' in th snbw. . Aistteam fifty 'feet wide valley below ? - Uee, noU r j J at F W l first fal13 precrpl But let uspaus'e A fmment tdl tonMv oycjrjif teen hundred f et take in the picture from this high nearly ten times that of riaga point ot vision before iwe begin! ra being nothing but , spray the steep decent; Hie valley, at when it reaches the bottdm; ' and one end of which we stana, is j cnen garnering nseii together scarcely ten miles long and two j again, it descends in a mad leap miles wide. It is quite level,and mg cascade i over five hundred is covered, but not densely, , with feet, and then another final pre- shrubbery ond treesthal make it eipitous plungouof five hundred appear. Jbe'autifully grien, las we feet, and quietly joins the look down upon ifxomur diz- brimming., xiyer.--' The hidden zy height sbi've'HAr foi spots oooE and -corner of the vallev. ire under cultivation. i.-Jni the I where the Vernal and Nevada midst of . it runs the beautiful I Falls come in is the rudest, wild Merced River, the course i of est, most picturesque mountain which we can easily trace with J lastness that . ever saw. i can the eyeas -it meanders among! not coneeive how nature can sur- the verdant trees. It is supplied pass it in a ; world where space by a r" half dozen streams that come'rjlunsriu'? headlong in mad furv over the eranite walls, de has only three?diraensions. Tow ering rags of irock rent by fis sures, immense domes of granite scending with terrible din and J boulders piled on boulders, deep t i-V,itt nlnml rt flnaf. I r.wiiiftsj linrsrjnc into wild trnrtrp ing sprayto the valley beneath. 1 lofty treesV tangled undergTowthi It then cuts its awful way out oi leapinftpaseaes, plunging tor thin fcranitfl-wali srden through I rents-r-and eveiythinor else that restms' on lurror Lake and th otiier av the-toot i --vernal Jb uiiy, Therajn-droflsqij Jhele.jves be) Jow.are converted into pearls by biic uitwiiig.euuucauie. 111c tai- lej s Jooh gjoilous) '"Xriieqiu"rrels run out oa lhe limbs and bark at us. Tlie -birds -af6 flying and singiugvt tibbment ago envel oped in clouds and darkness, i fs now a new heaven and a : new ejrth, iual of hghaiul pladness. jLsn a iLijqi. soon, ijorgei stuai storm In theYo-emite and Itow suJden- ly (he gloomiest of pictures changed to one of rarest " bright ness and beauty. What a pity that the beautiful Indian "names have not been re tained to designate all these places arid, objects jin nature 1 They ar6 so poetic, appropriate, expressive, picturesque. Beside them our American names' are them a thiTcl new one under pro ! Wholly unlike artificial syateius. -Recommended bv Mark Twain. Kichard Proc- ceSSOf Construction. J he -Valley tor, the ecienust, liouM. V. W. Astor. Judah P. Benjamin. Or. Mui'ir, Ac CUf of 1U0 C-ium-bia Law students; two classes of oe each at Yale; 400 at Cnirersitj of Peon. FhU:u, and at We'. lesiey Ctiiicge. Ac-, and en(taed at Chautiuqua UniversKv trwpwiiH rT rum jnnu wild eorsres and deep fissures in nature can do that is terrible the rocks. About midway in the all thrown" together in wild con- valley we can see two hotels, hall fusion.,' 0,as is gand, it s aw hid amid the trees, and beyond jful! ( Lovely valley, can I paint thee, . With thy scenery wild and grand f No, 'twould take a magic pencil, . And divine must be the hand. It is hard to tear ourself . away Jlrom th$ Yoseraite.-! It is a place where you would, delight to lin ger long and commune vrilh na ture and worship i the "Creator Weak must be his faith who can ascend to these lofty . habita tions oithe earth where the di vine glory dwellethj and not become- foreypi Jhereafter a devoutr er worshiDoer of Ihe "God of' na tnre-nrid of firraceC--. UvJoJiU 1 f The Iront rf..'- ff-i- l"r.v The CemmerclnJ --Spirit ln -it PaIIHm r t r rf f wins eaitonai taken the New Y6f k Star Ms Vul 9f gootsolidVi cofrni on; fee ne. Commerce. the digestive svste of the et-runtrv.-arrdT-lt mnst be ;oten in a chealthyritite) before the other systems -can perform tlieir f-anctioua, We needcora. te ff ejworfes holHei' meiojir wktttvBi, we ueea jrac- rough and commonplace Qtly bheliasbeen refaute ' the name' of the valley-f-Yosemito'.s which means,, the ''big . giizzly bear, The beautiful "Tu-lu-la-wi-ak (Uushing Water) he-while jaan has robbed Dfall its poetrV and bea'ufy by callfn's it"South ForY. PKOV. LOISETTE, J Fifth Ave.,Sew York. Drift rla fe-a dp.vnf.prl ln'irlimK immediately, above our j hotel three thousand feet high, j This we do 'oh' horasback. iBeing mlney. Uaathis teen done iny brothers,; do you think that there would have been a try all over I have said that who fari l a s ly:on every roan l?his fami- renter, taw m.iybedifficoltyDutjforthe ndiiUn wn nlswfanbf 'twere' is This eastern boom--I mean h) b4nj pej btjr tas;f m ppn )Ie with money has stariedup of California. With the easv progress of civilization the good old-industry or-ryrrrg-harl farostf11 earthly .excuse-for. not-havirig died outj If got ill ,uraged,ahd Vnty of ; wetttatoes and so many wonderfu I tiijags ( bad , asn potatoes-, i eas, beaiisj qar happened elsewhere that it wali3' hard for the imagination to tneet . L' T. ' ' ! mo itt3iitMi es.i j it waa easier io give up lying to strangers alio- giBther. for even the most u'n trav eled eastener could ring the bell mi. the California guide or- stage driver.. These gentry are ndw awakening from their ; lethargy and beginning to make the Yose' mite and other trips lively. 'A friend of mine.froui the E-ist has just come back from the Yose- mite and relates his' experience. The stage driver found out thit he was seriously afraid of snakes, and immediately proceed to make his hair stand on endi ,, I - "Venomous reptiles ? T6u bet. lr don't know what reptiles is. BSITANHIA SP00HSrASD: Ten million a Worth of D lueatie Plate lor -Kuularid s j, M3fllrCjl. Tt,l Utr ' i ; .'t London 'World. ,t ,r., , -The roal plate is psuaily kept n two strongrooms at ;s Wnqor UasUe, and is valued. at 10.000.- ... . -- i i U0U., , I e gold service, which- wai pgrchafied, by Jaepre IV, dines" 13 ) persons, and the .silver J Tr ue . - ' '4 laiifrT. u riii'ii i,H linn rf nr nnnnr narsniDs. aaisilT. . turnios. r r, ". i rr" "--.J. . 'i - r v l i - -, and dried fruit-r and durinrf auin ?tm"PTi?li&' -. me ft- j . '.tj . -L; t who could sit in it comfortably. AVER? Sugat-Coatftd Cattmrtte i.l Jt b LItw e ni IvIfCV bowels are constipated, or if the itomact. xaus h pwimn na iudcvioos properly, aam MK'"Thxj wit luf alualile , . rof'mere4r-I J WcaM to Lire Coinphtkit, In oonsequesce of .-vbich h t-ompmmt, in .ooasemrenre or. ,-vrticn 1 mffe red fj;ota General PabiUty and IndU ftbiion. . v, iew Mies oi, ATtr rim ' restored" me to perfect heakL WJ. X Brightnet, Henderfon, W. Ym ; j f ., mer he can and should - have as many' vegetkiJ can consume besides reed one pig for each member m 'iiis. family " 18 enclosed, , with ,ple , glass, , enough 'to A spiendid; cha, pied two years ocou- There are' sbai but them snakes you can just bt your me is venemous. w n y,oii day I was a comin? 'downt here drivin' a wagon"when I catches sight of a snake in the brufcii,' all ready for a sprinr. ; , My liorses starts an' I whips 'em up fgit JtTo clear the nake. don t vu-sea, afore he could spring.' llef rrfakes one. clear spring! Uie 6nake does an' he misses the horses.1; nThat wa8lucKyr-ii t,'you- LnklYoiWyoMninit f1akHe n3ssed Jhw or fistlie makedidr but Tie stiTct hit!irtrs rlftanthrfrtid'h the s krT'Aon don't say.r his family, and then raise plehnt'P. in Queen Elizabeth, ' having: been taken from thfe Spanish' "Arrfladai and others were" brought front In dia, Burmah andOhina, and there is oiie cu) 5lwhi:li belonged to Chsrles XII of Sweden; ' There is a peacock of precious stones valued at $200,000; Tfie body and tail 'ara j cbmpos'ed oT solid gold, profus ;ly studded Willi yearta, diamonds, rubies and em eralds.' The tige r 8 head, "known asTippoo's foot s( ool,is formed fqr silver gilt, witn eyes ot rocK'erys tat and a tongae :lof feolid' gold. These' two) trophies of oriental ex; travaaaucewere takea ai Serin. gapatam. There are an immense number of gold shields," some.ot which ' are" riclily"' orba'wehted. One ot these' i'aS fornibdbt snufi boxs under tne divectkiA ,of ol corn to feed . all his stock. Attistiite About 'the ISirth' ' ( place ol Andrew Johnson r . a Jtaieign special to tne new Yrk T. raes says: j ' A rtcent number , pf Harper's Weekly contained a, - picturej ol the house in which Andrew Johnson was born in Kalei'gh. No doubt the Harpers were hon est in their belief. lht it was the eritable house in ' which John son firt saw the liht, but their inlorma'ion was incorrect. iHe was borne in a house which liat- long since been demolished, and which stood ou.the lot how ocjeus pied by a' dfy goods ; store,! on Fayetteville street. Alter John son became President the Feder al officers ind men stationed in Kaleigh in 1867 naturally tbok .pop VP&ra I him rvriisvi mnra nnnn 'Ayer' tuls.tltu anytBUg-else, to j ':-lRegMlitfi; iBTbcwets. Theie Pllta ere raifd in acttos H14etbelrwdrXtUoroMKlity. Ihovused tUem with good effect, a eases ot Rheo BintisBtKKhiey Trouble, aud DtspepsU. G. F. JdlUer Attlebosoogh, Mam,, ;j . - Ayers. Pills cured me of SVoinacn and' : - Lifer troaJbfw, from which I had tiffted' xor years. , l consider them to,b(.ptlis ' "made, and would not be wltbont tiiein? Morns Gstws, DownrrtUe, If , Y, t;ff.t , . I was, attacked with BlUons Fever which was followed by Jaundice.' and was so dangerously ill that my- friaads de pal reu or mv recovery, j commenced "wmit blaereTiO'but.TOV fa'f iettuctwjj8- fHzs, plean thrpu;h swelled- 11 upWtttdt3iaji-eUiad to leave it by the wavside It's C9fiMl9H!lini8. eW George IV- and is valued. at $50,-' history, ana one day two omcers odO.i Tbereai e thirt y d zen ot caueu pn-o rupposewari ptate-Which WerebOught by that " " 1 OVfIVian r A &hknewi tfie-OearfyUitB Jf the President f6ayirig-fliatfhe4 had J APhaseoI Sontherneyiilbii beenbrected to lier asoaewho had knbwiJ hlms VoullB Tlie qTd irfpjietrrhad Known Asarcw anr nis parenis, itlHhalhV hatl -TrkrrWfPhlnte an Vt ileal ajidmnxpn ppUtics SlKyS When. yniLgetjagood..setpf clover nn a niece of land vou 1 : i. ' - 1 . , , .J may maKe mat piece ncn ov wiih and not so much theory and wi:e working. " "The most stupid of the attacks recently, made jon ;the adminis tration is the; accusation Uiat the President and his iadvisers - ad minister the OT-miroent "in a mere commercial spirit." That turn stock unon it. and kuai, luovuv'u" LpIokpIv irraed a 1 mmmer.. in judicious management, verry Jittle, additional-. expense Bul ifJ ai sooi as large enough for a calf to bite it, you keen jt Yellville are not popular iu the emocVia patty fvbfcUj is bent upon giving to the countiy R cneao ana emcientieaerai - govs ern-roeU - - , .i . - It was thi "commercial spirit" tHaV elected-. ij;oes Tleveland President-.. The merchants of the country and especially those ex,, stead of improving your ot. jou haveimpovished it, and at the same time you have not, realized one-Jialf the . benefit , from it you Wofild have ddn! had? you kept the stock' cdtT ,and had ;inewed one'good crop'and'fed tQ.them leaving the second crop to plow j jr r J i.tri,-:- i. U UIKieT lorwop lOUU. j sriieu uiHi' Pi-wa-ack l (Catitact i of xs- of the great- seaport cities, were tlntiallv giazed u'pori.'t titd monds) u changed to "Veru. 1; determined to rid themselves. oi I ,nnro h-n-.fla riiooed bv th. 1U illUlU UJV UllWUVJ t MOBE St is four thousand; feet .a bore - the ea, jand &11 around - it .-.are im mense domes of solid rock, that rise like great towers, far; -above I mounted 'we asfohow we are to the urrounding walL Jmmedi' 1 get up there.; -The Indian guicTe, ately to our right nse bentinel points to theral)ut precipitous Rock, and over against - it stands t wall of granite; ttild says, "Up weak tJ Captain (the Captain) guard-J that wall. "I cannot seei how. t'-'iHjr' TA"::?::-: I inrr Hia anfran(fl rf thA Tfl.IleV. I Rnt nra tiorin trw f-ll-u7 m JrfST jr.. i nen cumeiu reasu caiwRiu rairss no ukss.tbh touiaa hull. . . 1 . rvr k i i - . i i j . . . i i - r - - . . . . n m - . I the rnree:i5rocners7xorxii xome, i me trail is oniv aoout enree iee 111 rnflTTTlT T ? 0 "D VC OUT VTJ t Cloud's Kest, Half Dome, Cap of wide, and goes zigzag and cir iJll 1 UilDblJ 0 HI IT UfilJ I b. Libertv. Glacier Point, and Car cuitouslv no the mountain, often A Certain. Safe and Effective Kemedj for j f t-p,J 1 " l?0r;k- . between which I tirrifia hmni' in the feolid rock SOKE, WEAK. A2sD IN FLAM- j p0m come in the vanous wa-J Twenty -four, horsemen and two 4 f Li I ft El' V 1. WJ " fl . ' rl I - ' . m mejxj i terfalls which unite to make tue guides are soon strong out along TZlro river. At the upper and further the ascent-ing trail. The foremost Cures : Stve tA T.-iclios and Prii- ducing Quick'Relief and ; rermanent Cure. : r ; Also. eniuHy efncaciooa when nsed In other malwliea, such as Ulcer. FeTer Sores. Tumors, k.u vhon.n Kumi pill's, or wherever mCamma Hon exists, .wiicheM's Eye Salve may he used to - : . - on tne'opposiie mountain wuo i i wouia sena norea ana naer over wacoroiiiriii-iJu i - . i . t: J 1 1.1 :: il. 1 a iaint. zigzag, tuiiuuua lwo uc-imu previpiuo uiiu auo jaun y. scending toward the river. It is I death, but the horse understands Ithestage road, ihe dim speck jirbufiinees, and we leave him moving upori it is" stage coah 1 to take bare of himself and us,. drawn by bit horses. It is I a I while we give ourselyea up to rival line, and they are trying to j taking in the scenery above and I make the hotel before we" do. I below us. Higher and ' higher 1 1 hey shall not do it, says our we ascend; smaller and smaller Falls." "Ti-sa ack" ( God less of h? L 1 in ;orae t Va(ler)beco'esfaif a . 1 4 lie literal ana prosaic tongue bf the wrfite man. "To coy-ae' (Shade to Indian Baby Basket) is marred and robbed of its ig nificance and boauty by being named ' North Doine." And ivtock-a-nu Ja"4GreaJk hief Lbf the Vallev) id changed tai-the unpoetiiynamepf ''hUpi.' And all over our land similar ir reparable loss has been snffered wherever cl at u re has' supplanted "that i Tear Drops, Granulation, end of thevallpy, is the Jjeautiful ojneJsr frequently shouting down e Tumors, Red Eyes, Mat- little Mirror kg?, jehosenimpB, kj the. jiinomost one twp hun- rjlacid bosom reflects with fault-1 dred feet below him. Wo leave less accuracy the objects around the horses to guide themselves, it and the heavens above it." " They cannot turn, around 1 in the Vft-nowbegin. the . steep . and I narrow trail, and. there is but one rapid descent. Across the valley to take. . It is true one misstep 11 wrcadrkya I Cnsi Oanlnl Ql fcMwuiaul afalr, aad ia rmr cai it haagiTan mn( trrira. JLlaott IJaa ' Iladsoa. K. T. SolaVDnrrbta, JOIMES WEI TOwS.. in5 ltd seaVidjasft his brakes,and driver, as he straightens himself inlatytlai Baa Imran Sia. Far fraaijftat ttat "0111 fTTiMABlTpl. BLHUHAJttXO.N. K. Ta " - r. n I II it rihn lit fl 1 ! I r-Plnl.' 1 181 ,IK l..ocS pops his long whip with a sharp crack that fairly echoes in the mountain recess. Traveler, hold your seat and V your breath. 'O I All -depends' iupon;; the bral.e : U ' C now. If thev sive out we so hu , C now. Jf they give out we go hurl mg over uie awiui precipice, within twp bif three feet f which we are now rapidly trotting.turn- mg sharp and sudden curves withoulin"lhe leas checkin g , 9ur, speedy j"llold up, driver- not quite so fast !" cries a timid one from the rear seat - But wnat cares a ualilornia stage- driver for risk and danger ? lias he not been -driving the stage f oi f thirty y ears ? What would Clifornia Stage ride over ihe mountains be unless - wo should dash around sharp curves withii in one foot of : the . precipice ? Why: that is one thing we came Should he ased few acmihs before confinement A - . . . o it. A ver - the Bed man. Compare Swav na,ima.i.jjiurarrior qsviyuiui utii. WWetrf -Korth CaVbKhar WtW the white man's "French Broad" which supplanted the beautiful Indian 'Agiqua" (Racing Wa Swannanoa, well they aaLifexlXiee S In the mellow Indian tongue Beautiful thou art most truly f ; ; And right worthy to be . sung.'. .. i " Of the other stream Mary Bay ard Clarke has feelingly sung': ' TheAgigua-a-Racing Waters - Was thy sonorous Indian name, J But as -'French Broad" thou art Written"- " ' On the white man's roll of fame. T slants beine-dailv nipped by the the exactions and . impositions uTo on'rl brniRPd hv their hoofs. which they iufferad undet.2a,' 'fa much: of their'force trying publican misrnie. ! ihey rose m to hear tlie w6unds thus their might to secure a fair trial bfj''. ;ntiv made- ''.-V . . Democratic - methods. Tho -re-f - Much damage is also!"done the suit' has satisfied them. They.l land bv being .' traniDled; closely find econcmyr- honesty- and fair "when very wet) rendering -the play in all the purposes ol the surface quite compact, and inca Democratie admipistratton. They pable-otv absorbing much valua- realize how strongly ? fortified in j ble, material, fromi, tIie;,rv.rV publicaOa?s were; theweleinenU experience! is that one japfWol of dishonesty, extravagance and clover cut and, 'carried to -the sta- uaruauijr, anu uicjr aiu, uevci i Div Will-Keep - IWO COWS in pei meat. "New York "fltar? The South' "is Vot" lofiiy pro-i uuuiir jvyers triui ana toon reriuwi my. custoiaarv strength and vixor. John cf. ParUson, Lowell, Nebraska. .-' . - t ' lst' 8Tlwr I snffered sreatls- froms. ' troublesome humor on my side. In rtilte , of every effort to cure this eruption, UJih creased until the flesh became entirely. raw. I was troubled, at the same time; . with Indigestiost, and distressing pains in . -The Bowels.": t ' By the advlco of a friend I began' taking! Ayer's Pills Ia a short time j was frea frcm pain, my food digested property, the. omtTTnyodyoffitihaiced healingr I sjmI, hi less than one month, I Wis cured. ' Samuel U. bite, Atlanta, Oa. . , . I bare long used Ayers Pifts, in my . fatally, and believe theni to be'. the best, vllls made. S. C..DardejtjDar(i8a, Miss., Ky wife and Utile gWVere tafcai with pjsentery a few days o. ant I. aa onco-y beiran id vine them small doses of. AVer's- PillswtbiaUisI wouldcail dotXenli the: disease became any worse. In a shorti iiuuiu, ail i was restored. , Eichmond,Va." ' PrejarJ hj OrJ. C, Ayer fc Cf Lowsli, Vfus. T 7 ' Sod W all Dealers l lledkliie. ' Virtae-df a inortiraFe cXeruWI'tWme bvf WUHarn He and wile, ltea.keii'r Is, en rcordeit'in boot2r, T"aJtcS3t id the Kelster of-' poes offli-e at Ojford, .will on Monday, the 4.nh of JiiwiSws. sen to the hieftesf itrtdrter tor- prfbt t Jhe tvtiit hnSse Woor to, JUxtorU, N. IW. tflO tract OI laUQ sliaaMt iu raa mu ltaliu ;?-'.r V y. . " 7Tv3u and . tj aetndki(,"".l.iiChBpuining y WAtTEHiaLARgTTrnMce. gressing ah rapidly in'ifs marrufac- (ord, N-C, Jane , 1865, L . , t I -a'i v r t r- - turebut i& devlomit" it? borne Sale d Town Lot. . Sffd sail trial' Tat fl"f rimerof jhisltaleht Wdirect' them and -theH on Rty.tre!'otrf03C8iri .haH- uuw oia jjy.ijji.i , . Ji. ai-Tta 1 sell at tmWic anrt o u at. the.oourthous - in tne' birth hi- parent ,liveon, the I nusiHieii Juea ui;it, i.onst - rto-rn-of oxford, at it a, m., ni pair ot C BecinfWiita lor I ployment is defflradrn-h,a3 beri -?SS?SsS4- fWSkT'm; tnoTitfaire-' same,1 'a-1- 1 J,..oa f 1 t : s i f-x winch was Jn Lf ari3tvBreiftieeWl ;-vi,1"vf? J1-:"111 Cd,s,su apAtaa tw usry ori. t, cfM ,1 Italists erected a" $400 61X)'&rtontS.Ju(. U a1 a 1 a a ill, a m-l n am r-z w nilBilllO. ... . i T is, to secure yte.Jj7neiTtJ raff tlMlMywtar Shf ' ' I " '". - A 74 - i i .1 . k. . . rnj . 1 Dnk tatha ial ITs itated .bMbfe. that she. Mrs.! factorxiuAnereOti countyjS.rUn l-rakowrfttf ti i k ,r.,- am. ( June in. ui. Stewarti wjurfi gav young wo- W,.1" every, way com- an. nu oueigiii v nen uress-1 f -. , - WtOyFrr. Mortgjjtee. ,.fct. . .... . j ; imrlor a ball received a uiessace tne. surrounaing counuy d Notice from Polly Johnson Asking her j r?'riy to come out and look arher new waj expected in ' c6Uectihg the hafiv? "Klu wAiit -nA fnnnd Toh 400 menr " wb'meniaTtd,iehildren y the,mother of a hne boy. i ,Af- ter admiring tho future President ihe asked his' mother what she had named him. Polly Wpbed: 'f rent Tree;Uh6ora rid chureh leires.' ano! other 1tdVkhfcife iti aa-l.- a i u ou aa li aa u u in 4a a- a a. lll.l av u r c- little cloihes for him I want you "otl previoosly tsse3Sed shtj to vnania ? him.!'. Miss Susan the war. Vhite;,ebpre ! Urjia 1 iaidt .Well. Pollv 1 will name backl preferring pbYrty tto 4he him Andrew ; McDonald? after angeiof losing social1 standing Uie hero rearHnsn i Jake.Jolins ;a -Pollv msband, was sitting by-the neprouglifrfrbm a Bilthnoi 'cotton? t rifle itdjoihina'-lhi fahdif of 'Josephs 0set)W4Kis3jLtt BeftjiHester, : jx .it i. f .1 nn..a.(v-. of a hovel she was then accepting 'femplof menr.. uFlLl'lVcU i Jakohns-lWs y l thirtyUve ;fH" Werel HJ?id?&7 . -fl rcueriv utiuiam uac wi.j. j : STATKOFNOIfraCAROlA ' B virtae -of an ,eiecntibnto me' directed from the Saperion, court of. Granville countv, wherein J. M-. MK4eehee is plaintiff and jWfilliam. T. 3andford As defead.tntjXthall. m, jfonday, the ltt day of August, 187., self at;"theicourthonBe"' door- in ihe. townof OifowU-aH .the,,ri!fW, title and interest of tdd defendant, il-t Ham T. Sandford -which ''He held on'.' tbwith January. 481 in a tract of, mill, and the ifative rising'! wi coL . "Mica Kitc . rinn't null, anu me irdiive risinrtener gayeliira sjich, ' loaVnae; Twill ation soon savr the workers jspen. never; recollect' it. Call -him d nS OT& montr bn dress -'and -plain" Audrew," And that is the luxuries than tlrey wer able' to, jtiv ho'irnr'rfie nam a.- nMnriuntr and'naturally importaiied their vfav he Kot -his name, according I a"a naturally impo to the-i venerable lady. Mx&ienlsjoaljower Stewart further "'satd t6 the Wfiritie8-fh,e cbildren of a AnglosSaxon, nomen-1 mined to give Democratic conLte condition th in it ' will one v i urn ui icucioi aiiirs a aunicieni inanut nirn? nv nnnn ir. rui one-om "Crazing anon 'ease of the power to complete sides the qaantity ' of v'aluiaote wbrk of, satary; Evolution, manure can be accurnulated l- fJottirantT'crvrtiffTH' 'thA "nAli'ti. 1 r 4 ' 11 : rA cians for revenue" look with dis- carefuily.: attended toV with'n gust upon this patriotic commer abundance of -bedding, is worth -i-i ;:a t. 1. l: . i I . . . - '.... , . cia bpirn, which nua luterierei the leed Oi.vone COW, wnicn.i with their system of public plun-Margely lost , by grazing. K So . , der. Bvlt the country knows J really get three cows? teed by that it is not a mean spirit, But a cutting and feeding at the stable noble one;, that,, it i brings prof ri.wjierei woohriet but one by. a . I '. - . i . - . ' . . " 1 ' ' ' - . V -i .--5 . ... perity ana contentment ! to Vhej grazing. ,Iry".iw,Jmicyo,ui win business com muni ty,ar.a through j nofgrazernueu -clover alterwara it to an gooa ciuzenp, prooucera -jVI i '" .n ? and consumers. i ' V ' ' . '"i r fPK 2nl2 fKr,A,. .! .. Horn, and Jrarm. the,- WUlation is;; essential to I used to gemad aitd cssJike. growsthe yailey, and the houses and trees m it. ' men iooe uae ittle children. In about four hours we have gained the sum mit, and are on a level with all he great, peaks around save Cloud's Resfc,;acros3 the valley, whose summit, (f covered with snow,: is nearly .3,000 feet above its.' - Here it was the Indians fan cied the rain-go J lived, and here 1 was the "clouds went""hom". re'st wheif they hafTtlone For on every dancing wave Evermore is shown th beauty '"' Of the name the red man gave, Washington Jrvifig, the 'Jath4r of onY American - literature, pro posed and earnestly advocated that Congress should restore by Perish thiaj but lwe tha other I f te4eh!lt this great and di- sfcadyrrogress in the path that V'.V f wise executive administration has V V,-X? pointed out, and they have de- j toi acknowledge rectfssi; ot principle between pleasant to tlunk, so, bdtt28 pMM5.:m 9nH rbmwMW are stubborn things.toget around. shall be fbugl.t oufe until their aHWiV,rn purpose is accomplished. " . , . .. . 'r . that ffom , beyond a ; doubt ,that r ,ldl,ej f --'- '- we, as a-people, ! are :lazy and A lady asked a gentleman his theugljtless, law those beautiful Indian names ageJv He replied, "iWhat you do ;.Npw ;hete are somdjof tlie lacts. to the streams,! valleysv . and1 in-everything?'' . L. So does Since 18S jthe peyple ,,8tlie monntaiiiiof A'rrrericaT "tTayldr's Cherokee; Remedy - of cotton '.states hayVsent to the -OChow1 wild, how picturesque, Sweet Gamn and, Mullein dexcet north ! for: measbread vegeta- ho vtitranscendent.rjrbeatitiful in 1... -- .1- a i this sequestered vaie. away over ding. - B 12 t?e ei7 edge oflheawtul precipice and look i here m tho heart pi" (thei peaked That Sierras. I doubt if nature - has all other anes'Jor croup and consumption. straight down 3,000 feet. little speck beneath us is our ho tel that we left four hours before! That little silver thread is the rMaroed River, and yonder tiny daw drop, halt hid in the trees, is Mirror Lake., We .look at the solid granite v Wall i immediately a-' repeated anywhere upon the face I curious 'officersf i"4JeHtienian,y9gL I are in ine armyYvnat same .an-: drew Johtrson:.! wish; you wild' tell hirrr that the old women who gave him the first rag; that eyrr covered hia nakedness,aQj w n tiievm4irrnvie'tnd that she would like to see her grand son,'"' George Whiting",! who is a Confederate, . prisoner s ot war. Once . "more before she; dies." The above lacts were related to yur correspondent by that same George Whiting after his release from. -prison on Johnston's JIs-; land., ; - i 4,-,-. !, r f ,The late Chief Justice Buffiif is authority for saying' - chat Chef- J usike Leonard Henderson was the,ailjer ofAvdre,5 Johnfeon', and Hot -t United. , States ' Senator William - Hi Hatwobd, as wa? generally believed. J Judge ufr firrsaid that this information -was imparted to him by Judge Hen jfersonalvMl1?1 $r. ghn. I -Afe avnt s 1MV question whih is said to tax the powers o( the wisest child ' greatly. vt?eo! President Johnson, because when heilime , out Raligh to be present at the erection ot a mon ument over Jacob Johnson,; s mother's husband, in his speech he said that he had come; to the place of his birth to do honor tp the man who "is said to be my father." The antiquarians Of the town were , greatly divided as to the exact location of the grave, and Col. James Fontleroy leading family startfrrfand the iee' was broken.". vTherf tlie sup pTy became overabundant Some VaaU'T5 .l"."f'n VltT'iL. .""t -"cll ' UC- caji ascomniojiopeHtives are now--- supe,rinienaenis anu tTer Veersj'fQ.Iothersbythjs trainins fi ttcd Ihem set yesfor tesponsi ble positions with other corporations. This pracjicai "training is not confine.d;tor ;th , poorer classes, but the younr msn oflhe higliesr. social standing .are quick to em brace t hese-roppoxtu r1 ies- to. es cape from "the 'idleness of .Joe djreci who! at E have bfeen ,iot past "and to-day djreci descendTi ant3 of a family -fWhbl fo three, generations promrhetas-li governors and statesmen in South Carolina can Nptipe. "Bv iriftne Vif a niftrt'eaeo 'executed. to me by .William Raker," ilaiid Oc-- toteer 24, lBSt, as , will "appervr by. reference to book23, nasjelfJO Regis-t terof Deedftii)fflce.' OxfordLi-S. C, I will on Saturdav. Jnly. sell to th highest bidder1,; ".for 1 cash. at?. t)wenrthou!rinifOTd.4-J?.. all. the uuneral right of ftid , Wilbm . Baker In th propert y Reno wn a the. x - r : . . . a : .. itoytier copper -aiiiiB,-BiPv.r .111; Oak HUl Township near J31ne, Wing,", in GranvDl countv. 1 1. '""This Mine- Won the land adjoining -thfclRndH of C. A. Tuck and otners,and fcpntalnsi two hundred and thirty acres, more . orless. WAlVTE&tLARK, l - , Oxford, N. Ut-t ah -.Trustee. 1 june fin. 100 , .-r - - f SALE (TP iSTOJlE-HQUSii AND lot in Oxford: u . ufBy'virtu'eof4heppwert-vested tor. fas -by the last- will andVjtetaBient of f Eobert Ij. Hunt, deceased," we tshall,--on MdhdaV. the ist'aayf'JAugust - next, rfTerjrC; aU;, to the.jhighPHt. KUdnii tn aarililin aMtioa' -MLfaaaat J.-.w .. jVT (V-. aaaaa; . M 1.11, T" iia?n5buse'cfobr,' In Oxfordr the one wiemt jnraeu fj - iwafu nooen, It. Hunt, at therti;ue of bis, death in, the fetoTe-lrouse'' arid Iol: -Bit tfated . in tlmiown of!-pxffdX-s"-iif KorthV end of Main Street,- adjoining the. I.tpre of Bank v Gee, and the King- I nry rerfdeneepBeTnr the place now be found occupying ?resp6nsibla -up'iea'lvriniaiitflfc Furraan as.--: rvuitionanAr? dinr from I-A"S fe- f.ntby,7 the lowest rounds) in n Atlanta tame time ana piuce.ancr on ine -.'LuilL ' Jj l 1. 'THine-wnnsw mill, wuicu is uunortj uy j uiei pefsoiiat "Ka&nhiendeiice of one -j tif , . - i r t fhA TrtAet AAnnlAi i vw aw.. I Geof?ia ever had f . -; . This phase of ; 'devefopment'ls nartjcularfyfJrnpptta Jat Xhe PtesehrtirqrfentheS has sb'trranypenmgsfor rftfr trisined and iiiteligei4 workers yi can i'ng oa to suciess ltber lrinume ble newnterprise of the past two years. .--w coughs, bles, horses. 8hTl'mnleV-300,0rX-tlor'ambdg contended that ? i 1 ... 1. . : a 'UA i 060 foV Jii stluch thing that, had ij 1 UlcJ, uceu as enei gcuv W peupio Ehnld . be, m would .iMve been raised at home. The State ; of Send for book "To Mornraa," mailed fros. ' - Siujmu UspiTO Co Atlanta, oeneatn our feaK and the CTeat s boulders that eeW'ready tojum- quarrj', and these white fomihg ble. OJ it isav. r1 T.i cr if, is Iai wftOrs ftTi clfianfi anil rwi?ia.K thA 1 , G. and s-o it he does,i Downtown, Irible. . We ,nd- run away ;work)f his hands,'bi ba beei 10()60irtU Siether. 1 - j. . If the little darling is spending of tUeearth 8ctureWmbinifigso43uh sleepless nightt -slowly and GewjaaalofTe has sent flOXOOOjT many wonders and beauties in so painfully wasting away by the OOO to pay fpr"ineat which, could small a spaces. It is verify r toes, drainage upon its! system' from workshops an Almighty Archi- tho effect of teething, gie Dr. tect.- the studio of the verv God Bisgers Huckleberry Cordial bf .Nature, where, ith thece in- and a cu'rewiirresalr, exhaustible granite hills for a I the monument- was the wrong place. erected in I Ue ll Myikeii, ' Jno. K Jones. Fort Valley, Ga. one of the leading druggists there VS aVUWW W U IVMI I . aa hA Mitm m A aarl a? lit easily have, been raised at home, i ' V IIT ,Now, if every 'farmer 'in the 1 -"-. a.- u;,s n u cause he uses , it himself, and n-eededi and then enough to sell knowsof what value it is .for tne people m thel cities, all this- tt . . - : will be-ofTesed for sale in th&mariner.lhe other-, .ilf interest in aaid nronert v. Ownel by D. ' A. i. . L .3 r l .1.. nimi. - 1 erme one inirucaeii, me. balance In twelve inodthijitt) .be se- j cured and. to .bear .interest ateiarht eereenb Der faniatrni, from the iimie.of delMrerv. bi oosseuuou. D. A. Host. I HH-S - jr ' - une27th. l887. - '; ' iie2S - t ' ; -t .i -j. Lj I - 'a. 1 carrv-r ' iv", . j- '-a, itranumert H?ttW.pCft; Give Theiu u Chance-1' , That is t0 ?yv'olir lungs-i AU ral Lv our breath Az machinerv. vWoniiarttii rriachinery it is. Not otil v the larger air-nassrt?e.t. buttBethrjasaVidi of little; tubes and cavities l&idipzJ'rpm them.- viea,uiesefarficiQggea ana choked with matter- which might not 10 oe mereyqurjungs-, can not half . do - their' work. .tAhd wlvat they do, ihey cannot well. ?,trrf CalTe-Vbl J."cough, f 1 The co-partnership; heretofore ex-VsTl ifttmg between tne nnaersignea, un-; de the f "firm na-rheJ of Inwards & , Rogers, la duwoJVed by mutual con-,, sent, and J.; Pl .JEd wards will on tiuue ; the- businese,' fc- coLlect , all ao-, counts,:- and . pay, fit .debts of the . fin n. All' parties owing the . firm . will please make settl&utent-at once, as the acconnts must " be . closed.-' , If n&t proinpfly arranged they will be. placed-ml course oi.eoti(;rKti oy taw. I. mtereec in tne ura .- .i,0 I Rogers to MJP--Mm pneumonia. atarrh, consumption oxfbro,3.; or anyof the family of throat and; x3i2iiA t" up, which an you at 75 ceuLs a fei: will sell af the,efS!or the, co'wPn Sell YwrWoriJi w. i tuo "VV"eV.T?' V'r1 ! "-. ' " ;, lyou at 75 ceutl atboitle; , Even Henderson, ,?-r.7 i-1 Iu ' A.P. Fleming wm pay.yottihet ne ;oee Kept at -:A .beauUful line oidress goods lif everything else .has failed you 1SS7, at f,wir pojsh the highestfjnarket price. He wants j pome, and wJiat, tjottoq we ad;c"anheff.tTirptr alb;ilr.s'T At., voir mny d?pcnd..? npoa this; f6r '; rdJP WBas aiOMce. v , wouiu nave; orc;g1viddnblep- the at cost; M. D . mrt," ; V certain -x . - j?,? m,?.-' ose andl.ead and long opstruc;;if s OTIGIi,' -4-. tions;tare,aJl1Jadf Aj 0Ught to , ..fvru , :;'kwnidMs - ; be gotrid.qf. .There is jijsf one;4 nleeting Sfc sure way to get ndof Uiem. That! oi Tthe- Oxford, and we. ydruzg would hate-brc rjtldbnble" thevat cost.1 1. F. 'Hart. ' 4 ' -I ; I -1 1 - . 1 r -r.' an t - - v - '?

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