r- . : - -.iO" -v-v : .v-V'i . r-'r- .- . r , - . ' . . . ' - " V-a'L f ' "I. . . i " " SUB u--- a o: iGbldeii; iTpljaccbrBeitv tSTADLISHED IN (073 K if. . jr. 7i. C- 1 ! I i OXFORD- N0RTH; CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. JAUAIiY;7ii888. ! -NUMBEKS7. VOLUaiE XV. LARGEST CIRCDUATION n u u u u - si . . I II ' i ii it-f ii irr.i i i 1 1 ii - . , i-w i ; . ! r V r. : : , . II I I I l-0 J t i I I I IU 11, . ,.l I : ,- I -"1 I II II ' U.nT7.v I .1-1 J.I I -ill.' il l:t': i .i. it, Jb Air i -I E W ebb & r . t- . t ! Boyd, CO S. GROCERY STUKK.) (OVER R P. TAYLOR A Comer Comrr.efcia! Avenue and Wall Street. OXFORI), NORTH CABOLINA, TALHAGK OX SPOUT. I ; 1 PARLOTt SKTS iLOUXGESl . WARDROBES, MATRASSES, - ' JjESKS, CHAMBER SETS, -BEADSTEAltS, CAAIRS. MIRRORS, TABLES, r c'Other Articled Tco Numerous to Mention 7H nnlnritinieJiim tbllow'a'T?jZodv ioynderstti me. Tfe bought our stock for cn&n, j ront r'ne y ; ?rer.f, aurf riZ eM cnwfr, therefore w arc able lo sellclieavertluw. any other bnitse in this city, county or section. Come and see imj new stock, . j -Moth ers and Fathers The lirMklyn Divine Strikes , Popular CborfL. j )' IfewyorSlgrj !-.- J ReV. tfr. .Tlnmfe 'intefestwl his audience Sunday morning by telling thein thai U?3 should .pay more at tention, yrQsi Bport khd to all manner of Innocent recreation, lie . pat hra ple.;or the gymnasium and parlor gamea. and . said be . .wag pleased to note the popularitation of outdoor pporta. . Hla jiubject waa: "Recreation, good and bad." : i "In the . first place," . said he, "I commend among indoor recreations, music,'VocaI and instrumental. It is a-fcrand thing-to" have our fhildrea bfouhf lap fttaRTthe ijound of cul tured vbfces'ahdanifd' the melody t - tiina!jLT inxt.TOninta. Therft in in thiara&4ndsorU.blft fascination i fW:4 h.V lhl4." r'ti 5MI-: tioje 3ilr5!!fe ?1J bate tie", uleans tafSf- fTonJlt'fi'ave flute, or harp, of risnor? j.i '. j r . . xi. . . 1 liirge. enough io cotapass "the keys, taachit 1 vow to piik but the melody, .liyaJlbuTbuncmEar Jry thiheay; eniy art "tfponr t&i nature. I Those fe.wijo have; gbne.tintor t : fuily have foitndin it iUuuitable recreation -and fjyuusement.-; a Jarfc, Jaya,- -etonny tittightvforis of Scknesk, business tjwl ters, " -vill do kittle .toWard di Sprtssing the ul which ean 'gaUop L!ff -OTer. musical- keys" ;ot ; Boar ; in Jubilant btvi - It "will cure pain ' It Zj&i rest atigtie.i U -will .cjxlell pas jj on. lt vriU rerfve health It ;wi8 r "re"olaii dispipatiom It will eUength- True U Kile. I have often woudere3"whT is that about nine out ofleiu hoys hayeVhat sfeemso'be a natural antipathy 'toward 1 misters; ; a feeling that causes many parent infinite! distfejBSand mortifica tion," I nave Mfteh1 hd occas bn to notice. , A;casQ.'io.poiQt came under my obsertioi' pnlx last weekI board with Mr. Black. She Hsl an excellent lady, the mother ;a-tto;Vw' "in the hobbledehoy a when-i he is d.e2Rj"to; allien je of propriety ahd.in somenstlnces indiSerent z decency .in ii treaU PROFESSION At j (I! Ad vEitTi se me $?ts. ' vuj unu iMignx During sa acW ttclc if "rpnehji, ccsMlets lickUas iu tbe ijroatfiid an i ernsnstlnc. 17, Jtackin;.- tough, afflict , Jh safferer.. Slwp is tabfehed, am frwu' VrtMtnUoa foilovt ,Tltt disease i aUo attended with Uorcs;'ud oniet!uicii lW,,Ptjr8jccA' . t ti liable to bccrmie At i A; HICKS; . fiJL 1 x UL AUornfaj'Uw NUry Poklie, Oxford, v. g, a r ; rP T. HlCilS, :' ' ' . - ' - ! "; JLtt orne.y at Law,! J1EXDERSQX Jtf , ,Q, to c pecdy "relief and cure in cc of Uron. ehltia. It iostrdJ' Ui ,tlijp6.1t ioa ccg:b, sadiudticeVcf fchlntf ilfcp i I bare lecn'.a lifacn-injrliy!iician fr twenty-four Team, W thu m4 twelve, have auflrml from aimua atrai-k of BrWICllItU. After Chm4i.tiiHr n!l th r..'i i : o - - Without aelif,J lieK.:rfc.s Aawever. certiin a Rnv Masn tickets, if vbu,?can fft or'tBe Pbnhnrnoniy and tbe - RaA ird'el and Haydu societies. ' Feet that th $L50.-or $3 that you tpentifor thei p purpose - m ukbihie nu urtibir piay r,' r sing 'is a . proflfcabte inyettuient. JsXel ytfur.SteiaWay Hali and' your f-Acadetuies ofi Music jroa'r vith the 1'aeelamatipn of appreciative "au i -oiences assembled at the concert cr t theoratoriq. ' ; : - J: I eomMiend, as worthy of ; Jheir 'support -tbe. gymnasium. : This" In : titutioo -is amiog "In-; favor -very .jrear,' and I know of nothing' more liJree front lidsiparion'or more calca 'VrJatedto recuperate the physical and f.Juent.l energies, i--There are toien switb cramped cheats nd weak sides "and despondent spfrifs w"ho,hroug1i the gymnasium, might be roused up to exuberance and exhilaration of life. There are many Christian peo ple despondent; from . year to year who might through such an' institu - t ion be benefitted" in their teplrituaj relations. . . I thank tfod that in our drawing rooms and fn our -parlors there' are innumerable games and sports which have not upon them the least iniquiT ty. Light up your homes with inno cent hilarities. Do not-sit down .with the rheumatiwn wouderin trow children can go on so.RatheY tlumk (iod that their hearts are so light, and that their, naughter is-so free, and that their cheeks . are ,;so ruddy and that their expectations'; so are so radient. vThe night wiil come soon enough,' and the heartbreak, and the paiig, and the desolation It iH(nhm: noon enong dear children."' Hut when the storm actually clouds the sky it will be time enough for them to haul out the reef taekls. . - : 'Carry, "then, into your homes not only the innocent sports and' games which are the inventions of our own day, bnt the gainS1 whicht come down with the sportfuluess of all the !gootl Tseikk'; tai the boy j that haver thuV firj kept j the boarders (torn ; VfHeunjHt'tf outrigjtit, indwe 'ihfiik J)'pr are "possi. bUitjeW f 'rqfornf Huj the little teriry a thrvubjl' lhi follow ing prjfdtrnance ptiart does iot iwa rran? ny ui nssu m ptipn. Mrs2 iBUhk Wg$od i'resby teri f! tle lajhoor sort, ahd'-tf gid wcnuanjl penerajly; Hef iHietetir t(f fie the holiest ornjenciiyyinlijoiQit with hirn. asTehe tiVnlss e?idence of corn plele satisfaction thai cannot but have: its tiuftuencn all who meet Jiini- !13ut- it' didn't please hereon Billy, : Ti'vl - ; Tin. ?nnktt eallexl the other lay for the first lime and Billy was ushered rr togej the benefit of the good rBanV presence. ''Hii is wr. oa Wlliam,,, said Mr.: Black; Handii . j : .WiOiin!iT ?e! Vell if that ain't-i- good one!- Billy's ray name when it ain't Bill. Tee heel'' . r ' t I Ah," said the grvxl man gra ciously, "I'm very glad to se you, William; I:aruj verv iond of little boyst" a t VVhacher given' u ?" said Wil Ham, in tones that curdle It his mother's blood; '1 ain't no kid." "WiliiaW cried' Mrs. Blank, warninly. ' '- j j ' ; i"l ain'tl I cnn smoke b-. j K"po you ro lo Sunday Schcul?" asi;ed the 'rahiisUrl ' I ':he hasn't missed a Sabbath for nearly, a yoar. ... f I tried Ajrer'a CIkitt Pectoral. : It helped tue JimtMfdialely, and en-cied a tim-dr 4 Utpell, M. DnOtmarwir itrw ' Ajtr't Chtrry Tectorar la deckle!! the L-jtUreftie. Uijptf hiti.S,l"n. Junk lie: i- A.llut, il. u., South r?rfa. Me. I was auacMHi, last WMlrjtili Cold, Which, from exiore, crew" worW and ftnallr 'aettled on l.nin'. IU Bight fJweati 1 km rethurd altirt fo a akcleton. Sir CohsH-wm inetat. and 1 frcqiieutljtiit lkal, fy iliKiaa told me to give up kuiaea. r 4 would? not live a month, i AftertakhiK wrioua j-viue Siea wkuont relief," I waa naltt Cured By Uaifjg - two bottle of Arer'a CherrflVi-toral. I in-, now in perfect be:t.ll!i, iud alile to rcMUine btiniiiewn. after havimr 'lireii i-ro-JUfuut'rl incurable With 0ttimUoii. P. JlciidcraoiuSatilahursIVuit. 'For years I wa. in decline..! liad ; weak lunic. aud Miffcrrd fruui Hru-u hitU aud Cat arrh. A ver'a .Cherry' P-tora. ri stored nic to health, ami t bate Imi for a v loojf time comparatively Voiron. 1 In ease of a mulden eoM I "alu ayn rrt t the i Pert oral, and fiu! r Mwrily rvlicf. Edward E. C'itnia'lluUaad,.Vf.i-,.' Two years ago I audTcrrd from a aeVrre Rrouthft is. Th hririan llrmliir m beeame fearful that the dirae tvould ter minaje in l'lieuniot ia. After tf ii' vari ous medicine, without benefit.1 IH! tinallr Itreacriljed Ayer Cherry I'ettiral. which relieved me at onrc. ,1 eoitfintUHl tit take IliU medicine a abort time, and, wa enrvd- Eraeat Cotton, Logauaport, lad. AyerTs Cheri7 PctoraU r rep red hr TH. J.C. Aver fc Ct ,1jwll, UaM. akl by all PruggaM ITfcsa $1; gb( tatfti,. A SEWSuTIOW. WhrS tt tbat three bottle of Rl PL. r anlil lin Atlanta to one of any other h'oort Temedyn l I wv39-mm uiucn oonaooiea m tne tM M weoryia aa any other preparation 7 No xroe aeed uce oor word, bnt aim ply ask tbe drtmiata,. Ask the ople. Ttiev are com Detent witnesses. Six onaea la Atlanta are baying B. B. B. in Ave and aaMtera reqairiaa tkeir Joint attention. We hope br nromnt. dJlivent and faithfnl at- tontEmto ,bQsmeaa,nofaeferve and receive I or me utv boaioesa jar tnts aecnon. HJ. poraot f r- (actU 1 Will practise In tbe coarta of OmnVille and ad. ioinina; couattta., wpeewl'-Attenttoa to tbe oL lectioa of cliuaia CMce over 4. A. HarMaoa Cim, Main atreft. , , aepU-u. Tl ' " ' w -III i - 4J Tl RQFJSdlOS A tfOTICEl r I bavtrecf3ed to offer air prfeasiaaal aervV i ces in ine nracuce m BlMllrJn m that etttun e WfTcJ Qjtfonland surroondine eonnty. Being a rraW "ow I nate in medicine aa well aa tn Dentistry, do not . !. "UKr -J wmoea. uy eioae applle-i it a portion of your patronage. j ' - t. i i A'; O. HWJKT, at- TJ It. 1XT 8. ' Offlceover Crawford' Drai Store. . aogn-iy. j , . .oxford, Ji C- i tv- , - u ft. X E. WTCHE. nelS-tf. 09 P ry-OfBce in BA3fK BCILBrNG. MISCELLANKOUS. "And she gives me ten cents . ar . every time i go,"; said Billy, oing into details. -; "But you love to go. anyhow. past ages chess and charades andidnn't ww.i r.iJ cr .cta u t.hlnT nrl KAttlodnrA And .li- " " J ' J "c thenlcs. and lawn, tennm.. and :all ' ninisier. of J made a trip North last week expressly to buy a lot Boy's Clothing IFOUXD AXE TT YORK MANUFACTURER il7 cTence tJ bought BOY'S CLOTHING! at my own price; and in some instances at w;oo icaj willing to pay - s j I CAN SELL YOU BOY'S SUITS (Woolen Goals) i AT t'2 WO KTH $5. "" AT 12 50 WOUTH $3.50. , ,-1 i 1 v AT $3 WORTH $4 1, 0 i - : AT $".50 WOKTU $5.v;. - W AND $4.50 WILL BUY THE BEST THING IN THE HOUSE. You get a $7 suit for $4-50. Tremendous stock of ' ; - those amusements which the yoon people of war homes know so we how to contrive. Then there will be the parlor socialities groups of peo ple assembled in yoar homest, with wit and mimicry and joviality, till ing the robin with joy from the door to the uiantel and from the carpet to the ceiling. ' Oh lis there any ex ' "bilaration like a score of genial souls in one roouii each one adding a coo tributioti of his own individual mer- .. riment to the aggregation of gener b1 hilarity It , . , i 4-I rrjoice.in the popularization of outdoor.sports. I hail the croquet ground aud the nhenuan's rod and tl:e sportsman's gun. In our ' cities lite is so unhealthy and unnatural that when the ' census- taker repre sents a city as having 800.000 innabi tants there are only 400,000, since it takes at least two men to amount to , one man, so depleting and unnerv ing and exhausting is this metro politan lifei We i want iuore f, fresh air, more sunlight,' more of the aban don of field sports. I cry out for it in .behalf of secular interests, I wish that this winter Our ponds and bur rivers might be all aquake with the heel and the shout of the swift skat er. I wish, tlmt j when the warm weather conies the graceful oar might dip the stream, and the evening tide ' be "resonant' with boatman's song, ... the bright prow splitting the crystiil : linebillow-Ve shall have the tmooth and grassy lawn, and we will call out people of all t occupations and pro . fissions and ask them to join in the ball players' s t ort. r r "Vou will "-come back from these outdoor exercises and recreations with strength in your arms, and col or m your cneeK, ana uasu In your eye, and courage in your heart In - this great battle - that, is opening ' against the kingdom of. darkness we "want not only- a consecrated soul, but a strong arm and , stout longs . . and mighty , muscles. T bless tJod -! that there are so many recreations I that have not on them any taiat. of " iniauitv: recreations in which "we may engage for tne strengtnening 01 the body, for the clearing of -..the in tellect Tor the illuminatJon of - the souL "e " "Hut, beforefclosing, I want to im rjress unon du that- mere Secular - - r t i kJ -0h, iti ain' i f bad," said Billy, condescendingly. ''We hve a bully time when ugnose Line and Specky-faced" Smith and Cross-eyed Green and " , i William 1" came in ftid tones from - Mr BlaiikT"" Then ahe added, blandly: (!; He alw ys repeats from ten to fifieti verses every Sdnday at Suntlav School." Yaas,7 -paiil the unfeeling William, -'and 3'ou ain't baked me the mince turn over yon promised me for the last lot."' ,;; Mftj.BUnk shows signs of faint ing aud the minister 13; ., t , "il'.ow old are Willci'ntl . i "Old again as half' "Ah, indeed," says the minis ter, with anot Very ministerial people. nonsea ia Atlanta are naytng ten groea lots, and some of them bny aa' often aa ever? .two months. Way taew unprecedented sales acre at home with ao little' adrertisingT Modesty forbids as making a reply.. Hs4 B. B. B. been before the public a quarter or halt .of cen tnry, it would not be necessary to be bolstered ap with crutches of page advertisements, now. Merit will conquer and down money. ' - . SI WORTH $500: For fonr years f have been a silf erer 'from a terrible form of RheumatUm, which, redneed me ao low that all hope of recovery w glrea up. I havs saffered the most excrntiRtiag'pain day and night, and often while writing la .agony wished Out I eoold die." 1 have tried everything known for that disease, but nothlnc dirt, me any gnod. and have- hff snea a IHJ"; Maa- "w ..iq w wun va inc. out Mil m no effect. I hare spent over $&oo.eo w thont finding reliet -1 am now wood to say that after . nsina- 1 only one bottle of B.B.B. 1 am enable to walk J aroond and attend to busuiess, . and 1 would not . use saw ror iae itenent received irora one single Dome 01 0. a. n. i rerer to ail merchant and business men of this town. -- r . . . Yours most trolv. - - . K. 0 OAK A. Waverly, Walker county, Texas. " . .. .- ; DEMONSTRATED MERIT i 8PABTJL. Glu If aY 15. lSSa. Blood Balaa Co : . ' T- . ' J Too will oleaa ' shin na ner first freiirbt one I it grrea us pieasore to report a good this preparation. Jndeed it is far ecli&scd other blood remedies, lioth in demonstrated mer it ana rapia sate wan ns. KOZIKK a VABKklfAS . AD who desire full information ahonttne, cause and core of Blood Paisoaa. Scrotal sod Socofa lcns Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Khemrup.- iint ney Complaints, Catarrh, etc.. can secure by mail free, a copy of our yi-poge Illustrated Book of Wonders, Mlvk with th.nor.t wonderfn) and Btaruing prooi ever oerort Known,, J ' Addreaa. r " ' BLOOPBAtM , Atlanta, I L .. 1 I ), , iS. I I For Imperfect Digestion. L y liisoraerea aw vv u(vu Let Tra velers roand this world of care t Without 4elay tbeuaelvea prepare; ' ' AKiiBi laeius mai may arise . From illoked meals and lengthy tides. 1 A sore defence is at their call, - -j- For TAKltAST'S SELTZEK conqaers felL ' atii-iiiara a "V MT KJ W wwfa-a A.a c ' - y il , Jrp Vt? I ? 4 v3 f,( far 4 t . :x if t wmuM PUBESRESHviND "OTTO. i- . -. .- c. - : r - SCHOOL. BOOKS!!,! fit 1 U4 4, t Prescriptiorts carefully; and-accnrately compounded. Conec- UonerieV choice and of the best quaiity.l Fruits' of delicious flavor always on hand.J Toilet Artictes of- fine style and -.finish and in great Tarietyl ilvtsrartd Plated .Ware of newest and most elegant J 'p---:i. titi'. t;; . A'.V.". .t?.-' -'-'i i ::fr? ;" '. - design, i Any School Book not in stock will- be ordered and de livered in a fewdaya.' Daily receiving choice supply of following goods; i APPLES, r RAISINS, PALM NUTS, ORANGES CITRON, PECANS, BANANAS. FIGS, ALMONDS. LEMONS, BRAZIL I NUTSiFItERTS fO rVND Y, CAKES, CR ACKERS, -f if- BARDIKES IDTTED HAM, TONGUE, i : ; A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF TOILET SOAPS, FRENCH CANDY, PURE AND FRESH!! r j j . HAIR, TOOTH. NAIL AND CLOTHES BRUSHES; COMBS, Ac. ! ' : 1 1 ! - , ; - r - . ' f My;gooaS,areibought:low;' ahd will be sold At uiose-wiccs INEW GOODS!! trade for "T have just returned fnm the jpcd au! northern cities,' where I purchas ed the prettiest and most com ulete stock of Jewelry I ever had before. lor uasn 7 f; i - .- - - ..,. r4 vi-. - Tlianking mr friends and the public for theii liberal patirinafpy of the past and soliciting a kiudcon'nuance" of the same,1 with a I i 3 r f f ? ' f? r ' T I 7 j..r f - , .t? bromise of my best elForts to please, I am respectfully. Successor to HALX ft ROYSTER WILL OCCUPY A STORE IN, He r h do ii Block,. ON COLLEGE, OH GKASST CREEK S. ABOUT November 20th, WITH A- . f, look in .his eye; and do mm go to .Kihoolr' i i '-.t it i ; kjii manes. oay 3 " 'A'l liani, indicating 'his ' agonized mothet.by a I'erfe otJiis thumb. ' .. VHave you a nice teacher f . "Jee Vl.iz! you'd ask if you'd see old Miss Ferule once. She's the ml ! - William!' .7';;.i fj; You ba ve . a pleasant home j WILL, BS VERY ATTRACTIVE. Sifter, .Blank, Large StogeI ' -o . . . i - - - .t ..' . -.it - - I will offer a larger ftrocfc than I jave ever be fore offered to the public. My , ' t. ChrislindsSfock here minister..- ays the "Tiug-a-hng-ling IV r T ; . w ' 'vVTilliaiH BUnkrcf earns his desperate mother, htivn't I; told you never to ring that old chest nut bell m .'this house again? Now, you co right out. Do x-i. case him; Bmther Teters. jHe"; has eufli rude associations ' at ' MT MOTTO IS: .'T0 LITE AXD LET LIFIL'l a L To toy friends, the tanners, ladiee and children and the pabbe fnerallr, a cordl.4 tnvitaOdD W extended. Yonr friend, ; . . j s ; ; y, t T. D. 0 RAWFoki). ' WATCHES ! ? fa Ladies stfrt. jind silver -watches 2ol Genta gold; gold filled, silver and I nickle watches. . RINGS-! RINGS ! ' Plain go!d and diamond rings. jrents seal rings," set rings, gold hilei and silver rings!. . .. - Ctiff and Collar Buttons of- all 5tyles, gold, plated .and rhinestone, link , and . chain cuff buttotip..-,, : . . ; . - A leatif ul assortment of ladies broochs with and without chains. ,Xadieand gents' vest ch'aius. fobs. The ,iev style chain, wi h brooch attached, something very pretty, neck chains, guards, fine silk, silver and steel chains LACE; PINS ! Earring cufl puis. "t scarf pins, watch charms, and lockt? of; ill styles ' and prices. ? Mnirn'tjg jewelry, bracelets " anl . je Jrelry of all kinds.- ' A handsome line ki gold jiens and pencils. f SILVERWARE !; ' Ice pitchers ierry bowlg, card receivers, cake baskets, jewel casket butter' dishes, casterx. cups; goblet., waiters, ' tea sets, table, cutlery, tuile and.; triple plate. .-:v k - r-. ..- '? MM OXFORD. N O. s WILL CONTINUE UlDER TBI HANAGKMENT OF U A; U) -r: ya 42', v-: L - lAfinDlf CnD All Pertna- Ull U run HLli pent i . : j- a Ht- fnnnita. tion for, yoar soul to baUd on.'. If j school; and ;th'.y- influence ; him. from our death pillow; we have) to in the wrong directiotw7 1 Kk back and " a life spent hvBin-' "JJe wjj tmfgrow ' these boy fal amusement, there will be a dart jgu tendencies." s ivs the 'minis that will strike through onr soul ! " wji ine minis-. !( r than the daggerrith which , t er conwlinriy.-, , . . r t . Virginius slejr hts ebUd. ' The mem- r lt .w to be hoped that he wuL- ' ory of thw past will make us quake ; like Macbeth. - The iniquities and r TIfirnAT: f) .V rtotlnsrcnronTrr-wto!cii pavt- I ( II 1 1 It1 1 .will -come .unon. na. weird .and 1 l.LilLkJ 1 11 skelton as Meg Merriliett. ieam,' ine , v ' ' r - d shyhwk, wui demand and take.- : t manufacturers Of the remaining drop of blood, and -4ldl I lrvrrC2 ' nonr last opportunity for re- KJUOlij I employment given to enerjjet J,io men, : and women e very- f tit CLOCKS ! My;st4ck of Clocks is complete. bugBt direct' from" the factory. , hpectacleir; and ey e-slasses I o e-50 a weeK and all a , (akefpleasi paid.-Sampler worth anilull : ure in 8howing-vou -my 'Koods, ticulars free. Address P. O. and j you arein Gl anvtlunc rtaininz iipinai where.' ' $50 - a ' weeic and all expeh ees par; VICKERY, Angueta, Me. - .larjpe e:tm1,i Cbn ..3n?-Y?T yoa.will do well to cAlnrX - ' - - --'' amine .-.my stock- before buy 1 elsewhere.- ' 1 - I 1' Vonr i-ociwsM frill ir ' 1) a 1 v- .Om. s llg to the jewelry trade ex- !T3 : v7 JK t BTB! Out ' t!. PES i " '? f.: lift a t .1 ...i . : . 3 3 lit . . 1 ? 2 e H : 2 ' ! -s ? - s ; ? LARGE, COKVENI ENT,WELL ARB ANGED; AND IN FACT - POSSESSED OP VERY FACILITY DESlRABLEv" For the Wareliouse business we'extend a conlisl'invitatibri fd the farmers ot Granville and surrounding tcountiej to't)hflgf us v theiriobaccoroturning jnaiiythanks foryour past ifatron ' age and earnestly ftolif rting'a cbntiriuarrce' of the same.' I"', -f-: : n V;iiWe will promise you ' M a- s i : i.t.;-irv - AND BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOB WAN: AND; BEAST, AT ALL T1MES5, AND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. Your Friends sepl4-6m. f .7f 1 i.'iMinot &:Go. A; BELSMEYER, ArmstiG Fine: 11 3-i ' r!T?tnrf 'it I '- . Fits -- " -7-1 ! ' ; . j' ' t. a RGEST 3TOCK: OFS t ? Guaranteed 'r' BIECEODS IS, WmMM E. Hamlin . i - i: also.. Don't THINK of buying any goods in this line till yon hare seen my stock Yours anxious to pleaseT? iifr E;: T. RAWLINS, nnon penuwee ana our iui cumoe; im , If i .1 . : JTl AwVar drop." ; - ssaaai - . r 1 . J Makehoma attractive ! I ' - 7 J i BUpre Iliac VJ ircpi. iu iuv wurui,- The cabinet organ Was introduced in its present form by Mason & iiam- linfhisil. Other , maker followed in tbe manufacture of these instru- lMentarbbt the Mason & Hamlin ; Or? Noh- Contractors and BulldeiS.tioToftheunequaUedexUejJce (. - i . : AU. fa. II . 6x p inlt adds s67mchj tthlde,); a t jl! 1105 CJljifC. ; Zl ures ot a nonie as niufic, -iuya, vnh nA iwj Lumber al- tbat of Farts, jso. in compennpn eood l'iano .or urgan . oi v Stone. Ralegh, N. C a id you will i.ever regret it. . ..-- Lies and Brackets furnished they iuvariably taken the-ighest j notice. , j v mchS-ly. honors. , ' . ' -ways on hand. , Mouldi "iV "i " Very, respectfully, W.D.;LYNCH, to.ia'1 ; Bpecial - attention paid Repairing.' : . ; . flfrlTTf REWABDEnsrtliserto read lais stsfAsi n4tnenisct$ they wiU and bonora- 61 nor take Tac profits 1. at short abli etnDluvoaeiiC' 4hat tken froaa their kosiea and faaiiUea. tare large and gfjrj: tut yverj industrious person. naav aave mooe aaa are bow nutiM aevrrai koadred dollars per aaonrk. - It ia ruj t" ""T be to ansae aa. apvsrds per day, vms viHinar toworkJ KUher sex. roans- or old: cart: W mwcdM; asswt'faa. 'Everything Bea ¬ ns special ability required; you, restler, cas f tt aa well aa any one. Write aa at once fur foL partievtan, whiew we-aaaU free. Address Sri- , xn; a vo rwtlaod, Haute. ' Lumber, Floor, ttepX and Hrari shore fille'tw Merchandise Williams 11, late Besleylk MinorVi ia jh ;- ... i ;r. ri!irsvsf;,-f? ir.t 'ax Located on .Tar River, Country .bore filler.witliDry Giiroceae- SAW MILliiB gooa nruVr - w;, SaTaumi- Good Fionr nd MMt. i PiwW -T -ATT fn BZ Ifl r "1 V H SrT III U a DAM fuUv K)lidledj and we promise t"-, ' tillim . i- i

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