V"' ESTABLISHED IN 1873 WITH 'STEADY FLAME WE STRIVE TO SHINE. St OO PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE YOLXJME XV." OXFORD, NORTH CAKOLINA, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 1887. NUMBER 14 p.)-. ft ' . A THE . OXBQiD 1 tRClHEli (M5y r TOWN DIRECTORY. Mto. T. D. Crawford. CojoHfiWJNBus. n. a Osborne, W." A. Davis, I H Currin. K. Wood. Collector of Taea. W. T. hjoa. , Treaaarer. K. V. Minor. VlXzW Constable and Chief of Police. D. VaUghn miaUot FoUc.-H. M. Kogers. iieimlar meeting, nd Monday, tp.il. every month. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Sheriff. L. H. Bollock. Clerk Superior ;oart- R. W. assiter. Vegtster of Deeds. W. II. Purjear. Treasurer. B. II. Court. Coroner. Vacant. Surveyor. t. A- Bullock. . TnMi Aitminliiiratnr. M. B. Jones. (inniMMm. H. H. Cannadjj ch .bum, J. A. Kaiicmk, i. v. Huberts, l v. srniui, a. Walter. Clerk te lvrr. Fwije.ii. ' Panertnieatteat Public lasmicttoo. W. H P. Jenkins. Beggar neetiaaj 1st Monday h -every-mono OUR WEAPON IS Fa ITH LIST OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND CONSTABLES. Fishing Creek. H;-A. Taykjr, W. J. Pitchf ord, E. C. Montague, W. A. Parharu, Legan Hobgood. ' Consta ble. T. E. Bobbitt. DIU TALHAOB'SDISOQURS- SS OH f HB- DOUB TBSS , OF THE WORLD. The Way to Reach God I Through Faith and lit Through Hctapuysic or ' Iogte Kvldenct ot the Power to Swve SOUlfc - ! The Hakptoxs, Au. 21. -"The Facts Proved is the sub ject of discourse by the ' Rev. T, De Witt Talmage. D. D.,.to day. His text is from the 15th verse of Acts III: "We are wit-' cesses. " Following is his ; ser mon in fall : Christ is able to convert a soal. The Gospel may have a hard time to conquer us, we may have fought it back, bat we were van quished. You Bay conversion is only an imaginary thing. We know better. "We are wit nesses.'' There never was so great a change in our heart and lite on any other subject as on this. People laughed at the mis sionaries in Madagascar because they preached ten years without one convert; but there are thirty three thousand converts in Mad agascar to-day. People lauged at Dr, .Jadson, the Baptist mis sionary, because ha kept on preaching in Burmah five years without "a single convert; but there are twenty thousand Bap tists in Burmah to-day. Pedple laughed at Dr. Morrison in China, In the days of George Stephen- Brassflelds E. S. Jenkins, v. 1. Bon. the nerfecter of the locoruo- w. . TV!- T T AmaIt 11 - . T HlHr,..v. . . I f.lvA 0nmnu Tl-lZi OilATiioln r I " .1 vacancy. t'-oDstaoie k. i. wavia. VU6v, .uc owsuwow pujcu jor pieacuing mere seven years Diitchvilie -E.E. Lvon M L Win-( conclusively that a railway train without a single conversion ; but ,.ton, .H. Fleming, J. V . KphertM,, nAV3r Un , . n . . am . t, , . K. B. Uorart. ijonstaoie, u. u ne-i v..,v,i. j cou ureio are uuwu ijiuumuu vuns- power successfully and without tians in China to-day. People peril; but the rushing express laughed -it the missionaries-tor trains from; Liverpool to Edin- preaching at Tahiti for fifteen burgh, and from Edinburgh to years without a single conver London, havo made all the nas sion, and at the missionaries for tions witnesses of the splendid preaching in Bengal seventeen achievement. Machinists and years without a single conver navigators proved conclusively 'sion; yet in all those lands there that a steamer could never cross 'are multidutes oi Christians to- but no soon-', day. But why go so far to find evi- ter. Talty Ho. J. H. WW, J. R. Wal, tere, Jaiu8 Thomas, J. P. Cannadv, W. H. Smith. Constable, W. T. Wheeler. Walnul Grove. B. P. Thorp, Jr., J. H. Meadows, N. H. Woodlief, J. G. 8hotweU,B. F. Hester. Constable, J. II. Thorp. Oak Hill. B. T. Winston, M. S. Daniel. W. S. Eakes, Rufus Amis, 1 vacancy. Coniitable, I S. Elliott. Sassafras Fork. Z. M. P. Downey, J. A Bullock J J Dayis, jr., J. tlie Atlantic ocean H Butler. i er "a1 tliey successfully proyed Oxford.-. J. wFIwntIie impossibility of such an un- A. Bobbitt, A. C. Tarham, R. J. MitchelL Constable, W. H. Crews. dertaking than the work was ! CHURCH DIRECTORY. ! Methodist Episcopal Chcbch j South. Rev. W. 1. CunningKim, ' Pastor. Serv ices every Sunday at i 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer meet i inp n Tuesjiay's at 8 p m. Protkstast Episcopal Church. : Without a Rector. Sunday School, 9 a. iu. '? Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J. S. Hardav-ay, Pastor, servi ces everv Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday School at 9 p. ni. Waver meeting at 8 p. ra. Thursdays'. Prksbytkrian Church. Rev. B, B. Willis, Pat-tor. Services ever 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11 a. m. and h r. in. Sunday School at 9 a. in. Vriircr lueetioe at 8:15 p. m. onWed- nepdoy's. Mkthopist Episcopal Church, (col.) Rev. A. M. Turner, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 3 p. iu. and 7J p. ni. Sunday Sehool at 8 a. m. Prayer meeting t 8 p. m. Wednes day s. " Missionary Baptist Church. rrni.l Rev. M. C ltansom. Pastor. Services at 8 p. in. and 7:30 p. in. 1st and 3rd Sunday. Prayer meeting 8 in Wednesday's.- Sunday School y p. in. dences of the Gospel's power to save a soul? "We are wit done, aud the passengers of the;ness." We were so proud that Cunardand the Inman and the! no man could have humbled us; ,iSational and, tho Xvhite Star we were so hard that no earthly lines are wituesses. Then went power could have melted us; up a guffaw of wise laughter at angels ot God were all around "Come see' the pictures." you felt as you would like to go along tftth her 7 How 1 did they feel in - that last hour ? How did they seera to acjt ? . Were they very mnch frightened ? Did they take hold of tlus world with both hands asjthoughi they did not want to give it up;"Oh, no,'' you say; "no.jl remember as though it were yesterday;1 she had a kind Word for ui all, and there-were a fewmomentoes dis tributed CJQoa:; lhe bhildreu, and tlien she told u how kind . we must be to our TUhei ifi his lone liness, and then she kissed' us good by and went asleep as a a child in a cradle." I . . What made her so domposed i Natural courage? "No,"' you say, 'mother was very nervous; when the carriage inclined to the side of t he road she would-, cry out; she was always rather weak" ly." What, then, gave her com posure ? Was it because she did not care much for you,! aud . the pang of j arting wa9 not great ? Oh, you - say, "she; showered upon Prof. Morse's proposition make the ujrhtninsr of heaven his errand boy, and it was prov ed conclusively that the thing could never be done ; but now all the news of-the wide world, by Associated Press, put in your hinds every morniug and night, has made all nations j witnesses. So in the time of Chirs it was proved conclusively that it was impossible for Him to rise from the dead. It was shown logi cally that when a man was dead, he was dead, and the heart and the liver and the lungs having ce- sed to perform their offices, the limbs would be rigid beyond all power of friction or arousal. They showed it to be an absolute absurdity that the dead Christ POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. MAILS TO HE5DKKSON. Arrive at 6.30 p. m. Open at 7.-00 p.m should ever get up alive, but no sooner had they proved this than Close at 8:30 a. m. ljeave at 8:45 a.in. to j about us, they could not over come us ; but one day, perhaps at a Methodist anxious seat, or at a Presbyterian . catehetical lec ture, or at a burial, on horseback, a power seized us and made us get down, and mide us tremble, and made us kneel, and made us cry for mercy, and we tried to wrench ourselves away from the grasp, but we could not. It flung us flat, and when we arose we were as much changed as Gourgis, the heathen, who went into a prayer meeting with a dagger and a gen to disturb the meeting and destroy it. but the nextdayjwas found crying: 'Oh 1 my great sinl Ohl-my great Sa vior!" and for eleven years preached the Gospel of Christ to his fellow mountaineers, the last words on his dying lips being. Pnr Stovall. Brownesville, Pitta rd. X Roads. Buchanan, Blue Winir. Oak Hill, Noblin'Satterwbite, Big Rock. Arrive at 7 M p.m. Leave at 6.00 a.m on Tuesday, Almrsuay, nH Satjirdav. kmr- Arrive -at 3 a. m. Leave, at 4 p. m. Monday, AVednesday, Friday. . Reamston. Arrive at 8:30 a. in. lvAt B-.30. a. m Tuesday. Fri- 1'ally Ho. DuthYilU Knapp of Keeds. uurnaui. -rvi Thursdav and Saturday at 5:00 p. m. I.eave7:K) a. m Monday, Wednes day, Friday. TOBACCO MARKET. OORRKCTKi WKEKLY BY MKADOWS, WILKISSOX & CO. the; dead Christ arose, and the disciples beheld Him, heard His voice, and talked with Him, and they took the withess stand to prove that to be true which the wise acres of the day had proved to be impossible ; the record of the experiment and of the testi mony is in the text : '"Him hath God raised from the dead, where of we are witnesses." Now let me play the skeptic for a moment. 1 here is no tiod, says the skeptic ''for I have never seen Him with my physical eye- "Free grace!" Oh, it was free grace ! There is a man who was for years a hard drinker. The dread ful appetite had sent down its roots around j the palate and the tongue, and on down until they were interlinked with the vitals of body, noind, and soul; but he has not taken any stimulants tor two years ? What did that? i Not temper a nee societies, not prohibition laws, not moral suasion. . Conver sion aid it. "vny, ' saia one upon whom the great change had 5c to 8c I 3e to 5c 6c t o 13c 15c to 80c 15cto20e 25c to 40c I T ml (UUb M. VUi A-.UXJ A3 CM IfaaV Uli t . m 2cto4c 1 3. . . m 1 come, "sir, l reel just as tnougn a miracle. Lazarus was not raised from the dead, and the water was never turned inta wine. . Your religion is an impo sition on the credulity of the There is an aged man will Vm taken at full ne would uke to respond. Here are hundreds 01 oeonla with RETAIL COUNTRY PRODUCE faces a iittle fled at these an- Fillers Jew-Corn to med Med to good Lug Cora to med Med to good Good to fine Wrappers Com to med Med to irood Good to fancy 40c to 95c Twin nf new have been light up to date owing to farmers being busy j age.' caring. Good breaks arc ; Jnm0viiie-in ; that pew as though price. MARKET. ' COltRKCTKD WKKKLt BY A. P. FLKMISG. Etrirs, 12J to 15c per dozen. 12i to 20c each Butter, 2 to 30c.per pound Wool unwashed 15 to 20c per pound waaned, 2- to wms Beeswax, 12 to 15c Hides Green, 4 to fie " Dry, 10 to 11c Tallow, 3 to 3Jc Dried Apples, 2 to 4c r;.i Pau-hus. 10 to 124c Sweet Potatoes, 60 to 60c per bushel testimony peM, W to 100 RETAIL GROCERY MARKET. 22J35 ,325 2 Corrected weekly by A. P. Fleming. Flour, family, " patent roller, . Meat, bulk sides, " ham. Coffee, best Rio, , Iaguayra, " Java, Wheat, Oats, shelied, Jarn, refined, Cheese, Sugar, standard granulated, Light brown! Molasses, Porto Rico, " New Orlean", " Black Strap, Meal, Bran, per hundred. Ship Stuff, per hundred, Hay, " Salt, per sack. Vinegar, best, Oil, Kerosine, " Safety, . nouncements, all through this house there is a suppressed feel ing which would like to speak out in behalf of the truth of our glorious Christianity, as in the davs of the text, crying out: We are witnesses V The tact that if this world is ever brought to God. it will not be through argament,but through You might cover the whole earth with apologies for Christianity and learned treatises in defense of religion you would not convert a soul. Lectures on the harmony between science 4.505.oo j and religion are beautifully men- 116 j a soul, and will never save a soul. t ut a man of the world and a 830 man of tr3 chnrch against each I were somebody else." There is a sea ccptain who swore all the way from New York to Havana, and from Ha vana to San Francisco, and when he was in port he was worse than when he was on the sea. What power-was it than washed his tongue clean of profanities,' and made him a psalm-singer! Con version by the. Holy Spirit There are thousands of people in this house to-night who are. no more what they .once were than a water li!ly is , nightshade or a morning lark is a vulture, or day ia night. Now; if I should demand that all those people in. this house who have felt the converting, power of religion should rise, so far from being ashamed, they would spring to their teet with more alacrity than they ever sprang to the dance, the tears mingling with their exhilaration as they cried, "We are witnesses !" And if they tried to sing theold Gos pel hymn they would break down with emotion by the time they got to the second line : ing: Go deeper into business ? Why, 6he was associated with all your business ambition, and since she has gone you Lave no ambition.-. Oh, this is a clumsy world when it tries to comfort a broken heart ! I can build a Corliss en gine, I can paint a Raphael's "Madonna," 1 can play a Bee thoven's "Symphony" a? easily as this world can comfort a broken heart. . And yet, . you have been . comforted, m- How 'was it done ? Did Christ come to yon and say: "Get your mind off this, go out and breathe the fresh air ; plang deeper, into business?" No. There was a a minute when he came to you perheps in the watches of the night, perhaps in your place of business, perhaps along the, street and He breathed some thing into your soul that gave peace, rest, infinite qu:et, so thit you could take out the photo graph of the departed one and look into the eyes and face of ihe dear one and say, ''It is all right ; she is better off; I would not call her back. Lord, I thank Thee that Thou hast comforted mv poor heart." There are Christian parents here who are willing to testify to the power of this Gospel to com fort. Your ton had just gradua ted from school or college and wa3 going into business, and the Lord took him. Or your daugh ter had just graduated from the young ladies' Seminary, and you thought she was going to be a useful woman aud of long life, but the Lord took her, and you were tempted to say: "All this culture of twenty years for noth ing!" Or the . little child came home from school with the hot fever that stopped not far the agonized prayer or for the skill-! ful physicians, and the little child was taken. Or tlte lubei was lifted out of your ar.ns byj some quick epidemic, aud you tood wondering -why God ever save you that child at allj it-so soon He was to take it away. And yet you are not repining, vou are not fretful, you are not. fighting against God. What has enabled yon to stand all the trial? ,;Oh," you say, "I took the medicine that God gave -ar -v pny sick soui. in distress I threw myself at the feet of a sympathizing God; and when 1 was too weak to pray, or to look up, he breathed into me a peace that I think must le the foretaste of that heaven where thf re is neither a tear, nor a farewell, nor a grave." jorue, au ye who hare been out to the grave to weep there com?, all ye com forted souls, get up off your knees. Is there no power in thi Gospel to soothe the heart?' Is there no power in this religion to quiet the worst paroxysm of grief? There comes up an an swer from comforted widowhooi and orphanage, and childlessness, saying: "Aye, aye, we are wit nesses 1" Again, I remark that we are witnesses of the , fact that relig ion has power to give composure in the last moment. I shall nev er forget the first time I confront ed death. We went across the corn field in the country. " I was led by my father's hand, and we came to a farm houEe where the bereavement had come, aud we saw the crowd of wagons and carriages; but there was one car riage that especially attracted my boyish - attention, and it had black plumes. I said, "What's that ! What'sthat? Why those Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and r0S0lr.fV, nA fwa ,,t wm-lrl 055 " ' - " 9 will in all i probability get the triumph. There are a thousand things in our religion that seem illogical to the world, and alway will seem illogical. Our weapon in this conflict is 1 520 7 i 35 40 5075 2025 7585 1.25 1.351 faith, not lonr- faith not metn 1151.30l , 1.601 f,,JDOlat lanu, not projunuuy; 3580 faith, not scholastic exploration But then, in order to have faith, "J 4 ... we must nave testimony, and if us a wealth of affection; no moth er ever loved her children more than mother loved us; she show ed it by the way she nursed us when we were sick, and she toil ed for ns until her strength gave out," What, then, was it ; that gave her composure in, the last hour? Do not hide it. I Be frank and let me know. 'Oh,' you s;iy, "it was because she was so good, she made the Lord her por tion, and she had faith that 6he would go straight to glory, and that wo should Jail mefet her at last at the foot ot the "throne." Here arn people j ho say : "I saw a Christian' sifiteg die, and she died in triumpfiV' lAndsome oneelse : '-I sawa Christian broth er die, .and he triumphed." Some h : - . . i- one else will say : 1 saw a Christian daughter die, and - she triumphed." Come all ye who hnvA flPfn Ihe last moments' of a Christian and give testimony ii this cause on 3 trial. .Uncover heads, pat your ; hand on tlte old family Bible . from - which-' they used to read the promise?, and promise in the presence of high heaven that you will j tell ..the truth, the wholetruth, and noth ing but the truth. WiMi what . -- ... 1 you havo seen -with your iovn eyes, and from wh?t you have heard with your own ears, is their power in this Gospel to give calmness and triumph hi the last exigency ? The response comes from all sides, from young, and old. and middle ared : r We ore witnesses !' j ' "You see, .my i friend I havj not put before you an abstrac tion, or a chimera, or Anything like guess workJ I preient you affidavits of the best : men and women, living and dead. ; Two witnesses in court will establish fact. Here are not two wit nesses, but thousands of witness' es on earth millions of witness multi- no man can number, testifying that there is power in th;s religion to convert the 60ul, to give comfort in trouble, and tp allord composure in the last hour. !' ! If ten men should come to you when you are sick with appall ing sickness, and say they had the same sickness, and took a cer tain medicine, and it cured them you would probably j take it. Now, suppose j ten' other men should come up and say : "We don't believe there is anything in that medicine." ; "Well," I say, 'have you ever tried-it t" - 'No. I never tried it, but 1 don't believe there is anything in decline through her dissipation.' Years, passed on, and one day Madame Sontag, in her glory, was r.dinc through the streets of Ber lin, when she saw a little child eading a blind woman, and she said : "Come here, my little chi Id, come here. Who is that yon are eading by the hand V And the little child replied : ''That's my mother; Lhat's Amelia Steininger. She used to be a great singer,. but she lost her voice, and she cried so much about it that she lost her eyesight' "Give my love. t her," said Madame Sontag, "and tell her an old acquaintance will call on her this afternoon." The next week in Berlin a vast assemblage gathered at -a benefit for that poor blind woman, and it was said that Madame Sontag sane that night as she had never sung before. And she took a CAtaiThy skilled occulist, who in vain tried ' to give eyesight to the poor blind woman. Until the day of Amelia Steininger's death Ma Jame Son- tag took care ot her, and her daughter after her. That was num niu vjivt 11 Ul ouu liiu iJl her enemy. But, oh, hear a more thrilling story still. Blind, immortal, poor, and lost, thou who, when the world and Christ were rivals for thy heart, didst hiss thy Lord away Christ comes now to give thee a home, to give thee heaven. With more than a S mtag's giner- es, and in heaen a great tude of witnesses that ; SCROFULA Can bs cured by purifying the blood with I do not belters tut Aver Sarsnpaiilla has an equal as a remedy for Scrofulous Hu mors. It is pleasant to tnke, gives strength ana rigor to tne doot, and produces a mora permanent, lastinsr, re sult than any medietas i ever; uiea. t.i Haines, Ko. Linda!, O.' I har? used Ats Sar8apartlla,ln my fam ily, ior .xrromui, anq fcoowy If it is taken faithfully, ft -will thoreiurtity - eradicate this terrible disease. j Granville, Jean. For forty years J hare suffered with Ery sipelas. . I have tried? ail aorta of 'remedies far my complaint,- bat found no relief until I eomm'eneed using; Aysr's 8artaparilla. After taking ten bot tles of this medicine I am completely cured. Mary C. Amesbtu-r. Rockport, He. I have suffered, for years, treat Catarrh, which wae so severe that It destroyed mv appetite and weakened my system. After try ing other remedies, and getting no relief. I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in a few months, waa cured. Susan L. Cook,-900 Albany St., Boston Highlands, Mais. - Ayer's Sarsaparilla is superior to any blood purifier that I hare ever tried. I have taken it for Scrofula, Canker, and BiHt Bhcum, and received much benefit from it. It is good, also, for a weak stomach. Millie Jane Pcirce, South Bradford, Haas. osity tie comes now to meet your need. With nore than a Sontag's music He comes to plead for thy deliverance. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr.J.CAyerfc Cs., LowaO, Kass. i. Prloe mi I six bottles, as. Chronic Conglisuml Colds. Aud all diseases ot the throat and lungs, can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their fullest form. Is a beautiful creamy Emulsion, palatable as milk, easily digested, and can be taken by the most delicate. Please read : 'I consider Scott's Emulsion the remedy par excel lence in.Tuberculous and Strum ous Affections, to say nothing of ord:nary; .colds and throat troubles." W. 11. S. Consrll. M. D., Manchester, O. ''I am using your Emulsion (Jod Liver Oil with Hypophosi hites for an affec tion of my throat, and the im provements are beyond ray ex pression." D. Taylor, M. D, Coosawatia, Ga. For - .Imperfect Digestion, Disordered Stomach, Hinorfaretoyse, OXFORD, N. C: WILL CONTINUE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT LlESJCONyJENIENT, WLL ARRANGED, AND JN FACT : ' POSSESSKD OP EYERY FACILITY DESIltA.BLE, - For the Warehouse business, we extend a cordial invitation to the fanners ot Granville aDd surrounding counties to bnnj us, their tobacco, rrtonjtnp many thnkm iht your past patron. age and earnestly so'inting a continuance of the same. y, . . . ' We will promise you '"- HIGHEST MARKET PEICES. Let Travelers ronnl this worl.l of care Without delay themselves prepare, Against the ill that may arise From Ul-ceokeil inealx and lengthy rides. A sure defence Is at their call, For TAUlt ANT'S SELTZER conquers all. PATENTS WASUINOTON, D.C. - for cjcnlar, Try the Largest and Best Equipped PRINTER'S .. KOLLlCJt EHTABIXII3fcK.T in the United States. . D J. HEILEY & CO.. 324 and 338 Pearl Street, New Yorfc Prices Low. Satisfaction guaran teed. Best references. Fit- "T "F ti r vr T4 ii" m raen' or raen or soo.ooo jrr. J . i. VV men, oi 500,000,000 men get up 4 DENTIST. Vn Building and tell me that they have felt the religion of Jesus Christ a joy. a comfort, a help, an inspiration, I am bound: as a fair-minded roan to accept- their testimony! . 1 want just now to put before you three propositions, the truth ,of which I think this andiedce will attest with, overwhelming una nimity. iy "Ashamed of Jeans, that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven ifepend I No I When 1 Mush, be UiU my shame ; That I no more revere His name." Aeram 1 rem art: that we are witnesses, of the Gospel's power to comfort. ,4f ; When a man has trouble'the world comes ia and says: "Now get your mind : off. this r go out and breathe the fresh air ; plunge deeper into business." What poor advice. Get your mind off of it when everything is upturn ed -with" tho bereavement, and everything reminds you o what yon have lost! . Gfet your mind oft of it! They miiht as well advise you to stop thiiAing. You cannot stop thinking, nd you cannot stop thinking iif that di rection. Take a walk in $$3 fresh airt WJiy, along llat ' very 6treef.;or along that -ytery road, she once accompanied Wn.VOut ' ..1,1 .1 I 1 black, tassels at the' top P Andjit." Of course ybn discredit their after it wad explained to me I was lifted up to look upon the bright face of an aged Christian woman, who ' three days before had departed in triumph. The whole scene made an impression I never forgot Iu our sermons and in our ex hortations we are very apt, when we want to bring illustrations of dying triumph, to go back-to some distinguished personage to a John Knox or a Harriet Newell. But I want you for wit nesses. I want to know if you have ever 6een anything to make you believe that the religion of Christ can give composure in the final hour. Now, in the courts, attor ney, jury, and judge will never admit mere here3ay. They demand that the witness must have seen With his own eyes, or heard with his own ears, and so I am critical in my1 own exami nation of you uow; and I want to know whether you have seen or heard anything that . makes you believe that the religion of Christ gives composure in the final hour. Oh, yea," you say, saw "my father and mother depart. There was a great difference in their death beds. - - Standing by the one we felt more veneration; By the other, there more tenderness" testimony. Tho skeptic ; may come and say ; ' 'There is no power in your religion."; "Have you ever tried itP 'jNo, no." "Then avaunt !'? Let jme ; take the testimony of the millions of souls that have been converted to God, and comforted in trial, and solaced in the last hour;; We will take their testing my as they cry: 'We are witnesses I" Some time ago Prof. Henry, of Washington, discoweiii;' a new star, and the tidings sped by sub marine telegragh, and all the ob servatories of Europe are watch- inc for that new star. Oh, hear er, looking out through the dark' ness of thy 6onl,'canst thou see a brieht lieht beaming on thee ? "Where 1" youj say, "wWe ? How can I find it?" Look along the boy line of the cross of .the Son of God. Dbyou. not see it trembling with all t he tenderness and beaming with"all "hope ? ' It is the Star ot Bethlehem. "Deep horror then my vitals froze, j- Deatta-struck I ceased toe tied ttt.stem, When suddenly a 8Wrarte- ; . It was the Star of Bethlehem.'' j . - Oh, hearer, get your eye on it. It is easier for you now' . to be come Christians than it is to stay awy from Christ, and. -heaven. Could'ht Hear it Thunder ! An interesting letter from Mr. Jno. W. Week, superintendent of DeKalb ianper Home : itom a leeiinjr or eratitude and a desire to benefit others, I voluntari ly make this statement. I have great reason to be thankful that ever heard of B. B. B., as I know what a blessincr it has been to me. have suffered with Branchial Catarrh for a number of years. Six months ago 1 -was tnicen. witn severe pain in right ear, which m a lew days began to diecharge matter, with terrible and almost unbearable palpitation and au sorts ot noises in my head, in ten days after the commenceme. t of discharge and pain in my ear I be gan to firrow deaf and in six weeks I was so deaf that I could not hear it thunder. u I was than compelled to use con versation tube, and it was often that I could not hear with the tube. I then commenced taking B. B. B. and the running of mye ir ceased run ning in five weeks, aud can now hear without the tube. My general health has iniDroTed, palpitation oeased. and feel like a new being, and appre ciate the benefit I have received from B. B. B. (made in Atlanta, 6a..)with gratitude to Ood and tbankfulneoe to the Proprietors for such a medi cine. I cheerfully recommend It to all who are afflicted with deafness and catarrh. Try it; preserve in its use and you will be convinced of its value. -JOIIN W. WEEKES, Supt. DeKalb Pauper Home. Decator, Qa., May 1, 1880. ., Brigkt's Disease. I have been a sufferer front Kidney and Bladder troubles for several years. I have lately had what is termed Bright's Disease, and have had considerable swelling of my legs aod shortness of breath. The urea has poisoned my blood also. I se cured and am using t. ii. ts.) Bo tanic Blood Balm, and find it works po werf ally and very quickly, and I am delitrhted with its effects. I had previously used a large quantity oi various advertised remedies, and several eminent physicians also wait ed on me, but B. B. B. stands at the top. JOHN H. MARTIN, Rock Creek, Ala., May 4, 1836. All who desire fall information about the canne and cjre of Blood Poisons, Scrofula and Surofn- kus Swelling Ulcer, Sores, Km-um tfiKtn, Kid t 1 . . . . . . .. . .. V. ...... ..... n.A V... m . i 1 free, a copy of our 2-pofre Illustrated Book of Womtera, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known. Address, BLOOD BALM CO. Atlanta, Ga. fJMfJMpftQ Its causes, and CArfwCdO a new and suc cessful cure at your own home by one , who was deaf tweny-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without bene fit. Cured himself in three months, and since then hundreds of others. Full particulars on application. T. S. PAG E, Ko. 41 West 31 st St. . New York City. AND BEST ACCOMMODATION'S FOR MAN A ND REAT t AT ALL TIMES, AND UNDER ALL CIUUUMSTANCKS. ' "...., Yoar Friend, - R. V. Minor & Co. t "pl4-6in. -s BUFFALO LITHI A SPRINGS, MECL12nrSTJK,C3- CO., -vj. This well-known and popular health and pleasure wort, with the finest Mineral Water in the world, will open for the Seat-on, June j, 1887 Toe present management promises a No. 1 table, excellent rooms and beds, tine mineral-water baths (hot and cold), fine brass ond string bni.d and a'l the coiufiirts pertaining to a first ehtss watering place. Address, ' WILLIAM H. PARKER, Manager. : Water in cases of one dozen half -gallon bottles, $5.00 per case at the Springs. RATES OF BOARD FOR THIS SEASC'n : O Per Day, 2.50 to 3 ; Per Week, 15 to $17 ; Per Month of 28 davs 948 to 9.S6 according to Location of Room. -. -o ' Parties desiring to make arrangements for the season,' or wishing fur ther information, will address W&L H. PARKER, Geu. Manoger fjlyl3-8m Buffalo Lithia Spinxtts, Mecklenburg. Co?, Va i tSSJme9 US' Hi i leg's S3 IP5 . C .a ISHBUBNE Waynesboro, A.ngusta Co- Va. ENOLISH, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, and BUSINE&S'6bUR&" " ES, with MILITARY TKAINING. .. - New bnihlings, heated bv steam, and other advantages of iirt class schools. Fifty boarding pupils received who tnuelbe .youths of jrcod character, free from low and vicious habits. - :tz ' Skillful iastructors, excellent discipline, home influences. Send or Catalogue. apl3-6m. v 1 RICHMOND, " . FIFTIETH SESSION COMMENCES OCTOBER 3d, 1887, AND .. CONTINUES SIX MONTHS. gtfFoT further information write for Catalogue. ' , J. S. DORSEY CULLEN, ly5-3m. Professor of Surgery, Detm of Facu It y. eeis fslifsirii MARVELOUS Mm DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artidcial systems. Any book learned in one reading. Heramraended by Mark Twain, Richard Proo- iur, me ocieiiusi, lions. y. w. AStOT, JUiiad r, Benjamin, Dr. Minor, kc Clara of 100 Colum bia Law students: two classes of SO0 each at Tale: 4uo at University of Penn. Phils., and am at Wel- icsiey-ioiiege, c, ana engaged at csautauqua u uiversiiy. rroxpec FKOF. LOI8E1TB, to piipt pkbb from 3T Fifth Ave., New York. GRAND Summer Satr iUtitf bf Ort. L Duirun fof iSL Emt Im rat-Rim. Pinnao o slO ma:l y, 4rui S3 to S 3 owAi. rs- ltd' led Mntil PHia lor Soccial Scmmer Offer! He Installments ! Tnlf. Animt or Soptr.mUtr. ar.d put Naremher I Vo fn.WM. ,V P-.'n'I'r': Mo-y ftn.nd T So tser pnrchuM Writa f- wircainn J L-e c-.utic: . LUDDEn a BATES, SCUTHEftri MUSIC HOUSE, " - JAMPfifiK. CJ No More Eye-( RO ANOKE Valley HOTEL. Claries ville, Va se .MOIH" WEAK 5? trvtral MITCHELL'S EYE-SALYB. - A Certain, Sate and Effective Bemedv for Is now open and ready for the ac- fiORK WEAK AND TNPT.A- couimouauon oi . guests, unuer me urcTt rvra management and control of McJJ HjIJCjO. R.iBNKK, who respectfully asks! Prodoces'Long-Sightedness and a share of the Public patronasre. I . Kestorlag the Sight of the Old. ttooa laoie, uiean rtoouis, ana At- n Tear Drons OrannUtion tntion tn tnKta Hnar&nteed. KjOTCS xear l-ropS, VrranUiaiiOn M. A. BABNEK, l'rop. Stye Tumors, Ked Eyes, Mat- V feb23-6m. I ted Eye Lashes' and Pro- : - j during Quick Relief aud 1" AND BALE ! " i fermanent Cure. . 1 .i - . . I Also, eqnarty efllcackMS when nsed tn other We bee to Inform oar natrons snd public reoernllr that we nave this dav assoeiated with onr selves in bunlness MB. ALKX. DELA.NEV, lately of the Tanner Ueiaaey Enaioe Ootnpaiiy. ot Kiohmond, Va. Mr. Delaney Is welt known as a practical machinist and skiUfoi mcuiuairal cn giucer, sad we feel assared that with so valuable an addition to our Ann, ws can promise com plete satisfaction to all who favor as wltn their orUers. Tki style of tae lrm from this date wUI ho TAPPY, STEEL & DELANLY. Appreclatlmr the liberal natronsa with which we have been favored, without break nr mf firm is. sion nmWr the same management for more ttuiu furtj rears past, wa ask for a oonUnuaUun of tiia ssiue to oor new Arm. . . TAPPY & STEKL- I have this dav been stdinitted to am interest In the Above firm and so licit the patronage of icy friends. . r A.LEX. DELAJIKY- Pktbrsbubo, Va., June 1T 1887. . S-22-i ELLINGTON, ROYSTER & CO. RALEIGH, N. C. DRESSED AND PLAIN. V BUiLDERS AND CONTPACTOSS. f STOrders promptly filled and ertlmates readily uide. . . .ineM'M2:n'. Blinds Doors .:-:-:-BTJY Y0UR-:-:-:- Sash, -:-:-&C, EROM-x- ' Whitehurst & Owen, lO tliand Byrd Sts., T2ic"h.inond. Va.1 -, . - . -' . o - fT"Our new 97 Page Catalogue will be sentjto nev r"com with first shipment. 4-19-6mxi. - Bv Virtue Of It morttMuje executed malarttea, naen as Lioers, rever sores, 1 amors, UvW R On.klovM.nd -ifa Tj.wi Salt Rheum, Burns, PUea, or wherever InOsiBBia-1 by W. K. uaKiey ana wue to iiewis tkn.xi8ts7iiiiche:i'sEve SaJvemaj bs nsed to f Q. Suiltb. said mortgage having advantas Sotlby alldrnecista. i been transferred to me I will expote to public sale, at Berea, in Walnt-t Grove Tovruship, on Friday, Septeu -ber80, 1887, the tract of land, on which said Oakley uow reside.- rnn. tain ing 110 acres, ad jpiniff. the of that crass plot she nlncked The fir rroposi!!oo . is : We j flowers; or into th dhow win-i Before the one, you bowed per. tr wUutfgc rt dow she loowea, laocihated, say- hapin a'e- vlie other case. M. SIKES, ,A.ttbrrLe3r.at Lav, pxfokd, n.c. 7 When Madame Sontag begin her .lands pf t- W. Hobgood :ttuijthen . . , t j i At the same time and 'place, f-4ii ai musical career snp was nisu ou one mAek m lle tue proper - WIU practice in tho courts of Gran lhe Use at "Vnn b7 the :b. Oakley. Sale at li o'el.,k : jie and ailjoinioff coantiei.' Spt,! friends ofherrivf m. a W. inserTwho had ready began to 1 August 8i,i88-. KX01 attention to the collection of -cla . . . w, . . II f 1 Office cterj. v Main St. A. Harri on & b MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Sashes Doors, Blinds, MOULDING AND STAIR WORK- HARD,WARE, yAlfS,)liiBRDSUKS,; r Mantels f est Market' Squarci 5V I. - 6 ' r.. - . . sep21-f . -. . f ' - mm '-

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